There is a strategy in primarily impressing a positive perception about the Dems and Obama. It can also infer an accurately negative perception about the Repubs that can be more powerful than explicitly stating to the public "We're on your side and they're your enemies."
Clint Eastwood's misfire couldn't have been more reflective of the GOP and Mitt Romney's candidacy. They have been deluded, dishonest and irrational in attacking an imaginary Obama for being things he isn't and doing things he hasn't.
Lies do work in politics when they are confined to stump speeches to the choir and campaign ads that penetrate markets by pure repetition. However Ryan...
Thanks to the crack team at PlanetPOV temporarily laying off the crack and doing some investigative work for a change, we are able to bring to you this exclusive advance draft of the speech Mitt Romney will give tonight.
Fox's Summary of the Ryan Convention Speech: Dazzling, Deceiving, Distracting
Hurricane Isaac reminds Americans to consider whether America should be a country that comes to the rescue when people are in trouble or if America should be an Ayn Rand utopia where the rule is survival of the wealthiest and those who suffer are on their own.
The Republicans' simultaneous War On Women and campaigning for their vote is a bit like going on a date, being insulted and demeaned throughout it then being asked, "So, you want to get married?"
I almost never repost as a new post but in this case the blogger asked to get the word out on blogs and their...
Today's GOP is the equivalent of a 1960's Madison Avenue ad agency aggressively promoting the benefits of cigarette smoking, fully knowing that if they're successful, millions will suffer and die but only caring about making the wealthy people they work for, wealthier.
A handy dandy crib card for those who know that Ryan is a bad choice but don't quite know why.