
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

Vox Populi – 12-9-2011

PatsyT : Nighty Night Chris Say goodnight to Ohio for me KQµårk 死神 : Patsy with $100 bills spread across the bed I bet. SallyT : Good night Chris. Swim...

The GOP and the Clinical Definition of a Sociopath

Some say corporations are people. What if political parties were people? Could the GOP be clinically diagnosed as a sociopath?

Why Newt Should Win

Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s looking like what will be thrown into the bubbling GOP Presidential caldron in 2012 will be the will be the Aye! of Newt.

Weekend Music Thread – Hail and Farewell

In tribute to Herman Cain's dropping out of the GOP Presidential primary, this weekend's theme is all about saying goodbye.Herman, we oddly knew you.

Vox Populi – 12-2-2011

AdLib : If only I had your legs! KQuark : Ah AdLib if I only had your eternal optimism mon ami. AdLib : 2013 is when the ACA really kicks in...

Weekend Music Thread – Giving Thanks

On this Thanksgiving weekend, what else could the theme be for the music thread but expressing thanks? Share songs that express thanks to others and songs that have been there for you when you needed them.

A Thanksgiving Tradition – 2011

With all of the madness and hatred out there in the world, we can become inundated with so much that's negative and lose sight of the things that we're so fortunate to have. Unless you're a Republican, then it's a two-for-one deal.

What Republicans Are Thankful For

In a show of holiday spirit, PlanetPOV reached out to prominent Republicans to ask them what they're thankful for. Once explaining the concept of being "thankful" through the use of instructional videos, diagrams and action figures, they shared the following responses with us.

Weekend Music Thread – Your Personal Soundtrack

This week's music thread is about your personal theme songs, songs that speak to you or for you when you're happy, furious, romantic, determined, chillin' or remind you of a special time or event in your life.

Vox Populi – 11-18-2011

1 guest is online. KQuark : I thought I heard a bloop from VP. AdLib : That wraps up this powerful edition of Vox Populi. Thanks to all for the great...