The Weekly Planet
Special Guests: FeloniousMonk and Grabamop
FeloniousMonk : KQ, yes, back when I had a job, I saw that a lot, including the continued rising of copays on medical and prescriptions, and loss of other benefits. Even with nominal raises, each year you made less, not even considering inflation. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Good Evening! x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : There is so much they damaged in the last 8 years. x
KQuark : Exactly Sue! x
SueInCa : if we can’t try these guys, then our justice system and security is for shit, maybe the GOp decimated that as well x
KevenSeven : Felo, what the hell ever, it is a Fed responsibility, that is the point. The NYPD will have men on the job, but the Feds will pay for it. Sheese. x
KQuark : FM I want most from healthcare reform is healthcare security. Even like HITO said your employer can change your insurance at any time right now. x
FeloniousMonk : The “Fascist assholes” are going to throw out any arguement that they can. They aren’t interested in justice, nor America’s image, nor the real safety issues. Only revenge and power. x
bitohistory : Like I said the Fed is going to pick up the tab. Including NYC cops x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Indeed K7 more lies from the shrieking pansies…… x
SueInCa : All you gotta say to the GOP is boo and they wet their pants x
PepeLepew : I suspect NY and the feds would share some of the security costs, with the feds probably taking the brunt of it. x
KevenSeven : Graba, why do so many people think NY is going to be stuck with a big bill? Because it suits the purposes of fascist assholes to push that narrative. x
bitohistory : Governor’s Island x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Well we know that the GOP are a bunch of cowards. x
FeloniousMonk : K7, the federal marshall service isn’t big enough on this one, if it came to pass. More likely a lot of FBI, some NSA, and then a lot of good old NYC boys in blue. x
SueInCa : there were trials before for these guys, i am not sure what all the talk is about security, the marshalls do this every day x
bitohistory : Costs were discussed during the hearing s the other day.the Fed will pick up the tab. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Oh, ok, then why do so many people think the it’s going to cost NY? It’s going to cost all of us as taxpayers. x
KevenSeven : Bit, I have no clue about any island, but I am sure it is perfectly unnecessary to be bothered with it. x
KevenSeven : Grabamop, No, the Fed Marshals will handle security. x
FeloniousMonk : Some of the security, but they might get recompensed by the government for supplying the manpower and logistics. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Yes Pepe, supposedly he was on Dialysis….. x
SueInCa : well, i definitely aware of that. i was just a little fuzzy on the outcome and punishment phase x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Won’t NY be responsible for the security? x
bitohistory : K7, what are you thought on having the KSM trial out on the island in the harbor? x
PepeLepew : I agree with Grabamop. My gut feeling tells me OBL is dead. Didn’t he have a really serious kidney condition? x
KevenSeven : Sue, I am not at all sure that everyone understands that NY will not be paying for this. Certainly HITO is concerned about it. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : sure Sue. x
SueInCa : thanks graba x
KevenSeven : AdLib, tell it to HITO. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Fed law trumps state law x
AdLib : K7, chill. We’re all colleagues here. x
SueInCa : K7 i think we understand NY was not prosecuting, but the question was if ny law regarding the death penalty would hold, i think the answer is no x
KevenSeven : HITO, you used the word “fucking” in your response to me. Go cry a river. What damned difference does it make where I live? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : you are correct K7 x
bitohistory : KQ, SHIT, Sorry to here. x
KevenSeven : PEOPLE! The AG is the AG of the whole fucking country. He is leading a FEDERAL prosecution. If the state of NY WANTS to prosecute, let them. But the question at hand is that KSM will be prosecuted in Fed courts. x
SueInCa : i meant federal law x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Does anyone think Bin Laden is alive? I think is is dead. x
AdLib : Interstate crimes are under federal jurisdiction, as are any crimes related to planes. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : see ya HITO x
KQuark : Yup did the Muga and everything but I was treated 2 years before they changed the MOPP/ABV therapy to mitigate the effects of the adriamycine. x
