Trump declared that he had complete confidence in Nunes' integrity and that the they were about to go for a walkie so Nunes could "take care of his business".
"Trump was watching the news on RT while eating a salad with Russian dressing when it came to him out of the blue," said Conway while casually patting out a small fire that kept breaking out on her pants.
The truth of what this bill really is and the destruction it would do, doesn't support its passage. Only lies and deceptions can be used to promote it. It's an $880 billion cut in health insurance subsidies for those who need it the most and an $880 billion tax windfall for the wealthiest Americans.
Would Flynn have contacted the Russian ambassador without Trump or anyone on his team knowing about it? And after making those calls, would Flynn have just gone to sleep in his Stalin print pajamas? Or might he have instead contacted Trump to say, "Mission accomplished!"
With such an unpopular and xenophobic agenda so desperately desired, might not Trump and Bannon see it to their advantage if a terrorist attack did take place and a frightened public fell in line behind whatever they wanted to do?
How would Trump respond to having a growing majority of Americans oppose and disapprove of him? Would he continue ahead or look into the mirror and sneer, "You're fired!"?
It won't just be civilians defying and challenging Trump and the GOP Congress. The LAPD has already stated that they will not cooperate with Trump's plan to deport up to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Military leaders have vowed not to follow orders that are against the law including Trump's wanting to bring back waterboarding and other torture. And this is just the beginning.
Someone running for President is on tape admitting that he enjoys abusing his power to use others and gratify himself...and 40% of Americans want to give him the enormous power of the Presidency?
What could be more Republican than appearing on the biggest Russian-controlled propaganda network to denigrate America's democracy, its free press and provide cover and support for Russian attempts to sabotage and manipulate America's election process? A lot...if you're not Donald Trump.
Now for the hard truth for these dandelion blowing Repubs...your wish will never come true, Donald Trump is like herpes, your party has caught him and there's no way to make him go away.