This weekend's theme is about sending love out to those we care about, those who are going through difficult times, those we don't see enough and those who really matter to us.
Bill Clinton has repeatedly put self-gratification above the best interest of the people and that is reflected even today in his throwing Obama under the train to protect those who are driven in limos.
Sometimes, the not-so-attractive kid hangs out with much less attractive kids to use the power of comparisons to look better and more attractive. When you seat Mitt Romney right beside Donald Trump, doesn't Romney look far less dangerous than the raving loon beside him with his back hair combed over his head?
This weekend's theme is travel, whether by train, plane or automobile, to distant locations or just a quaint town nearby, it's all about getting on the road again.
MurphTheSurf3 : If anyone is still here....this is the link to the Walker/Barrett debate tonight «link»
Chernynkaya : Thanks for everyone for joining Vox Populi!
SallyT : Good night Cher. Well,...
Whether it's a song that's connected to an event or period in your life, songs imbued with heartfelt emotion or songs about issues that matter, this week's music thread is for songs that have meaning to you.
choicelady : Goodnight everyone who may be reading - peaceful times for your weekend. See you all next week!
choicelady : Good night Murph - please know how valuable you...
One thing that America greatly values is its free press...which is why its been locked up in a safe that's hidden miles below the Earth's surface. Filling in for it, we have a corporatized Mainstream Media which looks just like the real thing only less filling.