FeloniousMonk : For most people, death is an easier punishment than being in a singular cell for 30-40 years. I bet Charlie Manson wishes he’d been executed. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I meant cop killings…not for the cops themselves x
SueInCa : if tried in fed court, us law would prevail not state, i think x
HITO : K7, wow, “fucking difference” I’m out kids. Be well. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : you are correct Monk and since 9/11 happened in more than one state he could be tried in Fed court. x
AdLib : My feeling is that if we wanted to prove to the Muslim world what America is all about, we try Bin Laden, use evidence to prove him guilty then send him to life in prison. x
SueInCa : really Graba? Maybe for cop killings? x
FeloniousMonk : IF it’s a federal trial, not a state one, then I beleive federal punishment comes into play. x
HITO : Sue: No NY does not have death penalty…for now. Weak governor may be overtaken, but apparently not by Guiliani. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : NY had the death penalty only for cops x
bitohistory : KQ, Did you not get a MUGA before chemo? x
KevenSeven : HITO, what fucking difference does it make where I live? I am an American and KSM’s prosecution will be paid for by the feds. x
FeloniousMonk : You know that one of the traditional methods is to make them “unclean” by feeding them pork or spraying pig fat on them. Then if they die they’re denied “Heaven”. x
SueInCa : ny does not have the death penalty, right? x
HITO : Grab: Listening to Palin’s book on audio as punishment…RLM AO x
KQuark : Wow I got mine in 2005. A chemo drug destroyed my heart muscle about 15 years ago now. x
PepeLepew : I think executing OBL would be a mistake. Martydom is so big with the fundamentalists. Just let him rot for life in SuperMax … but I know if we ever caught him and convicted him, it would be automatic execution. x
HITO : k7, do you live in NY? x
SueInCa : pay per view, I like that one felonious x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : oops……..once Bin Laden is convicted his sentence should be that he has to listen to Palins book on tape read in her own voice…over and over again. x
SueInCa : i actually believe everyone should get a trial, so I prob would not really advocate killing him. a trial would be interesting x
KevenSeven : HITO, these are Federal prosecutions, and I could care less how much they fucking cost. Let Justice be served, x
FeloniousMonk : Yes, since around 2000. Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy. x
SeeknDestroy : Free for all x
AdLib : I…er…planned this to be the open chat portion of the event. Yeah, planned it! If everyone is cool with it, shall we continue here or on a post? x
bitohistory : question:World Court? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Once x
KQuark : FM did you say you had an ICD too? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : How about stoning him? You could sell stones in a lottery and it could go for education. x
PepeLepew : As far as OBL, yes, I say try him … x
FeloniousMonk : Put Cheney in as his bunky. That would be justice. And then do 24/7 pay per view of the cell on a webcam site. x
SueInCa : no send dickie boy to the field and take care of him along with the bin ladinster x
SeeknDestroy : LOL x
KevenSeven : I actually think Obama should commute their sentences to life in solitary. They WANT to die at our hands. Don’t give them what they want. x
KQuark : Hi everyone! x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Are you HITO on HP as well? I have seen that sock there x
AdLib : So send Dick Cheney to escort him to the fields? x
HITO : K7 Because it’s too fucking expensive for NYS to absorb. me, i’d rather money go to education. Try the mFr in DC. x
FeloniousMonk : Sue, perhaps we should decapitate him. It’s big in the middle east. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Bin Laden should be tried in criminal court. Then lock him up and throw away the key. If we fry him, it will only be used as a recruting tool. x
bitohistory : He could be tried in the world court x
AdLib : If Bin Laden is found guilty, (if???) should he be executed? x
SueInCa : no, accidently shoot him, but bring the body back for proof. x
KevenSeven : Yes, if we ever capture bin Laden, we should try him in Manhattan. Why not? x
FeloniousMonk : Yes. x
HITO : Shit Sue, no wonder. I am formally HeIsTheOne. I offed myself awhile back on the alternate universe. x
AdLib : BACK ON TOPIC FOLKS: If we caught Bin Laden, should we criminally prosecute him? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : He is the ONE! x
