kesmarn : Good day to everyone! Sorry I faded out there. Phone call. But what a wonderful event. See you all later.
AdLib : Thanks to everyone who joined us for President Obama’s inauguration and our live chat today! Hope to see you Friday night for our weekly live chat, Vox Populi! Have a great week!
glenn : Thanks AdLib.
AdLib : Thanks glenn, glad you were here! Have a great day!
AdLib : See you then, Murph! Hail to the Chief indeed! Well done all on making this day come true!
glenn : Bye all! What a great morning, and I enjoyed spending it with all of you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks to one and all for the opportunity to share this day with you. See you all at Vox on Friday. Hail to the Chief!
AdLib : AB – Great seeing you here, we did indeed do it!
glenn : Happy inauguration day and MLK day to you too Choice Lady. See you soon!
AdLib : Have a great day CL! Cheers back to you, a very memorable MLK Day indeed!
choicelady : I’m signing off to go do something – don’t know what – with my husband who has cabin fever! We are celebrating with a road trip, maybe the mountains, to find fresh air, scenery, a good lunch. Happy Inauguration Day! Memorable Rev.Dr. MLK, Jr. Day!
AlphaBitch : Sorry- had to check out. Now it’s time to get to work for a while. Love to all, and WE did it!
choicelady : Murph – that WAS magnificent! Each name an echo of great struggle. He linked them all. I’d have added CA and Wounded Knee, but the laundry list is less effective than the clear metaphor.
AdLib : Heh! Borhner and Cantor trying to keep pleasant smiles on their faces, that’s the hardest work they’ve had in the last 4 years.
AdLib : Signing nominations for cabinet positions, it would seem to be typical. Anyone know if it is?
AdLib : I can see this speech having a subtle resonance as the weeks and months go by, especially in contrast to the simple hatreds and dishonesties of the GOP.
AdLib : Wonderful sentiment, CL!
AdLib : CL – I don’t think there was anything in this speech for emoprogs to have any legit argument against…not saying that they won’t concoct them but anyone who had trouble with this speech is not committed to Progressive principles.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL when Obama invokes Seneca Falls, Selma and Stonewall he is identifying himself with the struggle that West can only provide wind and fury for.
choicelady : It is here, at the Planet and other sites devoted to thoughtful reflection that the voices of compassion and civility will prevail AND lead. That doesn’t mean we can find humor in extremists and their extremism, but we have always been people who lead with principle not anger. It is part of the turning of the times that we do these things. It matters that there are places were thought and reflection are the most important aspects, leaving anger and division to trail in their wake. Thanks to all who participate in these discussions.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- Cornel West has done one significant thing. He wrote “Race Matters” and has been nothing but trouble since. He, and others in his club, take every opportunity to cut the legs out from under Obama because he does not play by their rules and he has not asked them to become his kitchen cabinet.
AdLib : West is the traitor that he tries to label Obama as. It’s all about West’s pompous ego, he felt rejected by Obama by not being invited to the 1st inauguration and not given meetings with Obama. Like the Baggers, West realizes that Obama’s election and position makes his less necessary and he will be a hypocrite to fight for relevancy.
choicelady : Murph – yes, it IS progressive. It DOES require us to work. So faux progressives will still bash him even as he leads the rest of us to fulfilling their wants.
choicelady : AdLib – this morning Cornell West said it was vile for PBO to use Rev. King’s Bible without embracing the struggle. Oh? His entire work has been to keep that alive. West, liar that he is, pretended he’d been shackled and abused after being arrested at an Occupy event. He was cited and released – and to my knowledge has NEVER participated in anything significant on behalf of civil rights.
AdLib : Can we dispense now with America being a center-right nation?
AdLib : Murph – An ideal speech for our times. We are at a point where the people who became apathetic in the past, are called to action because there is no other way to defeat the forces that would take America for themselves.
MurphTheSurf3 : His Inaugural Address….readi ng through it….a Progressive manifesto….rea lly quite extraordinary.
MurphTheSurf3 : WHAT A FINE DAY. Not self congratulatory. Not self effusive. Not self aggrandizing…. .instead a call for balance, community, rooted in reality but still reaching out and forward.
choicelady : AdLib – The very notion of Victoria Jackson as an inaugural speaker gives me heartburn!
escribacat : I think climate change is the most important issue at this point.
