
In 2007 I was initially all in for Hillary but ended up going with Barack Obama. Hillary’s record, policies and style did not wear well with me.

I was reminded of her record and her policies when I read “The Left Ought to Worry About Hillary Clinton, Hawk and Militarist, in 2016” by Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss in a recent The Nation. It makes the case that Hillary is a Blue Dog Democrat, a moderate conservative, and what used to pass for a Republican in many states. (http://www.thenation.com/…)

That triggered a recollection about her style. I was drawn back to Spring 2007.

I was living in SC and went to the state Democratic Convention as a delegate in May of that year. The two leaders of the presidential pack were Hillary Clinton and John Edwards but Hillary was ahead of Edwards by a mile.

As I drove up to the Columbia SC convention center I noticed that the streets were lined with dozens of large signs — 30 feet tall, bouncing as huge fans at their bases filled them with air. Each proclaimed “Hillary” in HUGE letters. At the Convention center there was a sea of yard signs covering every entrance and scores of volunteers lined up outside waving posters and jumping about excitedly.

At each of the entrances there was a common display- A stand alone white door, framed by flowering plants, with a set of brick steps leading up to it. The door had a nameplate that read “Madame President.” It seemed to say that all that Hillary had to do was walk through that door.

On the main floor, in the area set aside for candidates, the Hillary “table” was a large pre-fab control center with computer check-in for volunteers who got color coded name tags linked to a staff member wearing the same color tag who coordinated the work to be done by each group. The booth dominated the entire area. It was slick, splashy, classy and oh-so professional. There was a training area screened off from the floor for new volunteers to train them in how to chant “Hil-La-Ry” (which had different tones for men and women); and to learn the day’s “Hillary-brief, the talking points.” Each volunteer got an itinerary telling them what to do, when to do it and where to be at precise times.

A countdown clock ticked off the minutes until her arrival. When Hillary arrived, a special flag went up above the control center to signal that the volunteers were all to be in position.  There was a high school band outside playing upbeat tones and a local choir inside singing spirituals…..as Hillary moved through the crowd, the volunteers chanted her name while the members of the choir called out: “You Go Girl, You Go Girl.” The chant and the call blended perfectly.

It was all so slick, so well organized, and obviously expensive.

Her speech at the Jefferson/Jackson dinner was carefully nuanced to appeal to the Blue Dog Dems who dominated SC Democratic efforts and as I think back on it THIS is Hillary’s natural audience- an Arkansas audience. Democrats who are really old GOP.

It was  impressive and a bit worrisome….her record, her policies were already a concern but on that day the assumption seemed to be “who else but her….”

The next day I picked up “Dreams From My Father” by Barack Obama.

A DISCLAIMER: With the midterms around the corner and the 2016 race on the near horizon, I find myself wondering where I will land this time around. Once thing I know, whoever the Democrats choose that person will be MY candidate as I have come to believe that any Republican, no matter who that person is, will be a bad choice for America because I have lost all confidence in the GOP. They no longer have any claim to credible leadership.

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Pete Geller
Pete Geller

I’m hoping for a candidate who isn’t in the corporate pocket. Bill Hicks did a pretty good bit on the issue…. 😉


Thanks, Murph. I saw Elizabeth Warren for the first time on her initial appearance on Bill Moyers’ show, at least a few years before she was called to government service. Before she finished her first sentence in response to Bill, I turned to my wife and said “She should be our first woman president; and if she runs someday, she will be.”

Kristin Gillebrand is also presidential material, and the hat is big enough for both of their names — as well as for a number of liberal and progressive men with great authenticity and integrity. The Democratic party is as full of good candidates — save Hillary — as the Republican party is empty of them.

And if I may paraphrase a famous saying (often attributed to Edmund Burke and also to John Stuart Mill, but never said in the actual words commonly quoted by either): “All it takes for the triumph of Hillary Clinton in the contest for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016 is for good men and women to do nothing.”

Turn up the burner under both ideas, Murph. Go Elizabeth, go Kirsten!

James Michael Brodie

I love Elizabeth, but there is a “Ted Kennedy” quality about her for me.

Let me explain. Ted may go down as one of the great senators in US history, but even when I supported his runs at the White House, I wondered if he could do as much there as he was doing in the Senate.

I feel the same way about Sen. Warren. I think her power comes from having a strong voice in the Senate — one that cannot be ignored or obstructed. It think that, as a progressive, she would face stiffer opposition from the Right than even Obama has.

Yes, Sec. Clinton is very much to the Right of Obama. But she is still far to the Left of anything the GOP can muster — I see only Christie or Jeb Bush even having a chance against her.


Hey Jim! I agree completely. EW is very pragmatic and she has said that she was elected to do a particular job (Senator) and she intends to do that job to the best of her abilities.

I’m not crazy about Hillary, but as you say, she would be far better than any fanatic the GOP is going to nominate. Rand Paul is their current front runner? Oh puleasssse! Ted Cruz? Hell no! Marco Rubio? Give me a break! Rick Perry? Fugitaboutit!


