America Film

In Dineesh D’Souza’s newest “psuedo-documentary”, on September 11, 1777  (yeah! 9/11) General George Washington is gunned down by a British assassin and in the next few moments we see the Statue of Liberty and the Faces of Mt. Rushmore crumble like dust into the air. This bit of alternative history serves as the starting point for D’Souza’s latest effort to half-bake history into a nice dessert for conservative audiences.

“America: Imagine the World without Her” has earned $4 million in two weeks showing in 1,105 theaters averaging $2,483 per theater putting it in 21st place among current films showing. That works out to about 310 people per theater.

It has a 11 percent “fresh” rating on the Rotten Tomatoes Tomato Meter BUT a 91 percent “liked it” review at the same site.

I am among those who did not like it. I am happy to say I did not pay to see it. I go to the same movie theater all the time.  Most Saturdays I join a group of friends there for a late afternoon film followed by dinner where part of our conversation is devoted to the film.

“America” was not on our list. Still I was curious. I had seen “2016: Obama’ America” D’Souza’s prior pitiful propaganda party. But I hated the idea of contributing a dime to anything he or his associates produce. So I did this time what I did last time- I snuck in. Actually, the manager gave me a pass because he was interested in my take on the show.

On the afternoon of July 6 I joined 75 or so others in a small theater. Most of them applauded several times. There were a lot of “uh huh’s” and “that’s right’s” from a number in the audience.  But the audience was not enthused and roused as they were by “2016: Obama’s America.”

I think that is because the arguments presented by the film are shabby ones and even those predisposed to believe in them found the effort half-hearted at best.

The opening “death of The Father of Our Country” is followed by a few more bits of psuedo-history which fail to even meet the low standards of the History Channel and seem tossed in to please folks who wear tri-cornered hats and wave Gadsden Flags.  The special effects are cut rate (a patriotic “Sharknado”?). The acting is amateurish and the casting laughable (catch a glimpse of D’Souza’s Lincoln below).

Lincoln America

Much of the film present D’Souza as an apologist for America.

D’Souza’s contemporary villains are radical-minded professors like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky who have, through the techniques Saul Alinsky supposedly learned from Al Capone, succeeded in making millions of black Americans, Native Americans, poor Americans, and liberal Americans angry and ashamed of the darkest parts of American history.

D’Souza marvels that Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States is “required reading” in hundreds of colleges (usually alongside other texts presenting other interpretive spins). He wags his finger at a “Good Will Hunting” clip in which Matt Damon endorses the book.  Zinn and company posit that slavery, the deaths of millions of Native Americans, income inequality, and the secret bombing of Cambodia are all bad things that should shade our understanding of American history. This apparently bothers D’Souza a lot. He caps off his presentation with Ward Churchill, a left leaning spinner of the fantastic, who suggests that it might be morally justifiable to nuke the USA.

D’Souza and several conservative pundits insist that anyone who still worries about American injustices fails to recognize that America is at heart a force of good in this world by and large faithful to the ideals set down in the Declaration of Independence.  In this light “the indictments of America,” in his words — really aren’t any big deal at all.

D’Souza points out that slavery was common, that there were even blacks who owned slaves and Frederic Douglas rejected the “Back to Africa” movement. He tries to make the case that it was really capitalism that ended slavery (or would have if not for “radical forces” that wanted to destroy the concept of states rights and launched an unnecesary war of Northern aggression).

He counters Noam Chomsky’s point that many Vietnamese do not regard the U.S. as a force for good. By showing scenes of American soldiers giving candy to Vietnamese kids and a reenactment of a fighter pilot being tortured in a Viet Cong prison camp.

His take on those who criticize unbridled capitalism by insisting that the hot dog vendors in Times Square are targets for anti-capitalists every bit as much as are the CEOs of NASDAQ companies. Then, in a baffling skit, D’Souza plays the proprietor of fast food joint called Delish Dinesh, chirping “Can I help you?” at customers in an Indian accent and then explaining to us that to make a hamburger at home would cost a consumer more than it would to buy a hamburger in a restaurant.

Over and over again, D’Souza comes back to that Lucifer inspired demon, Saul Alinsky who D’Souza says faithful followers Obama and Clinton serve. Clinton actually met him! She based her thesis on him! Their first meeting is actually re-enacted as if it were the centerpiece of a horror film, with scary music and sinister back lighting.

Which point to the one horror that D’Souza can not excuse; the one historical crime this nation’s founders could never live down is, of course, the radical, Alinskyite Barack Obama passing of the socialist health care plan

In the final minutes of the film, D’Souza gets personal admitting that he has been convicted of campaign finance fraud for acts that he says were an innocent mistake which his foes have transformed into a felony.  He implies that he is just the latest victim in an Obama effort to destroy his critics.