AdLib : CL – I agree with you and Murph, there will be more of these extremists who sense that their day is over, they lost and there’s nothing left to lose. A dangerous time but also a time when such people will inspire more and more Americans to come out against them. It will be an accelerated tailspin but dangerous.
escribacat : Murph, she is amazing.
choicelady : Murph – Michah rocked, no doubt. He’s considered one of the prophets of the coming massive transformation from narrow tribalism to universal love. Works for me.
escribacat : Glenn jinx!
MurphTheSurf3 : Beyonce!!!!! I am always wary of these “interpretation s”- they take a poor national anthem (words and music) and so often make it worse. In this case……she elevated it….my goodness.
escribacat : Adlib — or Ted Nugent
glenn : AdLib–or Ted Nugent! Shudder!
AdLib : Instead of Beyonce, Kid Rock would have sung a hatcheted version of The Star Spangled Banner.
choicelady : AdLib – I do think 2010 will be their highwater mark – but Murph is right. They are not going down without a dangerous resistance. That happened in the 90s and touched me personally. It scares me a very great deal to think of going through it again. Dr. Tiller’s murder in 2009 was just one. I fear there will be more and different types of violence now.
kesmarn : Glenn, yes. That electoral college situation really needs to be addressed.
AdLib : had Romney won, we would have heard a paranoid monologue by Victoria Jackson instead of a reciting of poetry.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….hard to do better than the Prophet Micah
glenn : Beyonce and the U.S. Marine Band. Now there’s diversity!
AdLib : Murph – Indeed, as they are cornered more and more, the extremists will become more extreme in word and deed. They need to be watched closely and considering all the threats the Secret Service receives against Obama on a daily basis, I think it’s a major focus of theirs.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….yes, it was the correct decision, but one that I think was made by all involved including that clergyman.
choicelady : That is the Bible passage we in my organization totally follow. Seek justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God.
glenn : Murph–you’re right. As I said Friday night, this electoral college nonsense scares me the most!
choicelady : Murph – I totally agree. Violence attended all of Clinton’s administration. I fear it will not change now.
AdLib : Murph – Disgusting and transparent, their poor camouflage no longer seems to be working, even with the media. The majority of Americans now see the GOP for the greedy, dishonest and hostile people they are and their trajectory downward seems to be unavoidable.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…the desperate efforts of the GOP legislatures to rig the electoral college that are now unfolding speak to the passing of the extremists. But like all wounded animals, they are more dangerous now than ever.
glenn : “mistrust, rancor, and prejudice will rule our hearts.” Describes the t/partiers perfectly!
AdLib : CL – I think the window of opportunity for extremists closed after the 2010 election, people were so desperate, making them easy prey for the extremists and their simplistic hatreds and dishonest proposals. It does seem that it will be a gradual process though, too many extremists remain, they will become more and more abandoned and isolated with each year, especially as the desperation that comes from a dismal economy and joblessness is left behind.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I am reading through the stories of the GOP’s “anything but the inauguration” ploy…..started with the NYT and it is so disgusting.
choicelady : Murph – indeed. Blanco is perfect. Glad they dumped the vicious clergyman who is so vile in his homophobia.
escribacat : Wow
kesmarn : I was just going to say the same thing. I like this poem
AdLib : “Sometimes guessing at the weather of our lives,” very cool.
choicelady : Maybe, just maybe, we are beginning to turn the corner on furious extremism. His election showed the majority understand. We have been on an extremist march since at least 1964. It’s time to turn that corner back to where we were most strong – when things were shared. Now we can work to include those excluded last round. It will make us stronger, make us more prosperous, make us more enduring.
MurphTheSurf3 : Richard Blanco- son of Cuban exiles, Hispanic, gay, and a fine poet….this one is a keeper
AdLib : Escrib – Agreed, this is a wonderful piece.
escribacat : I don’t usually like political poetry but this guy is really good.
AdLib : Murph – Yes, I remember that and I think all Americans appreciated the principles of the Dems then. There is nothing that I can think of that brings respect for today’s GOP, they operate like bullies and brats, like children with no morals, just the mandate that they satisfy themselves at the expense of anyone and anything.
glenn : AdLib–let’s just hope your “reasonable people applies to Congress!
kesmarn : Agree!
MurphTheSurf3 : AD LIB…I recall that Bush’s first inaugural had a very large Dem turnout….a statement of their desire to reach beyond the contentions election and even more contentious, and inherently divisive Supreme Court decision.
