This week's music thread is about your personal theme songs, songs that speak to you or for you when you're happy, furious, romantic, determined, chillin' or remind you of a special time or event in your life.
1 guest is online.
KQuark : I thought I heard a bloop from VP.
AdLib : That wraps up this powerful edition of Vox Populi. Thanks to all for the great...
The 1% essentially owns many city governments in America. They have mayors and police forces as their army to defend their interests. This is "who" America really is. We've discovered that the friend we always thought was a nice guy has a very dangerous side.
This weekend's music thread is a tribute to all of our wonderful and loving pets and all other animals we live together with on this planet. Send your pet a little love or play a little music to soothe the savage beasts.
This Sunday, we set our clocks back to Standard time to put more daylight in our days and with all that's been going on, it's not a bad time at all to start lightening up with this weekend's music thread.
AdLib : Righty-O! You take care of yourself!
choicelady : AdLib - I totally agree. I know the Oxy takes the "burn" away and that's a lot of help. In...
"Slower than a short bus with flat tires! More dishonest than petroleum and natural gas PR commercials! Able to trip over low thresholds of morality in a single step! Look, up in the polls, it's absurd , it's a' lame, it's SupeHerman!"