AdLib : Thanks CL! Best to you and Hubby!
choicelady : I think I'm done picking up the trash. Have a grand weekend, AdLib - love to the family! Sweet...
Taken as written, this mandatory gun ownership law would technically apply to children, including toddlers and even infants. Backers of the bill have said it is not an oversight, it was intentional and meant to enforce respect for the 2nd Amendment and gun education from cradle to grave.
AdLib : Night Sally, looking forward to this Sunday's funnies! Night all!
AdLib : Take care Murph, have a great Easter weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib...hope your vision for the USPS...
1 guest is online.
SallyT : But, then when you see them hanging him, he didn't seem afraid. Guess he realized the jig was up.
SallyT : Saddam didn't want those...
Republicans claim they only have a problem with the way they communicate their message. Perhaps this more severe, lost Ryan Budget could be presented in a more appetizing way, perhaps as the wrapper on a Big Mac, so it would get the respect and lengthy consideration it deserves.
This weekend's music theme is about unusual and unique people, those that are beguiling, those that are strange, those that stand out in a crowd or those who are simply unforgettable.
This weekend's thread is dedicated to talking and the American way of standing up and speaking out for what you believe in, whether you're conscientious or wear a toupee made of poodle fur.