AdLib : Thanks Tex!
texliberal : Have a great 4th
AdLib : Night Tex, have a fun 4th!
AdLib : Well, looks like a good time to bring this edition of Vox Populi to a close, Thanks to everyone for a riveting and fascinating discussion tonight. Have a great 4th of July all!!!
AdLib : Nope but I do have a turducken!
texliberal : AL, got any Spam, the BBQ kind?
AdLib : Damn, you run out of Vienna Sausages and everyone heads for the door! Night Sue!
AdLib : Night Funk!
SueInCa : later Cher, I think I am going to shut down and read all this good material. See you all on the flip side tomorrow
AdLib : Night Cher and Choicelady! Have a great 4th of July!
funksands : I’m off too! Night!
Chernynkaya : Jinx, Choice!
choicelady : Good night all!
choicelady : Well folks, long day, and I’m folding like a cheap suit. Off to dreamland. I wish you all a good night. Sue – I will write tomorrow about maybe getting together this coming week? Too tired to think anymore. I need a keeper like Jerry has…
Chernynkaya : Well, now that that’s settled, I can go to sleep easy. And I will bid you all adieu for now! Great conversation, as usual friends.
AdLib : CL – I am with you and not discounting the potential for danger Prince and his Dominionist followers represent. There have always been entities and countries that represent severe threats to our nation but in the end, few actions have ever been taken and those that have never resulted well for the perpetrators. Terrorism will happen again but it has all across the world and hasn’t undone major countries in Europe or elsewhere.
texliberal : Cher, there are good cops and not so good cops. Unfortunately the bad ones get all of the press.
choicelady : funk – LOL!!!!
funksands : CL you have an odd notion of “fun”.
choicelady : funk – it keeps life from being dull. AdLib – I will follow Cher’s lead. We will prevail, we will NOT be paranoid, we will be optimistic!
Chernynkaya : tex, oddly, as I was at Costco today, the guy in line with me was on his cell. He was saying, “What are you gonna do. He has a gun.” That got my attention, and I don;t know if he was talking to his son or his wife, but he kept saying “Don;t argue with a cop.”
funksands : CL, whoa.
choicelady : funk – I am VERY familiar with The Force Ministries. I work closely with the Military Religious Freedom Foundation that is trying to STOP this. Those of us allied with MRFF are under siege from them – the Fdn. founder has been shot at, his house spray painted with swastikas, etc. It’s a constant threat.
texliberal : Khirad, after 30 years of being a cop NOTHING SURPRISES ME. But generally if ya call a bad asses bluff they fold
funksands : Sue, they have a branch in San Diego.
SueInCa : thanks funk I have some reading for toniter
AdLib : Cher – No worries, just because loons practice and fantasize about something doesn’t mean it will ever happen. And if they even try, they will wish they never did.
funksands : I wonder what will happen when Obama tells the Treasury to pay the nation’s bills anyway? I bet Congress sues. Then things get interesting.
Khirad : OMG, he was reaching for an actual gun? What an idiot. That’s why I don’t get overly mad at cops for being so touchy about quick movements and keeping space and such.
Chernynkaya : AdLib–you talked me down. Thanks!
AdLib : Cher – I hear ya. In this atmosphere of radical RW loons, Obama simply can’t stand by and let default and a possible Depression happen on his watch. Let the chips fall where they may, I do not believe for a moment that he will let the GOP destroy the nation and just sit on his hands. There are lots of weirdos out there, we do need to know that to be able to be cautious but we can’t allow the fact that they exist to frighten us.
funksands : No doubt Tex. Glad that situation ended the way it did.
texliberal : Khirad. it was a 9mm Glock. Think he had a death wish
funksands : CL / Sue, you should check out one of the worst of the worst, the FORCE ministries. «link» Good times.
choicelady : tex – that is a wonderful story, and thank you for keeping the ROT folks at bay. Here they have taken over one county – they know all personal details about every LEO, and they terrorize them. They have already shown they will harm public officials, and everyone’s scared of them. Everyone.
Khirad : Ha! Right, reaching for something underneath a towel is always a great way to make friends with a cop.
Chernynkaya : Funk, yeah, exactly. But what gets me is that the banksters and the Chamber have not reigned them in yet. Maybe these guys are really demagogues and serious idiots. I think they are.
texliberal : Funk, when I was a Dallas cop I stopped one of those Republic of Texas loons. He was dressed in fatigues and told me he needed no DL and then started to reach underneath a towel on the front seat. A .357 SW magnum in his ear convinced him of the error of his ways. That’s all you can do with them BELIEVE ME.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree about NOT being paranoid, but they have a qualitatively larger force now. It’s not Rambo wannabes anymore – it’s Eric Prince and Gen. Jerry Boykin. Whole different ballgame. I can ignore the Huttaree to some extent. I cannot ignore these guys and whoever else is in Galt and the remaining encampments. This is SERIOUS stuff.
funksands : Cher, everyone knows the best way to maintain good credit is to loudly and publicly muse about not paying your creditors.
AdLib : Sue – Your series on the Dominionists and CL’s posts are valuable items here at The Planet! It is critical to know as much as we can about these people and their agenda. And keep in mind, Obama’s Admin stated publicly that domestic terrorism on the right is the biggest threat to America. I do think they are keeping tabs on these lunatics and with their Patriot Act powers, they’ve disrupted Al Qaeda attempts, I think they’d do the same with an org like the Dominionists.
funksands : Ha!
Khirad : Read it on a beer bottle once.
Chernynkaya : Also, I just want to note that I personally NEVER expected to see the things I have seen from the right and the mnedia in the past two years. Ten years ago, so much of what has happened–the policies of the corporate and religious Right–would have seemed laughable.
funksands : I didn’t know that Khirad. Thanks.
Khirad : Yes, and Imperial IPAs are called such as they were shipped to Russia and had to keep until then. Same with India. Thus the extra hops. I love a good IPA once in a while.
choicelady : AdLib – I REALLY hope you’re correct. AND I really hope it never happens. Round up the extremists BEFORE they kill!
SueInCa : gotta go take the little doggie for a quick breather, you know what I mean
choicelady : funk – I’m for the New New Deal too – and yeah, if it’s digging holes to fill them up again, so what. Obama is starting to say that government IS the stimulus to the private sector. Every state that cut spending is hurting. Every one that increased spending AND taxes is doing well. Government jump starts the private economic activity. Always has. Always will.
AdLib : CL – Glad that the skinhead has flown north for the summer!
Chernynkaya : AL, you are probably right. I jsut see so much insanity–and IF the debt ceiling is not agreed upon and there is worldwide depression–as well as catastrophe here–who knows? History teaches htat people go crazy. I am not panickling, just uncertain. But again, I think you are right. All I’m saying is that we as a people are wierd.
SueInCa : Adlib I am just glad that I have done the research I have
funksands : OT: Hair of the Dog Brewing Co.: Blue Dot Double India Pale Ale is most excellent. If you like enough hops to make your eyes cross, this is awesome. «link»
SueInCa : no O am not paranoid, just alert
Khirad : Texas meets California. Love it. And the steel guitar really fits.
choicelady : Cher – I totally agree with you. I deeply worry about domestic terrorists. There ARE links with Al Qaeda, but it’s the homegrown hatemongers I very much fear. BTW AdLib – the skinhead is no longer on the roof.
AdLib : With all due respect and acknowledging that the Dominionists have the intent they do, there is a long history of paranoia on the right whipping them up into fantasies of taking over the country or fighting as rebels against a dictatorial government. This is all fantasy stuff and if they were to act upon it, the reality would be far different than they imagine. We need to be wary of them but not paranoid like them.
SueInCa : I had forgotten it Funk thanks for the reminder and Tex i loved them too
funksands : CL, the Yurica report is a treasure trove of info on these cockroaches.
texliberal : Sue. loved the Highwaymen
SueInCa : Al don’t you think dominionists have a muh different agenda? I think it would all depend on how fast someone is identified
choicelady : funk – that is incredible. Thank you for the link.
AdLib : CL – We’ve seen repeatedly what happens when Oklahoma City or 9/11 happened, the government is never seen adversarially or weak, they are seen as “us”. No question in my mind, whether it looks like Al Qaeda or Dominionists, Obama responding to an attack on our nation will bring people behind him in a big way, patriotism will go way up as it always does in such situations. People do want security, they want their government to protect them, they’re not looking for an opportunity to turn the nation into chaos.
Khirad : Did Oman too? I thought it was just the UAE. Weird. By the way I love his name: Sultan Qaboos. Sounds a little like caboose.
