In Dineesh D’Souza’s newest (and awful) “psuedo-documentary”, on September 11, 1777 (yeah! 9/11) General George Washington is gunned down by a British assassin and in the next few moments we see the Statue of Liberty and the Faces of Mt. Rushmore crumble like dust into the air
Karma is indeed a bitch, and both Will Smith and Chris Rock are learning from it. One will have to do penance; the other will benefit. I leave it up to you to figure out who is who.
High flying or grounded? The Superman Mythology hits the Big Screen one more time with enhanced gravity and gravitas.

Most Excellent

I came across this a little while ago; couldn’t keep it to myself. BEST IN HD
In his latest editorial at the end of Friday's Real Time, Bill Maher put out a poignant plea for the public's understanding and sympathy toward Hollywood's big, self-promoting pat on the back that's known as the Oscars. That one,...
1961’s West Side Story is hailed as one of the greatest movies of all time – certainly in the musical genre – so Steven Spielberg had some huge shoes to fill when he set out to re-adapt the iconic Broadway show. Here is where his version stands out.
The “Oldies But Goodies” Friday night at PPOV post last week got me recollecting about a neat thing that happened this summer. It was something that showed me how music can speak through the generations – when you least...
Long before it was obvious that nations were dissolving under the power of corporate money, we dozed under the dream-myth of ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ that we learned as children and still then believed.

Selling Gingerbread

Here we are now, entertain us! - Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Just look at Bob and Judy, they're happy as can be inventing situations, putting them on TV - Talking Heads, "Found A Job" About six weeks ago, the world was introduced to...
As 2014 drifts into history and 2015 begins, let's take a look back at our favorite sounds from the past and forward to our playlists for the coming year!


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."