The newly elected and Republican controlled House will take up their first major bill of the new session, therefore it is gifted with HR2, “The Repeal of the Jobs-Killing Obamacare” (According to THOMAS, HR 2 is the only occurrence of the word “killing” in the official title of a bill in the past 22 years) or some other misleading title. This is all part of their campaign slogans of “Taking Our Country Back” and “The People Have Spoken”, even though the repeal of the HCR bill polled way down the list in many exit polls. (Job creation was number one, shouldn’t that be their first bill?)
(Aside: When I was a youngster, to use the word or to call someone a liar would warrant a punishment worse than what the perpetrator received. [something Joe Wilson never learned] So with that in mind and with respect to my parents, I will use the term “Invalid Statements” in this post. You may see it as a lie, or in some cases just simply “crazy talk” [No Shelly, I’m not talking about you]? Call it whatever you like.)
During debate and passage of the bill we all heard many “Invalid Statements” from the “death panels”, “getting arrested and doing prison time” if one didn’t purchase health insurance to “rationed care” and “cutting Medicare.” The list was long and wrong.
One of the many problems of original passing the bill was that the “Invalid Statements” were allowed to linger and be repeated for days before they were refuted. They had Dr. Luntz, we had Mr. Putz getting out the sound bites and arguments. (Political sound bites on television news now average 7-9 seconds- Monkey Cage, leaving little time for explanation.) We were always on the defense not the offense. This needs to change. We need the bumper sticker slogans.
We now have what amounts to another debate on HCR and we need to be better prepared for it this time. When ever you hear an unfounded lies, oops, “nugatory phrases ” please post and if possible find a link refuting it. Let’s make this argument be based on facts and reality.
If you can’t find a link discrediting the falsehood, post the statement and we can all work on finding a link. Here is your chance to have a hand in becoming a wordsmith and sloganeer. If you have one, great, post it.
This will be our clearing house. This is your chance to discredit their false assertions. Do not allow them to linger and become talking points.
We all need to become firefighters. Let’s put out the brush fires before we have to fight forest-fires–this time.
Related articles
- “CBO – Repealing HCR Would Add to Deficit” and related posts (bobcesca.com)
- Anti-HCR Judge Should Have Recused Himself (crooksandliars.com)
- Senate Dems see opportunity with health care repeal push (washingtonmonthly.com)

What Do Americans Really Think Of Health Care Reform Repeal?
Rasmussen is often not just a few points different but many times different by large numbers, combine that with their slanted poll questions and their sampling weighed heavily with Republican voters why are they given any credibility?
Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly
White House White Board: The Costs of Repealing Health Reform
How will the repeal of HCR affect people in your congressional district? an interactive map from the Democrats:
New District by District and Metro Area Analyses of the Impact of Repealing Health Reform
H/T Mother Jones
Surprise, Surprise, the house passes repeal of HCR~~245-189
You know, bito, I have heard many an impassioned argument from the Left (and I too have made a similar one)that sometimes it is justified and desirable to take a stand even if you know you will lose. The idea being that one must occasionally stand on principle. During the original health care debate in its many iterations, we would see people like Kuchinich vote against an amendment that didn’t include a PO, but who came back into line on the final vote. I have no problem with that.
But this seems on one hand like such cynical theater, while on the other, following through on the Goopers’ promise to those that brung ’em: The Baggers. I see that they had to do this, from that standpoint, and they are doing us a huge favor. We get to address the issue after the dust has begun to settle and make our case again, having hopefully learned how to hone our message. And we are finally winning that debate!
I am trying to be intellectually honest with myself here. I have occasionally called for a vote on principle alone from the Dems, even when I knew it was hopeless. It seems wrong to ridicule the Right for doing the same thing. Except now, as I watch THEM do it, it looks foolish, and I will try to remember that the next time I get on my high horse. (I might fail though!)
Indeed I can’t blame ’em. They had to do this. I think many of ’em knew how meaningless it was too. They got it right out of the way.
Cher, you and I have had a few discussions on principles and compromise, and I totally agree with you. I find it hard to compromise on many issues, “but” (that word “but”) that is what is most often what one is left with in the end. Your example of Kucinich was perfect. He stood for his principles (which were correct, IMHO) on single payer, but in the end he had to compromise in respect to the greater good.
More later…
Rep. George Miller’s Impassioned Defense Of Health Law: Costs Have Gone Up ‘Faster Than Superman!’
I saw this speech this morning and was quite moved by his fevor.
Good for Mr. Miller!
And he speaks truth. I’ve seen firsthand the misery that insurance companies can inflict, from both sides — as a patient and as a caregiver. It’s horrible.
At the moment, our hospital system has an RN assigned to every single unit (each unit being 24-26 beds) for 12 hours every day specifically to deal with insurance issues! These nurses do no patient care. They sit or stand at rolling computers and go from room to room, documenting, auditing charts, calling insurances companies on the phone, fighting denials, re-writing, nagging overworked doctors to get patients out faster-faster-faster, and coping with endless amounts of online forms. I don’t ever want to bid on one of those jobs. Those look like the worst jobs on the planet to me. And what a waste. People with years of experience who do nothing for patients that is of immediate practicality. It’s just quibble, quibble, quibble, all day every day. 94 hours a week of RN time for each unit!
Insurance companies are nothing more than middleman brokers…with the emphasis on “broke.” They connect you (if you’re lucky) with a doctor and/or hospital, take a healthy cut of your money, and then proceed to interfere negatively in every aspect of your care.
Sigh…if only they could all have gone away the first time around! But the American public just had to keep what was familiar to them. Well, they got what they wanted.
