I put together some charts/stats based on a table in the Washington Post. My charts and conclusions are based on all of the reps who received at least $1 million or more from the health care industry. I am not very good at this sort of thing, so please do point out any erroneous conclusions you spot, and add your own conclusions (I’ll make corrections to the post as needed)!
- Charles Rangel D-NY $3,248,401 18.2%
- Frank Pallone D-NJ $2,835,586 16.8%
- Steny Hoyer D-MD $2,726,559 10.1%
- Joe L. Barton R-TX $2,719,871 23.3%
- Roy Blunt R-MO $2,423,886 19.5%
- Tom Price R-GA $2,397,977 13.7%
- Eric Cantor R-VA $2,213,028 11.4%
- John Dingell D-MI $2,131,192 11.3%
- John Boehner R-OH $2,036,770 12.4%
- John Gingrey R-GA $1,867,943 18.8%
- Fortney Stark D-CA $1,762,292 11.2%
- David L. Camp R-MI $1,553,605 14%
- Henry Waxman D-CA $1,551,950 9.60%
- John N. Deal R=GA $1,503,955 23.2%
- Earl Pomeroy D-ND $1,446,549 12.1%
- Pete Sessions R-TX $1,424,900 35.7%
- Anna Eshoo D-CA $1,361,326 11.2%
- Nancy Pelosi D-CA $1,289,850 12.8%
- Michael Burgess R-TX $1,270,423 21.1%
- Stephen Buyer R-IN $1,264,527 12.4%
- Wayne Whitfield R-KY $1,252,030 18.9%
- Mark S. Kirk R-IL $1,232,776 10.2%
- Mike Dennis Rogers R-AL $1,212,731 15.1%
- Barton J. Gordon D-TN $1,192,646 14.2%
- Charles Boustany R-LA $1,124,736 19.4%
- Ronald Paul R-TX $1,115,839 24%
- John Shadegg R-AZ $1,025,825 20.6%
- John Murtha D-PA $1,016,404 12.2%
- Steven Rothman D-NJ $1,008,972 17.1%
- Xavier Becerra D-CA $1,002,233 42.4%
This applies to all tables:
blue=the one Democrat who voted “no” on the bill and received $1million plus from the health industry
%=percentage of uninsured in a rep’s district.
- Xavier Becerra D-CA $1,002,233 42.4%
- Pete Sessions R-TX $1,424,900 35.7%
- Ronald Paul R-TX $1,115,839 24%
- Joe L. Barton R-TX $2,719,871 23.3%
- John N. Deal R=GA $1,503,955 23.2%
- Michael Burgess R-TX $1,270,423 21.1%
- John Shadegg R-AZ $1,025,825 20.6%
- Roy Blunt R-MO $2,423,886 19.5%
- Charles Boustany R-LA $1,124,736 19.4%
- Wayne Whitfield R-KY $1,252,030 18.9%
- John Gingrey R-GA $1,867,943 18.8%
- Charles Rangel D-NY $3,248,401 18.2%
- Steven Rothman D-NJ $1,008,972 17.1%
- Frank Pallone D-NJ $2,835,586 16.8%
- Mike Dennis Rogers R-AL $1,212,731 15.1%
- Barton J. Gordon D-TN $1,192,646 14.2%
- David L. Camp R-MI $1,553,605 14%
- Tom Price R-GA $2,397,977 13.7%
- Nancy Pelosi D-CA $1,289,850 12.8%
- Stephen Buyer R-IN $1,264,527 12.4%
- John Boehner R-OH $2,036,770 12.4%
- John Murtha D-PA $1,016,404 12.2%
- Earl Pomeroy D-ND $1,446,549 12.1%
- Eric Cantor R-VA $2,213,028 11.4%
- John Dingell D-MI $2,131,192 11.3%
- Fortney Stark D-CA $1,762,292 11.2%
- Anna Eshoo D-CA $1,361,326 11.2%
- Mark S. Kirk R-IL $1,232,776 10.2%
- Steny Hoyer D-MD $2,726,559 10.1%
- Henry Waxman D-CA $1,551,950 9.60%
The Top 10 Recipients of Health Care Industry Dollars in the House
- Charles Rangel D-NY $3,248,401 18.2%
- Frank Pallone D-NJ $2,835,586 16.8%
- Steny Hoyer D-MD $2,726,559 10.1%
- Joe L. Barton R-TX $2,719,871 23.3%
- Roy Blunt R-MO $2,423,886 19.5%
- Tom Price R-GA $2,397,977 13.7%
- Eric Cantor R-VA $2,213,028 11.4%
- John Dingell D-MI $2,131,192 11.3%
- John Boehner R-OH $2,036,770 12.4%
- John Gingrey R-GA $1,867,943 18.8%
- 17 of the individuals who received over $1 million from the health care industry are REPUBLICANS.
