
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2293 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – About to Begin

We're about to enter 2020 and an unintended irony may be the country having a more perfect vision of the way things really are and of the future we need to head towards. So this weekend's music thread celebrates the coming of the New Year with a theme of songs about beginnings and endings, things new and old, memories and looking ahead to better things.

A 2019 Christmas Carol From PlanetPOV!

To the tune of The Christmas Song, "Trump's nuts roasting while old Lindsey cries. Rand Paul curling 'round his toes. Tyrant Donald being hung by his lies, While Trump's mob falls like dominoes."

Weekend Music Thread – Merry Christmas (I Don’t Want to Fight Tonight)

Christmas is just several days away, a time for peace and love...which is not always the way it works out at Christmas dinner with Uncle Roy who won't take off his MAGA hat and blames the Deep State for the dry turkey. So the theme for this weekend's music thread is holiday music, songs about love and family, peace and what's best in people.

Pelosi Should Add to Impeachment Articles if McConnell Won’t Allow Fair Trial

What if, the longer Trump allows this refusal of a fair trial to drag on, the more public hearings into his impeachable offenses are held and the more Articles of Impeachment may be voted on, making an even bigger the case will be when the trial finally does take place?

Live Chat Tonight: The 6th Democratic Debate – 8:00pm EST!

The Democratic Party's 6th presidential debate takes place tonight at 5:00pm PST/ 8:00pm EST. As usual, PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat to accompany it and you're invited to join in. Hope to see you here!

Weekend Music Thread – Shop Around

This weekend's music thread is all about shopping and things people can buy, whether it's a car or a drink, a house or a pair of shoes, dinner or a president. Also, songs about things that money can't buy, like love, principles, friendship or an alien abduction of Trump, are just as welcome.

Weekend Music Thread – Sweet Emotion

With so much going on, impeachment inquiries, maniacal propagandizing, presidential primaries, Papa John getting divorced, there is a blizzard of emotions flying around us. So this weekend's music thread is about emotions, songs about being happy, sad, excited, lonely, affectionate or angry. If you're feeling it, share it!