
John Adams, our 2nd President and the leader of the independence caucus in the First Continental Congress, wrote that the most important duty of a citizen is to be constitutionally literate, and an ardent student of day to day events in the civic life of his state and his nation constantly wary of the temptation to let others think for them. Citizenship requires a disciplined mind and a commitment to informed participation in the life the republic. Adams would know.

Independence Day marks the nation’s founding on July 4, 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence

The day commemorates the conclusion of a debate that spanned a ten year period when the best minds in the American colonies grappled with the great ideas expressed by Enlightenment thinkers applied to identifying an effective remedy to the “long train of abuses and usurpations” by the Brtish Parliament and its executive, the monarch.

The decision to declare independence from the most powerful empire in the world was extraordinarily risky and the outcome of the war constantly in doubt.

Independence Day was the first national holiday establish to reconnect Americans with these “truths self-evident.” But it is these same truths that we increasingly take for granted.

Jamie Chandler, a political scientist at Hunter College in NYC, wrote: “Favoring talking points, flashy rhetoric and barbed insults over equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we’ve grown too cozy with acrimony and polarization. The rain of negative campaign advertisements, the disproportionate influence of money on this year’s presidential election, the efforts to prevent certain peoples from voting, and the larger problem that half the population doesn’t vote take us far from the Founders’ intent.”

In the words of Patrick Henry, one of the Founding Fathers: we are “responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society.”

How are we doing?

33% of voters think Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II.

45% said the U.S. would be better off with Mitt Romney serving in the White House, compared to 38 percent who said the country would be in worse shape.

40% approve of the job Obama is doing, compared with 53 percent who disapprove.

54% say the Obama administration is not competent at running the government.


In the closing moments of the musical 1776, John Adams, facing the critical vote for or against separation from England and the creation of a new nation on July 2 joins with G. Washington in a time when despair was appropriate in asking “Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care? Does Anybody See What I See?”

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Proud to be an Independent Progressive. I am a progressive- a one time Eisenhower Republican (from 1965 through 2004)who is now a Democrat. I live in a very RED STATE and am a community activist with a very BLUE AGENDA. I was a professor of history, and am now a researcher and gentleman farmer. My political positions are mixed - thus my preferred identification as a Progressive Independent. I am conservative on matters of military intervention, in regard to abortion, immigration, the public school system, gun rights, taxation, voter ID. But I am a traditional conservative, a Buckley, National Review, Eisenhower Republican..... I am a liberal on matters of health care care, funding education, taxation (yes one can be both liberal and conservative on this), civil rights, and alternative energy development/climate change.

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Gentle friend MurphTheSurf3, I agree about Obama continuing the Bush Administrations policies.

I was stunned. I thought he would arrest Bush, Cheney, and all their henchmen.

But instead he joined them in their treason.

And I can imagine a reality where we will never know why.

“It is an old tale. Catastrophe assaults the senses of a free nation. Fear, a tyrant’s only ally, is seized. Democracy, a despot’s greatest foe, is assaulted. The people, liberties only defense, are subdued. All in accomplice of those sworn, upon death, to protect them.”

A Future of the Brave


Painfully I must totally agree with your sentiments yet am curious just how those numbers will change once the President is out of office. Since the GOP seems to have pulled the wool over so many’s eyes, that can only last for so long. Once another (be they a Dem or Repub) takes office, I can’t help but think that opinions (hello “history”) just might shift.


Don’t necessarily disagree with your sentiment, Murph. But it’s a bit more complicated. I think a lot of people didn’t feel comfortable with either presidential candidate. There is absolutely no reason for me to vote locally in most NY State elections–the Dems have locked down the elections regardless of their corruption or incompetence, and the occasional republican challenger is a Tea Party creep. The state hasn’t gone Repub on a national election in decades.

And what do you do if BOTH parties are putting up incompetent and corrupt candidates? I don’t agree with people who say that Romney would have been better. But I can understand why large numbers of people are disappointed with Obama.


HI Misterbadexample.
As for President Obama being not trusted and unpopular is because many citizens do not know how congress works.
The USA should concentrate more on the congress having an 8 to 10 % approval rating. The supreme court approval with a rating of 5 %.
The GOP obstruction and media against Obama is right now winning.