Brodie, yes Elizabeth may not be able to win but she can keep all the other candidates on point. Bernie Sanders is the same, he probably will not win but he will bring a lot of common sense issues to the forefront. I hope they both run to get the issues out there. They both are capable of guiding the conversation in the correct direction.


Murph, I’m trying to approach Hillary with an open-mind. She is such a polarizing figure, that I worry sometimes that I’m not being fair in my analysis of her.

Let me pose a question: What policies of hers do you disagree with or worry about?

My decision not to vote for her in 2008 was based on two things: A vague sense of unease that she was Wall Street Democrat in a time that would could not afford one. But I was mostly turned off by who she surrounded herself with. Leftovers from her husband’s campaigns, Mark Penn one of the heads of the slimiest law firm on earth, and her economic team consisted of some of the same crew that helped usher in the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

But with that, I find that I don’t disagree that much with many of her positions.

I find her attitudes toward homeland security too hawkish for my tastes
I find her bill to outlaw flag burning to be juvenile
She has very little to say about income inequality
Her past “all energy sources” energy policy is outdated
Her support of Labor is murky
Is an unequivocal supporter of Isreal and their claims

But she has very firm things to say about Climate Change
She is very critical of NAFTA
Voted against CAFTA
She unveiled what was essentially Obamacare during her campaign, so I expect her to continue to protect and enhance it, while being open to its evolution to single-payer
Her positions on immigration are quite reasonable and thought out.
She is very reasonable on gun issues.

She’s not a terrible candidate. But I will be watching very closely who she surrounds herself with.

A Sanders (as Democrat) and/or Warren candidacy would be very welcome to me to nudge and push the conversation where it needs to belong.

Like you though, a Clinton Presidency would be 1000x better than anyone the GOP will put up against her.

Plus, I have a sick/dark streak in me that would love to see Obama hand off the keys to the White House to her as RWNJ heads explode across the country.

Thanks for the trip back down memory lane.


HI Murph i do like the article.

Nothing worse the a women politician scorned.

Hillary = republoindyohdemcrat.

Improvisation is the key to a new HOOK & Jam out.

A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.


RSG — I’m not real impressed by “male politicians scorned” either.


Yes agreed!!!! especially the Far right or republicans!!

live long and prosper!!

A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.


Nicely done murph! I plan to wait and see….someone besides HRC will most certainly run who will not require some of us, including me, holding our respective noses from the dem base! hey, I can hope!


Murph, I’m in the same boat re Hillary. 2014 seems to be playing out the way 2007 did, with Hillary being the ‘inevitable’ candidate. But Hillary has never had the political instincts of her husband, and seems incapable of speaking extemporaneously without laying a giant goose egg. Her recent statement about being broke is exhibit A, and she did plenty of that back in 92–remember her ill-considered crack about not staying home to bake cookies?
She will not make it through the Democratic convention, imho. And I think she is the perfect GOP candidate–moderate, and not likely to go on a jihad against the moneyed interests. There is some really contentious business going on in GOP land–one of the GOP’s most famous Wall Street fundraisers, Georgette Mossbacher, has practically jumped ship on the party because of the crazy shenanigans of the Tea Party. Boehner’s turf war with Cantor (who had huge Wall Street backing) over emergency aid for NY post-Sandy alienated a whole bunch of donors from Wall Street. The country club GOP may be ready for a divorce from the Bircher loonies who’ve taken over the primary process.

I don’t know where this all goes. But it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the moneyed interests will bolt from the GOP if the primary voters find everyone but Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee too far to the left.


Sometimes it seems as though we’re going backwards in this country. I don’t care if the candidate is white, brown, blue, purple, black, Dem, or Repub, as long as her/his policies are sane and work for the majority of Americans. More power to her if she’s a woman, but not just any ole woman will do!


“but not just any ole woman will do” is the big mistake John McCain made. He thought by naming a woman, he could fool us. We are not that easily fooled.


Sue–unfortunately some people in this country are easily fooled, and still are by the likes of sp. I loathe that woman! And I loathe John McCain for unleashing her on us.


Sorry for being absent for a while. Yesterday, arriving from still another business trip, don’t ask me why, but the Manchurian Candidate was on my re-watch list.With little nuances, American politics have been stained for so many years.Albeit not being a paranoid, – at least that’s what I hope to see myself – I cannot fathom what is going on on American policies and yet I can.
WHY celebrate the 4th of July when you guys have allowed your country to become a xerox copy of Imperialism? Every American believe this is the “greatest” nation in the world for they have been manipulated into this fallacy. Yes it is a good country but not – by all means – the GREATEST one. Great countries do not have homeless vets, nor do they put profit before the well being of their population.What is worse: Americans have been exporting their worst food – fast food – to the planet all in the name of the almighty dollar. Your country corrupt those who are corruptible, taking advantage of those intellectually lesser ones. For the past 30 years, the WHO have recognized your exports, resume on selling drugs – legal ones – and food contaminated by GMOs.Hence, the world, civilized and industrialized ones, are also getting FAT.
Resuming – despite the opinions here about HRC – what is wrong about making money out off your own self? I abhor people who make money off of the misery of others. But not the way they do. Are they perfect? NO. Still, Bill Clinton is adored around the world trying to make poor countries better off. Your former president, the killer, the invader, the war criminal……painting infantile paintings.PEACE. to all. My vote would be to Sen Sanders…Or Elizabeth Warren.Then, we have to wake up and smell the coffee.How NAIVE can you be? I suggest you all to read this month’s Smithsonian mag issue to factually know what goes on yoy country – south side. XX



Hi and welcome from me to the Planet. I have been away for awhile.

