I have it upon reliable authority that the East Coast earthquake was deliberately caused via collusion between Tim Geithner, Rahm Emmanuel, Ben Bernanke, Dave Axelrod and the owners of...
A Cop Rapes a Woman at Gunpoint.
An 11-Year-Old Rape Victim is Smeared.
KBR sues a rape accuser for $2 Million.
What is it with our inability to find justice for victims?...
Let's just let these facts speak for themselves... more to come.
First, a few gems from the man who wants access to "the button";
“I have no problem with homosexuality. I...
According to Rick Perry, Social Security and Medicare are unconstitutional, the Earth is 6,000 years old, women were created from Adams rib, the Statue of Liberty is a demonic idol and the Constitution says that this is a "Christian Nation".
Roosevelt did not accept the simplistic conservative meme that MACROeconomics and MICROeconomics have the same fundamental principles and that government has to "live within its means like families do"......
Although Standard & Poors publicly stated reasons behind their decision to downgrade the credit rating of the United States from "AAA" to "AA+" were correct in as much as...
Let’s face it…
We are our own worst enemy.. and we better acknowledge that simple fact that unless we confront this cancer as a unified front then the entire nation...