
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2316 POSTS

An Era of Repression – The Legacy of The Roberts Supreme Court

Thought "The Death Panel" was a right wing hoax? Nope. The SCOTUS became a real death panel, allowing states to refuse expanding Medicaid to let the uninsured working poor die from medical neglect. The ongoing deaths of thousands of Americans will now be a dark legacy of The Roberts Court.

Vladimir Putin Readies Troops to Invade Reality

"Reality poses a threat to Russia and its future so purely as a matter of self-defense, I have ordered Russian troops to move to the border of Reality and stand ready to use force to defend our country," Putin declared.

Weekend Music Thread – What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love and Understanding?

The majority of people around the world don't believe in the mindset of violence we've seen in the Ukraine, Syria and all around the world. so on this Easter weekend, this weekend's music thread asks, "What's So Funny 'Bout Peace, Love and Understanding?"

Vox Populi – 4-18-2014

AdLib : Night Murph! MurphTheSurf3 : I suspect you may be correct. Well, good night. AdLib : Murph - Good point about Crimea but the statistics I saw about the ethnic...

The Right Wing and Fox News: Patriots Who Want Gun Battles With America

It is hard to decide what is more horrible, that a major news network would rally for a mass shooting of law enforcement officers and citizens or that Right Wingers were literally giddy at the opportunity to "begin the revolution" by wanting to kill police in order to steal land and violate laws.

Five Reasons Why Democrats Could Do Well in the 2014 Elections

Just last November, pundits were saying that Obamacare's troubled rollout doomed it to failure and Chris Christie was so nationally popular, he was the odds on favorite to win the GOP Presidential primary and perhaps the White House.

Vox Populi – 4-11-2014

AdLib : Rest well, Murph! Take care of yourself! MurphTheSurf3 : It's amazing how these frauds gather the faithful...well I need to bed...See you Ad.... AdLib : ...

BREAKING: Republicans Sued By Bizarro Superman For Plagiarism

"Me know women get less pay for same job but speaking for all women as man, what feel worse to women is everyone knowing it. So me decree, on behalf of women, no one talk about it anymore." Problem solved!

Vox Populi – 4-4-2014

AdLib : Same here, have a great weekend, Beatlex! Beatlex : Gotta go AdLib,fun chatting as usual,see you Beatlex : I watch a little of Joe,what a pompous...

Dr. Adlib Diagnoses Your Cable News As Having Alzheimer’s Disease

When I walked into the examination room Fox News was waiting in, it was facing the smallest corner of the room with a distant, angry look in its eyes while chanting "Benghazi!".