I read your post and agree with most of it but you are lumping all Americans in to one pot(at least that is how it sounds – it could be your way of speaking) For instance – Americans did not export fast food around the world, the CEO’s of those companies did, just as they exported our jobs to take advantage of cheaper labor in other countries. I might add if the leaders of those countries had not helped, perhaps we would not be in this mess. It takes two to tango and the other countries around the world did, indeed, tango with America. It is the regular people who had no say.

I do agree there are a lot of Americans who are oblivious but there are also those of us who are actively trying to change things. Like I said, I am sure you did not mean to lump us all in a bad light. I just wanted to voice my opinion of how very different Americans can act and think.


Very well said, Sue. It’s never a good idea to to assume ALL citizens of a country or members of
a certain group think and feel the same.

I believe in everything in moderation — including moderation! 😉


Especially moderation, No Man, we are all adults. The internet trolls have messed up a great deal of what was once intriguing dialogue. Notafanof Arianna – I was not speaking of you, just want to make that very clear, I was talking about moderation of internet comments.


I know my dear.


Sue, have been a major fan of yours since HuffiPuffie which luckily , I have stopped visiting for almost a year now.Evidently I did not mean to lump all Americans on my post.I love the people ho comment and post here and have several extraordinarily good American friends.Perhaps I should have been more careful on my observation . I love your country but abhor the arrogant position of MOST the neoCONS.Good to see you here.Hugs and peace.Cheers.



No problem, I was pretty sure you did not mean all Americans. Had I thought that, I might have not been so nice 🙂 I remember you from HP days too although I have not been there in a long while.

Wonderful to see you here, as well as many others I recognize from those days. We all generalize, at times, I am certainly no angel in that department. We can agree on the Neocons but I would add the religious right to the mix as well. Looking forward to your posts and having meaningful conversations with you here. 🙂


My moniker FanofAriana alright.MEA CULPA… I am the first one to say generalizations are imbecilic hence I will ask AD Lib for deletion.It was wrong of me.I played like an ass hat…:)


EXFANOFARIANA, well you have been away a while and you are always busy.
YA many people can be lumped that way but not all. NO america is not the greatest country.
What once was the bill of rights is now in question. The constitution is being tore apart.

As a Native Indian mostly america lost its freedom when people started migrating here and then said well it is their land now. the constitution sealed our fate come 70 yrs from 1776.

What once was Arapaho land is now a very large national park of the same name. Where the Colorado river and the roaring forks meet was once an america Indian meeting place for the mountain tribes.
Some times with a few trades we hunted the plains of Colorado. their are many tales now all but forgotten by a few. I have hiked and fished more of Colorado then almost anybody. What happened to are home in the 1840 and on tell today.

Did you listen to any of ghost stories!

( the little White lies ) first song
IT was Tuesday of yesterday, i dropped by in my Chevrolet.
Going down after the girls, Like divers after purls.
Now Arvid has a line, that will win them every time.
I have a boat that is too big for the sea.
would you like to sail with me.

Nice trumpet/sax Moog synthesizer lead sections and arvid guitar lead is very good.

With all the friendship we have XO, XX to XO, XX

The ghost!!

pass this link around to friends that would like to hear My music from that old musician you know. Does the music go well at parties.


A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.


I completely agree with you, my dear RSG. Yes I’ve heard some of them.Not all as of yet.It was work and the World Cup.But what I did listen to, enjoyed it immensely.
Saturday and Sunday I’ve worked 14/hours a day.I am really exhausted.XX.Back to work.XOXOXO
I will pass the link around.


HI my favorite Nickname and piano player.
Yes your always busy. Yep if we lived close we would be a friend of yours.

Well i am glad you have listened to some. These Songs really portray early writings and up to when we lived in New Orleans ( Naw lins )

You can write me via e mail with specifics if you would like?? Will wait patiently!

With all the friendship we have D and R

A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.


I will. I sent a burn CD to my nephew in Ottawa for he is also a musician – drummer – and has a band.
We are already great friends. Lord knows how much I praise my digital family:).Way more than some “real” family relatives.Here we get to CHOOSE with whom we want to be friends and share our thoughts.Whilst family…we haven’t chosen them now, have we?LOL lovies to you and D.XX


Yes sometimes friends actually never meet.
I see your nephew, Drummer. I love to hire drummers when i can.

Hugs from Us both