- Only ONE Democrat receiving over $1 million from the healthcare industry voted “NO” on bill 3952.
- The total dollar amount received from the healthcare industry by the Democrats on this list is $22,573,960 million.
- The total dollar amount received from the healthcare industry by the Repubs on this list is $26,737,217 million; therefore, Repubs surpassed the $ amount received by the Dems..
- In general, the percentage of uninsured constituents is higher in districts and states represented by the Republicans on this list, and many of those states are in the South.
- The top ten recipients of health care industry dollars indicates a majority of Republicans.
- NONE of the Democrats receiving over $1 million from the health industry, with the exception of Gordon, voted “no” in spite of the money.
Excellent online tool I got from Health Care for America to thank your Rep. if they voted yes or show your displeasure if they voted no on the healthcare bill.
Great link, KQ…..thanks for posting it!
Hello all, just logging in for the day. One of those days.
Someone help me with this and who said it. At one time a Rep was accused of taking too much money from the lobbyists and he stated:
A Rep worth his salt will smoke their cigars, take their money, drink their best whiskey and screw their “women”. Then vote against them!
I believe it was during the 50’s.
“If you can
Thanks. I knew that of of the brilliant minds at The Planet would know. I still miss Ms. Molly!
Well, it appears that the House Dems did exactly that!! 😆
Great quote, bito!
Excuse my manners Nicole, Good post and I like your conclusions
No excuses need, bito!
Great post Nicole473. Boutsany of La is a doctor, has he no shame?
Thanks, Grab. Yes, despicable that Boutsany would do this.
Great job, Nicole. Thanks for the hard work and the info.
I hadn’t said so yet, but Nicole did some very nice work here indeed.
Hey Lardini, get bored with the simplicity “over there”? Didn’t seem like much of a discussion or recreational activity, either. But I was just passing through!
Thanks, Monk. Does “over there” mean HP? It always bores me on Saturdays….no real action except for on the main which I dislike.
Yes, “over there” is HP. It is really boring now. And they seem to have some new interesting censoring going on, even for the normal ugly censoring that goes on typically on the weekends. I always wondered why they seemed to have really conservative censors on Sat/Sun.
HA! I noticed the same thing. I would love to know who is responsible for the moderation and if political affiliation is selected for. 🙂
Nicole, perhaps they found themselves a bunch of unemployed rednecks in that Ron Paul district and hired them for minimum wage and some pork rinds.
Evening Monk!
Did you read the paper today?
There were more anti-protesters than NeoNazis in Phoenix yesterday!
(do you think we’ll ever get rain?)
I brought the paper in, looked at the front headlines on the healthcare, noticed the typical bias, and went to the ads.
I haven’t missed the rain too much, keeps me from having to pull weeds in my gravel covered yard! But I know we need it.
Monsoon season has been tr
P.S. Southern Arizona (7th and 8th) voted for the bill. I don’t know how it fared up north. A bit more patchy, I suspect.
Khirad, when I need to get reminded of the NW, I just go to the web cam site for WA state. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/passes/
Of course, the cameras show so much more in the daytime!
And I’ve lived “up north” around 5 years myself and, like Arizona, there are things I like and things I can do without.
I go to this: http://www.kgw.com/livecams/popup_pioneersquare.html
Or the Smith Tower cam in my hometown across the bridge.
Yeah, I feel like whiny Goldilocks. Both are excessive in their respective dry/wet quotients.
Thanks, GL. I like doing this kind of stuff, even though I am a complete amateur.
No worries, I know the feeling, but found it very striking in this format. Dr. OB/GYN Ron Paul was intriguing to me. Nearly a quarter!
I Imagine Dr. Paul tells his constituents that they are “Free” to be unemployed.