The president has many accomplishments if he where a Caucasian his approval rating would be 55 or greater and he would not be question that he could run the country. This shows we have a ways to go on racial relations being equal.

Well to say the least Obama nd the dems policies have brought the USA out of a Hugh recession.
Bush 2 the NYSE 7000 Obama 16000 and fairly stable.
If you did not sell and stay your course of investments you gained all the money you lost and 1/3 more.
the gain also gave corporations revenue to invest. They have made record profits which has brought up the citizens 401 k’s and IRA , my 3 times as much.
the military and he got Ben laden and the Benghazi guy.
He brought back the last military guy to the US. Always we leave no one behind. Obama kept us out of wars spending only millions instead of billions. We are supposed to be broke and that saved a whole lot of spending. HE was successful with ACA in spite of all the blockage.
YA so blame him for immigration but never got a bill to sign. Obstruction by the TP/GOP has cost the USA 500 billion in filibusters and delays. Blame the GOP!! Obama has used very little veto’s. If any expensive bills got thru the GOP filibuster proof senate the GOP approved them!! Have someone and avg citizen follow him around for 3 days and see how hard is job is. Remember you are on duty every hour 365 days of the yrs.
Last, people want money out of politics, Obama is THE POOREST president in history. He makes a little less the a million a yr net and a total value of 12 million.
Tiny compared to all the rest. There is a list 174 points long on what he has done. Obstructed all 5 yrs!!
YA 41 point is not that low and if you average out over time. it is 55% or greater.
Polls are small slices in time and NOT very accurate although they say they are. 3000 against 250 million is not even trust worthy. Also the correct questions must be asked. If you listed his accomplishment over 174 point and greater he would have a very good rating.
Also He can not run again. IN 2014 are state elections and worth little about passing laws. If the gop pulls of the biggest fantastic dream of 51 senators the GOP still can pass a bill. IN other words all the can do is obstruct again.
IN 2016 the GOP has such a small chance at winning there will be another democrat for at least 4 yrs to 16 yrs. The GOP is not big enough now to elect a president.
Unless they get rid of the TP all together they will lose for 50 yrs!!

The one good light is a tragedy to democracy, the passage of the hobby lobby law will create the GOP losing seats in 2014 and they will lose the presidency again in 2016.

Mr Mitt Romney’s defeat should be forever be known as the worst last man of USA politics.

It is war that drives US politics for the republicans for they have a lot of military in the red states. OF course Religion is the reason the GOP officials and Supreme Court push so much. They really want the power of their religion to rule. Religious Wacko’s The FEAR factor at work.
Their base is fooled to say they actually know business and government.

debt ratio 2 = doubles the debt
party rank prez dollars Debt ratio

Dem 2 JFK Johnson——- 1.22

Dem 3 carter———— 1.42

Dem 4 Obama ————-1.44

Dem 5 Clinton———– 1.48

GOP 1 DDE—————- 1.10

GOP 6 bush 1————- 1.73

GOP 7 Nixon————– 2.0

GOP 8 bush 2————- 2.051

GOP 9 Reagen————– 2.86

The GOP creates debt like eating candy. They also spend billions to keep up the right bias of media.

Pete Geller
Pete Geller

That’s the issue I have MBE. Both parties are corrupt. We need to overturn Citizens United, get corporate money out of politics, set term limits and end corruption. Wasn’t that many years ago Boehner was passing out checks from big tobacco in the Capital. When you have corrupt idiots in the House and Senate for life, Monsanto running the FDA and the rest of the mess it’s not a matter of left or right but that the political system is broken…. There are some grass root movements that may help but I fear ‘we the people’ are up against too much….


Thanks for the great article. I am wondering if the poll numbers you reference are from that Quinnipiac Poll? Many people looked at the tabs of the poll and found that the majority were older voters, southern voters who voted for Romney. The poll was discussed at length on Twitter.


Murph, the movie 1776 is one of my favorites. In fact, just watched it on TCM. I also have the director’s cut and his comments on disk. They did take actual statements made from those in the Continental Congress and work into those songs. Of course, not all is to fact but I still love it.

