If, as one of the excellent jobs of writing in today's news posits, Criminal William Barr is the "hitman," then Oathbreaker John Roberts must be the "wheelman," who drove the getaway car.
I think that I can shed a little light on what happened in Iowa. And provide a solution or at least a framework for one.
This weekend's music thread is about America, songs about the country, cities and towns, protest songs, things that have been wrong and things that have been right in this country...reminding us of the character of America as a true democracy.
We're having a special edition of Vox Populi tonight to coincide with the Democratic Debate that starts at 8:00pm EST/ 5:00pm PST. So Vox Populi, our weekly live chat, will accompany the debate and start at the same time but feel free to join us early or at the usual 7:00pm PST time. We'll be here, watching and commenting live on tonight's important debate!
In a rather odd corner of philosophy lives a strange creature of the mind. We call him, "the Ghost Within the Machine." The idea has been around for ages (since Descartes), and in many different forms. Now, we usually use the words to refer to how computers seem to sometimes do unexpected things, that the designers and planners, or users, never imagined.
Trump and his toadies in The Senate may be under the delusion that rigging a phony show trial will deceive the American people into thinking Trump is innocent or untouchable as a dictator but the majority of the American...
When Will The FBI, Or William Barr, Make It's Move To Subvert Trump's Impeachment Trial? Today?
Republicans will be able to block, individually, any new witnesses. They will do this with every important witness. That's a rigged trial.
This weekend's music thread is dedicated to the Democrats in Congress who are using their consciences to stop the aspiring tyrant in the White House. Songs about gratitude, strength, wisdom and fighting the good fight are the evidence and witnesses in this hearing.
There have to be limits on power. If there are none, then evil men and women will use fear, brute force, and nationalism to enslave us.