Here’s a quick look at the film trailer. Its appeal is obvious Dineesh vs. the Anti-American elites.

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Proud to be an Independent Progressive. I am a progressive- a one time Eisenhower Republican (from 1965 through 2004)who is now a Democrat. I live in a very RED STATE and am a community activist with a very BLUE AGENDA. I was a professor of history, and am now a researcher and gentleman farmer. My political positions are mixed - thus my preferred identification as a Progressive Independent. I am conservative on matters of military intervention, in regard to abortion, immigration, the public school system, gun rights, taxation, voter ID. But I am a traditional conservative, a Buckley, National Review, Eisenhower Republican..... I am a liberal on matters of health care care, funding education, taxation (yes one can be both liberal and conservative on this), civil rights, and alternative energy development/climate change.

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Though I am vaguely familiar with this cat, and what I mean when I say that is having picked up one of his ….dare I say it….books, and read just a few paragraphs, I put it aside with all due haste and continued to ignore anything else he produced as I would any tea baggers. but I had no idea about the movie and am thankful to you murph for your points of view and the heads up!


HI Murph, Thanks for this article. the discussion was great with all the things i have read in it so far.

If you really think about, This lady and Obama used musical tones to fire up the crowd and themselves.

As always, prosper in the things you like to do.

A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.


We need more of this kind of exposure everywhere. I commend you for covering a distasteful person and actually sitting through any more than 5 minutes of his trash. This stuff is not pretty, it is not right and it is mostly not true – PRECISELY why we have to bring it out in to the light.

Crap like he churns out cannot stay in the shadows. God knows we have Americans who are not savvy on theworld of the crazed tea birchers, it is important that we shine a light in to their crazy world. The more that is written, the better in my humble opinion. I would never have watched this anyway but I think it important that a true interpretation of it be published. Thank you Murph. I have a post coming out soon that will compliment this one. 🙂


Can’t wait to see it, Sherlock! I know it will be a good one because they always are.

As you stated, we need to expose the crazy on the other side. That is why I always included the Right Wing Idiot Cartoonist in the Funnies. You have to see how those people are being dumb down. It may help in understanding why they are as they are. (Was mine grammar correct there????)

Crazy are as crazy sees.


Thanks Watson, I hope the way it is presented it gets people fired up. That is what Murph is doing with this post and I commend him for it.


“Fired up, ready to go! “Fired up, ready to go!”;_ylt=Aj_vPwYBgalfhyC4izG29q6bvZx4?p=Fired+up+ready+to+go&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-764

Okay, I give up! Somebody else will have to get the video to play! I am old and Hot but not in Heat…..yet!


He told the story again in Iowa, the night before the 2012 election.


See how good you are! I couldn’t get one of them to play!


My dear friend, Watson

You put a simple V behind the https: httpsv: and your vid will show up. I just watched the one below again. I remember sitting with Tony watching this speech and hoping that we would win again and by 8 o’clock the next night I could write one single post on FB

Obama Wins

That is all I wrote and it felt good.


I always do that but for some reason it never works for me. I have a heck of a time with music videos, too. That is why I rarely post any.


Wonderful Buddy! Thanks for this video!


A little Dinesh, sliced and diced!


Murph, just click on the message Watch this video on youtube. It will take you to the video.


Excellent KT !!!!!!!! I rest my case. 🙂


That is brilliant, KT. Thanks so much for posting.

I feel for you, Murph. That’s 90 minutes of your life you’ll never get back again. 😉

I think there’s much to be said for treating this odious person the same way we do Glenn Beck here. We ignore him.


My pleasure Homie! 😉


I saw this interview KT and he took him to task.


I love it Sue! Maher showed him to be the little “rat,” that he is.


While I was watching it, I kept thinking, damn this guy is so full of himself he does not even realize he is being made to look like a fool.

Truly one out of touch person.


Bill made that jerk look like a jerk! Just by stating the truth.
I enjoyed it. Thanks for posting.


My pleasure Nirek.


HI Nirek, agree fully.

music will prosper on thru time!!


RSG, I would say that the hearers of music will prosper on, and not in the material sense. I will also say that true musicians, the ones that actually play instruments and write their own lyrics also prosper beyond the material sense.


Agreed Nirek with your whole post!

Did you get time too listen to the link?

Long life friend ( Miello ) Native Arapaho for friend.


RSG, I’m not quite sure who you are replying to, or what link you refer to?


Yes KilgoreTrout i did pass over your name. i was expecting Nirek to answer.
Please forgive me.

This link will lead you to some original music of mine if you like to listen?

3 musical pieces are provided.
Start with ( On the wings of love ) it was written for my wife.

ONE has vocals
( watching the change of the days) and ( Echo’s ) is a guitar duet!

I hope you enjoy them, if you want, when you get time.