AdLib : glenn – That’s why I said “reasonable people”, these unreasoning, hateful people are beyond the ability to comprehend anything that doesn’t affirm their hatreds and prejudices.
AdLib : I do think Dem politicians would have the class to be there.
glenn : AdLib–wish I could be as hopeful, but if we were on another thread right now, I bet you would hear the righties all complaining about how President Obama has trampled the Constitution and their rights, and all of their other BS! But, of course, the key word in your question is “reasonable”.
AdLib : To be fair, I don’t know that Dems would be braving the cold to celebrate a President Romney inauguration.
AdLib : After this event, how can any reasonable person come away without a feeling of hope, togetherness and inspiration?
choicelady : AB – that’s a GREAT way to say it: THIS is Citizens United.
MurphTheSurf3 : The GOP jaunt to Vegas. Here is the link… «link»
glenn : I love to listen to President Obama when he’s “fired up” for a speech. I think he’s a great orator, as well as an intelligent, gracious human being!
kesmarn : You betcha, AdLib!
AdLib : Las Vegas is an ideal place for prostitutes, no surprise the GOP Elite went there instead of sharing our national day celebrating our democracy.
AdLib : Kes – Well, they did the same thing the day after the inauguration in 2008 to plan on how to stop Obama’s plans and make him a one term President.
MurphTheSurf3 : How long was that….? It seemed short, but so full…..
AdLib : The only path out of plutocracy and the chains of the wealthy is for Americans to take on the responsibility of being a citizen and that is much of what his speech seems to be about.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….really… ..are they really that stupid……that nasty…that narrow….that mean….that self-destructive ….yes!
AlphaBitch : Kes – prolly watching strippers as well. Let’s hope they took cash and aren’t so dumb to use CC
AlphaBitch : THIS is Citizens United!
MurphTheSurf3 : An oath to the people to the constitution, not to a faction or a party.
kesmarn : Check out the article on the Planet Twitter feed that says 100 plus Repubs booked a trip to Vegas to boycott this event, lick their wounds, and plot anew. Classy.
AdLib : AB – So true but it’s nice to have such a day to savor a victory against them
AlphaBitch : My daddy was amazing too.
AlphaBitch : I hope so, Ad
AlphaBitch : Don’t rest on your laurels, Ad. The greedy and powerful will be with us always.
AdLib : AB – He’ll always just be Dad…but a Dad they know is amazing.
glenn : “Act in our time.” Get busy republicans/tpar tiers!
MurphTheSurf3 : this is a stronger speech than his fist one BECAUSE it is both aspirational and realistic…..so me Presidents are beaten down their first terms, not Obama, not at all.
AlphaBitch : Do you think his girls realize what an amazing human being their daddy is???
AdLib : Yes Murph, thanks so much! This is a moment I was very much looking forward to, Obama’s victory as much as a defeat for the greedy and powerful.
AlphaBitch : He’s SuperPrez.
MurphTheSurf3 : GOOD LORD…..he is hitting…..well , EVERYTHING…bol d, bolder, boldest…
AlphaBitch : Immigrants and voter suppression.
AlphaBitch : Woot!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….you did realize that I was praising you for keeping us very much in touch with the reality….beati ng Romney was so much more of a triumph than McCain…..the odds were so stacked against O, but you never lost faith….so keep on reminding us.
AlphaBitch : San Antonio has the biggest MLK march in the country, FYI. I’m missing today to watch the speech.
glenn : Good tribute to MLK!
AlphaBitch : MLK!
AlphaBitch : I can’t even imagine Mitt’s whining voice. It’s about the voice for me – what soothes me, what inspires me – vs. what scares me and what grates on my last nerve.
AlphaBitch : Hey hey Ad – I’ve got a cowlick the size of Wisconsin!
kesmarn : I think it ‘s a good thing to remind ourselves of what a different day this would have been had Romney Ryan succeeded in buying this past election
AlphaBitch : Eating spinach…
AdLib : Ryan’s in the bathroom angrily grumbling while trying to comb his cowlick down.
AlphaBitch : HA Murph!
AlphaBitch : No cat, but I will.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB….A guess, Ryan and a group of fellow “patriots” are meeting at a “private room” at a Denny’s to plan how to make Obama a ONE AND DONE PRESIDENT….yea h, they are that far behind the times.
AlphaBitch : Glenn – glad I missed it. He looks like Popeye to me
escribacat : Have you folks seen the film “Chasing Ice”? Highly recommended!!
glenn : AB–yes they showed lyin ryan entering the Capital. He’s there.
