
The BBC’s investigative series, Panorama, broadcast tonight an investigation into the Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and it paints a picture of Tamerlan as having more in common with the GOP Right Wing and the Tea Party than Islam.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev subscribed to publications espousing white supremacy and government conspiracy theories.

(He)…possessed articles which argued that both 9/11 and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing were government conspiracies.

Another in his possession was about “the rape of our gun rights”.

Reading material he had about white supremacy commented that “Hitler had a point”.

Sounds more like the decor of Rep. Steve King’s vacation home on the Isle of White.

The documentary paints a picture of Tamerlan, the driving force of the bombing, as being very much like many of those Right Wingers who joined the Tea Party, an angry man who blamed and hated the government and minorities for the difficulties life had brought him. Apparently, what set him off on this terrible path was that his aspirations for a career in boxing were hampered by his not being a citizen. Sadly ironic that the GOP’s opposition to immigration reform is that making immigrants citizens would endanger America.

Many in the Tea Party have the identical mindset, their dreams for the future have been destroyed (by the economic policies of the GOP, the party they support!) and they blame government and minorities for it. To be clear, the path these people have chosen is to express their racism and hatred of government publicly as opposed to killing others so they are not identical to Tamerlan. At the same time, they are soulmates and they share a central motivation of hatred of our government and minorities (in the Panorama piece, a spokesperson for the Mosque Tamerlan attended described him as just an angry man who was “just a Muslim of convenience.”)

At the heart of terrorism, whether it is physical, violent terrorism as the Tsarnaev brothers exhibited or political terrorism, as the Tea Party GOP has exhibited in supporting budget and debt ceiling extortion of the nation (and might again), it is an internal, intense anger over their own impotence. Such people feel unable to change the disappointment or desperation in their lives and the resulting hostility pushes them to believe in hateful things and act in hateful ways.

Why is there a convergence of 9/11 Truthers and Tea Partiers? And Birthers? In general, such people need constant affirmation for their hatred of government so with every event that happens, from Benghazi to IRS investigations, the government (and GOP political adversaries, the Dems) needs to be an evil genius behind everything bad that happens…because they’re evil of course.

And white supremacy goes hand in hand with hating the government that protects the rights of non-white Americans “as if they were equals”. Remember Rand Paul’s interview with Rachel Maddow where he insisted that the Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional because it interfered with business owners’ freedom to practice racism? And he may be the GOPTea Party’s Presidential nominee in 2016.

Yes, Tamerlan hated the U.S. Government, the same U.S. government that many in the Tea Party hate. they are BFFs on that. Tamerlan subscribed to magazines for right wing extremists and white supremacists, just like some Tea Party members do. Tamerlan believed his hatreds were righteous and hurting others because of it was just too bad for them. Tea Party members support the GOP’s many actions to legislate prejudice against Latinos, make it legal to murder black teenagers coming home from the store, threaten the futures of millions of Americans by blocking the ability of government to function and work to take health care away from 30 million Americans, many of whom would die prematurely if they succeeded.

Don’t expect Fox News or the Right Wing Bloggers to acknowledge any part of Panorama’s investigation, they always seem to ignore or distract from any news that undermines the holiness of the hatred they push but as they continue spouting their anger at government and against minorities, keep in mind that Tamerlan might be looking on and nodding in agreement.

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KillgoreTroutAssumed NameKalimakesmarnAdLib Recent comment authors
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Here we go folks, the Panorama programme.


Thanks Itchy!

Assumed Name
Assumed Name

Excellent, Itchy.

Assumed Name
Assumed Name

(I *really* wish people would stop referring to the younger brother as a “kid”–he’s a killer.)


Hey AN. He is definitely old enough to know better.


This is related – I hope you guys can see it.

Assumed Name
Assumed Name


I’d like to see the report but the BBC video stream isn’t available in the US via BBC. If it repeats on television, or if you find the 30 minute program or a few segments elsewhere on the web (I couldn’t after a cursory search), please let us know. (The mixture of American white supremacy and increased willingness to use violence as politics is mind blowing…without intending to sound paranoid, we are closer to Hitler’s Germany than many realize.)



AdLib, I’m going to make a point of watching that BBC documentary now.

You may have seen this video made by the police chief (!?!?!?) of Gilberton, Pennsylvania, Mark Kessler. {{Strong language alert}} How different is the “head” that this RW extremist is in from the frame of mind of the Tsarnaev brothers? There’s hardly any daylight between them, in many ways, as far as I can see. Anarchy is anarchy.


Good Lord kes, absolutely clueless as this treaty has nothing whatsoever to do with gun sales or owning a gun in America. It has to do with what is exported to other countries. So “uck you” too you ignorant moron, and stop taking orders from the criminals in the NSA. Of course the gun manufacturers make money from secret deals to rebels in other counties like trouble spots in Africa.

Domestic terrorism in the making. No facts, no truths just anger for nothing. Sickening.


