
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2267 POSTS

Live Events – GOP Debate – 11-10-2015

Tonight's live chat accompanies the GOP Debates on Fox Business Network. The "kid's table" debate begins at 4:00pm PDT and the main debate begins at 6:00pm PDT. Hope to...


Republican candidates will once again gather on the debate stage to complain about being asked to debate! Or something like that! You're invited to join us here at PlanetPOV for a live chat during tonight's debates!

Top 3 Favorite TV Shows of GOP Candidates

Some folks have proposed that you can tell a lot about candidates by which tv shows are their favorites. So with that in mind, consider the names of the tv shows that each of them have listed as their favorites.

Weekend Music Thread – Making Things Up Again

In this weekend's music thread, we celebrate the art (and not so artful skill) of storytelling. Share songs that tell a story, about people, places or West Point scholarships.

Vox Populi – 11-06-2015

Vox Populi begins early tonight to accompany the Democratic Forum on MSNBC at 5:00pm PDT. Should be a great forum, hope to see you then (or later)! AdLib 7 days...

Vox Populi Begins Early Tonight! Chat Live During MSNBC Democrat Forum @ 5:00pm PDT!

Vox Populi will begin early tonight, at 5:00pm PDT, so that our live chat can accompany tonight's Democratic Presidential forum. Afterwards (at 7pm PDT), once the forum is over, Vox will continue as usual to discuss all of the week's events.

Ben Carson Announces His First 3 Acts if Elected President

"By removing the need for doctors to be licensed, we could get all kinds of new and exciting approaches in medicine! Why not let a barista do liposuction? A jackhammer operator give a colonoscopy? Or a clown be a brain surgeon?"

Weekend Music Thread – Tricks or Treats!

Don't be afraid, these sounds of music and terror can't hurt you...unless they're coming from upstairs in your house!!! Quick, get out, it may be the ghost of Ben Carson...who sounds exactly like Ben Carson not being a ghost, "I'm going to scare you. Honestly. Boo. There you go. Now you've been scared."

Vox Populi – 10-30-2015

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Due to a sudden call from the Jeb Bush campaign that they're having a fire sale on cell...

What Makes A Republican a “Winner” in a Debate? Hatin’!

To win a GOP debate, you don't present a policy on the issues, you don't argue principles, you don't literally win a debate over any particular topic, you simply need to show that you are the best at hatin'.