SueInCa : ok, who is HITO? what is the meaning? x
AdLib : K7: Heh! x
SeeknDestroy : LOL x
KevenSeven : Oh well, so much for maintaining control…… x
SeeknDestroy : I have one. x
AdLib : What if we caught Bin Laden? SHould he be tried in a criminal court? x
HITO : You get yourself a HITO. nuff said. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : My favorite bumper sticker is ‘The masses are asses’ x
SueInCa : thanks mop x
SeeknDestroy : What if you’re a blond and have trouble thinking? x
FeloniousMonk : Swift boating was so disgraceful if I ever met one of them I’d demonstrate my opinion of them. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : You guys can use my lines anytime. x
SueInCa : Exactly, the confuse the bill of rights with the constitution. x
AdLib : The old bumper sticker goes, “Vote Republican, it’s easier than thinking.” x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Kerry was savaged for earning three Purple Hearts. x
SueInCa : I, too think, therefor I am a liberal x
AdLib : If the Rethugs knew what the Constitution said, they’d be proclaiming themselves Socialists. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Thank, HITO……Hi Pepe x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : We are doing exactly what Bin Laden wanted us to do, bankrupt ourselves. x
PepeLepew : I’ve never tried this before. x
SueInCa : adlib, if the rethugs knew what the constitution said, they would shut up x
HITO : Grab, so eloquent, thanks. “I think therefore I am a liberal.” x
PepeLepew : Hello…? x
FeloniousMonk : As much as I don’t believe in the death penalty per se’, it is needed to remove these people as a future bargaining chip by those who might try to take prisoners and blackmail for his return. x
AdLib : Remember, Kerry was savaged in the press for calling for an ent to “The War on Terror” and saying that we should pursue terrorism as a police action? Just like the rest of the world. x
SueInCa : look up criminal thinking errors, it is her to a T x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I adore the constitution…. …I think therefore I am a liberal. x
HITO : My take on KM…already tried in a military court, and that must have cost big bucks. The NYC trials are supposed to cost $75MIL per year and will drag on at 2 minimum. That’s just stupid. x
FeloniousMonk : The basis of American justice is open trial, and not tribunals. Nurenberg was still a courtroom, with “civilian” judges. If it worked there, it can continue to work here. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Try them then fry them. Even though I don’t normally support the death penalty……… only death panels x
SueInCa : KSM should be tried in the US and NY spec that is where the crime occurred. x
AdLib : Why do so many Americans look at The Constitution as a pain in the ass? x
FeloniousMonk : HITO: WOuld you rather moan? x
HITO : HITO : Monk: Stop making me laugh. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Palin is a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder x
SueInCa : tits for jesus, that is funny x
AdLib : OUR FINAL TOPIC: We know that Glenn Beck is a symbol of the GOP, the playacting of hysteria at everything Obama does has become so predictable. SO we can’t be too surprised that they are wetting the floor like nervous cocker spaniels over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (or should I just call him, K-Mo?) being tried in criminal court in NYC. If I was a Fox News anchor, I might ask, “What if they’re right?”. Since I’m not, I’ll ask, “What if they’re truly deranged?” Why shouldn’t K-Mo be tried in criminal court? For that matter, if we caught Bin Laden, wouldn’t the best way to deal with him be in a public criminal hearing where the American value of justice is shared with the world? x
FeloniousMonk : I thought that a great practical joke would be to have 10,000 fake “inserts” made with saline solution with Carrie’s name on them and a serial number, distribute them across the nation (left at tables, bars, ect,) and then have a number pulled for a winner. x
AdLib : Fact checking IS opposition research to Sarah. Friends don’t let freinds lies be found out. x
bitohistory : where are the book signins for”going Rouge-an american night mare x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : You mean the AP that is doing opposition research? x
HITO : Oprahs network show is a goner in 2011. She signed a sweet deal with Sirious…meanwh ile she has done nothing to draw fans to the paid site. x
SueInCa : but a real interview or just at a signing. x
FeloniousMonk : I’ve seen a lot of adult entertainment, and she couldn’t hold a “candle” to them. Get down, Sarah, get down! x