SueInCa : I jsut listened Tex the first one reminds me of Waylon
funksands : CL, dig a ditch from Ndakota to Texas for all I care, get people a job. A paycheck has a funny way of clearing your mind of all the bullshit con artists try to pull over on you.
Chernynkaya : AL– that’s why I worry more about domestic terrorists.
choicelady : AdLib – I do agree with you. The Economy Stupid HAS to be his main priority, and if it’s the 14th, so be it. Coupled with lots and lots of sneering derision from all of us about how unAmerican the GOP are.
texliberal : «link» one more
texliberal : Sorry correct Khirad
SueInCa : Funk I am writing it down
Chernynkaya : CL, I think people now trust Obama MORE vis a vis Muslim terrorists. for all we know, that may have been one of his motivastions for killing OBL–that he was ahaed of us all and wanted to get that cred before Prince could try anything. That;s how he thinks–way ahead. I actually worry more about the reaction to domestic terrorists.
choicelady : Khirad – the Sultan of Oman hired Prince though – why in the world would he do that? If Xe (as they are now called) went after indigenous Omanis, it could NOT be good for the Sultan. Or do we have a classic case of short sightedness here?
funksands : «link» Here’s a neat little manifesto from the Dominionists: “The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012”
AdLib : Cher – With Ruby Ridge and Koresh, it was a scenario of “The Government” coming after Americans. It’s a whole different story to have our military fighting attackers and terrorists.
Khirad : I looked it up, it’s an electric and steel guitar.
SueInCa : I see them there when I drive by, they may be wanna be’s but I would not take any hances
texliberal : Khirad, it’s an acoustic and ELECTRIC guitar
AdLib : CL – All the more reason for Obama to use the 14th Amendment and pay our bills, saving us from a Depression. The only environment I could imagine where such a situation could occur is if there was another crash like in 2008. Otherwise, if the country is moving forward, however slowly, there is no strategic logic to committing such treason.
choicelady : Sue – freaking A – I will check it out.
choicelady : ADLib – if it were obviously American led terrorism, I’m in total agreement. But what if they brought over Muslims again? There is some real reason to think that Tim McVeigh had interactions with Al Qaeda. This bizarre alliance could raise the specter of “Muslims getting even for OBL” and make Obama look weak. I hope you are right that even if it were to happen, Obama would be supported. We stood with Clinton in both ’93 and ’95. That is true. I hope you’re right, but I fear it anyway AND I fear it on its own terms.
Chernynkaya : AL I tend to agree with you on that. But then I remember the uproar about Ruby Ridge and Koresh. We are a tinderbox now, so as much as oyu make sense–and I still agree–it is too precarious to predict the reaction. Plus, then there is the sub racism here. I will never forget what I’ve learned since Obama was elected.
texliberal : It’s a Hill country contraption, part electric guitar part acoustic
Khirad : Yeah, that’s gonna go over real well when his Crusader army starts killing Muslims.
SueInCa : Just north of Galt
choicelady : funk – yes in Dubai. He hires only NON Muslims. Go figure. Sue – OUTSIDE ELK GROVE????? WHERE?????
SueInCa : you need to fill us in CL
AdLib : CL – I disagree with you on this, a domestic terrorist attack would indeed make people feel threatened and look to Obama. There may be a lot of these Dominionists out there willing to die in an attack on their fellow Americans but they won’t have any support or sympathy and Obama and the US military will of course be victorious over any militia.
SueInCa : I see them on saturdays when I come back from down south
Khirad : A-ha, it’s called a ‘guit-steel’ and like I thought, is clearly custom.
choicelady : Sue – Boykin was driven OUT because of his extremism. Where he got the money and armaments for his outpost is not clear, but there are 13 other camps, and in a couple of weeks, I’m going to find out where those are. This is deeply worrisome.
Chernynkaya : That’s what I heard. He’s in Dubai. No extradition either.
SueInCa : CL there is a camp just outside ElK Grove
funksands : Isn’t Prince building his army of orcs in Dubai now?
funksands : From the looks of things, I am going to have to slip into a twang.
choicelady : funk – yes. Blackwater went in and did REAL harm to people. They were sheer thugs and kept people from what they needed to survive. They confiscated guns from Black people – and ignored the white cops now on trial for murdering innocent people. They abetted that. They are purely dangerous, and they have two camps – one small one in San Diego (we helped stop a big one from opening) and the full court press camp in North Carolina. They and Boykin are zealots and extremely dangerous.
Chernynkaya : Dobro?
Khirad : What on earth is that contraption Jr. Brown is playin’ thar?
Chernynkaya : Aw, shucks–THANKS!!
AdLib : PS – My wife grew up watching Stevie Ray Vaughan at local clubs in TX.
SueInCa : Boynton was chatised by someone at the Pentagon
Chernynkaya : Awesome, tex!
funksands : Cher, I just really appreciate your work and think that you could leverage it into something even more….that’s all.
SueInCa : you are right funk, and boynton was going around the country talking militia in his uniform
AdLib : Funk – Thanks so much for the kind words, they’re very appreciated. The response is wholly worth it to me.
choicelady : Cher – yours is a wise fear. They are really dangerous.
funksands : Didn’t Prince and his thugs set up patrols in New Orleans after katrina? When was the last time we had a private christian army on patrol on US soil?
SueInCa : i will lsiten to that after vox thanks
Chernynkaya : Funbk–??? What do you mean? Is it a surprise?
choicelady : ADLib – if it looked as if we were unprepared and it came from a lot of different directions, I am not sure Obama would be supported. Fear alone is a very driving force to run scurrying toward someone else. Maybe not – but I don’t think if the RW made it look as if we were vulnerable in a lot of areas that Obama would look strong. I know that while Homeland Security is NOT doing much with domestic terrorism, the FBI is. There is a high level of awareness and prosecution of hate crimes nationwide, with an eye toward the domestic terrorists. I get almost daily notices of incidents and prosecutions across the nation. It makes me hope that these extremist camps are under watch, too.
texliberal : «link»
Chernynkaya : CL–I am terrified of Prince and his ilk. I have no doubt thsat if they could, they’d pull a coup.
AdLib : Tex – You’re right, this is well documented in Klein’s “Shock Doctrine” however there’s more than that going on. The Wall Street thugs are greedier and feeling stronger than ever after being helped out of the mess they made so they’re hitting the gas pedal to get as much as they can right now with Repubs having so much control. They don’t give a shit about the future and that looks to be their downfall. The Shock Doctrine isn’t as applicable here because the majority of people in OH, FL, WI, MN, etc. are not supporting what they’re doing and recalling laws and politicians. 2012 could be a real extermination of Repub control because of how greedy they got.
SueInCa : yep khirad san antonio too
funksands : And Cher, you are one intern away from something special with the Planet.
SueInCa : i have many friends in dallas, i used to work for Associates Ntl Bank, they are now citi
Khirad : That’s the only place I really want to go in Texas. Okay, that and San Antonio.
SueInCa : i want to go to austin
Chernynkaya : FUNK–let me second that–heartily!!
texliberal : Sue, I live just north of Dallas but my wife and I travel to Austin as much as we can. Austin is a liberal oasis
SueInCa : AL i think it depends on how that attack comes. Prince and Boynton are dangerous people
funksands : Ad, if I may say so, recent events have certainly sharpened your creative writing. Great stuff the last few weeks.
Chernynkaya : Good to know, funk.
SueInCa : Tex i feel so sorry for you good libs down there
funksands : Cher, I mostly have had my head up my ass at work. August will be breather time.
SueInCa : yep funk thanks for asking
texliberal : Sue, he’s Lonesome Rhodes
AdLib : Hey Funk!
funksands : Sue how are you feeling? Getting the ship righted?
AdLib : CL – That is very alarming. I do think though that if there is an attack, the country will rally around Obama as they did with Bush after 9/11 and after taking out Bin Laden, I think people will have faith in him on responding to any attack.
Chernynkaya : ay, Funk, have ypou been on Twitter? I don;t see you.
SueInCa : oops goober
SueInCa : like i said tex he is a gooder
Chernynkaya : funk!
texliberal : Sue, he was Presbyterian, then Southern Baptist and now what ever is chic among loons
SueInCa : fey funk
Chernynkaya : AL yes, that appeals to me, Plus, it’s always best to write about something one feels so strongly.
funksands : Howdy everyone!
SueInCa : spot on cl they are dangerous as hell
choicelady : Khirad – OK – I can do that at work. I’ve seen it. I don’t use it though, but I now understand. Here at home I’m on an overly simple PC. Thanks – I get it now!
