What if Ann Romney's statement of concern regarding Mitt's emotional health had instead been made by Michelle Obama in 2008?
Look at the ongoing polling numbers in the swing states, most of which have consistently favored Obama and ask yourself, do these numbers really reflect a race that, as we keep being told, could go either way?
Fox's Summary of the Ryan Convention Speech: Dazzling, Deceiving, Distracting
Exploring the conspiratorial roots of Obama's anti-colonial, anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-liberty and anti-American agenda....
Romney's new campaign of "Going after Obama's biography" is code that's not that hard to break. Let's see...he's not American, he lived in Indonesia, his Father was Kenyan and Muslim, Reverend Wright led his church, he smoked pot as a teen and had an afro...where exactly is all of this leading? It's so bewildering!
I was not old enough to watch, much less understand the impact of the McCarthy hearings in the 50’s but I know to this...
It was news! But was it? No, it was what the Republicans saying what they thought that was what the president was saying. Not news, spin but the spin has now became the news.
Each weekday, MSNBC creates 5 original hours of Conservative-hosted shows and 7 original hours of Progressive-hosted shows so of its hours of partisan programming, 42% are Conservative and only 58% are Progressive.
In politics, the media or business, an unspoken rule seems to be that accomplishing one's proprietary goals necessarily means discarding the quaint notion of being influenced by one's own conscience.
One thing that America greatly values is its free press...which is why its been locked up in a safe that's hidden miles below the Earth's surface. Filling in for it, we have a corporatized Mainstream Media which looks just like the real thing only less filling.