AdLib : Palin’s porn name: “Alaska Favor” x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Hey you gotta hand it to Prejean……..o r tits for Jesus x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : No, a real porn star……..crap I can’t remember her name x
HITO : Monk: Stop making me laugh. x
AdLib : ALgebra question: Porn star = or > Palin? x
HITO : Sue: last reported by Javaz last night via Kos, they were going to let Associated Press in. x
FeloniousMonk : Carrie Prejean made it to Oprah? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Oprah has really jumped the shark, the next day she had on a porn star x
bitohistory : Another quiz: Where are the interviews and book signings for x
FeloniousMonk : Yes, Exxon Valdez is a part of her Army of Jaun. x
HITO : Oprah, worse x
HITO : Walters…yuk. x
FeloniousMonk : I said yesterday she should be allowed to have a booksigning at the Guantanamo Naval Base. We could just forget to bring her back. x
SueInCa : hito, ap did an interview? x
AdLib : Palin thinks Exxon Valdez grows coffee beans. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Why didn’t Oprah or Walters go after her? x
HITO : But Sue, they let AP in…not NYT, not WaPo. AP…ha! x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : The latest lie is that she helped negioiate the Exxon Valdez settlement. x
FeloniousMonk : She’s like Reagan, she is a true believer in her lies, no matter how many times people point them out and prove them, she’ll still embrace them. x
AdLib : Isn’t there an issue here about the media magnifying her presence that’s a bit creepy? And what about her book signing on a military base? x
SueInCa : she hand picks her interviews. she is not going with anyone hard hitting x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Good question Bito, why doesn’t anyone call her on it? x
FeloniousMonk : The left hand washing the right one, so to speak. x
HITO : Monk: Faithful to the hand…LMFAO I knew you were a man of convictions! x
SueInCa : Fel Monk – there is an article out there, Sarah Evita Palin that speaks to what you refer to in puppets x
AdLib : WOuld the GOP just be better off claiming Sarah Palin is the Virgin Mary…well…Ma ry…and become a true religious cult? x
bitohistory : why doesn’t anyone in get an interview with her and ask her about her “lies”? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Huckabee does not have a chance he raised taxes and have you ever seen his family? WOOF! x
FeloniousMonk : HITO, I will remain faithful to my hand before I’d fantasize about that Alaskan Malamute. x
HITO : Damn Adlib, I thought she winking at me only. Shit. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Look how far right the GOP is moving now because of her! And her endorsement of NY 23 worked out so well, for us! x
FeloniousMonk : It’s hard to tell, that Babtist bible beater from Arkansas is trying to sound reasonable, but I’d not trust a holy man in the white house, no matter what. x
AdLib : I think it’s the starbursts that come through my tv when she winks at me. x
HITO : Grabamop: Isn’t it because of her white teeth and fine boobs? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : She would probably shoot me from a helicopter. x
AdLib : Isn’t Palin the best thing to happen to Democrats? Won’t GOP candidates have to be frothier at the mouth and scream in higher pitches to beat her? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : The MSM loves to report about her because of the reaction she elicits… x
FeloniousMonk : Throw a shoe at Palin and she’d have the Secret Service gun you down right there and then, and then act pius and pray for your soul. Silly bitch. x
HITO : Monk: You mean to say she is not a puppet? LOL x
FeloniousMonk : It’s simple, the GOP will always claim they’d support a woman for the Presidency, but unless she’s a puppet and they have absolute control over her, it would never happen. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Sarah fatigue……can I throw a shoe at her too? After the stunt she pulled today it’s going to hurt her. x
HITO : I hope Palin does NOT lose the nomination. To me that would be yet another gift. Jesus people have to wake up at some point. x
SueInCa : so hav I mop, and i am a nana not a grandma lol x
SueInCa : i meant the insurers, not the medical system. the docs would prob be glad x
AdLib : NEXT TOPIC: So Sarah Palin, after declaring that Obama wants to kill Grannies with Death Panels, has a book out that is ghostwritten by a hateful woman for her and has a plethora of lies in it…how can she lose the GOP nomination in 2012? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : that’s ok Sue I have been called worse!
