I found this article by David Isenberg over at HP and thought it was something we all should be aware of. Mr. Isenberg has written extensively on private contractors in Iraq.
Yes, KBR, Congress is Talking About You
“Although it was not mentioned by name there are some provisions in the FY 2010 Defense Appropriations bill which are very clearly aimed at KBR, the former Halliburton company. These are not the sort of provisions that will be making KBR officials happy.
Consider Sec. Sec. 8116, “Limitation on Availability of Funds for Execution of Contracts Under LOGCAP.” It says:
No later than 90 days after enactment of this Act none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be obligated or expended for the execution of a contract under the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) unless the Secretary of the Army determines that the contract explicitly requires the contractor….”
Read the rest of the article here.
Books By David Isenberg
Friendly Fire
Shadow Force
Lupus (The Facts)
The war profiteering by Halliburton/KBR is one of those subjects that should have the big, bright light of Congress shown into its dark corners! Literally billions of taxpayer dollars have been doled out to this company during the past 8 years with apparently no end in sight.
I recently viewed a documentary “Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers” that shot my blood pressure through the roof. If any of you have not seen this, it is certainly worth obtaining a copy. The documentary highlighted the back-room deals of Cheney and the shoddy work done at the expense of the American taxpayer and our bravest and best. For instance, Halliburton/KBR was responsible for building water treatment facilities for the use of our troops. It was reported that they built some 66 of these treatment plants. It was found that 63 of them provided contaminated water for our troops to drink and bathe in! Of course, the contracts held by that corporation were “no-bid”, thanks most likely to the office of the former Vice President who continued to receive a large amount of money each year from Halliburton while he was in office.
As Americans, we should all be outraged! Is it not bad enough that our sons and daughters were used in Iraq as cannon fodder for Cheney’s illegal, immoral oil war? And then we are faced with knowing that these private contractors were much more interested in their bottom line than in the safety of our troops, never mind the billions of dollars they robbed from our Treasury!
We may never see the prosecution of war criminals from the previous administration that were guilty of devising and carrying out torture against detainees. There seems to be little stomach in Washington to do so. But this is one area, in my opinion, that should be rigorously investigated and charges brought against those responsible! We owe that much to the families of the troops who died unnecessarily for Halliburton’s bottom line!
The fury I feel at this – and hope that Congress is finally exerting the strength over these despicable contractors – is compunded by emails that get forwarded to me from Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Whether the assaults on women come from contractors or within the military, too often they and soldiers in general get sent to RW chaplains rather than qualified psychologists. One anonymous report from a rape victim reported that when she went to talk to said chaplain, he told her that it was God’s judgment on her for not being a good “Christian” (wrong denomination apparently) so she should suck it up and live a better life.
The rates of suicide among our troops can be tied quite directly to the sources of their “counseling”. I’ve had some very serious discussions with veterans’ advocacy groups that showed me the men and women most likely to commit suicide are those counseled by chaplains from the RW fundamentalist, End Times view of Christianity. The troubled troops are also told that if they had been “good Christians” they’d not be bothered at ALL by the deaths around them, the actions they saw and took, the horrors of war. So it’s all THEIR OWN fault that they are traumatized by the killings of civilians, children, women – those were just Muslims, so God wanted them dead. Trauma, guilt, horror – those are “unChristian” emotions.
The disgust I feel about this nation’s unrelenting march toward fundamentalism in our military – and even our civilian world – cannot be articulated. I fear that as the phony progressives, in both the secular and faith communities – hold Obama to an impossible standard, and as they revile Congress for trying to balance the disparate wants of a diverse nation – failure to vote will allow these people to return. This morning’s paper said that the bright star of Congress, Republican Keven McCarthy, is rallying his troops to bring about a Republican majority in 2010. It’s not that independents and progressives will vote for that – it’s that they won’t vote at ALL allowing the Palins and their ilk to return to dominate Congress.
I blame HP in large part for this. The failure to keep the eye on what is really being achieved, what a horrendous mess Obama has inherited, and how measured and LEGAL he has been in his responses – all that has been dismissed by the progressives who rely on hype and simplistic analysis. We live in a world where “God ain’t it awful” and “they’re all alike” are our only interpretations of actions.
If we let the RW come back into power, it will be horrid. I fear the progressive and even liberal part of our nation’s inability to understand how hard governance is. Too many of my allies would rather just curse the darkness. We’re simply too used to it. I am truly scared for the nation and therefore the world.
A most excellent comment, choicelady! You are sadly spot on here!
I guess I am hoping for a minor miracle. The RW has been ingenious in the use of the media for their own purposes, something the Democrats have not seemed to learn very well. From the outset of the health care debate, the rethugs were in front of every live microphone they could find, controlling the message. I even wrote the White House, begging them to come out earlier and stronger on their message because the tea baggers and the rethugs in Congress were the ones getting all the press. The President’s message was being drowned out by the lies and distortions.
By the time for the elections next fall, health care will be done and the troop draw-down in Iraq will be in full swing. Hopefully, this will influence voters to come to their senses.
