
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – Free Me

This weekend's music thread celebrates Passover by sharing and promoting the theme of fighting for freedom and equality. Songs about freedom, fighting the good fight, social justice and songs about protest are liberating for this weekend.

Weekend Music Thread – Mother Nature’s Son

To celebrate Spring, which those of us staying safe at home during COVID-19 will just have to take on faith that it's here, this weekend's music thread is for planting songs about nature. Trees, rivers, fields, flowers, any songs about the living world around us are ripe for this thread.

Weekend Music Thread – Rikki Don’t Lose That Number

as a reminder to folks to set their clocks ahead at 2:00 am on Sunday, This weekend's music thread is for songs about numbers. Share numerous songs about numbers, add and multiply them, they'll all count.

Weekend Music Thread – Turn the Page

To turn the page on this frantic leaping from distraction to distraction by Republicans because accepting reality is too painful for them, this weekend's music thread is for songs that tell stories (you can serve them with green eggs and ham if you like).

How to Solve the Manchin and Sinema Blockade of the Biden Agenda

Many brave Democrats lost their seats in 2010 for voting for the ACA but in doing so, they saved and helped millions of Americans, past, present and future. What they did was noble and profound, they changed history for the better. Clearly, Manchin and Sinema are not cut from the same cloth but perhaps they can be leveraged to do the right thing and become reluctant heroes in the end despite themselves.

Not An Insult or Exaggeration – The GOP is Now a Genuine Cult

The uniqueness of the GOP being the first American political party to transform into a cult may undercut acceptance but that hurdle needs to be jumped or the existential threat this nation faces from this cult may come to pass.