Home News & Politics Congress ACA/ObamaCare Year 2: Essential Info and Links to Share

ACA/ObamaCare Year 2: Essential Info and Links to Share



Info to pass on to family, friends, associates regarding signing up for Obamacare.We know that the GOP has put the Affordable Care Act in its Bulls Eye. They want to repeal it. They have not offered a replacement that their party has endorsed in the same way as they endorsed repeal 54 times. Five models and not one has made it out of committee in the House.

We know the Conservatives on the Supreme Court have taken a case that threatens to take away subsidies from those in states that do not have their own marketplaces.But, I have seen the good this Law has done for friends and neighbors- hardworking people who could not afford health insurance until Obamacare.I am an ACA trained advocate and have worked with several dozen people as they became familiar with the program and then applied. I am proud to have done this. Who are they? Mostly small farmers. Some work in minimum wage jobs with no benefits. Several have small businesses.

Since Medicaid requirements in my state are that one cannot earn more than $400 a month or have more than $2000 in assets there are LOTS of people here who need insurance. Sadly, many of the working poor do not qualify for ACA because the shapers of the bill presumed that states would gladly take up the expanded Medicaid. Mine did not.

So I am passing along the following info:

The Affordable Care Act Part II: Five Easy Ways to Get Ready

This weekend, you’ll be able to sign up for 2015 health coverage through the Marketplace.

Open Enrollment begins on November 15th this year.

Here are 5 ways you can get ready right now:

Millions of Americans are already benefiting from Marketplace coverage. We want to make sure you join them.

The HealthCare.gov Team

Enroll by December 15th and coverage can begin on January 1st, 2015.

Don’t let your friends or loved ones miss important dates & deadlines!


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I am very confused. The site is a joke. Takes you immediately to several links. I’ve applied to my son BUT, in Floriduh, we HAVE to get BCBS. Deductible is $6600.00/year. Meaning my son would have to be injured and we ought to pay this amount, BEFORE the insurance gets in??????WTF?????
What a mess….So we pay 125/months, anything happens to him? We are out to pay what they want????????????Frigging over 6k bucks??????Cheers.Thanks, MTS.


HI Murph, this is important information to pass on. A great article and i hope people who need it take advantage of It.

Most people do not realize Romney care had the same subsidies.

I broke out my calculator.

Really Here is what happens if they can not get a run around or pass the bill. 3 million republicans, that is 12 million including children will lose something or their h/care plan altogether. Now if you change jobs your pre existing conditions keep you from getting the h/car of paying much more for it.

Essential there is no GOP and they can not vote one in. ACA is a republican plan. OH the supreme court now has just taxed you if they agree with the GOP party
20 k in 10 yrs
45 k in 20 yrs
70 k in 30 yrs. IN the lowest income bracket.
Higher if you have a better salaries.

Republicans need this plan the most. they have more low income families because they claim they have a higher MEDIAN Salaries.

Of course you can go get very very expensive private health care. Or take non, a sure way to bankrupt your self if you get a major injury ,heart attack or cancer.

Also all the states that do not want it. Loses billion in federal funds. Creating MORE DEBT TO YOUR STATE
Then all those states have to RAISE TAXES to pay for funds to run h/care.

A whooping tax increase on the lower and middle income citizens

All republicans go thank your supreme court for a Hugh raise in YOUR TAXES if this passes!!

Way to go GOP!!

A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not been created yet.


Thanks for the info, Murph. The ACA has helped millions already, and since enrollment has restarted, another 100,000 have signed up. Ironically, a lot of those who have signed up have been republicans, which says a lot about who is represented by the GOP’s agenda.


Murph, good for you! Excellent information for people who may not yet have insurance. Thanks for helping people in your state. And for helping people with this post.