I once had a school teacher say to me, “Sally, when you grab hold of a topic you become John Adams.” I must have looked funny at her because she next responded, “Study history and you won’t have such a sour look on your face with that comparison.” Well, I did and from that time forward John Adams has been one of my favorites. He was “obnoxious and disliked” (quoting him) but if it had not been for his commitment, well, we may have still went for independence but not as soon as we did.

Thank you for sharing with us on this 4th of July, Murph! See you in the funnies, hopefully!


This has been a reflective 4th of July for me.
My partner and I enjoyed our cookout..
Our canine and feline children enjoying bones of perfectly seasoned and slow-cooked spare ribs.
However, with the Supreme Court rulings of the past couple of days, I cannot help but feel disheartened, and sad for the current state of our union.
The republican party has succeeded in blurring the lines between the legislative and judicial branches of government.
With the Hobby Lobby decision, it is as if businesses will be treated as religious institutions, while Citizens United has seen to it that corporations are treated as people
In the meantime,real people are being relegated to a status of disposable, interchangeable worker drones, who’s sole task is to smooth the way for an easy life for the financial elite.
Those who by the way, take their easily acquired wealth, and quickly remove those monies from the American economy, stashing them away in safe-havens off-shore.
As Murph so accurately points out, the only solution to this imbalance is for ordinary citizens to educate themselves on how government actually works, and based upon that knowledge become political activists.
We didn’t arrive at this place overnight, and it will take commitment, (and many election cycles), to finally bring the country to the place our Forefathers actually envisioned.
Happy Fourth everyone,
Let’s get to work.


Hey kevin! Here’s hoping you and yours are enjoying the holiday!
Sounds a lot like the “children” certainly will! 🙂

You wrote, “As Murph so accurately points out, the only solution to this imbalance is for ordinary citizens to educate themselves on how government actually works, and based upon that knowledge become political activists” and now, I’m just wondering, appreciating that I’ve only been present on this plant (this time) some 60 odd years but, when and if that ever happened? Folks, politically educating themselves and becoming activists? Even in the 60’s most folks remained abysmally uninvolved, did they not? Are we asking for to much? If and when the apathy is ever corrected, I gotta bad vibe that it won’t occur in my lifetime.


VB, we have to spread the word that learning about how government works is good. Knowledge is power and we the people can become knowledgeable with a little effort and a computer.


Hi Vegas…
Yes, we’re all sated here after a nice cookout and good wine.
As to your observation, I suppose the catch word is “activist”….
As opposed to simply being an observer on the sidelines, and, hopefully, going to the polls every two yrs.
We have this wonderful tool at our disposal these days, the internet.
It can provide people with the means to truly learn how our government works, at all levels…
Federal, state, and local…and how one affects the other.
We can join or organize groups for discussion, and planning activities.
For example, while I was still in Te States, I did car pools for the elderly to get them to their polling stations.
Here in France, I’m very active in Democrats Abroad
It doesn’t really matter what specifically each of us does specifically, simply that each of us must do something.
I suppose there is apathy involved, but on the other hand, it could also be that people don’t know where to start, how to get involved.
Its crunch time.
Have a great weekend:)>

Pete Geller
Pete Geller

We definitely need to get the money out. The path is clear and many are fighting back. Please check out and have a safe, wonderful holiday weekend!


Murph, it takes thoughtfulness and a sense of responsibility to be a good citizen and those traits are sadly missing in a big swath of the population.

Being a citizen is a job, it takes work to follow what’s going on in one’s society and many just lazily listen to their favorite news shows/channels and simply suck up whatever the media pours out.

That is what I find the polling you listed reveals. It’s not as much a negative reflection of Obama as it is a negative reflection of the lazy in the electorate. How lazy minded to think, “Well, if everything isn’t going great, I guess the other guy would’ve been a better president”?

There is no evidence of critical thinking in such responses (I’m sure being at war with Syria and Iran right now, repealing the ACA and supporting the actions and agendas of racists, Wall Street, oil companies and billionaires would have made things much better for the same complaining Americans).

