In tribute to Mitt Romney, as a supposedly brilliant businessman who in fact just stumbles from one bad decision to another including Paul Ryan as his VP, this weekend's music theme is about trouble, making mistakes and dealing with problems.
AdLib : Murph - Yep, pretty disgusting. But though we've been cautious about Obama winning in Nov, imagine what a big victory could mean across the board. If Romney...
Many Americans mistakenly connect being wealthy with being smart but George W. Bush and now Mitt Romney have proven that conventional thinking to be as dead as the dodo...which coincidentally has become the new mascot of the GOP.
AdLib : Night pal!
KillgoreTrout : Ad I see we have passed our alloted time frame. You and KQ have a great weekend. Time to say goodnight!
AdLib : Looks like...
Mitt Romney seems not only to be from Central Casting in appearance for the role of president, his stonewalling against revealing who he really is and what he’d really do as President makes him also look like he’s auditioning for the lead role of The Manchurian Candidate.
Today marks the first day of the Summer Olympics so to commemorate this coming together of nations around the world, today's music thread is about music from and about different countries.
AdLib : Rafalka!
SallyT : Cheerio
AdLib : Cheers!
SallyT : You have a great weekend, too. Thanks for the evening!
SallyT : LOL, it was, I guess.
AdLib : That had to be...
This weekend we go back to the theme songs of tv shows that were classics for us. Whether they're just a few years old or decades old, share the opening music for shows that were among your faves.