FeloniousMonk : Considering that so many other things that should have benefitted some of us didn’t, like COBRA reduction, mortgage reworks, extended unemployment, there are those who are accepting of the sacrifice and those who are mad as hell. x
AdLib : Okay, let’s put a pin in this conversation to continue on the post and MOVE ON TO OUR NEXT TOPIC… x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Where are they going to turn to? The GOP is full of asshats. x
HITO : Adlib: Turn on the dems? We are the Ones. The repubs would have kept status quo. x
SueInCa : omg i called grab a mop grandma, i apologize. i must be dyslesic x
FeloniousMonk : And doctors and their offices just don’t get it. Even the compassionate ones are sort of oblivious to the realities because theirs comes so easy. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I think my our health plan would be taxed….and it’s not Cadillac either…it didn’t even cover my husbands vasectomy x
HITO : My x’s energy company had Emblem insurance this year…was really good. They announced last week they’re switching back to CIGNA, which sucks. Was due to the 56% increase in premiums. And then today they announced the premiums for the crappy CIGNA will be much higher than the Emblem. We are fucked x
AdLib : Taking this in a slightly different direction, what if this health care reform passes but since it doesn’t go into effect until 2014, could the public turn on the Dems before then? x
FeloniousMonk : It’s reality. I had to accept it, but right now I’m healthy, as anyone with a defibrullator and diabetes is. Oh well. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I know Adlib x
SueInCa : hey grandma x
AdLib : The only problem with letting health care collapse is that it would only collapse on consumers. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I am so sorry to hear that FelMonk. x
HITO : Wait, let me share this. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Hey Sue! x
FeloniousMonk : Considering I personally have less than 2 weeks on health insurance left, and can neither afford nor probably get offered insurance in the current market, this is very real to me. x
AdLib : HITO, no problem, this is a limited chat or it would get too crazy. WHen the chat is done, we’ll open the chat up in the post. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Hi HITO x
SueInCa : I say let the healthcare industry collapse on it’s own. When people can no longer pay, it will happen x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I would like to throw a show at that drunked faced Nelson. x
HITO : Sorry to interrupt. x
HITO : So, I’m not allowed to engage, cause my name is not listed? x
AdLib : Abe was opposed to universal health care? x
FeloniousMonk : Yes. And I don’t get Nelson of Nebraska at all. x
AdLib : And Sen. Shinola from Texas. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Lincoln is a tool as well. x
FeloniousMonk : Well, there’s mud and then there’s cow droppings. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I am just wondering if we should like the health care industry collapse under it’s own greed before we do something x
FeloniousMonk : I hope not. Landrieu is such a tool. Wouldn’t even go to the free clinic in New Orleans or talk to Keith Olbermann. x
AdLib : Making congressmen stupid is like making mud dirty. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Well he is from my home state………we make them stupid here. x
AdLib : Is this all a game? Aren’t the Dems holding out just trying to get payoffs like Mary Landrieu? x
FeloniousMonk : Without a PO, then there better be real severe controls placed on the industry, draeconian even. Damn leaches and vultures. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Stupak is blowing smoke he does not have the votes. x
AdLib : Stupak doesn’t have the IQ. x
FeloniousMonk : Stupak doesn’t have the votes I don’t think. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : If the Senate passes anything the PO will have to go. And then the chance for real reform goes out the window. Rates will still explode and the subsidies will explode the deficit x
AdLib : Will it be closer to the Senate version or the more harsh House version…consid ering Stupak’s threatening to kill the whole bill if he can’t get his way and someone’s lollypop too. x
FeloniousMonk : Let us hope not. It is wrong, wrong, wrong. And I used to drive past the lste Dr. Tiller’s clinic regularly when I lived in Wichita and have helped others out before. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : the anti abortion will stay if it is to pass. x
AdLib : The anti-abortion amendment. x
FeloniousMonk : The overall bill? Or what? x
AdLib : So the Senate might abort it? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I don’t think it’s going to get thru the Senate. x
FeloniousMonk : I know, but at what cost if we get nothing? x
AdLib : So will the bill pass with the anti-abortion amendment intact? x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : As a por choice woman, I am torn about the abortion provision. I want HCR but at what cost? x
