The Little Golden Guys shine on a night with a few surprises, including the "natural" pairing of Jack Nicholson and Michelle Obama.
Exploring the conspiratorial roots of Obama's anti-colonial, anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-liberty and anti-American agenda....
When I was 9 I became seriously ill with a very severe case of bronchitis that wouldn’t respond to antibiotics.
I developed an extremely high...
While scientists remain puzzled as to the cause of the dramatic decline in honeybee populations in North America and elsewhere, some are speculating the...
Censorship? Surely there are few things more revealing of a reactionary mindset, some would hasten to assure me. Why, censorship can be identified with all the cruelest dictatorships, the most oppressive regimes, the most hardcore religious fundamentalists, etc. This is indeed true.
In honor of Oscar Night, which has just passed, and for all the newcomers, I reprint this, my first ever
Live from The Chicago Municipal...
Though the Oscar show itself is not anticipated to be the most exciting we've seen (can't wait to watch Anne Hathaway deliver hokey puns!)...
Celebrate the upcoming Oscars this weekend with your favorite scenes and songs in film!
I know what you're thinking, "What's a Rocky III?". I would ask that those people stop reading this post immediately as you are too...
Here we are now, entertain us!
- Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
Just look at Bob and Judy, they're happy as can be
inventing situations, putting them...