Hello Homies! I say Homies because we all share the same home, Mother Earth. Wise people everywhere understand that this planet is our home. It’s where we live and if we don’t care for Mother Earth, then where else do we have to go? It’s not like we can sell it and find another. Currently, there are no other listings that would suit us.It’s not like we can give thirty days notice and move elsewhere, and even if we could, we’d never get our security deposit back! 🙁
This weekend’s thread is about Earth, our environment, the weather and home. Pick your favorite environmental songs, songs about home and songs about the weather here on our wonderful planet . Don’t forget to smile while doing so. 😉

Harry Nilsson – The Most Beautiful World in the World
This one is for our good friends from down under.
Great selections, Nirek. Many thanks.
A world of our own…
We’ll never find another world, so lets take care of this one.
KT and I both climbed lots of poles like the lineman in the picture.
My horses loved clover…
Nothing better than a field of clover , the State flower of Vermont.
Pleasant valley…
Fair winds …
This song makes me feel like there is a future after all …
Sunshine on my shoulders…
We are the WORLD…
Go Pete!
For all those shivering Up Over!
Great pick PPO!