AdLib : Cher – I think that would be a very timely post. Obama has been taking it from all sides on Afghanistan and the debt ceiling negotiations. Even for his moderate speech that Repubs whined about like the little infants they are (You hurt my widdle feewings…you socialist Muslim friend of terrorists!”
texliberal : AL, all of this stuff going on in THUG Governors Mansions across the country is about future PRIVATIZION of publc services. Read Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine.
choicelady : AdLib – I fear only ONE thing before 2012 and that is a phony terrorist attack. I know that some very powerful Dominionist military folks, Gen. Jerry Boykin and Eric Prince among them, have set up SIXTEEN very large militia camps around the country complete with heavy armaments and mercenary forces. We can trace links to some other extremists, and that is damned scary to me. I do not believe these people would be afraid to create mortal chaos if they could get rid of this president doing it.
SueInCa : is perry evangelical?
SueInCa : lol he is a goober
texliberal : SUE As Perry said it’s our air. AMAZING, guess he never heard of meteorology
AdLib : Tex – There have been studies showing that once public utilities or infrastructure are privatized, they jack the rates astronomically and the state blows through the money they got quickly…then are left without all that income so they’ll have to keep selling off things until it’s all gone…and they’ve got no way out. TX is in trouble in the future, the Rainy Day fund is already spoken for next year and there will be a deficit on top of that. Oil royalty deals have sunset, rough roads ahead.
SueInCa : i also heard where you have a prison just for repeat offenders of a certain gang?
Chernynkaya : tex– I agree,m and that’s why there is no way he’ll get the nom.
Khirad : I’m on a Mac. In system preferences I can select a whole bunch of “keyboards” which appear as flags in my top righthand toolbar. thus with ease I can scroll down and do this: سلام, नमसते, привет, and so on. Acute accents are just option ‘e’.
texliberal : Perry is Bush on steroids.
SueInCa : hey tex i saw the smog in houston, how can you all breath?
Chernynkaya : Al I was working on a pro-Obama post but it’s so long. I wanted to systematically answer the Le–complaint by complaint..Maybe I’ll pick that up again.
choicelady : tex – don’t you also have to be pro-big hair? Always thought that was essential.
SueInCa : Why not Bush did it with the country
choicelady : tex – well that is a good strategy. Completely sell out the Great State of Texas to foreign interests, then just walk away whistling. Hey. It’s a strategy.
texliberal : In Texas all ya have to be is pro gun, pro-birth, pro big oil and anglo with money connections
Chernynkaya : Hmm. That’s a thought. The next biggie is the New year.
AdLib : Cher – Wow, so many things to write about right now. I’ve been focusing on the societal impact of politics lately. With the 2012 election looming, there could be a lot of interesting musings about the Dems taking the House back, the match up in the GE, whether Rpub overreaching will collapse on them before the election…lots of juicy stuff.
SueInCa : cher how about a post on the next jewish holiday? I love hearing about the traditions
choicelady : Khirad – that standard is essential, and you are impeccable. But HOW do you do it? I must not have the right programs or keyboard.
texliberal : He hasn’t.
choicelady : tex – well having foreign owned toll roads seems radically at odds with the “Texas love it or leave it” mentality of Perry et al. How do they justify that?
SueInCa : mayors all over america are selling their toll roads, /rendell tried to do it
Chernynkaya : Khirad! I won you over on that! YAY.
Khirad : I’m real persnickety about diacritical marks. It’s misspelled otherwise I feel. I’m sorta ‘Oxford comma’ about such things.
texliberal : Perry’s thing is PRIVATIZATION. We in North Texasnow have two new toll roads. One owned by a Spanish company another a French company
Chernynkaya : OT–I’ve been wanting to write a post–suggestion s?
SueInCa : cher, i will find the article i read on it. it was pretty hush hush
AdLib : Cher – It’s GREAT news! Perry can’t win, ROmney can’t win, Bachmann can’t win, Pawlenty and Newt and Santorum and Paul and Cain can’t win. That’s good indeed.
choicelady : Sue – just another indication of your superior taste and intelligence.
SueInCa : i just don’t like slick talking men
Chernynkaya : Sue, tht’s because you know about the RR and NAFTA!
choicelady : Jokes are a different matter. You see right through sham and pretense!
SueInCa : cl you got that wrong, i don’t get jokes alllllllll the time lol
choicelady : Sue darlin – NOBODY puts NUTTIN’ over on YOU.
Chernynkaya : It’s good news isn;t it, AL?
texliberal : Perry wanted to make that super highway a TOLLWAY
SueInCa : part of the north american union deal with canada and mexico
choicelady : Oh Khirad – that is SO cool! I can barely type basic letters. You do Arabic and now Gaelic with all the correct diacritical marks. VERY fine.
AdLib : Cher – That’s hilarious that Obama beats Perry in TX!
Chernynkaya : So long, Caru!
SueInCa : tex that was bush’s deal
Chernynkaya : Choice, my step daughter graduated from high school a year ago–a good school. She asks me things you wouldn;t believe. You know how she learns stuff? She follows me on Twitter and when I Tweet current news, she read my Tweets. She’ll come home and say, “The democrats are the good ones, right?”
texliberal : Sue, not after he talked about confiscating millions of acres to build a super commerce highway through the middle of the state
SueInCa : cl not this little lady
Khirad : Slán, Caru.
AdLib : Night Caru, great having you on VP tonight! Have a great weekend!
choicelady : Sue – you can fool some people just fine with good hair and tough talk.
AdLib : CL – Exactly! Perry has sabotaged himself and his Bush-like swagger and appearance is also a deal breaker. The GOP Primary is like the DE Senate race with Christine O’DOnnell. The GOP has a shot in 2012 to beat Obama but the candidate they choose will make them likely to squander the opportunity. There simply isn’t the right candidate at this time for them to be likely to win. The Dems have been here many times (Dukakis and Mondale anyone?). That’s just the way the cards are dealth this time around and thank goodness!
SueInCa : ro hear tpers talk texas loves them some perry
choicelady : CAru – I’m not surprised. It’s O Dark thirty where you are! Sleep well.
texliberal : Rick’s a joke. Only the evangelicals and far right secession loons like him in Texas
SueInCa : i just can see perry sitting in that rocking chair selling cars
choicelady : Cher – that is SO depressing to hear. How did we raise up a nation of totally ignorant people? I DO understand it’s by design – stupid people are easy to manipulate such as the Baggers, but still…
SueInCa : night caru sleep well
SueInCa : he reminds me of the used car salesman in American Grafitti
Caru : Night, Guys. Sleep has caught up with me.
Chernynkaya : CL–Yes. It was in WaPo today.
Chernynkaya : I cannot conceive of Perry getting anywhere. Jesus–he’s exactly like Dubya! Plus, Obama polls ahead of him IN TEXAS.
choicelady : Cher – you have GOT to be kidding???? Forty percent don’t know we got independence from ENGLAND?????
AdLib : Cher – The public doesn’t seem to be getting smarter but they know what they like and they don’t like wealthy phonies who lie constantly.
SueInCa : trying to repackage perry will be a big job, we have his secession words on tape
Caru : I know, Khirad. God, that’s so annoying!
choicelady : AdLib – if Perry is the nom, how can the issue of his advocacy for secession NOT kill him DOA? How can you lead a nation you don’t believe in?
Chernynkaya : Sleep sweet, kes.
Chernynkaya : AL I agree, but who knows how they’ll repackage him? Honestly. I read today that 40%+ don’t know when we gained independence from England and only a few more know that it was from England!
AdLib : Night Kes, have a great 4th!
AdLib : Right now, I think Romney will squeak out the nom and get hammered in the GE against Obama…but winning the nom could change if Perry gets in. I would LOVE for Bush 3 (Perry) to be the GOP nom, the guy sounds and kind of looks like Bush. Real great selling points.
choicelady : kes – have a lovely night, sweet dreams, and a great 4th!
Khirad : Yup, Caru. I’d have said yes in Gaelic, but there’s no word for it!
SueInCa : you too kes
choicelady : CAru – yes, Newt IS the bottom. That’s how scary they are – HE is their “intellectual leader”. Yikes!
kesmarn : Midnight rolls around again. Time for Carol Vader here to get to bed, I’m afraid. Have a great 4th weekend, friends!
Caru : The intellectual? My, they’re scrapping the bottom.
Chernynkaya : Romney– there is no there there.
AdLib : Cher – Rubio is way too extreme and the longer he has in office, the more his ratings will drop, just like Christie.
choicelady : Sue – LOL!!! I cringe every time someone calls Newt the “intellectual” of the GOP. NEVER heard a single thing from him that’s any more accurate than John Quincy Adams (age 9 in 1776) was a ‘founding father’. He is glib. There is a difference.
SueInCa : AL he is an LBO guy of course he lies. Beer it is Cher
Chernynkaya : Thanks, Sue. How ’bout a beer?
AdLib : Cher – Very funny about ANOTHER Romney lie, that guy is a lying machine! He will self-destruct if up against Obama, he lies and flip-flops all the time. Very unlikable guy.
SueInCa : i saw that cher, i owe you a coke
SueInCa : oops i meant bus
Chernynkaya : AL– I hope you’re right.
kesmarn : Newt does seem totally unhinged these days.
SueInCa : newt is stars and stripes and he thinks that makes him viable, he rides the short but
Caru : Newt’s in it for the cash, they all are.
choicelady : Sue – not to be too vulgar, but she must be hot or Newt wouldn’t have her. Unless she’s his equivalent of Anne Brown. I’m not sure Newt has all HIS marbles either.
Chernynkaya : Sue–JINX!
SueInCa : callista just does not look real
AdLib : Cher – I agree that Rubio could be an attractive VP choice from a GOP perspective but you recall the list of positions of his I listed, he is repugnant to the majority of Americans on the issues and wouldn’t have a prayer in 2016 in a GE.
Caru : Really, Khirad? That’s basically German.
Chernynkaya : Oh, and it came out today that Romney lied about his $10 mill that he said he raised.
choicelady : Cher – that is interesting: Rubio as Veep in 2012 and trying for the big prize in 2016. Makes me NOT want to live to be 100 after all.
SueInCa : Palin sure cannot. she has staked her claim on good ole merican
Khirad : Although Hallo is more common now in Gàidhlig than ‘mahdin va’, really, unless you’re being really formal.
Chernynkaya : CL Calista makes Cindy look real. Calista is Stepford if I ever saw one!
choicelady : Sue – I agree. I do NOT think there is a single candidate who unites the Wall Street AND Dominionist crowds.
kesmarn : That’s my feeling, Sue. Palin came the closest, but she’s so unmanageable and quittery, I can’t see the Reps going with her.
Caru : That means, in both dialects, good morning, tex. Dia Dhuit means “God be with you” or “hello”.
Chernynkaya : Er, that’s not “Al Rubio”–it’s Adlib, Rubio…
SueInCa : Newt’s wife looks like a stepford wife
choicelady : AdLib – funny enough, Newt screwed himself with the Tiffany’s lines of credit. NO ONE can see him as the ‘man of the people’ he pretends to be. Also – his wife looks just like Cindy McCain. How weird is that?
SueInCa : Kes I don’t think there is anyone who fits both profiles, at least not anyone I am aware of
Chernynkaya : Al Rubio will be a VP pick. And then 2016. It demographically imperative.
Chernynkaya : It’s still early. I still think that the reeps want to win and may hold their nose for Romney, but not for Bachmann.
AdLib : Cher – Yep, you did mention Rubio! I don’t think he will get in, it is a bit late for anyone to get in who doesn’t have a huge campaign chest already. Romney’s in a rush to announce his latest round of fund raising, said to be as much as $50 million, that will scare out all but possibly Perry from getting in (and Newt won’t last much longer either).\
texliberal : Dia dhuit is Irish Gaelic, in Scottish Gaelic it’s Madinn mhath
choicelady : Sue – wow. You may be on to something there. McCain 2012. And he’ll STILL lose.
Caru : Now I’m imagining John McCain as Clint Eastwood. “Get off my lawn”
kesmarn : Who would be the darling of the religious right AND Wall St? That’s a toughie.
SueInCa : John “get off my lawn” McCain
Chernynkaya : But folks seriously, the TP is a very SMALL percentage of the Reeps– loud and powerful, but small. The Party hates them. And that enthisiasm gap will kill anyone.
choicelady : Cher – that is a factor, the huge financial corporate backers, but I’m thinking they are in thrall to Bachmann types, even Sarah. Though Kristol anointed her in 2008 and has since pulled back from Palin. Bachmann MAY be the choice. Oh PLEEEZE let it be Bachmann!!!!
Khirad : Yeah, my teachers focused mostly on Connacht.
Caru : I suspect that the winner may not have even thrown their hat in the ring yet.
AdLib : Huntsman and Pawlenty seem not to be able to get out of the basement. I don’t see either being enough in the Bagger or FInancial camp to win.
SueInCa : The dominionists, if the true evangelicals pay attention is way past their wierd religion AL
Khirad : Romney is Republican Kerry. Also, someone nailed it today when they said that in 2004 people said “dated Dean, married Kerry”. No Bachmannite is switching over to Romney.
Caru : I think that’s Connacht pronunciation, Khirad.
Chernynkaya : CL– I agree, but I still think it’ll be close because of Super PACs and the economy.
choicelady : I just don’t see the primary going to a Mormon, not Romney, not Huntsman. The Pencil Neck Geeks in the tea party simply won’t let him win.
AdLib : Sue – But Bachmann is the only one right now evangelicals could vote for and have a chance of electing…yet it’s hard to see how she can win in all the necessary states.
SueInCa : bachmann is ain a very dark place that way CL. If hers is exposed, yikes. She is also back by Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministeries
Khirad : Oh yeah, depends on what province! I was taught jee-uh git — only the ‘g’ is real gutteral, almost rolling.
Caru : Huntsman. I forgot about him.
choicelady : AdLib – I honestly can’t call the GOP primary. I think Palin WILL get in, but her negatives are still very high. It’s going to be very interesting. Since to win, any GOPer will have to placate the religious right that is salivating for power, whoever it is will NOT succeed. It will be critical that Sue and the rest of us who know about the power of the Dominionists KEEP THAT OUT THERE. There is no rational GOP candidate. None. I think whoever they choose will carry that religious insanity baggage and will fail.
Chernynkaya : Good topic. I still think the vast majority of reeps want to win and they will noninate Romney. Who will lose the general. It may be close, but Rom will lose. BTW–have y’all been hearing more and more about Rubio? Did I tell ya?
AdLib : Are Repubs going to hold their noses and elect Romney as their nom in the end?
kesmarn : Huntsman?
Caru : I prefer your version, kes.
SueInCa : Romney cannot win among evangleicals
kesmarn : Ja deet?
Caru : The primary? God, I have no idea. They’re all so…ugh.
SueInCa : dia dwit?
Khirad : And something about Mary to you Caru. Now, let’s have everyone guess how Día dhuit is pronounced!
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
SueInCa : that is what my mother tells me tex she is scottish
Caru : Lol.
Caru : Dia dhuit, Khirad.
kesmarn : Stash us in the baggage compartment on your friend’s practice runs, Caru.
texliberal : Sue, I landed in Shannon Ireland once on a military flight stop over to Germany in ’68. Greenest place I’ve ever seen next to Viet Nam.
Khirad : I took a course of Irish, and still have the Teach Yourself Scots Gaelic. But alas, I can only remember greetings and such.
choicelady : Sue and Caru and Kes nad Khirad – I want to go too. I have family there but have never been!
SueInCa : sure caru tell him to work faster tho
Caru : I now a guy that’s going to become a pilot. Could you all wait a few years?
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad! Can you speak Gaelic?
SueInCa : no i am going to steal the private jet of GS
Khirad : Me three, even though my ancestors didn’t stay long.
Caru : It’s a nice place. Quite dear though, especially with the exchange rates as they are.
kesmarn : Okay. Caru is going to fly us over, right?
SueInCa : i will pick you up on the way
SueInCa : lets go kes
kesmarn : Me too.
SueInCa : I want to go to Ireland
SueInCa : i am always going through insomnia Caru for the past year
Caru : I am, Sue. Also, I’m going through a period of Insomnia.
AdLib : CL – And one difference in a communal monetary system is, unlike a proprietary money, you can’t print as much as you want…you can’t print any! That’s why Greece and the US are not identical. They have no choice, we do but piling on more debt at this point would be unattractive (but doable).
SueInCa : CL that interdependence was intentional
kesmarn : Absolutely. And as you know — America is all ABOUT getting rich quick. Somehow — for my family “quick” is amounting to several generations and we’re not there yet.
SueInCa : Caru are you in Ireland?
Caru : That’s a very interesting line of thought, cl.
Caru : Definitely. Though, money first. I several get rich quick schemes. One of them is bound to work, right?
choicelady : tex – will Dems in the cities offset GOP in the burbs and countryside?
kesmarn : That’s interesting, Caru. Any plans to travel to the States in your future?