The subtext of this poll is what matters, not the context. People are upset because there’s not a lot being done to help the majority in this nation and had they been paying attention just a little bit, they would recognize that it has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with the Repubs in Congress.

So the nation celebrates with barbecues and fireworks…when many should be celebrating by educating themselves as is their duty as citizens.

Happy 4th to you, Murph and the many well informed folks who justify my optimism in this country and make up the membership of The Planet.


Great post AdLib.


Cheers, kevinbr38!


Hear, hear !!!!!


Excellent article Murph. It is a sad statement that today our general population knows less about how our government works than perhaps any other time in history. There could be several factors that account for this. I think the most important one, is that in the pursuit of the almighty dollar, many (if not most) scarcely have the time to live their life, staying informed is nearly a luxury.

While others may not agree, perhaps we need to look back to: “(U.S.) State of Georgia in 1777 (10 years before the adoption of the federal Constitution of 1787): Every person absenting himself from an election, and shall neglect to give in his or their ballot at such election, shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding five pounds; the mode of recovery and also the appropriation thereof, to be pointed out and directed by act of the legislature: Provided, nevertheless, That a reasonable excuse shall be admitted. —Constitution of Georgia, 5 February 1777, Article XII. This provision was omitted from the revised Georgia constitution of 1789.” – from Wikipedia.

How ironic is it that GA had this and is now one state of many that is trying to suppress the vote. Currently there are some 20 plus countries that have mandatory voting laws, although merely half enforce it.


SLM, I remember having a class in civics. They do not teach civics any more. I think that is a mistake.


Nirek, at the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I have to ask: do you think the absence of classes in civics is a deliberate omission? I think that there are certain parts of the population who have a lot to gain from the ignorance of the majority of the rest of the population.


Kes, I don’t know why they stopped teaching civics. I do know that when they teach history they leave out the harsh truths. I sometimes wonder the same though. Yes there are some parts of the country where they like to keep the people like “mushrooms” (you know , keep them in the dark and feed them horseshit).


Love that mushroom analogy, Nirek! 😆

Too true.

And yes — what passes for history in schools now is an incredibly “sanitized” version. The Civil War was only a difference of opinion over “states rights”? I think not. And labor history? Forget about it.


I can’t remember what union did this, but back when I was getting ready to go to college, I applied for a scholarship. It was small, I think it was around 100 dollars. That’s all you had to do to receive it was study up about unions and take a simple test. That 100 dollars sure came in handy…


HI Murph, I happen to watching the movie as i read your article. ON this day of independence have we forgot what the nation stands for?
Yes and no is the answer. This is the first time i have been wishy washy on a stance. OH the fire works stays a tradition and the day being a holiday.
One of the things we have forgotten is the USA was started to free ourselves of the christian religion of England.

the first amendment wording
No religion can make civil law against another religion or non religion bias to their religion.

— Thomas Jefferson

Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of
the common law.
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper,
February 10, 1814
Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of
the common law.
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper,
February 10, 1814
Believing with you that religion is a matter
which lies solely between man and his God,
that he owes account to none other for his faith or
his worship, that the legislative powers of
government reach actions only, and not opinions,
I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of
the whole American people which declared that their
legislature should ‘make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof,’ thus building a
wall of separation between church and State.

The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.
— John Adams

What influence in fact have Christian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society? In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyranny.
–James Madison

The taxes without representation was also a big hurdle that sparked this new country. The only thing is that not many will actually pay the correct level of taxes especially the TPGOP.

As for President Obama being not trusted and unpopular is because many citizens do not know how congress works.
The USA should concentrate more on the congress having an 8 to 10 % approval rating. The supreme court approval with a rating of 5 %.
The GOP obstruction and media against Obama is right now winning.

The president has many accomplishments if he where a Caucasian his approval rating would be 55 or greater and he would not be question that he could run the country. This shows we have a ways to go on racial relations being equal.

The one good light is a tragedy to democracy, the passage of the hobby lobby law will create the GOP losing seats in 2014 and they will lose the presidency again in 2016.

Mr Mitt Romney’s defeat should be forever be known as the worst last man of USA politics.