Vox Populi – 02-28-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey TW!
America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away
I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi – 02-21-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
Vox Populi – 02-14-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour...
Cup of Water
Autumn Bee
At The Circus
I am so not worthy. You rock!
As I have promised I come back with my wish list for further postings…. I place my wishes here since Oskär is certainly one of my most favorite pictures. I like the tomato too, but compared to Oskär, he wins…
The order is more or less according to your flickr page
– The Rising of the moon
– Autumn Bee
– Sketch of my neighbor’s tree
– Reading
– Brueghel (Proverbs)
– Light in the Woods with Imaginary Elements
– Mike Stretches his toes
– Artist from Brazil
– Pendleton Avenue
– Young Lady playing the clarinet
– Jaguar
– Cat looking at a grasshopper
– Self-portrait in a white shirt
– Houses of Parliament
– Colorado Mountains
– Sketch of Shells
– and the other cat- and dog pictures.
So I contained myself and chose only those. There are more pictures that I like, but these are my favorites which I hope you’re going to post here over time.
Truth – Thank you for your input. You are ‘way too kind.
I really do want other people to post some art before I put any more up, though. The fact that you would like to see the Brueghel gives me motivation to finish the reproduction… I”ve been slowly working on it for a very long time, and I should definitely put a finish on it.
Besides, it has the potential to be a real conversation-starter (which is good – I like the conversations around here.) As you probably know, The Netherlandish Proverbs is an illustration of different sayings that were common when Brueghel painted it, and I’ve been trying to imagine what a contemporary painting based on the same idea would look like. When I post the finished reproduction, I intend to encourage our fellow Planeteers to add their own sayings and idiomatic expressions that they have heard over the years.
The two that spring to my mind are two of the ones I hear pundits and opinion-writers are saying a lot these days: people who have betrayed are often described as having been “thrown under the bus,” and people whose ideas are marginalized are described as being “kicked to the curb.”
Can’t you just imagine a whole painting filled with over a hundred literal illustrations of such sayings?
Buddy, good idea to collect more sayings, although I hope not all are as harsh as the two you mentioned!!!
It’s great that I now know the meaning of the Brueghel picture. I think when I was a child my mother, who is from Holland, had a poster of this picture somewhere (or maybe another Brueghel picture), but I never knew about the meaning. I just found it a somewhat scary picture.
As for your humbleness: I understand your reasoning, although I find you are simply too humble here. The section is called Art Corner, and not Buddy’s Art Corner, so everybody understands they can post here, and I think they’ll do over time, or some as soon as they discover the new section. AdLib also planned to shift existing Art work into this category.
In any case, if within one week or so nobody is posting, I hope you post something new. After all there are several categories that were created and then not really used soon afterwards. That would be a pity as I really enjoyed, nay: needed the respite of all the tragedy of the past days, and also the respite of politics.
Love it, Buddy. Your use of light and shadow really gives the subject character.
Who said Edward Hopper didn’t paint cats?
Q—Wow. That’s a quintessential Hopper cat alright.
I actually just sat back and absorbed this for a bit.
Ergo, it’s truly good art.
Not just a picture or likeness of something, but more than that.
You speak the truth, Khirad!
You are a gifted artist, Buddy. I looked at your website as well…really beautiful work. I’m a fan.
I didn’t dare to say that e-cat….you speak my mind
Lovely painting, Buddy.
I so admire creative people and, truth be told, am a bit envious.
I envy all the great writers and storytellers and news reporters around here.
It’s all I can do to maintain some semblance of proper grammar. I don’t know if I’ll ever get up the confidence to submit an actual article.
Just visited your flickr pages.. wow..what talent!
Your cat sketches caught my heart!
Would love to see your stained glass..stained glass is something I wish I could do- or afford! 🙂
Every day I find something else I can’t do!
Buddy– I LOVE that painting! What talent. I’m so glad you put that up.
Reminds me of Hopper.
BTW, did you know in Swedish skär means “pink”?
I can see the Hopper resemblance, now that you mention it. That’s a good thing; I really like Hopper.
We named the cat after the little boy in the Swedish vampire movie, “Let The Right One In,” because it’s fun to pronounce the name with the emphasis on the second syllable.
(Although now that I’ve looked it up on YouTube, and I see the name in print, I realize that it probably shouldn’t have that umlaut. I don’t speak any Swedish, so I didn’t know any better)
As a Swede (through my mom)… you are absolved 🙂
Really nice painting!
Hopper? No, I don’t think so, except maybe this one:
But I like your pictures better, Buddy. Your light effects are very special.
Here is how you could organize your online shop though: http://www.picsearch.com/index.cgi?start=1&size=1p&width=1218&q=Edward%20Hopper
I never ever thought of buying a picture, but today I seriously considered to buy one from you. So don’t forget to enable e-banking….
If I were told Oskär was painted by Hopper, I’d have believed it. Using light and room interiors, contours, edges were part of Hopper’s artistic lexicon. Buddy’s painting, most notably Oskär’s pose and affect, is very Hopper-esque and I hope Buddy takes that in the most positive sense!
Questinia, sure. Maybe I didn’t express myself properly, I meant to tell Buddy that I like his works even better!!! And I AM truly impressed by his paintings.
You’ve seen more? Is Buddy holding private viewings in his atelier?
Questinia, here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bmccue/
And he mentions some more of his activities in the profile above
Thanx Truth!
I certainly do.
That’s very flattering to me.
Yessssssssssssssss!!! I loved Låt den rätte komma in! And the young actress playing the vampire, fun fact, is half Iranian.
Call it a metal umlaut. 😉
Ah, a Metal umlaut! Yes, I guess that’s what it must be.
Very lovely!
Buddy- I know you very little from HP, and I’m glad to see you here. Great work- love Oskar! Excellent 🙂
It’s good to BE here.
And if you don’t see me much, it’s because I do more reading than writing here.
Ha! My problem exactly. Welcome to the club.
LOVE the painting – absolutely stunning. One of my favorite “friend artists” is Gordon Fowler. He does “Monet goes to Mexico” type of work. Lives in Austin. Married to a favorite “friend musician” Marcia Ball.
Another of my music friends has a VERY talented visual artist wife, Kit Swaggert. They live in Nashville. I’m just lucky to know both, since I have ABSOLUTELY no artistic talent whatsoever!!
Thank you Buddy! It’s great to see Oskär bigger and to know the picture is in a place where I can look at it time and again without changing the site…
I like it very much, it is very lively and the light effects are just marvelous.
Next time I’ll know to check the right box.
Now I just wish someone else would post some art here! I don’t want to be the only one.
No worries, more people will post once they know this new section is here. Somebody had to inaugurate it though, and I’m glad it was you.
I would also mention the form of the copyright for each picture next time. And I’m looking forward to more posts from your gallery….
***Edit: here’s a very useful link for posting on The Planet:
Oskar is so peaceful while claiming his sunbeam.
I love looking at this painting. The feel and sweetness of a sunwarmed cat is so comforting- and you capture all these emotions.
Don’t wait for others, keep adding your art.
If I could tell one end of the brush from the other, I might be tempted to try 🙂
… Thanks for saying that. Exactly my sentiments too….
Okay, I submitted one more.
But I don’t want this space to be “Buddy’s Gallery,” you know! That wouldn’t be right.
Why not? I wouldn’t mind! But don’t worry, others are also going to post here. Yet for Cher’s pictures we need to wait until SPRING!!!
Buddy – add your flickr link or post those paintings here.
I’ll post something if I can figure out how to do it – Adlib had to “replace” wherever I put my picture of my dog Bob. Thanks Adlib.
Great, Artist! Looking forward to that!