From Talking Points Memo:
Senate Votes Again And Just One Vote Left On Health Care
The Senate just cleared its next-to-last procedural hurdle before passing its version of the health care bill.
In a predictable 60-39 vote, senators invoked cloture on final passage of the bill, allowing for a final vote tomorrow morning at 7. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is absent.
It’s possible they will vote earlier, we’re keeping a close eye on those negotiations.
Before calling for the vote on an issue Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) raised about the bill’s constitutionality, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Republicans have tried to “obstruct and delay” at every turn.
Republicans parliamentary gambits have slowed down the inevitable passage and tomorrow’s vote is the first to be held on Christmas Eve since Dec. 24, 1895.
“Health reform is not about procedure,” Reid said.
He also showed senators a massive stack of letters Democrats have received with true stories about health care.
From the Paul Krugman’s New York Times Blog:
From Talking Points Memo‘s Health Care Wire: