
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2310 POSTS

The White Authoritarian Skin Beneath the Surface of U.S. Society

Last night we saw a glimpse of a police state where Americans were all seen as the enemy. Where the press was seen as an enemy of the state, the very thing Trump has been pushing and that is also the sign of authoritarian domination. When all people and the press are treated as threats to be crushed in the name of "security", when the police and military dehumanize the public and press, democracy hangs by a thread.

Weekend Music Thread – What’s Going On

This has been a shocking, tragic and emotional week. So this weekend's music thread is about justice, activism, peace, compassion and unity.

Weekend Music Thread – Fortunate Son

To celebrate Memorial Day Weekend, this weekend includes songs about war and protest but also songs about life, being remembered, noble and loved.

Weekend Music Thread – School’s Out

Celebrating this year's high school graduates who have had to sacrifice the American rite of graduation, this weekend's music thread is about school, youth and great days ahead.

Weekend Music Thread – Mother

Share your favorite songs about mothers, family, children and love as we join in a tribute to those wonderful women who brought us into the world and taught us what it means to be loved as well as those who grew up to become mothers and taught the same to their children.