AdLib : Tex – We’ll get there though, Latinos will eventially be the majority nationwide but in the states on the Mexican border, maybe sooner for them. That will mean a different America and it will deteriorate the current North South dynamic.
choicelady : There is one VERY strong good thing about the devolution of the Common Market – the more centralized you are, the more vulnerable you are to economic collapse. There is a great deal to be said for reasonable autonomy of nations and their economies. That is a much more stable way to exist where there is stability in one’s domestic production and finance that is reasonably independent from other nations. Then if Greece falls, others globally would NOT be sucked down with them. This way – it’s impacting everyone, and it’s scary how much inter-dependence there is. Build up more local/regional/n ational self reliance. It’s healthier. This of course is considerably different from the 13-county wing nut caper. However, as far as I can tell, they have few resources for the rest of the state, so maybe they should go?
Caru : I’m not quite sure, kes. I haven’t been so interested in any other country. Germany, while very interesting, doesn’t even come close.
AdLib : CL – The problem for Progressives is that words actually mean something to them and they don’t mean too much to RW Repubs. Paying a registration fee are just “book learnin” words for “takin’ my money away!” It’s hard to work with people who see past their victimhood to understand the meaning of words.
SueInCa : good for you all tex
texliberal : AL, all of the big cities in Texas will soon be dominated by Dems. The burbs are another matter
SueInCa : Caru they get weird out in Nevada
kesmarn : Caru, you amaze me with what you know about the U.S. How did you get so interested in our wacky country?
AdLib : Caru – Very funny!
SueInCa : well cl long ago but the 7 virgins took him away
Caru : This guy seems to have seceded: «link»
SueInCa : tex they are harmless and their country is beautiful. Lake Siskyou
choicelady : Sue – you mean Shasta doesn’t have a god inside? You sure?
AdLib : We have a lot of fantastic Progressives in the SOuth and soon, we will take TX back, right Tex? The Latino population is growing faster than projected there, in a decade, who knows if TX will be blue or red?
texliberal : KES, hum!
choicelady : I think secession might actually be not so awful. Then they will learn they are totally incompetent to govern anything, and surprise! It’s not all someone else’s fault. The thing that is REALLY frying me is how things about America that are merely inconvenient – registering your car – are seen as “oppression”. How utterly stupid.
SueInCa : i love the south
Caru : Tell me about it. Over here, I call them Mythical Irelanders.
texliberal : Sue, build a dang fence around them, that’s what they want anyway
kesmarn : Just kidding!!!
kesmarn : Let’s face it. We’re stuck with the South.
SueInCa : AL but it seems as though Europe is regressing as well
AdLib : Caru – I’m not serious about it, the South and North do compliment each other well. It’s just so frustrating to have a swath of the nation so stuck in the past and small minded conservatism, just wish we could progress as a nation without many of these people trying to yank us to a past that doesn’t and never did exist…let alone could work.
SueInCa : tex we call them the crystal people up there. they think Shasta has a god inside
texliberal : Thanks CL I’ll look that up
texliberal : Caru, we have all of the refineries. Ever been to Houston? Stinks like crazy
SueInCa : i know kes, i don’t understand it all
choicelady : tex – part of CA split off once, the State of Jefferson. It still boasts about it along I-5 north of Shasta. You can read about it at www.jeffersonsta te.com I can’t decide if I like them or think they’re a TP/militia/seces sionist crazy group.
kesmarn : If everyone just picks up their marbles and flounces off in a huff whenever, we’re gonna make the Balkans look like models of unity, Sue.
SueInCa : duke should be in jail with issa
Chernynkaya : BBL–again!
Caru : Doubtful, AL. The South of America did and does have some major industry and economic areas.
SueInCa : i remember those talks CL
texliberal : Duke Cunningham, President of the new Riverside Republic?
SueInCa : they are dead serious kes
choicelady : AdLib – I know we can’t expose Brown, but I think the party leaders are going to HAVE to do something about Mrs. B.
AdLib : CL – Much as I’d be happy to have them secede and end up with 2/3 Dems in the Legislature who could raise taxes on the rich, it’s a lunatic’s babble. It sure is a big question if we wouldn’t be better off without the North unifying the South after the Civil War.
kesmarn : Are they sure, Sue…?
choicelady : Caru – oooo I LIKE that. Go off on your own, wingnuts, but pay for what you keep. I LIKE that!
Chernynkaya : CL- I saaw that about redistricting. It’s good. AND the Latino pop in So Cal is happy too.
SueInCa : a hispanic guy who golfs with my husbband says it belongs to them and they want it back
kesmarn : I guess it’s more of an AZ or Rick Perry thing, Cher.
choicelady : Cher – we once thought a split across the state, then north and south with the coast vs. inland. However, migration has now changed even that. We have a great likelihood of picking up a supermajority of Dems soon once redistricting is done.
Chernynkaya : Kes, really not in Cali.
texliberal : I believe California was an independent republic but just for a day or two
kesmarn : Wow…secession is certainly back in style again.
SueInCa : whatever will you all do for water?
Caru : Let them secede and then bill them for every piece of infrastructure in the area.
AdLib : CL – It was obvious but we couldn’t get medical proof of Reagan’s Alzheimers. Don’t know how such a thing could be exposed about Brown if he’s handled tightly.
Chernynkaya : Yeah, secession is not taken at all seriously. But every so often someone says we should break the state into two.
SueInCa : thanks that makes sense they are conservative
choicelady : AdLib – you know, there is the thought we should have let the South seceed (sp?) so maybe we ought to let these wingnuts go, too?
texliberal : Sue, Riverside County
SueInCa : that is a good one adlib
AdLib : “A Riverside County supervisor, fed up with Sacramento’s fiscal policies, is calling for 13 predominantly Republican counties to secede into a new state of South California.” Just a meaningless loon. It’s the equivalent of a guy on a bus saying they should drive to Mars.
choicelady : Sue – but he’s a flake in a very weird, non-Jerry way. He’s catering to Blue Dogs and big biz. NOT Jerry-ish flaky. Anne flaky.
choicelady : AdLib – there you go! Head and Shoulder. Oh, wait – that would get rid of Jerry, not Anne. I’m not sure WHAT to do about this especially since we’ve no REAL proof he’s winging it with her at the helm. But it’s pretty weird what he’s doing.
SueInCa : which one?
SueInCa : brown was always somewhat of a flake tho
texliberal : What’s this I hear about a Cali county wanting to secede?
AdLib : CL – Head and SHoulders?
choicelady : tex – we’ll keep Brown, thank you. He may be senile but he’s not a raving lunatic. You keep the hair. We’ll keep the flake.
AdLib : CL – How do we impeach Ann Brown as Jerry’s wife?
choicelady : Cher – oh, I know 73 is not old (the closer I get) BUT I think he’s not playing with an entirely full deck. Maybe 45 out of 52 cards. But Anne Brown is making a LOT of his decisions I think. They are inconsistent with his campaign focus AND with his long time values.
SueInCa : not too too in nor cal
texliberal : Is it hot on the left coast too?
kesmarn : Hey, Tex!
Caru : Hi, tex.
SueInCa : you an keep Perry
AdLib : Hey Tex! How did Perry’s sanity test come out?
SueInCa : hey tex
kesmarn : Helicopters?
Chernynkaya : Hey, tex!
choicelady : Kes and Cher – I missed yesterday’s water theft article but DID know about Kasich. They did that once before in Highland Park, a largely Black community north of Detroit, and it was an absolute disaster. The water company they’ve given the water right to is under FEDERAL investigation for fraud and embezzlement or something like that. Proof that you can be too big to bail.
AdLib : Kes – They have to get to the airport to fly.
SueInCa : you cannot live without water, it is the one necessary thing to survive
texliberal : Good evening all, we’ll gladly trade ya Perry for Brown
AdLib : Sue – Homes in CA are still worth around 200% more than 10 years ago. They can fall a lot farther, indeed.
Chernynkaya : CL–that is very upsetting about Jerry.
kesmarn : AL, they’ll just fly their private jets to other countries where they have homes and $$$. Up, up and away.
Caru : If every human on the planet had the same lifestyle as middle-class Americans, then the planet’s carrying capacity would only be around 2 billion. Water is a major factor in this.
SueInCa : wow, tht is scary
Chernynkaya : Cl–73 is no9t that old. unless he has Alzheimers.
AdLib : Kes – They have to come out sometime…heh-h eh-heh!
choicelady : Sue – he’s not over the hill, but he has definitely given power over to his wife, he’s not talking to people, and she keeps him out of the public eye if he is not scripted. All kinda adds up.
