Here is a little ammunition and something to think about the next time you hear that raising taxes on "business" will stop them from hiring or squash their ability or willingness to invest or to upgrade their equipment or infrastructure.
The wealthy have been engaged in open class warfare against the American People for 30 years. The war is at a turning point and what could be lost may never be regained. It's time for us to step up to confront and defeat this very real threat to the American way of life and our democracy.
Will China Survive a contraction?
Describing and enacting a rational and balanced Employee Incentive plan that will result in a self-running business.
Community standards - the new way to lower wages.
Photos and videos from the Save The American Dream Rally in Los Angeles on 2-26-2011.
BudgetPOV is a proposed series on making ends meet in these troubled times (especially since the “ends” seem to be hacked off and cauterized).
What do you want... really?
What is a reasonable Net Profit Margin?
A Rational Incentive Plan for Employees... "cost-free"
BudgetPOV is a series of articles intended to help people living with economic uncertainty to live frugally. This first article in the series is concerned with the most important facet of living frugally: a person’s attitudes about having to live this way.
ME unrest has caused gasoline prices to rise. This article is an effort to have facts concerning oil and other energy sources to use for more analysis of US energy needs.