
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2291 POSTS

Last Minute Change in New GOP Tax Bill Makes Slavery Legal Again

"Of course this isn't approving of slavery! It simply allows those who have to pay the expenses of slavery to deduct those costs, it doesn't mean we're giving them a gold star to encourage them to continue, we're just giving them a great deal of money," Graham explained as he looked at his shoes.

Weekend Music Thread – Seven Deadly Sins

This weekend's music theme is The Seven Deadly Sins and paying the price for doing wrong.

Vox Populi – 12-1-2017

With Flynn pleading guilty today and the Mueller investigation reaching towards Trump in a big way, not to mention the impending tax nightmare vote, there's a ton to chat...


So much to think and chat about including Flynn's guilty plea and the impending tax nightmare vote, good thing it's Friday and time for Vox Populi!

Hillary Dems vs. Bernie Dems – The Pointless and Soon-To-End Civil War

The next Democratic primary for president in 2020 will not be a Back to the Future experience, Hillary will not be running against Bernie. Whoever the candidate turns out to be, he or she will be the only hope for America to end the destructive rampage of the Trump regime.

Weekend Music Thread – Thankful N’ Thoughtful

To celebrate Thanksgiving weekend, this weekend's music thread is about love, caring and being thankful.

A Thanksgiving Tradition – 2017

There were many things to feel thankful for this year in spite or even because of the presidential turkey that should not be pardoned.

Weekend Music Thread – I Am Woman

Share your favorite songs about and by women, to recognize those "nasty women" who dare to speak truth to power!

Vox Populi – 11-17-2017

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat aboout the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 14 days ago Don't forget to say "Hi!" Or "Moore-On"...

Trump Refused Re-Entry to US Due to Extreme Vetting Program

Trump reacted to being barred from re-entering the U.S. under his extreme vetting plan, "That Executive Order is only supposed to keep hateful extremists out of America! Okay, but I'm white so why is it being used against me?!"