And don’t get me started on Ms. Huff and her turn-coat ways!
The RW has a co-conspirator in the media. They would not be powerful without the constant drumbeat from television and radio. And that is all heavily funded by corporate dollars.
The christian fundamentalist movement is nothing more than a smokescreen for corporate dominance of our politics. We’ve gotten our foot in the door of health care reform. Media reform should be next.
As well as campaign finance reform. Without that, we the People don’t stand a chance!
Amen, Emerald and Nellie – and I have no idea what to do about this. When your supposed allies (I exempt Keith and Rachel) purvey crap (a technical term, of course) where do we look for good information? I do find Frontline reliable, but all of this is a drop in the bucket of media availability. What IS it that HP et al. WANT? When I read supposedly liberal news and see rotten information put out so Obama can be slammed, Dems put down, what IS the point? If you begin with a straw man – bad info – of course you can wax prophetic about how failed this presidency already is. Huh? But the point is – WHY? It can’t all be corporate since some of it is coming from non-corporate sources. Help – someone talk me down????
I’m sorry I don’t have a link to the comments I was reading in the past several days about Arianna Huffington’s right-wing ties when she began the HP. There were several comments saying the the “leopard does not change its spots” and the like.
Murdoch and his empire have managed to gain control over so much media in this country. IMO, he needs to be “anti-trusted”. Fox News is on every cable network, while MSNBC is not available in many areas. The right wing definitely has the advantage.
I believe this would be it…
Thanks Tiger99 for providing that link to all HuffPo articles.
Here’s the direct link to the recent article of Nellie’s I think you’re referring to:
Thanks, Tiger and Adlib. I knew I read it here, but could not remember who wrote it.
Another mind bending comment, choicelady. All I can do is nod in agreement. Let’s hope PPOV will have a positive impact on the broader progressive community and get us focused on the real dangers in our society and the real threats to progress.
Thanks, Emerald. Now my blood pressure is going up up up !! These companies and the people who work for them are the lowest of the low. War profiteering is supposed to be illegal, isn’t it? They should be taken over by the state and disemboweled. Call me a pinko.
Hi e-cat! That’s the same reaction I had when I first saw that documentary I mentioned in my comment. That’s just the tip of the iceberg! You would not believe the fraud and waste by these crooks! And it seems that the Pentagon just lets them continue!!! I don’t understand this!
And yes, to answer your question. War profiteering is about on the same level as treason. It is most definitely illegal!
Frontline is such a wealth of information. It is too bad more people do not use it instead of the mainstream media hype. I had seen or actually read this story about Halliburton leaving supplies out in the desert when they broke down on Global Research. Some of their blogs are sometimes on the “conspiracy” side, but I have found alot of very insightful articles using actual “investigative journalism” there as well. One I read about H1N1 said the hype was all about selling vaccines, well it appears the flu virus never did manifest like we were all told it would, but big pharma did sell it’s vaccines. You just have to pick through the fact and fiction and check on facts. There are a few bright stars still on HP but they are being overshadowed by the “hype, sensationalized headlines” of the rest.
I got turned on to FL after seeing “The Betrayal of Democracy”.
Uniformly excellent.
I saw that one as well. There is no “fantasy” journalism in their pieces and they have retained their standards while others go down the tubes.
Hi Sue! I can’t tell you how great it is to see you here! You are such an asset to our small but growing group!
I read the same thing about the virus vaccines back some time ago. At the time, it was all about the “bird” flu coming from Asia. They tried to convince us that a pandemic was coming and that thousands would die! Then I find out that Donald Rumsfeld, who had not retired at that point, had substantial holdings in the company who manufactured Tamiflu, the supposed only vaccine against it. Rumsfeld, no doubt, made millions on the scare. He was, at one time, one of the corporate officers of the company that made the vaccine. How convenient for him!
And now it looks like the H1N1 is just more of the same. That is not to deny that some people have been infected and some have unfortunately died from the strain. But the major epidemic they forecast has not happened.
Follow the money, my friend…follow the money!
I cannot tell you how comforting it is to be able to come here and converse with real adults. Try Global Research for real stories about what is going on today. And thank you for the kind words, I followed you on HP and was always impressed with your calm rational comments. In fact I really don’t remember you getting in to it with trolls, like some of us did. Now when I go there, I sometimes comment, but try to ask them civil questions to see if they can evolve, they mostly ignore the civil questions though. I just think it is sad that Hairyanna puts money over content. Someone sampling sites would probably think it was a place for angry kids, not the progressive site it once was.
I agree with you! I watched it change over the time I spent there. Thanks for your kind words to me. I don’t necessarily agree that I was always rational or calm!! Flossy used to make me nuts! I really had to restrain myself.
What I really love here, besides the good friends that I am making, is the fact that WE actually choose the content. We can write what we want to about any subject…and we do this WITHOUT moderation. It just proves that adults can manage themselves! 🙂 Kudos to Adlib and Nellie and the rest of the gang for putting up a first-class site!