The Ghost aka RSGmusic


No forgiveness necessary RSG! Sometimes the structure of these threads can be a bit confusing. But they do work, with continued familiarity.

I look forward to experiencing your contributions to music and verse.

Give me a day, and I will definitely watch your artistic endeavors. I am a poet, (a minor one) and I have an affinity for all artistic endeavors.

Thank you for your courage in presenting your work to all of us.


HI killatrout there was no reply box to answer your last post.

OK take your time on the music, you might be surprised.

You are A poet great!! Poetry can be put to music
as a story song. See the late Harry Chapen sp? ( cat in the cradle ) is one.

long life Friend!!


Murph, loved your quote of this being a “patriotic Sharknado”! That really says it all!

A self-parodying, ridiculous, exaggerated and outside of reality badly made film!

That photo of D’Souza as Lincoln is hilarious and so revealing about his need to feel important.

To watch a film made by a convicted fraud and believe it is more a reflection of the dishonesty of its fans than of D’Souza. He may be in denial about what a liar and fraud he is but any reasonable person who knows that he’s a proven and criminal fraud would not look to him as a voice of honesty.

I saw him on Bill Maher trying to advance this BS about, “Capitalism was ending slavery and then the North attacked the South anyway to damage them!” Sounds like ramblings he must have thought up during his campaign fraud activities, anyone buying that gets a free bottle of snake oil that will cure lumbago…just a small handling fee to get your free bottle.

And the rudimentary and racist propaganda he concocts from interviewing Native Americans and trying to portray them as anti-American (when they are the original Americans and D’Souza is the true racist and hater for demonizing them because of their race) is pathetic. Wow, those Native Americans are evil for being upset at the invaders from Europe launching a genocide against their ancestors and stealing their land, what bad sports!

So, a criminal and a racist who thinks black people being slaves is normal, Native Americans are assholes for holding a grudge against those who wiped out their ancestors and stole their land and thinking he looks like an American icon dressed up in a fake beard and stovepipe hat, is a hero to RW Republicans.

Who would’ve thunk that?


Thank you AdLib for this perfect comment on an article that somehow seems out of place here. This film is revisionist history at its worst. Why we continue to allow Dinesh and other known criminals on the right to continue to display this garbage in this nation is beyond me. The man IMO is simply disgusting, and so is his film and anything he is affiliated with.


It’s okay, Monica, Murph watched so none of the rest need to. Sometimes we have to have one of us peek through the curtain to see what the others are up to, so, we can prepare for battle.

D’Souza is an evil destroyer of history’s facts. Unfortunately, many believe him but they are the uneducated and don’t care to learn. I think we can out number them………….


I personally don’t believe anybody who post on this site hasn’t heard of Dinesh D’Sousa. I don’t believe his “work/art” or whatever it is should be promoted in any way. And, I really don’t need a critique of anything he does. I also don’t need to be informed as to what those on the imaginary other side of the curtain are doing, their filth fills the airwaves 24/7, anybody who doesn’t know about their antics aren’t trying to learn about them, for many a general idea is sufficient, enough to make them realize that anything anybody connected with them says or does is of little or no interest, especially when it comes to their using art and entertainment to try to make money from those ignorant enough to listen to them.


Monica, I had no plans in seeing the movie and I still don’t. However, I had no idea of the things that were in it that Murphy and AdLib have pointed out. Especially the Native Indians and how they were portrayed. I did hear something on the slavery but not as much as they have disclosed. Since my ancestry has Native Indian on both sides, of course, this false history ticks me off to the high heavens! I know now when someone comes out of the blue with “Those Native Americans are anti-American!” My answer would have been, “Where the Hell did that come from!” But, now it will be, “Oh, you saw that idiot D’Sousa’s movie. He is full of sh#t!.” And, I will take it from there. Anyone that knows me, knows that will not be a fun trip for them.

I understand what you are saying and your points are well taken. Hope you can see mine, for all that it matters.


I see your points SallyT..I too have Native American Heritage on my mothers side of the family. I might be getting a bit overheated because I realize oh too well the horrible misinformation D’Sousa tries to sell regarding American History. It irks me to no end.


Monica in response to your last one to me: No problem with getting overheated now and again. We ain’t dogs, so when in heat, we won’t have puppies! That is something to be thankful for. 🙂


I know we can — and do — Sally! 🙂


HI AdLib,
Being part Native America Indian this was so insulting to many of us. I have soften my view on genocide but it was close. Many times i do grit my teeth when Republicans say they are true America’s like they started the country. Yes your paragraph is very good to excellent.
Celebrating the fourth of July, independence day is both happy and sad for me. 1776 and in 1850 a mere 70 + yrs our lands where taken away.

prosper in music AdLib!!

A synthesizer can create any instrument made and others that have not be created yet.