AdLib : Escrib – Yes, climate change needs a loud, confident voice leading the charge, shrugging off the frauds opposing it. Like this very much.
AlphaBitch : Chris Hayes is smiling I bet!
glenn : I love the way President Obama is turning the righties “talking points” on their ears!
AlphaBitch : Anyone seen Ryan today?
kesmarn : I like the “We, the People” theme
AdLib : Sorry Romney/Ryan, Maker/Taker just got slammed!
escribacat : Thank you for talking about climate change!!!!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I find it grating that you keep comparing Obama to Eomney………. I also find it extraordinarily appropriate. ELECTIONS ARE CHOICES.
AdLib : It does indeed seem that the theme of this speech is about America as a community.
glenn : Great line! Caring for the generation that built this country against caring for the generation of the future.
AdLib : AB – We’d have to take a poll but I would bet we have a pretty impressive percentage of folks involved in OFA and other political action.
AlphaBitch : I’m joining today, Murph. How many percents will that be Ad???
AlphaBitch : Amen again, Ad.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB, joined OFA this weekend.
AdLib : Can’t help but appreciate Obama’s sincere principles in contrast to what a President Romney would have been espousing.
MurphTheSurf3 : Now who was that girl yawning during the President’s speech! HAH!…I recall Barack’s statement to Jay Leno that the thing that most impressed his girls about Marine Corps I (the helicopter) was that there was always candy at the seats!
AlphaBitch : NO ONE should be able to take away someone’s vote. Gerrymandering? Executive action, please.
kesmarn : The call to unity. Thank God be never gives up on calling us to be a community.
AlphaBitch : Why I want to quit, Ad. Why I want to work.
AdLib : Good point, AB!
AdLib : Truly, the only way Obama can accomplish important things in his second term is if Americans are active and motivated.
AlphaBitch : We should get 100% participation in the OFA, Ad. That should be a goal of PPOV. Or at least for active members.
AlphaBitch : Perserving individual freedoms requires collective action. Love that!
glenn : Go President Obama! Take that “personal responsibility away from those righties!
AdLib : Will he call upon Americans to do much more? You bet!
MurphTheSurf3 : Went to a Prayer Service yesterday evening in anticipation of the day….The theme: “THIS WAS NO ACCIDENT BUT RATHER A DESTINY WE HAVE CHOSEN.”
glenn : AB–My personal opinion is that Ann Romney is a selfish, shallow bitch.
AlphaBitch : Get it, O.
AdLib : “The privileges of a few” and “rule of a mob”, that about covers the GOP.
AlphaBitch : I’m glad I’m not looking at Ann Romney. That is my pursuit of happiness, I have to say.
glenn : Murph–Me too!
AdLib : Invoking Lincoln, how could he not?
kesmarn : Yaaaaaaaaaay!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB and Glenn…thank you…a little teary eyed right now.
AdLib : AB – That was a gorgeous shot of the crowd.
AlphaBitch : There’s a million folks march right there, folks.
glenn : Murph–Amen!
AlphaBitch : Pat yourself on the back, Murph
AdLib : Can’t think of another President in recent history with so many big and historic accomplishments.
AlphaBitch : Was it????
MurphTheSurf3 : THE 44TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES…..to think we could have done this twice!
escribacat : AB — that was Khirad wasn’t it?
AlphaBitch : Mimosas for all!
kesmarn : With a gun slung over his shoulder…Nugen t that is.
escribacat : Hoorraaaayyyyy!! !
AlphaBitch : Which Planet person was it that took that great trip on the Civil Rights/south? Pepe?
glenn : YEA! Four more years! Yes we can!
escribacat : Yes, I’m still amazed he did that!
AlphaBitch : Yeppers
AlphaBitch : Ecat – with the ACA
escribacat : Oh, you mean health care reform.
escribacat : AB — what do you mean?
AlphaBitch : I lub Joe too. “Always and forever” like they said in Napolean Dynamite.
AdLib : Woo hoo!
AlphaBitch : Cheers for Roberts, guess cuz he defied Scalia and did what was right.
choicelady : AB – On Oprah Biden said he’d wanted the same. But he said, “We got it right. We got it right.” I LOVE him for that!
AdLib : CL – I think it’s just presentation-wis e, you swear in the VP first and save the biggest and best for last.
