
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

EXCLUSIVE: Andrew Breitbart Exposed!!!

In this shocking, unedited video, Andrew Breitbart proudly announces to an audience that he was on crack cocaine during the birth of his children, is in rehab,...

Netroots Planet

This Thursday, the premiere annual Progressive convention, Netroots Nation begins. I'm pleased to say that I will be attending, representin' PlanetPOV and our community. All the top Progressive sites, organizations...

Vox Populi – 7-9-2010

1 guest is online. VegasBabe : Hi Folks. I ama not sure if any of you have heard the sad news about Hume. Apparently he...

Friday Music Thread – Remembrance

This week we lost one of our bigger-than-life colleagues in the world of Progressive blogging, HumeSkeptic. Much has been shared about him here and at other blogs. Even if you...

Book Alert – Forgotten Heroes and Villains of Sand Creek

One of our very talented members here at The Planet (you'll have to guess who, I'm not tellin'!) has just had their latest book released! A Planet- sized congratulations!!! I...

The Facts About Ignorance

The Boston Globe just reported today on a study at the University of Michigan that examined how people, especially those who are wrong about what they believe to be...

Vox Populi – 6-25-2010

AdLib is online. AdLib : Night! PatsyT : All the Best ... AdLib : Great to chat with you too. Have a wonderful weekend! PatsyT : Ahh...

Friday Music Thread – Something New

Sometimes you just need to shake things up, order something different at your favorite restaurant, listen to new music, elect a guy named Barack president, etc. So today's music thread...

It’s Time for Soylent Green Energy

The Earth's head has got to be spinning. Humans are filling its seas with oil, chemicals, waste and massive islands of pollution, the process of mining natural gas is...

Friday Music Thread – The 4th of July

This weekend we celebrate the 4th of July, an occasion to celebrate American independence with American flags and coolers that are made in China along with  fireworks and beer...