AdLib : That’s where you’ll find me!
SallyT : Good night, AdLib! See you in the Funny Papers!
AdLib : Night Bito! Night Sally!
SallyT : Good night, Bito!
SallyT : No need, AdLib, Bito and I know where your mind is!
bito : Good night, all
AdLib : I’m not sayin’ nuttin’!
SallyT : But, it’s a lot of fun, Bito!
bito : It’s not funny when it’s not big Sally
AdLib : Sally – Sounds great! It’s been a big hit!
SallyT : Sex is big in the funnies!
bito : me too Sally, check out that link. «link»
SallyT : You or Bito will be checking out my Funnies before then! I have a lot this time!
AdLib : Looks like it’s that time, wrapping up another invigorating edition of Vox Populi! Thanks Sally and Bito, have a great evening, a wonderful weekend and a fantastic Thanksgiving (though I’ll see you here before then I hope!)
SallyT : Bito, I am sometimes asleep when I am awake on here!
bito : Good night Murph, Good night, C’lady, sorry I missed everyone tonight. I take a nap whenever I can.
SallyT : Good night, CL, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
AdLib : Night CL and a wonderful Thanksgiving to you too! Hope you have a great two weeks!
choicelady : Good night Murph and all – my computer is freezing up, so I’m getting off line and bidding all good night! I won’t be on the next two weeks (maybe only one) so have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone, and we will talk intermittently via regular posts. Good night!
AdLib : Bito – Like the cartoon!
AdLib : Bito – Nope, that’s a different guy, Gary Larson was the cartoonist for The Far Side, This is kind of a tribute/parody thing.
SallyT : Costco good!
bito : I’m not positive it’s the same guy AdLib, but these are good
AdLib : Sleep well Murph! Have a wonderful weekend!
SallyT : I’d call Claire, Murph, and tell her to put her gloves on and get over there and help you know.
AdLib : Sally – And definitely feel free to shop at Costco, they are pro-union, pro-living-wage. A good corporate citizen.
bito : «link»
SallyT : AdLib, I never shop at Walmart. I don’t even know where one is.
AdLib : Bito – I was a big fan of Gary Larson! He’s back at it? I will definitely check out your link!
MurphTheSurf3 : OK all…I am still catching up on farm work…so far behind thanks to work for Claire….but it was worth…I am pooped so to bed and up early. Take care all.
SallyT : You can shop at Sears and KMart, tho. They gave 300 million dollars in supplies to the Sandy Hurricane Relief.
bito : OT! did anyone read and like “The Far Side”? The ones where you went ‘I don’t get it!” The illustrator/crea tor is alive and drawing on the web. Check out the Sunday funnies, I left a link to him. I loved that cartoon!
AdLib : Sally – Not only have I never shopped at WalMart, my 9 year old daughter has already been well educated never to shop there and why.
SallyT : Well, that is true, too, Murph!
AdLib : Murph – Same here, I feel like we have turned a big corner at the last moment, when we could have turned the other way into a devastating head on collision. We are finally back on course…a Progressive course that the majority of Americans have endorsed. Center right country, no way!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….don’t shop at Wal Mart ever….so bad for America and its businesses.
SallyT : Hey, don’t anybody shop at WalMart on Black Friday!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…not FDR…TR
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…to me this election has the feel of the turn toward progressivism that happened at the turn of the 19th into the 20th century marked by FDR’s ascent to power, state movements and reform in the Senate.
AdLib : Bito – Great point! I know that the exchanges have to be set up in states in accordance with federal guidelines.
choicelady : Murph – next photo of the cat: “Burp”.
SallyT : Once it all kicks in and those states that take the ACA and are doing great, those others will be wanting it, too.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Clearly you think Jesus is the guy in the Gospels and not the one promoted by the Churches…..Her esy!
AdLib : If Romney had won, we’d be looking at the fait accompli of Plutocracy, the death of universal health care, more wars, greater division of wealth, disintegration of society under slashed social programs…and instead, we’ve got tax increases on the wealthy, universal healthcare locked in, getting out of wars and support for the poor and middle class. This election could well be seen in history as an enormous turning point in the history of the United States.
bito : What is dumb AdLib, I don’t think that there has ever been a medicaid change/waver ever denied. The states has a lot of leeway on how to set up the site, is that not right C’Lady?