I’m just an editor here — piggybacking on a first-rate idea conceived and executed by AdLib, Kalima, KevenSeven, and KQuark.
Well, I have to say you’re doing a first class job of it, no matter who’s in charge! I’ve really been impressed. I would say that THIS is what a blog is supposed to be!
Ditto. I decided in the New Year to donate every month that I can to keep them solvent. I appreciate what they have done. It is also nice that we mostly knew each other from that other site. I am really getting to love writing my own articles. I find myself searching for material now LOL. Watch out everybody.
That’s exactly how I found that article about the issue of war profiteering! I was looking for something to bitch about! LOL! 🙂
Better us than those rightwingbatshitcrazy pubs.
Emerald, this is such an important story. Not only do contractors operate outside the code of military conduct, they cost us three times what the same work costs when done by our military forces.
If our military responsibilities can’t be handled by our military, then maybe that’s a sign that we can’t afford the military action. Either that or pay our troops more so we can recruit more people.
Thanks, nellie! It IS important and with everything else that’s happening right now, it seems to be on the back burner for most people.
Another point brought out by the documentary I mentioned was that Halliburton/KBR was given the contract to handle laundry for the troops over there. They charged the American taxpayaer $100 PER BAG OF LAUNDRY!! This absolutely frosted me!
And then, there was the “cost plus” contracts. If a piece of equipment broke down, they just left it in the desert and bought a new one. Not only would they be reimbursed for the purchase of the new equipment, but they were also paid a percentage of “profit” on that purchase. SUV’s, computers, oil tankers…all were left in the desert to rust. They made money by throwing things away. There was never any incentive to save the taxpayer’s dollar.
They also damage our reputation worldwide with the shenanigans they pull. Xe/Blackwater is a good example. You cannot use a contractor whose mission in life is to rid the world of muslims in the middle east or for that matter anywhere. But it was a Crusades per Rumsfeld so they logically would think Xe was the company for the job. What a bunch of mixed up, angry right wing fundamentalists.
Emerald — I’m going to link back to HP for the bulk of your article. We need to be careful about reprinting entire articles because of copyright issues. One or two paragraphs shouldn’t be a problem.
Oh I’m so sorry! I thought that if I gave the author credit that there would not be a problem. I will remember this in the future! Thanks for keeping me on the “straight and narrow”!
No worries. These publishing nuances can get tricky!
Thanks, nellie! I’m not particularly “nuanced”! 🙂
It’s one of your charms, Emerald. 🙂
LOL! My most humble thanks! 🙂
Speaking of copyright issues, check out this HP story comparing the House and Senate health care bills. The article has two by-lines, presumably people who work at HP:
Now look at this article from boston.com. It’s the same exact information.
Who do you think stole this story from whom with no attribution whatsoever? I know what I think…. 😉
I don’t know if it makes any difference, e-cat, but HP lists it as an AP article.
They do credit the article to AP at the very top. I think HP made an arrangement w AP to run its content. So it’s not surprising to find this same information elsewhere.
Aw, that little red logo. Hehe. Oops. I suppose I better take back all the terrible things I’ve said about HP….hmm. Maybe later.
Naaah! Not really!
Good Morning Everyone!
“Bad Voodoo’s War” aired on Frontline almost two years ago.
If you’ve never seen this documentary, you should. The men of Bad Voodoo Platoon (National Guard) brought Iraq into living rooms around the world, and KBR was called out then for not doing its job.
Thanks boomer. I have bookmarked it to go back to later. I know they have been called out repeatedly, but yet they are still managing to get those contracts from the military. It doesn’t make any sense! This whole “no bid” thing is so rotten that it smells to high heaven!
This is meant as a reply to Kalima, below.
That’s the question: how can one possibly be “compensated” for this? It’s a sick, sick story. Taxpayer money, filtered through a lawless company, was used to harm this woman, and others.
We should never forget this. Has she been compensated and how do you compensate?
There can be no compensation for rape.
Sadly, this type of behavior is common in our military as well.
The recent articles about Major Anthony Cucolo and his desire to jail pregnant women service members is outrageous, and shows the military’s attitude towards women.
There have been numerous articles about women in the military who become pregnant whether it is by rape or accident.
If a military woman chooses to abort due to rape, she must pay for the procedure herself at an outside clinic.
Plus, the military refuses to provide emergency contraceptives.
And then here at home for civilian women, things aren’t much better when it comes to HCR.
(good morning everyone)
Good morning, pretty lady! I missed you yesterday!
It seems that the legal penalty for rape has been decreased over the years. I remember when I was much, much younger that rape would get one a life sentence. No more! Some people thought that life behind bars was too much, but those same people never realized that the woman who is raped must live the nightmare of it for the rest of her life! So sad that in the 21st century, we even have to discuss this!
Violence against women remains one of the leading issues of humanity — not only physical violence but also psychological, legal, and economic violence.
javaz, that broke my heart. The thing I ask the most of these men is, was your mother a woman?
I believe Debbie Stabenaugh asked that of either Kyl or Cornryn?