These companies are familiar alright…like a case of eczema that just won’t go away.
Good Morning Bito,
Can you open this chart?
Patsy, I wish I could, it is a very good chart.
From Dr. Krugman:
Upton Sinclair and the Wonk Gap
Oh, that Krugman, he be so funny. 🙂
“…in general right-wing think tanks prefer people who genuinely can’t understand the issues — it makes them more reliable.”
Oh, Dr. Krugman, you little dickens, you. Smart and funny at the same time…who can resist?
Love it!
Are all those number guys this funny, k’es? 😉
This is totally anecdotal, b’ito, but my son is hilarious. And you could hardly get more numberish than he is.
But he does impersonations as well as verbal humor like Krugman’s, so he’s a sort of humor switch-hitter, as it were.
I wonder where he gets his sense of humor?
That’s from the Twilight Zone! Cool. But, bito, I think the most important point is how far Right we have moved. I am really very sad that the Left is barely a force at all. Very distressing!
It’s gotten to the point, Cher, at which I begin to drift a bit when I try to speculate (remember?) what a really lefty candidate for the presidency would craft as a platform. It’s been so long…
What would the American public think about really radical ideas like nationalizing rail and energy sectors? The banking industry? 90% tax rates on the ultra-wealthy?
Yes, I remember, kes. I honestly no longer know what the public thinks.I think THEY no longer know what they think either–they seem to think whatever their talking heads tell them.
Wouldn’t that be interesting! I lived one summer on Cape Breton teaching at the University of Cape Breton college, and all I can recall is my absolute delight that those discussions were had along with the beer and pretzels. Nothing special. No necessary agreements, but no fracas either. Just a thoughtful reflection of “what could be good for Canadians?” It was wonderful.
Wish we could do that here. And mean it. Of course there are other things going on – lots of discussion of a ‘third way’ in which local control such as worker or community ownership and management of industries and business ARE occurring. There is a great deal to be said for that since state ownership is often just another form of corporatism. On the whole though, you are not hearing even this above the local level of politics.
Wouldn’t it be loverly, as Liza Doolittle sang. Sigh.
I had the same thought, Cher!
OK, I have to just vent about how much this sickens me. I read the interview (on NBC news) with Dick Cheney and HIS fucking platinum health care.
In the meantime, actual human beings are dying, awaiting transplants where there is NO money. Just die already, DICK. There, I said it.
I think I need to amend my agreement to be an organ donor, Cher. For whatever it’s worth, my heart can go to anyone except Cheney.
And in one segment he criticizes Obama and HCR, while 2 people have died in AZ from Brewer’s 2 million-“Transplants don’t work.” – dollar cut.
Oh, did I mention, AZ cut mental health care, too?
Cher – when he got this implant, I noticed in a story about his procedure that one side effect is that he has no pulse. None. Anywhere. At all. For some reason that totally creeps me out. It would merely be an interesting phenomenon in someone else, but with him? It totally creeps me out. Totally.
Oh, C’Lady– you really made me laugh with that!!
Yep, hahaha, TOTALLY! Evil sonofabitch bastard.
Ezra Klein: Omnibus post on the ‘gimmicks’ in the CBO’s score of the health-care law
Cher, what a good article! How did Ezra get so smart, he articles are often very informative.
On the DocFix:
I am unaware of any of Paul Ryans budget numbers ever passing CBO, or anyone’s muster, yet he is Mr. Budget for the R’s.
If I could make the rules, I would demand that every Repub who is against the bill, stand up and read the parts of the bill that they claim will ruin the country. Want to bet that most of them have no idea what is even in it?
What a great idea, Kalima! I heard mostly nothing but generalities today from the R’s, exept from Mr. Ryan and the CBO disputes his figures.
At least there would be room for debate as the meaning and wording could be explained to those thick heads. Seems to me that they don’t even understand your Constitution, someone needs to give them some lessons, preferably in public. I’d like to see them blathering when each of their arguments against HCR are reduced to ashes.
The Repub mentality is like someone shouting “gun shots’ when a car back fires, causing everyone else to stampede. Dumber than dog poo.
Joe Lieberman, the Democrat-turned-independent senator, plans to announce he won’t seek re-election, sources say.
Oh, and then there’s this bit of theater.
26 states join Obama health care lawsuit in Fla.
Okay, let’s see exactly what repeal would do:
Allow insurance companies to deny children if they have preexisting conditions.
Reopen the donut hole for seniors.
Not allow dependents up, to 27 years-old, to stay on their parents policy.
Cut 34 million off from health care insurance.
Give the insurance companies back 500 billion in profits from Medicare Advantage.
Do away with preventative screenings for children and seniors.
Increase the deficit.
From Cher:
Allow lifetime limits on benefits.
Allow refusal of coverage if pre-existing condition
Allow Ins Co to drop you unexpectedly if you get sick (recession)
Help! More?
Allow lifetime limits on benefits.
Allow refusal of coverage if pre-existing condition
Allow Ins Co to drop you unexpectedly if you get sick (recession)
“Insurance corporations are not middlemen, they are there to serve.”
That what the rep from NY seemed to be saying.
“buying insurance across state lines” That one, I have heard multiple times. There is a pilot program in HCR to see if it is even feasible.
What are “private sector solutions” in health care? Seems like the only solution that there ever came up with is how can we solve this so I can buy that new private jet.
That would be it, OK.
😆 But those are private-sector bureaucrats just doing their patriotic capitalistic duties.
…and anyone who says otherwise clearly hates America.
Ron Paul: GOP ‘Could Be’ Hypocrites For Using Gov Health Care For Themselves, Repealing It For Public
H/T ThinkProgress