It's been another big news week so there's a lot to discuss tonight in our weekly live chat about the week's events, Vox Populi. Vox begins at 7:00 pm PDT and all members are invited to join this lively, fun and thoughtful conversation.
Who does ISIS have to thank for the deadbolts being broken on the doors to Iraq? They ought to commission a bathtub self portrait of George W. Bush out of gratitude.
Throughout American history, Republicans have always stood for supporting the goals they speak up for...then attacking any Democrats who accomplish them!
It's Friday so once again we're hosting our weekly live chat on the week's events, Vox Populi! All PlanetPOV members are invited to join us tonight at 7:00 pm PDT for this always entertaining and enlightening chat.
Bad guys with guns are always on offense and can kill anyone at any time. Good guys with guns are necessarily on defense and rarely in the vicinity of bad guys with guns...and they could only act AFTER the bad guy has pulled out his gun and shot someone. So no, they don't stop the bad guy from killing.
Not only has HP now refused to dance with the one who brought them to the party, they are jumping into Mark Zuckerberg's Ferrari and waving back at their community with a champagne glass in hand as they speed away.
kesmarn :
pinkpantheroz : Say no more, Kes! I'll do my best.
kesmarn : Good night, PPO! Keep that goofy PM of yours in line! "Wink-wink, nudge-nudge!"
pinkpantheroz : Well, it...
At a time in our nation's history when our Supreme Court has chosen the wealthy to dominate our politics and the press has mostly abandoned their duty to empower the public with truth, how can the people find their way back to a true and responsive democracy?