After all, freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose… (K Kristofferson)
I think it was Janis Joplin, wasn’t it? Or did Kristoferson write it?
Kristofferson wrote it, Joplin did it right before she died.
(EDIT) See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_and_Bobby_McGee for more info.
Ah…..thanks for clarifying, Monk.
Thank you for this information, Nicole.
Was able to log in!
Was a bit worried but that’s my paranoia!
My pleasure, javaz! Glad you were able to log in too — had you had trouble with logging in?
It said it remembered me, but wouldn’t log me in.
I cleared it and typed it in and VOILA! It logged me in!
LOL. Just like my Typepad account!
Bear in mind that receiving money from the “Health Industry” includes individuals working in said industry and not necessarily coming from the heads of Insurance companies or their PACS. If you go to open secrets and check out Rangle, for instance (http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/industries.php?cycle=Career&type=C&cid=N00000964&newMem=N&recs=20) you can approximate the Times number if you chose Career and start adding up the heath related categories (many of which represent working people and not industries) till you get the 3 million+.
So I am not sure what this chart means – other than that the money did NOT influence the voting, which certainly runs counter the narrative I follow, being on the left and presuming massive corruption on the conservative side of politics.
Welcome to The Planet, dndobson!
I think that the uniquely intense public pressure from so many out there, especially the grass roots Dems, may have provided a rare counterweight to all the special interest spending in this one occasion.
I mean, what good is a chunk of insurance company campaign contributions if your base refuses to vote for you?
Welcome and that is true. Especially when you consider doctors being part of the healthcare industry, many of whom want real reform.
Hi dobson, yes, I was aware of that. Of course the employee groups are a part of the health industry, I believe.
So wouldn’t they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo? With the exception of doctors, of course, since we know that they want reform.
Well done Nicole. Hope you are ok with my calling you “datagirl” going forward. I love this type of info, easy to comprehend and draw conclusions from. Wish you had been on my school’s reading committee back in the day.
Thank you very much.
Good afternoon young lady. Big day yesterday, more to come!
Ha ha, HITO, you can call me anything you like. 😆
I’m serious. I still compile a comparison spread sheet of NYSED reading/math scores for 1-8th grades for every school district in my county each year and then slap it at my school’s administrators with a “wtf” attitude. Love how Duncan will be requiring that from districts going forward. If kids can’t read at level by 3rd grade, it creates serious social and academic problems.
Running those numbers takes a week out of my life, but is worth every minute. One of my friends, a long time board trustee and retired math teacher extraordinaire, has called me “datagirl” for six years. He’d like you alot. So do I.
Time to make dinner for the kids. See you later I hope.
It will be interesting to see how much these YES voters get from the industry in the future.
There’s a little part of me that chuckles at the thought of Charlie Rangel’s accepting over $3 million and then voting yes on reform. Heh.
It sure will!
FYI the list of Ayes and Noes roll call vote.
Excellent compilation Nicole. $1.4 million dollars a day will buy you a hell of allot in Washington. The final votes are important for sure but how the legislation is crafted is even more important in my opinion, that’s why Dems got more money from lobbyists because they were the ones writing the legislation. In a few ways I think the House bill really bucked the lobbyists like limiting the way private insurance can penalize older people and people with preexisting conditions and bucking the anti-trust exemption but lobbyist cash is surely the reason providers are not being reimbursed at Medicare +5% rates.
Ending the antitrust exemption was huge.
I’m hearing a lot of liberals come out on the side of negotiated rates, so that might not have been an insurance influence. That might have come more from rural reps who want to make sure their providers are paid competitively.
The end of the anti-trust exemption is a great thing!
I agree that some of the Dems received more $ because they were responsible for writing the bill.
What i like is that none of the Dems, with the exception of Gordon (TN) voted no in spite of the big bucks.
Great work, Nicole!
Who was the Dem no vote?
thanks, Nellie. Barton J. Gordon (in the blue).
The color coding was a very clever way to classify the reps.
TY, KQ. The pic disappeared, btw. 😆
Hmmmm… I don’t know what happened.
I add picts because I’m a visual person but it’s always up to the original poster if they want to keep them. Having a thumbnail image just makes the front page look better in my opinion. Within the posts sometimes images can be a distraction or contrary to the point.
Guess I’ll see if I can find another one then.