If the actual numbers related to the ACA were what the MSM constantly broadcasted instead of simple and unsubstantiated hyperbole, propaganda and mudslinging, Americans would have a far more accurate picture of reality.
funksands : Gracias
KillgoreTrout : You too funk. I think I'll do the same. Didn't want to leave you to lock up.
funksands : Keep on keepin' on
Some might consider these folks "Subway Club Christians" since they apparently believe that if they get their conversions card stamped ten times, they get a free Resurrection.
AdLib : Night!
MurphTheSurf3 : You too...over and out.
AdLib : Heh! No good deed goes unpunished...but good people keep doing them anyway. Night Murph, have a restful weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : AD...
Thankfully, the Tea Partiers' definition of them winning is the same as Democrats of their winning so we can all come together and in a bipartisan way, celebrate this week's election results. And what better way to celebrate the elections and explore all the rest of this week's events with your fellow Planeteers than chatting with them tonight at 7:00 pm PST on Vox Populi?
In Virginia's race for Governor, the Democrat won and the Republican lost...so of course the MSM sensibly adopts the loser's unsubstantiated tantrum that since he didn't lose by more, the loser is actually the winner? Welcome to corporate media 101.
There's an old saying in Hollywood, "There's no such thing as bad publicity". The National Security Administration (NSA) has been getting far more publicity than they ever could have imagined in their redacted dreams and now they are capitalizing on it.
To celebrate this festive holiday of people trying to scare others into giving them something sweet that they have, we can't help but dedicate this holiday to our favorite blood suckers and zombies, the GOP.