Trump's supporters no doubt actually believed his surface con about making the economy better for them. After all, Trump loves the poorly educated and they apparently love him. But we all know his real con is to Make America White Again.
So, the "economy" is booming. Or is it? If the only measure of the success of the economy is the stock market, which measures the optimism of the rich that they will continually get richer and richer, at a faster and faster rate of growth, then that's not necessarily good for the rest of us.
Why isn't the "white working class" identity politics? Are these politicians saying that what is good for the white working class, is good for everyone? In a perfect world, what is good for one American SHOULD be good for ALL Americans. The problem is we don't live in a perfect world.
In a nation that lectures other nations around the world about human rights violations, it is almost laughable that MY basic rights and dignity should even be a subject for debate!
Donald Trump shows a striking inability to parse information. He can't order and arrange, or prioritize data in a normal way. So, we get pink elephants like airports in the Eighteen Century, refugees from terror and rampant criminality depicted as villains, and raking as a cure-all for the desiccation of North America. The President seems to be getting worse, and we are all in terror of what he may do.
They steal our votes, and our hard earned incomes. They keep us in fear of imagined monsters, when the greatest enemy and danger in history is upon us - the wolf is at the door. They break laws aggressively, to destroy the "Rule of Law."
Trump is deadset on turning Independence Day on the Mall in Washington DC into a MAGA Rally in which he, as Dear Leader, is exalted by fireworks and military might.....the antidote.....embrace the deep truths behind this most import of American Holidays.
There is nothing in our political or governmental lexicon to address an illegitimate presidency, probably because the framers of the Constitution neve envisioned that happening.
PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat tonight and tomorrow night, during each Democratic debate and you're invited to join us! The debates begin (along with our live chat here) at 9:00pm PDT/6:00pm PDT and the debates can be watched on NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo.
Those who defend and support treason, regardless of their reasons for supporting it, are guilty of aiding and abetting treason.