SueInCa : our houses are not worth much anyway AL
kesmarn : They are eternally safe behind their Xe-guarded gates, AL…
choicelady : kes – I don’t think drugs. I think senility. He’s 73, and I don’t think his brain is all there anymore.
SueInCa : she is just a sweet ole lady
Chernynkaya : No kes. I’ll read about that!
AdLib : Kes – Gold would go way up but real estate would crash again. And they can’t be totally clueless to how the American people would rise up after an intentionally caused destruction of our economy just a couple of years after the last one. People will be in the streets then and banks may be smoldering.
Chernynkaya : Caru–YES!
kesmarn : Cher, I saw that water theft article. Frightening. Did you know Gov. Kasich (Ohio) is selling Lake Erie water?
SueInCa : He seemed all there to me CL but I am not privy to what goes on in Sac
choicelady : Sue – I once got a series of message sounding like The Godfather. “Hey Nonnie – it’s Tata. Whyntcha cawl me?” This went on forever but he never left a number. Got pretty mad when Nonnie never cawled back. I think it’s better I could not call Tata – he sounded dead on scary.
Caru : In the future, whoever controls the desalination plants controls the world.
SueInCa : you mean the south taking from the north lol?
kesmarn : c’lady, that’s pretty creepy about Jerry Brown. Did he seem weird during the campaign? Drugs?
Chernynkaya : Did anyone read about the water theft in Cali I posted yesterday ior today? Amazing.
kesmarn : They have a lot of gold, water and real estate though AL…
SueInCa : she is confused i am being gentle with her she seems so sad
choicelady : AdLib – I’m about 65% there. What I’ve seen with my own eyes, reports from the GOP leadership about HER screaming at them, and his weird behavior – never once met with the Dems over the first budget – it just all creeps me. I think she’s what props him up. He’s not the Jerry we knew.
Caru : That’s either a really dedicated pranker or a very confused woman.
SueInCa : oops not menat for you al i am losing it
AdLib : Kes – I don’t think so, if a default sent the world economy into chaos, peole would pull out of the dollar big time and as divested asd Wall Street is, they still own dollars and would be body slammed. And as I said, if they come asking for handouts, no soup for you.
SueInCa : AL read the buyout of america CARU it is criminal what they did
Chernynkaya : kes–it’s an old fsvorite of mine.
Caru : Really, sue? Are there that many of these? I wouldn’t surprise me. Ever since I learned about what leverage was I thought that it was a terrible idea.
SueInCa : i have this little ole lady who keeps caling my phone to talk to her grandson Christopher. I called her and let her know and she is still calling me anf leaving msgs
choicelady : Sue – it’s a very real worry among a few of us in Sacto, yes. She totally alienated the GOP folks, screamed at them when they met with Jerry. It’s not looking good – she’s taking way too much on herself. His veto of the farmworkers’ bill is TOTALLY a sop to agribiz about which he never before cared. He’s leaning Blue Dog every step of the way – HER positions, not his. He seems to have NONE.
kesmarn : Cher, that vid is hilarious.
AdLib : Sue – Defaulting would accelerate that quite a bit.
AdLib : CL – Wow! How convinced are you that this is the story on Jerry Brown?
Chernynkaya : Choce, I KNEW Jerry when he was on the LA City College board and dated a freind. Years before Linda Ronstadt. He was very cool.
SueInCa : really CL?
kesmarn : I think some of them have accumulated enough $$$ to ride out another crash easily. They can sell the country short and by the time it all hits the fan — as they say — IBGYBG (I’ll be gone. You’ll be gone>)
Caru : Thanks, Cher.
SueInCa : there is a bubble waiting to bust – the LBO bubble and debt that is coming du
choicelady : Sue – I think we’re in the same boat with Jerry Brown. I think he is managed and controlled by his wife. I heard him a couple of years ago in a small group, and he was incoherent. I suspect she’s his “Edith Wilson” – he really may NOT be functional.
AdLib : I think the Reagan cartoon Caru linked to is from a Family Guy cutaway.
Chernynkaya : Caru–when you get a chance: «link»
Caru : Ban derivatives trading and the market becomes 80% more secure.
AdLib : Foodchain – The thing is, though Wall Street could profit from a default in the short term, they would lose low interest money forever. They’re making billions on lending right now, would they sacrifice that and possible worldwide economic crash again? If that happened, they’re not getting bailed out again.
SueInCa : is anyone going to a van jones meeting?
choicelady : CAru – good cartoon and scary thought all rolled into one!
Caru : Ah, I get it now.
Chernynkaya : Caru–it’s an old funny song. Vibes as in xylophones.
SueInCa : Reagn might have ben man with no brain by then
choicelady : During the Reagan years an artist drew Reagan and three of his cabinet members in a detailed pen and ink sketch. He titled it “Men with no lips”. Still makes me laugh.
kesmarn : like that one, Caru!
Chernynkaya : Good, Cru!
foodchain : AdLib, you raise a good point re Wall St. But bubbles and shorting are the vogue. I think the GOP are setting themselves up to be highly compromised. I’d bet money that they hope their train reached the station before the tracks end, leaving them to fly off the tracks. I’d buy a ticket for that.
Caru : Vibes?
AdLib : Caru –
Chernynkaya : Heh– I guess but I’m joining in the insanity now!
Caru : «link»
kesmarn : You forgot Tricky Dicky Nixon in that line-up, AdLib.
Chernynkaya : “Adolph Hitler on vibes….”
AdLib : Cher – That’s what happens when you leave!
choicelady : Caru – well meeting Ayn RAnd DID get my aunt invited out to tell all. I never knew all the details, but my liberal, independent, feminist before anyone knew the word aunt was VERY turned off by Rand. However, true confession time – my grandfather, my aunt’s father, loved Ayn Rand and all that stuff. He was the odd one out in the family – everyone abandoned him for that and many other not so great attitudes and idea.
kesmarn : I always think of those Simon & Garfunkel lyrics: “I’ve been Ayn Randed, and nearly branded a communist, ’cause I’m left handed…” That’s what happens to people. They get “Randed.”
Chernynkaya : Well, I see the conversation disintegrated while I was away.
AdLib : “The final returns are in for the GOP primary…winnin g the nomination with the most delegates is Zombie Reagan followed closely by Naked Greenspan with Vampire Cheney in third.”
Caru : South Parks not on viagra?
Caru : cl, your aunt was an editor? Cool! Meeting Ayn Rand, now that has to be an, em… experience.
SueInCa : ================ ================ ====>
AdLib : Squirrel!
choicelady : Caru – a sitcom? South Park on viagra?
kesmarn : c’lady, now you’ve got AdLib’s attention with bacon.
SueInCa : caru down the up staricase
AdLib : Caru –
SueInCa : not me kes
AdLib : Sue – Did someone say bacon???
Caru : Greenspan naked. Zombie Reagan. I’m seeing the beginnings of a sitcom here!
kesmarn : Caru, I think the consistency thing actually is a part of it. He’s nutty but so earnestly so and so consistent in his wackiness that it gives him a weird sort of integrity.
choicelady : kes – breakfast at night seems soooo self indulgent. Bacon and stuff for dinner, yum. I just had a pretty bad buffet, so now I’m REALLY hungry. If I dash out for home fries, just ignore me.
SueInCa : CL that is what I read as well
AdLib : CL – It has gotten past the point of absurdity when it comes to the GOP twisting reality to fit their positions. They literally will say up is down and the news will report, “Some are now saying that up is down. Is up down? We talk now with Michael Steele, former chair of the RNC.” “Yes, up is down if you look at it in the right way…”
SueInCa : you should see the trolls trying to justify paul
choicelady : Caru, AdLib – rumor has it Ayn had LOTS of lovers, but have you seen her pictures? My aunt was an editor in NYC and met her and said that was the most wacked out person she’d EVER met. Total raving paranoid freak.
SueInCa : they think ron paul is pure
SueInCa : no bacon is off the table
Caru : I don’t get all the love for Ron Paul. Is it because he’s consistently crazy, whereas most Republicans are crazy and hypocritical?
kesmarn : Any bacon, Sue?
SueInCa : i eat pancakes for dinner tonite i had hash browns
foodchain : In general: Ronald Reagan images are beginning to remind me of when Roy Rogers taxidermied Trigger. I mean really!
choicelady : AdLib – another gross out! Bad Visuals, Greenspan naked. TMI, TMI, TMI!!!!!
SueInCa : now that is not a pretty picture AL
kesmarn : Why is breakfast always so much better in the evening/
AdLib : Caru – Yes, Ayn Rand was too busy making love to herself to let anyone cut in.