AlphaBitch : POTUS stands for Taylor. Woot.
glenn : Aww, kes– be nice. It’s a happy day!
AdLib : If Romney had won, Ted Nugent would have been singing America the Beautiful…with a few added lyrics no doubt.
choicelady : Don’t they swear in the Veep first – just in case? Not to mention the ceremonial preference for ending with the ‘main event’.
kesmarn : I missed Scalia’s hat. Tall, pointy, with the word “Dunce” on it?
AlphaBitch : JAMES TAYLOR! Let’s see if he sings better’n Mittens.
glenn : Love James Taylor!
AlphaBitch : I love Joe, too. When the primaries were beginning, I wanted a Biden/Obama ticket. I’m happy either way.
glenn : Murph and AB–it just looks dorky on Scalia.
glenn : Love Joe!
AlphaBitch : I like the look, Murph.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…the hat is a traditional cap worn by judges in Europe. Most commonly seen in Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic Nations.
AlphaBitch : OOpsy Joe
AlphaBitch : “Find the good and praise it”
AlphaBitch : Does Scalia have a rocking cool hat on?
choicelady : Excellent Lamar! Excellent!
AlphaBitch : Course we do. We’re Planet people. “Find the good and praise it”
glenn : AB–wow–great minds think alike!
AlphaBitch : Finkle dinkle, Glenn
MurphTheSurf3 : LAMAR- A moderate, southern Republican….ni ce touch
choicelady : The Prez is wiping his eyes. Why? He is not aware he’s being seen I think.
glenn : “the restraint to respect the results”
AlphaBitch : “restraint to respect the results”. Let’s remember that.
AlphaBitch : Better than my Lamar from TX (Smith)
choicelady : AB – Yup. Lamar done good with this.
AlphaBitch : Nice quote, Lamar
choicelady : Murph – yes, I’ve never liked this song, but I DO like “truth is marching on.” You might like “Rebirth of a Nation” about our very Protestant desire for chaos and rebirth. We’re sort of demented that way…
MurphTheSurf3 : Histories of the Battle Hymn at «link» and «link» HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON!
glenn : What a set of voices! Well done!
glenn : Oh my!
AdLib : I wish that national unity wasn’t only reserved for celebrations and tragedies. If only it was a daily one…but that would put the news networks out of business.
AlphaBitch : Sorry that was divisive. It was an early morning talk.
AlphaBitch : The Blov and I were talking about the two political parties. We may be seen as the party of dreamers and fools, but I prefer that to the party of liars and cheats.
glenn : Love the diversity in the choir!
MurphTheSurf3 : The Battle Hymn of the Republic….the hymn that elevated the cause of the most terrible war in our history to a holy crusade….oh my!
AlphaBitch : I’m goosebumply
kesmarn : Murph, thanks for posting the lyrics. How appropriate!
glenn : This song makes me cry and today makes me proud to be an American.
choicelady : The red of their coats or robes is stunning. And yes – glad it’s not the Mormon one…
AlphaBitch : Thanks Murph. Those are keepers!
AlphaBitch : Brooklyn Tab Choir. Wow. so glad it’s not the Mormon one – I mean Pres
choicelady : Murph – I NEVER knew those words! Thank you so much!
AlphaBitch : Ha ha good one Joe.
MurphTheSurf3 : Amen, so be it.
AlphaBitch : Hey Frennie, Murph and Glenn! And CL and Ad.
AlphaBitch : Amen.
MurphTheSurf3 : I posted the lyrics to Hail to the Chief when I said hello….they are so apropos….One more time….Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation, Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all. Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call. Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander, This you will do, that’s our strong, firm belief. Hail to the one we selected as commander, Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!
choicelady : Murph – I so hope you’re correct! All the naysayers looking at recent past second terms think he will not do well. They said that at the beginning of the last 4 years, and he has overcome.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes and AB…Hail!
MurphTheSurf3 : It occurs to me that the COLD AND WINDY day of the FIRST INAUGURATION may have been a foreboding omen of the four years that were to come. I only hope that the unseasonable warmth of this day in DC is an omen as well for better days to come.
choicelady : I cannot understand people who are not energized by a nation that is diverse AND stable in that diversity. I cannot understand the preference for class division over economic stability. Makes NO sense to me not to celebrate this president, the possibilities, the future of peace and sharing.
glenn : Hi Kes and AB–don’t think I’ve said good morning. What a great day!
kesmarn : Hey, frennie! Watta day, no?
glenn : AdLib–Pretty damn cool is right, or I should say correct, since right has such negative connotations nowadays.
glenn : Murph–Awesome!
