
Proud to be an Independent Progressive. I am a progressive- a one time Eisenhower Republican (from 1965 through 2004)who is now a Democrat. I live in a very RED STATE and am a community activist with a very BLUE AGENDA. I was a professor of history, and am now a researcher and gentleman farmer. My political positions are mixed - thus my preferred identification as a Progressive Independent. I am conservative on matters of military intervention, in regard to abortion, immigration, the public school system, gun rights, taxation, voter ID. But I am a traditional conservative, a Buckley, National Review, Eisenhower Republican..... I am a liberal on matters of health care care, funding education, taxation (yes one can be both liberal and conservative on this), civil rights, and alternative energy development/climate change.

The Once and Future Impeachment of Barack Obama

The House can vote the articles. The Senate can hold a trial. No conviction but does that matter?

Lindsey Graham and his REAL Benghazi Scandal

Why isn't the Media all over the the New York Magazine Story of Lindsey Graham PLANTING the game changing 60 Minutes Story? If they don't, then we must.

NEWTOWN: One year later and seemingly no wiser

Yesterday's shooting at a school in Colorado and the daily shootings at the nation's schools, in our streets and in our homes should be instructing us and yet we continue to ignore the lesson.

The JFK Assassination in the Eyes of an American British School Boy

A Schoolboy's Memory of the Death of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy experienced from Across the Pond

Curing Obamacare Fever – Part Three: What The Public Really Thinks About the ACA

The polls on the ACA are misleading. Many Americans have been impacted in their opinion of the term "Obamacare" but when you look at the numbers, a majority supports all that it provides and many want it to go even farther.

Curing Obamacare Fever – Part Two: The Top 5 Myths About The ACA

It is quite a challenge to sift through all the intentionally created myths about the Affordable Care Act to come up with The Top Five but these sure seem to be the top contenders.

Curing Obamacare Fever – Part One: The GOP Death Panel

The GOP should have loved it. It was their plan. So....why did the ACA become a horrible, socialist government takeover of healthcare for them? Six words..."Black Democratic President Obama Supported It".

Games Theory 101: Syria, Russia outplayed

Obama, Kerry, Hagele, Dempsey offer a targeted, limited, consequential plan for U.S. action coupled with intense negotiation creating the conditions in which a tentative offer is quickly embraced by Russia and Syria.

The Return of American Isolationism?

The opposition to involvement, no matter how limited, in war-like activity is based on a reaction to the nightmares that Iraq and Afghanistan became AND, of course, the ongoing plague of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Boehner as Bipartisan Hero: Imagine!

IMAGINE- House Speaker John Boehner has an Epiphany and emerges as a Groundbreaking Speaker of the House redefining the office as truly bipartisan and securing an elevated place in history alongside Barack Obama.