SueInCa : i eat those in the morning kes
choicelady : AdLib – Reagan love, let’s cuddle? Please – I just ate. That’s disgusting.
kesmarn : Caru, maybe Ron Paul did.
choicelady : Apparently he KNEW it but forgave Reagan for it. What other reason was there to love him then if all you care about are tax cuts???? Do these people even think before they write or talk????
kesmarn : I’m thinking Cheerios, myself, Sue.
Caru : I don’t think that many people laid Ayn Rand, husband included.
AdLib : The only solace I have is that Andrea has to see him naked.
SueInCa : gotta go get coffee
SueInCa : ewwww cl
choicelady : AdLib – I also think the same thing when I see Andrea. YOUR HUSBAND IS A FREAK and probably laid Ayn Rand.
Caru : Since Reagan is a saint to the right, shouldn’t he have undergone little decomposition?
AdLib : Reagan love is an unconditional man-love. “All is always forgiven Ronnie, now let’s cuddle.”
SueInCa : you bet she does
choicelady : Sue – even worse!!!!That Ms. A has a lot to answer for!
SueInCa : grover did not know that?
SueInCa : I will
choicelady : AdLib – that IS the perfect 2012 candidate!!! Grover Norquist said he loved Reagan. When someone pointed out Reagan had raised taxes some 11 times while in office, he just said he was “disappointed” . Since that is his only issue – starving government – how can he loooove Reagan who expanded it, raised taxes AND increased the national debt 500%????????
SueInCa : lol me too AL I read the articlke i am not watching her
kesmarn : GREEEEENSPAN! Curse you!
AdLib : Sue – Check my link below.
kesmarn : I wonder how many votes he’d get if they dug him up. He looks livelier in that pic than most of ’em do right now.
AdLib : When I see Andrea Mitchell all I can think is “YOUR HUSBAND DESTROYED THIS COUNTRY! GET OFF MY TV!”
SueInCa : caru they would if they could
Caru : Sweet Zombie Reagan!
SueInCa : who ms A? hairyanna
choicelady : Sue – losing the thread. Who’s Ms. A? Coulter? Eeeuuuw.
kesmarn : Missed that one,Sue.
AdLib : The perfect 2012 GOP candidate waiting to jump in the race! «link»
choicelady : Hi WTS – come on down! Welcome. What time is it there – must be the crack of dawn?
SueInCa : did anyone see ms a on Andrea mitchell? someone needs to take her down
kesmarn : c’lady — yeah the voice sounds like it’s coming from somewhere else. Am I possessed?
SueInCa : i justhope they are that deep AL
kesmarn : Yes, Sue. Keep ’em ignorant is their motto.
choicelady : kes – seeing your avatar and joining it with your sounding froggy just does NOT compute!
choicelady : Kes – what an interesting thing. I have real problems with sugar creating canker sores, making me bloat – I never thought about counteracting it. I avoid it like the plague though. Makes for a dull diet!
kesmarn : Good thought, food. I have a script for Clindamycin and have been hitting the green tea. But still sound froggy.
AdLib : And consider how this impacts the Presidential race, Americans will have to consider that if a Repub was in the WH and the Dems held the Senate, we would have plunged into default and economic chaos. A great argument the GOP is making through this for a Dem President.
SueInCa : that is intentional kes
Caru : The perfect GOP candidate is either dead or fictional.
kesmarn : I hope they get that, AdLib. It’s absolutely amazing how many Americans have no idea this huge struggle is even going on, though.
choicelady : CAru – I heard DAvid Brooks tonight say that the field is SO corrupt with Michelle B. caught with her hand in the federal money cookiejar that the GOP is still frantically looking for a candidate. Like waiting for Godot. Who never showed up, BTW…
foodchain : Kes, the salt water is the thing-+-germs are inhibited from growth. I always use this as an excuse for potato chips. But really salt water gargles are good. Never leave with sugar as the last thing-bacteria adore sugar
SueInCa : rep only think they are the majority
AdLib : CL and Kes – As I mentioned though, the net result will be to make the Repubs look like irrelevant brats. They may make their base happy but the other 70% of America will applaud their President saving their asses.
SueInCa : i am still not watching, perhaps i better pay a little attention.
Caru : The Republicans generally look like bratty, destructive kids, I don’t think that they really have a chance at the Presidency.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree IF we stay on message that way. No giving the GOP an inch!
kesmarn : Yes, he has to communicate like he never has before, c’lady. Gotta get this one right.
SueInCa : And he should use it that way
choicelady : kes – you and I are on the same wavelength. So the use of the 14th MUST be put into the context of “saving America from the irresponsible GOP”.
SueInCa : i agree AL
SueInCa : good
AdLib : CL – As I mentioned below too, Obama would seem like the superhero, swooping in to save the citizens from doom as Congress is locked up in playground tantrums. I think America loves decisiveness and will rally around Obama if the Repubs attack him for going over their heads. He will look like the adult, they will look like bratty, destructive kids.
foodchain : AdLib; thinking 5 because they won’t abandon their base this early. And with their super spin, they can have the base think Obama is the evil one. Price to be paid for this me thinks.
kesmarn : You said it better, c’lady. That’s what I meant.
choicelady : Sue – heard today that a federal judge said basics including SS will HAVE to be paid.
kesmarn : But — and I hope I understand this correctly — if Obama uses the constitutional option to raise the debt ceiling, won’t they feel that they’ve been saved from the consequences, AdLib?
choicelady : But AdLib – if they KNOW Obama can use the 14th, then they might go for “purity” with the GOP “standing firmly” (or firm – they are NOT grammatical) for “principles” on the budget. Hard to see how they’d lose that one.
SueInCa : will SS stop?
Caru : They did indeed go rather well, foodchain. A few hiccups, but I think I’m through. The Queen and President Obama’s visits cost 20 million Euro, but are set to generate well over 200 million Euro through tourism, etc. I like that investment, I must say.
kesmarn : Sue, they almost don’t seem to care. Like the Ohio situation. Kasich truly does not care how he’s perceived or whether he gets re-elected.
AdLib : Kes – I’m leaning towards 5 but won’t the Repubs’ corporate and Wall Street overlords crack the whip on them to avoid that situation? Don’t forget, the people who finance the GOP don’t want a collapse, banks want cheap money to continue. I find it hard to believe they’d let this happen, they’re too greedy.
SueInCa : I was reading on Global Research and the finance guy said they are gonna push the market down to 9 or 8
choicelady : Hey AdLib – I’m for No. 5. And LOTS of press about how this is the first time in history the GOP would not honor the debts we already owe thus screwing businesses that have provided contract support, all people, and even the banks. Heh.
SueInCa : kes don’t they stand to lose if they push it?
kesmarn : I think the Reps having been itching for a real showdown and they’re going to keep pushing the envelope to see just how far they can take it. Until they hear a real — NO.
SueInCa : I haven’t the foggiest, I never liked them
AdLib : Sue – Good point, the Repubs are counting on using the unemployed as hostages if they can get a short term deal on the deficit ceiling that expires around them. They are so cartoonishly evil, how can so many people support them???
kesmarn : I’m gonna go out on a limb and say 5. I think the Reps just might push it to the brink and beyond.
foodchain : Hey Caru; Queens, finals, US President; busy place. Hope the finals went well
Caru : No idea. 1 sounds reasonable. Though it would depend on what type of tax increases.
SueInCa : the ui thing in Dec makes me nervous this time around. a pittance for a gold mine
AdLib : Hey Foodchain, nice to see ya!
SueInCa : 4
AdLib : Really curious what everyone here thinks will happen. 1. A deal including revenue/tax increases. 2. A deal with only cuts. 3. No deal and a default on our debts. 4. A short term deal with only cuts. 5. No deal but Obama uses the 14th Amendment to pay our bills. Which number would you choose?
SueInCa : I got the big screen I am most happy
Caru : Hey, foodchain.
choicelady : Catching up – HI AdLib!
SueInCa : I missed Caru, hey there
choicelady : Hi foodchain!
foodchain : OMG, first timer, in for a penny! Can’t stay long, but HI!
kesmarn : And Caru!
Caru : The Democrats could make a killing in political capital by bringing the situation in Minnesota to the fore and really, really hammer down the point that the Rs are for the rich and only for the rich.
kesmarn : Hey, foodchain!
kesmarn : They learned their lessons well from Goldman Sachs. Bet on disaster and then induce it.
SueInCa : hey foodchain welcome
choicelady : Wow – if the Rs have a chance to make millions from a default, that SHOULD be made very public!
foodchain : OMG, first timer. In for a penny!
AdLib : Kes – I heard about that though it was reported it’s $10k – $12k but still, to have a Repub Leader financially gaining from a meltdown? That is so messed up!