AlphaBitch : Ecat! Let’s go soak. Maybe the Obamas can join us!
AdLib : glenn – Indeed. I can’t help also recognizing what it says about this nation when someone with Obama’s family history is being inaugurated President instead of Mitt Romney and all he represented. That was the choice America made, pretty damn cool!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL I probably never made note of it since so much of our time on the Planet has been engaged in conversation about the struggle….so today, we celebrate.
escribacat : Hey there, AB
AlphaBitch : Whoo hoo! Made it. Go POTUS!
choicelady : Myrlie Evers is one of my heroines, losing her husband so brutally then going on to Congress. A dear friend’s sister was her campaign manager, so I feel extra close.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- I have had the profound honor of meeting President Obama three times, one just in passing in a big crowd, one when I delivered papers to his suite in Columbia SC when he had NO CHANCE of winning (or so they said) and one time in a line of supporters in a small crowd. Each time he sends the message that he is REALLY THERE AND REALLY WITH THE PEOPLE. He does not do what many politicians do….always with their eyes ahead and scanning who is next.
escribacat : Obama is such a gentleman. Stands up for Mrs. Evers.
AdLib : Murph – Agreed, it is an excellent allegory for America, the half finished dome.
choicelady : AdLib – I know. And NASCAR folks DO lend themselves to humor I fear. But life is really changing esp. due to health care changes. It’s going to be an interesting four years!
glenn : escribacat–it does embody President Obama’s words about how 60 years ago his father wouldn’t have been able to be served in a restuarant, yet here is his son being inaugurated as President of the United States.
choicelady : Murph – I recalled your work, not your celebration! I had several friends who went all the way from here but who are home today, staying WARM. It IS pretty balmy for DC in January!
MurphTheSurf3 : Schumer is doing a fine job- using the history of the construction as a metaphor for the promise of the nation in Civil War…..drawing some connection to the moment….well done.
AdLib : I had really wanted to be there last time around, to be a part of history.
AdLib : CL – Humor requires a degree of generalization but I know that there are Obama supporters in every demographic.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- as you perhaps recall, I worked his first campaign in several states during the Primaries and then in two for GE. So, not to have been there would have been just awful. 4 years later I still feel as connected but in a different way.
glenn : Murph–He looks wonderful, very presidential while at the same time looking very warm. He really looks like he likes his mother-in-law. And on national t.v. no less.
kesmarn : C’lady , just saw your question. ‘Tis ridiculously cold here. Glad it is warmer in DC
choicelady : e=cat – That is a PROFOUND observation about the movement from a slave economy to this inauguration. Thank you for remembering that.
AdLib : That smile of Obama’s is so authentic. This is one of those few and fantastic days for him, so well deserved after all the attacks and slander he has to endure each day. An island of sanity and appreciation for this remarkable President.
choicelady : AdLib – now be kind. SOME NASCAR fans like Obama. Look at the country and western folks who support him. It’s not possible to generalize anymore.
escribacat : The whole Obama family has amazing charisma.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Glenn. Hi AdLib….doesn’ t the President look….the right words…..happy, pleased, content, assured, open to it all.
escribacat : Adlib…true. But to have actually elected him TWICE.
choicelady : Murph – hi! Didn’t know you were there in 2009! How very wonderful!
AdLib : Escrib – Well, part of this country has evolved, the other part are NASCAR fans.
glenn : Hi Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey there s’cat! I have to admit I am very excited. I was there 4 years ago but this feels almost as good.
AdLib : Hail, Hail, the gang’s all here! Hey Murph!
escribacat : I am still stunned that this nation founded on slavery has evolved this far!!!!
escribacat : Murf I meant
escribacat : Hey Murch!
AdLib : Fox has its cameras trained on a Birther protest blocks away, no doubt.
glenn : Yea!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation, Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all. Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call. Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander, This you will do, that’s our strong, firm belief. Hail to the one we selected as commander, Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!
escribacat : adlib….NIGHTMA RE
escribacat : I wonder if Fox news is trying to hide big chunks of the crowd. Dare I look? (Don’t really want to spoil the happy mood)
AdLib : Can you imagine in a parallel world, Romney and Ryan coming down the steps for this inauguration?
glenn : I’ll add my kudos to Joe! I love him–he’s truly a man of the people.
choicelady : glenn – I thought it was PBO, too.
escribacat : Choice, me too. I love Joe! He’s a positive activist…the best personality type for a leader
escribacat : I think Obama’s second term will be much more bold. He’s already taken on the crazy gun wing.
choicelady : LOVE Joe Biden, random mouth and all.
kesmarn : Here comes The Chief!
escribacat : There he is
escribacat : Adlib LOL
glenn : Oops–heard “hail to the chief” and thought it was the prez!
escribacat : Adlib…yes, it’s actually rather simple when you think about it.
