
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

It’s Live Chat Night at The Planet! Join us at 7:00 pm PST for Vox Populi!

Join your fellow members at a holiday Vox Populi! We've still got the pomegranate martinis from Christmas and champagne on ice for the upcoming New Year's Eve, the Vox bar's fully stocked so grab a seat and join in the holiday cheer!

The Year in PlanetPOV Parody Art

Instead of doing a roundup of the top stories of 2013 which you can get on any site, we offer a round up of satirical graphics from posts made here throughout the year.

A PlanetPOV Christmas Carol – 2013

As is our tradition at PlanetPOV, we celebrate Christmas with our version of a well known carol...well known before we got our hands on it, that is. This year's carol is the kid classic, "Nuttin' For Christmas".

The Capitalism That Stole Christmas – The Anti-Materialism Theme of Classic Christmas Films

Ironically, Americans watch and enjoy classic Christmas movies that strongly indict the materialism Americans are focused on during much of the Christmas season.

Vox Populi – 12-20-2013

AdLib : I used to like them but don't do them anymore. AdLib : Winner! SmotPoker : Birthday? SmotPoker : To be honest, I never do them. I...

Vox Populi – Join Our Weekly Live Chat Tonight at 7:00pm PST!

Vox Populi, our live weekly chat begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Come and join your fellow members for a lively real time conversation about the week's events.

Social Security, Medicare, The Deficit, Poverty, Unemployment – One Vote Could Help Them All

What if there was one vote that could be held, one campaign that could be focused on to pass one law that if passed, could help with many of our most serious problems? There is...

Welcome to The Planet – A Guide to Blogging at PlanetPOV

It can take a bit of time acclimating to a new blog so this post is intended to give those new to the site a quick start on blogging at PlanetPOV, navigating and taking advantage of the many features here.

Vox Populi – 12-13-2013

SmotPoker : FYI, just talked with Linda, and she did in fact get in. So it's all good. AdLib : We appreciate our members here, happy to help...

Join Us Tonight at 7 pm PST for our Live Weekly Chat – Vox Populi!

It's Friday so that means we're once again hosting our live weekly chat tonight at 7:00 pm PST about the week's events, or as we call it, Vox Populi.