SueInCa : his wife had a onflict with the bailouts
choicelady : Dylan might have an amazing point – but like Clarence Thomas, Cantor will get off scott free for his brazen self interest.
kesmarn : The Eric Cantor thing, Sue? I’ll bet you’re right.
SueInCa : bet no one looks into it kes
Caru : You too, AL.
kesmarn : Dylan Rat-Again said that he knows Eric Cantor holds a “short position” in the markets on the possibility of default, meaning that he stands to make a lot of money if the U.S. defaults. Conflict of interest? Then Dylan got a voice in his ear and shut up real quick!
AdLib : Evening CL!
choicelady : I’ve been reading about the subset of Rs who believe their own BS. I keep remembering the pencil-necked geeks who held a press conference roundly condemning the Dems for pointing out they’d voted to kill Medicare. How dastardly of the Dems to point out their votes! The PNGs (pencil-necked geeks) HONESTLY thought they should not be held accountable for that vote. Now THAT is falling for your own BS!
AdLib : Hay Caru! Nice to see ya!
SueInCa : am i online
Chernynkaya : Od fergawdsake. I have to help hubby for a minute. BBL.
AdLib : Kes – I think this is another case of the GOP being too smart for itself. SOme of these BaggeRepubs are probably being encouraged by the BS posturing of the leadership. The leadership is doing it to force no taxes down the nation’s throat, knowing they would compromise at the last minute if necessary but the BaggeRepubs believe the threat of letting the ceiling explode and are becoming more confident about doing so. Thank God for the 14th Amendment, a great way for Obama to be the adult in the room.
Caru : Hi.
SueInCa : hiya CL
SueInCa : Kes, no not a majority
Chernynkaya : Hiya Choice!
Chernynkaya : Kes, they are really so ignorant that yes, they really do think that it will have no consequence. It’s beyond ideology to plain stupidity for many of the Bagger freshmen. And here I thought Wall St and the Chamber could stop them form blowing us up.
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady!
choicelady : Hi everybody! Good to see you all, especially Sue who’s been under the weather to say the least!
kesmarn : Do you think, Sue — a majority?
SueInCa : kes there is more than a subset there is a gang of them
SueInCa : then I hope he uses it
kesmarn : One of the pudnuts was saying that the scary thing is that there’s a subset of the Rs who actually believe their own BS, that a default might be a good thing.
AdLib : Cher – We’ll never get a clean increase though we should have one. I think it’s down to the options I mentioned. FOlks, what do you predict is going to happen?
Chernynkaya : Sue, if Obama uses the nuclear option–ie envokes the 14the amendment, then we can. It may come to that.
SueInCa : this is intentional to make the prez look bad
SueInCa : not with r’s you can’t
SueInCa : yes it is………….. …..
AdLib : Yertle the Adlible.
Chernynkaya : I would like a clean debt ceiling. No budget stuff at all. We can fight the battle over the deficits without the TNT strapped to our bodies.
AdLib : Cool Sue, time for things to get better.
SueInCa : i always love to go play down there
kesmarn : AL, the beach turtle?
Chernynkaya : That’s good Sue!
kesmarn : Good to hear that, Sue.
Chernynkaya :
AL–that’s quite the image!
SueInCa : kes, it is all good he is recovering and we are going down at the end of the month again hopefully for some fun
AdLib : Cher – My back snaps into those chairs like Lego then I have to walk around like that the rest of the day.
SueInCa : i will send him right over
kesmarn : Sue, so sorry to hear your b-i-l is ill. You’ve had a rough time lately.
AdLib : Cher had asked earlier and it’s a great question to start off VP, do you think a deal will get done on the deficit ceiling? If not, do you think Obama will give into a short term agreement with no revenue increases or override them using the 14th, Amendment or allow the US to default?
Chernynkaya : Oh! Great. I have ice cream for him!
SueInCa : yours and AL
SueInCa : visiting his sick brother
Chernynkaya : Whose area, Sue?
SueInCa : my husband is in your area tonite
Chernynkaya : HAH– “I was merely laying on the grill.”
kesmarn : Or a George Foreman grill.
Chernynkaya : AL, just make sure you take a ribbed beach chair–it’ll explain everything.
Chernynkaya : Kes, that’s perfect.
AdLib : Cher – Yes but a washboard spine just seems to freak out the ladies at the beach.
kesmarn : S..qu…eeee…a ..k!
Chernynkaya : Did kes speak?
AdLib : Kes –
Chernynkaya : You mean love handle washboards, AL? They are ATTRACTIVE!
SueInCa : Kes, rincse with salt water
kesmarn : If Carol Channing and Darth Vader mated, that’s what I sound like now.
AdLib : Feel better Kes!
kesmarn : I’ll take a drumstick.
AdLib : What did you say Kes? Speak up.
Chernynkaya : Oh kes–that’s why I bought the big box!
SueInCa : Yep, I have skinny ow lo
AdLib : Cher – Mmm…I grew up on drumsticks…whi ch explains the pattern of creases in my back.
Chernynkaya : Hi Sue! I hope you are feeling better!!!!
kesmarn : I hope you brought enough for everyone, Cher.
SueInCa : Cher I have been craving them
Chernynkaya : AL–one of the best things I like to buy at Costco is the big box of mixed ice cream–sandwiche ds, drumsicks and bars.
AdLib : Hey Sue! Great to see you here!
kesmarn : Hey, Sue!
kesmarn : The internets are wonderful. I have a terrible case of laryngitis and I’ll bet you guys could hardly tell!
SueInCa : Hi
Chernynkaya : Giner ale. Yeah, sure.
AdLib : Mmm…chocolate cookie dough…yargggh!
kesmarn : Had to fetch myself a — ahhh -+- ginger ale.
Chernynkaya : AL–that was me putting away the ice cream!
AdLib : Hey Kes! We heard you opening the fridge…
Chernynkaya : Great to see you, kes!
whatsthatsound : Yuo’re vrey wcelome, Cher!
AdLib : Hye Wutzdatsownd!
kesmarn : Hola, friends. Sorry for the lurky entrance but we were talking here on the home front when I logged on and I got distracted for a bit. It’s been a long week!
AdLib : I do think that gridlock makes people disike Congress and action makes them feel better. Obama and the Dems are in the driver’s seat and the Repubs are clueless. Just hope the Dems aren’t in the dark on this.
Chernynkaya : Hey whts–thanks! I needed thst.
Chernynkaya : Yes, the ones who pay attention will be glad and he’ll get kudos. But we know what the others will say.
whatsthatsound : Hi erybovedy,! Jsut a rndemier taht it in’st ncerasesy to selpl yuor wrods crocretcly wehn ptosing!
Chernynkaya : I read a poll or two that said that if the debt isn’t raised, more would blame the Repubs. I hope it’s true. The polls all look good for us, but I am skeptical about them. Maybe just my worry.
AdLib : Obama will be put in the role of the hero saying, “I’ll take the hit for protecting the American People.”
AdLib : Agreed and I think the public would actually be relieved and respect a “man of action” cutting through the childish tantrums.
Chernynkaya : I was thinking the same. If as every responsible economist says it would be Armageddon if not raised, then he must use it. It’s never been done, but if it really is a catastrophe, why wouldn’t he? And I believe it WILL be that serious.
AdLib : I think that if Obama keeps the 14th Amendment in his back pocket, we’re okay either way.
Chernynkaya : So, will there be a deal o the debt ceiling?
Chernynkaya : My last summer in Van Nuys was 112 almost every day. I used to walk the dog before sunrise. But it feels better in PS because we expect it where somehow we don’t in the Valley, for some reason.
AdLib : Make 115 degrees.
AdLib : Hot and I’m heading out to Palm Springs tomorrow for a family thing…112 degrees?
Chernynkaya : None–I really mean business when I go. It’s finally summer in Long Beach. It got hot yesterday and today. We were talking about how we miss the Valley, but NOT the heat. How are you?
AdLib : Heh! What samples did they have?
Chernynkaya : I’m getting better. Just came back from Costco. Thought of you!
AdLib : Hey Cher! How are you tonight?
Chernynkaya : Hi AdLib!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins right here tonight at 7 pm PDT. You can participate either in our sidebar widget on any page or on our Vox Populi page, located under Live Events. Here’s the direct link: «link» Hope to see you then!
Vox Populi – 7-1-2011
AdLib is online.
Is there ANY way to turn that obnoxious “cork-pop” effect OFF?
When watching videos (even on other sites) it sounds off.. and it’s driving me CRAZY (a short excursion if ever there was one!).