Well folks, it’s that time of year again and very soon now the celebrations and observances will begin. Whether you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel, Fröhliche Weihnachten, or any other language preferred, let’s start the holiday off with your favorite Christmas/Holiday songs. There are quite a few to choose, so pick the ones you like best or just enjoy the choices of others.

oh for heaven’s sakes!
If I did this right, it’s Bing Crosby and David Bowie
This is dedicated to all our troops and others who are not home for the holidays.
I’ll Be Home for Christmas – Johnny Mathis
This is for all those who remember those “red light” parties in the basement
Shirelles – Blue Holiday
White Christmas – Frank Sinatra
Here’s a trivia song for you fellow Planeteers. How many Christmas songs are there in this one simple little ditty??? Name ’em if you claim ’em. – AB
Frennie! That’s a tricky one! ‘Cause they were waffling back and forth between “White Christmas” and “Chestnuts Roasting…etc.,” aka “The Christmas Song” for a while, and then along came the “Little Drummer Boy,” followed by “Happy Birthday”! (Sung as “Merry Christmas.” That’s cheating!)
Anyhoo…that’s a lotta Texas Christmas spirit, brought to the Planet courtesy of you and Red Knuckles! 😀
Ding ding ding – winner! Way to go, Frennie. I remember when the Blov and I first heard this. Red & the boys gave us a Christmas CD and we were listening, started out singing one song, paused and immediately switched to the next, paused again and jumped back and forth. It took us a while to realize the trick. We thought we had just forgotten the words to the original song. Silly rabbits!
Merry Christmas to my SMS frennie! Don’t let Bito steal that crown, honey girl. You fight for it! You earned it!
I’m too busy but very very happily so, with chirrens from everywhere. The Damas Girl is here, with fiancee. (LOVE HIM) Also have Baby Girl and Babiest Girl; they move in when the Damas Girl leaves. Going to get another sweet girl – the one you’ve never met but who is also very special, also from AFG – pick up in Austin and bring back to San Antonio. AND GOOD NEWS (’tis the season): My last boy has been approved for his visa, and I expect him soon. Oh me oh my. So much to do! But so very very happy to do it.
PS My new son in law to be is also a math whiz. Guess I’m just trying to emulate you, frennie!
Merry Christmas, dear Frennie and to all the Planeteers. May 2013 be the best year you ever had.
It’s such a delight to hear about all your chirren and the good things they’re doing. And all the happiness they bring to your life.
Maybe our two math whizzes will be able to meet one day….Inshallah!!
AB, Whenever I read the News from AB my heart becomes warmer! She always is doing so much for her fellow man and making it seem like it’s so simple, like I drank a cool glass of water in the day’s sun. She makes it sound so simple. You are a gift to the World AB.
Hah! Who knew? Very much fun. Merry Merry
For everyone this Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you and yours from Tokyo.
Donny Hathaway-This Christmas
‘Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht’ * Vienna Boys Choir/Die Wiener Sängerknaben 1967
The Pretenders – 2000 miles
The Beatles – Christmas Time is Here Again
I was watching the news yesterday and they were doing a section on the wakes of the Sandy Hook youngsters. One youngster they said he was a musician and a fan of the Beatles! It instantly bought tears to my eyes, a little first grader sharing his love across the generations!
b’ito, it’s just incredible how their music has the power to reach multiple generations.
Both my kids enjoyed Beatles music in their teens (along with lots of other kinds of genres). And even younger kids seem to be able to connect.
I suppose there are certain types of music that are really timeless. Ragtime, Big Band and Swing, Doo Wop, Motown, British Invasion, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Pink Floyd…all the way up to — ta da! — “One Direction”! 😆
The Fave 6th grader was talking about the Newtown tragedy this weekend. Take away for her: tremendous sympathy for the families, siblings, classmates who lost loved ones and the need to get assault weapons out of the hands of all civilians! Even her generation gets it!
Christmas All Over – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Christmastime is Here – Vince Guarldi Trio