
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2307 POSTS

Vox Populi – 4-22-2011

bito : «link» AdLib : Hey Bito, the link is broken, what's there? bito : One more OT, anyone on AOL? Read this.«link» 8487 I wonder if PPOV is on...

The Republican Snake Oil Salesmen

Step right up! Try Republican Ryan's Remarkable Remedy! It's just the thing for what ails ya! One taste of this and whatever you were concerned about before will become the least of your worries!

Eat The Poor

Our budget deficit is skyrocketing due to spending on the poor. The poor are increasingly becoming obese and dependent on government spending. Maybe it's time to meat in the middle.

The Top PlanetPOV Posts of 2010!

A big thanks to all for participating in this friendly competition. The true goal of this annual event is to celebrate some of the wonderful work by our community...

Weekend Music Thread – The Poetry of Music

The debut of The Weekend Music Thread kicks off with a focus on songs with your favorite lyrics. The songs you can't help but sing along with, the songs...

Vox Populi – 4-15-2011

AdLib : Indeed, that feeling of guilt, of consigning a loved one to a facility instead of taking care of them does seem to lead to...

WATCH LIVE: Pres. Obama Speaks On Fiscal Policy – 10:35 am PDT

Watch President Obama live as he speaks today at 10:35 am PDT (1:35 pm EDT) on his proposals for the 2012 budget and long term economic policies. A helpful hint,...

GOP Economics – How to Become Taller by Digging Holes

Especially in the old days of movie making, when an actress was as tall or taller than her leading man, a trench might be dug for her to stand...

Vox Populi – 4-8-2011

bito : I could say yes no it was a tweet. Pretty clever for 140 characters! AdLib : Very nice! Yours? bito : There once...

Friday Music Thread – Suffragette City

  Republicans are pushing government towards a shutdown if they can't take health care and rights away from women. Today's theme for the Music Thread is a push back against...