So true, Kalima. That UN treaty is totally unrelated to his alleged “cause.” This is where RW radio broadcasts (and FOX-type “news” sources) come in, I think. They get these types cranked up on false paranoia (because they want to sell them gold at inflated prices and dehydrated “survival food” packages and guns) and then turn them loose.

The fact that this man is in a position of authority in PA is genuinely frightening. Wouldn’t you hate to get on his bad side?

Domestic terrorism is the same phrase that occurred to me, too. There Tsarnaev brothers had reached the same fever pitch of anger — apparently inspired by info from many of the same sources.

Assumed Name
Assumed Name

He’s in Pennsylvania? (I swear he’s dressed for a Michigan Militia meeting.)


He does look like that, Assumed. It seems that a number of these types would rather look like special forces military men than Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry; that’s for sure.


Middle aged, no hair, big gun.

I rest my case.


Wow, major, major nutjob! These morons have no concept of the social contract.

He may think he’s a real badass, but if the government came for him, they would get him. Most likely, he would be killed in the process. He kind of reminds me of Bush telling al Qaida to “bring it on.” One of the dumbest comments ever made by a sitting US president.


KT and friends, if your stomachs are strong enough, you can watch this video of his “apology” for the first video. Total arrogance. Definitely comparable to the Bush “bring it” statement:


One arsehole against how many? Roid rage or insanity. For this he should be sacked, he’s a danger to the whole community. If he carries on like this hopefully he will be arrested for something or other soon. I bet he’s being watched.


As well he should be, Kalima. As Assumed said, this town will be held responsible for whatever he does when (not if) he totally snaps. They’d better do a pre-emptive sacking while they still can. 🙁


Well I can think of a few things already. Endangering wildlife. Littering with shell casings, and then there were the threats against the government and those who found his off the wall first video disgusting.

As I said, he’s a real idiot posting that ridiculous video on YouTube because now he really is being watched by the Feds. Straightjacket and Prozac might be the next step for him. What a waste of precious oxygen.


kes, I agree, but that might be the thin straw that breaks the camel’s back. I think he should sacked and locked up for mental health observation. Preferably for the next 20 or 30 years. But, we don’t do that in America, but with this cement head, it sure is tempting.


This guy is certifiably insane, and I mean that literally. There is no way he should be in law enforcement, let alone hold the rank of chief! Nice job FOX and Limbaugh and Palin. This whacko sounds like he just can’t wait to shoot someone. He belongs in a rubber room with a locked door.


Agreed, KT. I wonder if the town could insist on a psych eval before the 30 day suspension is up, and then use the results of that to get him out of that job before he really hurts someone.


Maybe I can e-mail his superior and suggest just that. His superior may be just as crazy as this guy is. That’s a scary thought.


That’s some good shite yer talkin’ there, Itchy. Scary but good.


Adlib, if these people hate America so much , why don’t they leave?


I watched this earlier and it would seem that the political and law enforcement classes in America don’t want to accept the obvious if it flies in the face of their current mindset(s). The Muslims are ‘other’. They don’t believe in the right god. They don’t wear the same clothes or pray in the same way. They look ‘funny’. They kill Americans in their strange foreign lands ferchrissakes! And above all, they’re jealous of your freedoms – that’s why they moved to America in the first place. Yes, they hate it (NOT my twisted logic – I’ve heard it all too many times from those on the right). In order to continue funding the MIC which now seems to include law enforcement, a certain level of fear needs to be maintained.

Could it be that there’s no money in feeling safe? No jobs for the boys doing consulting work when their current government tenures have expired? From my perch on the outside they seem to know that they and their families will have nothing to fear from the surveillance state because they’re known commodities. They’re identifiable ‘patriots’. Not so the ordinary citizen. Of course in America, rampant and unregulated capitalism is a good thing. It’s encouraged and has no moral obligations attached. It doesn’t matter if the ‘patriots’ are selling their fellows down the river for a buck, they will have become one of the ‘insiders’ – immune from suspicion because of their jobs and contacts. A quick phone call to the ‘right’ person would clear them of all suspicion and doubts about their intentions. ‘He/she is one of us’.

So in essence, it is my belief that the people who say they love America the most are the very people who are engineering her downfall. Soon it will be an open conflict between the haves and the have nots, the suspicious and those above suspicion, paramilitary law enforcement and the guy/gal on the street. It’s going to start with the Muslims but that’s not where it’s going to end…

This is all bullshit of course. I just enjoy talking shite. 😉


I think that the republicans are doing a fine job of destroying themselves since they got in bed with the T’s. Rand Paul versus Chris Christie? Popcorn please

Assumed Name
Assumed Name

I don’t know, Beatlix…I keep seeing bumper stickers that say otherwise regarding their popularity: lots supporting Chia Pet, lots of silly snakes, lots of anti-Obama, and, most of all, lots of second amendment fanaticism.