AdLib : If the Petrified Forest belonged to a party, it would be the GOP.
escribacat : Hehe, you mean Joe?
AdLib : Isn’t that the definition of “conservative” , someone not desiring change?
glenn : escribacat–(sor ry I spelled your name wrong)that’s why they’re called “conservatives “, and why Democrats are called “progressives” . Here comes the prez!
choicelady : Hey – I hate change, too! But I’ve moved 24 times as an adult like it or not. One needs to get over it – change happens, like it or not.
escribacat : Glenn — yes, my GOPer brother talks like that….he hates change and gets really upset when dems want to make changes. I think it’s a personality type.
glenn : escribat–That’ s the difference between Dems and republicans/tpar tiers both in and outside of office. R/tp’s don’t do anything even when they’re in office. They’re never FOR something; only AGAINST Democrats.
choicelady : Morning glenn! I agree – mixed feelings about GWB’s absence. Mostly I don’t really care. He is who he is, and the more he fades into obscurity, the better I like it.
AdLib : glenn – I think that’s very thoughtful of you and you could be right about Bush.
choicelady : Hi kes – is it freezing back there? Heard the cold was headed your way.
choicelady : Hey AdLib – I think it will be powerful. He has already shown his willingness to be bold. NOW he has no reason NOT to be!
escribacat : Glenn — I think it’s interesting to compare the activities of former presidents — GOPer vs. Dem. The dems are activists and working to better the world. The GOPers don’t seem to do anything!
glenn : Morning, Choice Lady!
AdLib : Hey Kes! Great to see you. Just remember to refresh your page on your iPod, it doesn’t show live streaming chat.
glenn : AdLib–I know gwb is avoiding all events. I also think that’s the best for the country. Except he should be supporting the country, not the president. So I do have mixed feelings about him not being here. His father’s illness was a good excuse and a way for him to save face. But, on this happy day, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
AdLib : Morning CL! I may be sticking my neck out but I think this could be a powerful inaugural speech by Obama.
escribacat : Hola kes
escribacat : Morning, choicelady. I agree — this means that we meant it!!
kesmarn : Hola! Am on the iPod so comments will be short n sweet. But I couldn’t miss this happy day with y’all!
glenn : Those girls sure are beautiful! They look very poised also.
AdLib : glenn – Bush hasn’t shown up to anything of meaning since he left office, it would be surprising to see him here even if he Bush Sr. was okay.
choicelady : Morning everyone! I am with glenn – Fired Up! Ready to go! I think this is even MORE important than last time. This makes clear that change occurred and we LIKED it. On with the ceremonies!
escribacat : Glenn–you are very kind! But you are probably right.
glenn : escribacat–I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume ir’a personal (due to ghwb’s illness) rather than political.
escribacat : Let’s hope Roberts doesn’t screw it up this time.
AdLib : Bush would never have the class to show up.
escribacat : I noticed Bushco didn’t show up
AdLib : How many RW Repubs have started drinking early today?
escribacat : I’m watching on CNN…the Obama girls are sure grown up now. It’s amazing.
escribacat : You too!
glenn : Hi escribacat–don ‘t think we’ve met before. Pleasure to meet you.
AdLib : Hey glenn! Same here!
escribacat : He’s probably hiding somewhere with his blinders on.
AdLib : Poor Mitt, never saw this day coming!
escribacat : Hi Glenn, Don’t think I’ve met you.
glenn : Hi, I’m fired up and ready to go!
escribacat : My poor slippers are beyond shining
AdLib : Shined my slippers!
escribacat : Hehe. Yeah, well…..I brushed my hair!
AdLib : Don’t know about you but I’m wearing my formal robe right now.
AdLib : Hey Escrib!
escribacat : Hey there, Adlib!
AdLib : Morning all!
AdLib : Join us this morning beginning at 8:00 am PST for a live chat during President Barack Obama’s second term inauguration!

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