AdLib : Okay, as we’re on the topic of health care…The Senate could be voting tomorrow on bringing their Health Care Reform Bill to the floor. Shows you what a majority leader is truly capable of when he’s running way behind in the polls on his reelection. So Reid did step up but some Blue Dogs and Mumbly Joe (Lieberman) are threating to step off. WIll this bill pass the Senate and if it does, will it end up being a good bill? Also, should Reid warn all Dems that if they don’t vote for cloture to end the Repub filibuster, that they will lose their Chairmanships… and really follow through with that. And maybe force Lieberman to accept a public spanking? x
FeloniousMonk : Viagra is half the tonic elixer that Rush Limbaugh has to take each day. x
FeloniousMonk : If they’re willing to strip out everything that benefits big Pharma and the insurance industry, I’ll fight that one harder next year, but I’m a middle age man, and I know it needs to be in there now. x
AdLib : There’s stiff opposition to that. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Is Viagra going to be covered in the health plan? x
AdLib : Okay, hopefully I haven’t driven everyone off. We should have a fun and interesting discussion about some of the week’s top news stories, for your viewing pleasure Again, please don’t enter any comments now, right after we’re done here, we’ll all be popping over to the new post where everyone can get in on the discussion. x
AdLib : He’s ambitesturous. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I am confused about Reid, one day no balls the next day balls. x
FeloniousMonk : Yes, but at Harry’s age, they probably aren’t functional. x
AdLib : So the Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats have shoved this anti-abortion amendment into what is supposed to be a bill about offering MORE healthcare to more people, it’s insane. Some Republican Congresswomen wanted to go even farther with an amendment that called for banning the use of federal funds for prescriptions of Viagra and Cialis but support for that amendment by Republican Congressmen was too soft. x
AdLib : On that topic, Grabamop…Well, Harry Reid finally unveiled the Senate Health Care Reform bill and to the surprise of many, it has a real Public Option plan in it. Ironically, just after announcing it, Reid had a health scare and was rushed to the emergency room after having discovered strange growths. The emergency room doctor calmed him down and explained to him that they were just called “testicles”. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : As some of you might have read my post. The GOP have no balls. x
AdLib : It’s hilarious to watch how terrified The Fox News gang is. Glenn Beck has had to do a product placement deal with Depends and Kleenex or his show would go broke trying to keep them in stock. Did you see his show today? He squirted lighter fuel on his hair, lit it on fire, ran around in circles screaming then plunged his head into a toilet backstage. You know what the term for that is on the Glenn Beck show? Casual Friday. x
AdLib : Maybe a bit like turducken? x
FeloniousMonk : Sounds more like cold turkey, and you know how the turkey fared around her last year! x
AdLib : Have you heard all the Republicans squealing and jumping up on their desks in fear at the thought of trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in court in NYC? Look, I know how terrified Republicans get at the thought of a dangerous enemy of this nation being prosecuted in a U.S. criminal court but Cheney hasn’t even been indicted yet. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : I wonder how many of the books will be actually read. x
AdLib : It’s an Alaska thang. x
FeloniousMonk : I still don’t know how they’ll translate incoherency into English. Perhaps an intermediate step, like into Bushisms. x
AdLib : I’ve heard people call “Going Rogue”, Sarah Palin’s bible for running in 2012. I don’t know about the use of the word “bible” in this situation, it’s kind of comparing Sarah Palin to Jesus and I don’t think that’s fair. I mean, Jesus made mistakes. x
AdLib : They’ve already started recording the audio book version but they ran into a snag when they ran out of meth for the narrator. x
AdLib : Talking about news…how about Sarah Palin’s book? Can you believe the hype? And it’s an instant bestseller. In fact, I hear it’s such a big hit, they’re going to translate it into different languages, the first one being English. That is, if they can find a translator who speaks fluent Gibberish. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Hello Earthlings…… .. x
FeloniousMonk : Hello, friends, Romans, countrymen! x
AdLib : Here, we try to mix a bit of humor with a discussion of the week’s news. x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Greetings! x
AdLib : Welcome all to the debut of The Weekly Planet! x
AdLib : You’re in the right place! x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : Present! x
Grabamop/Obama2008 : what about me? I’m confused! x
AdLib : Grabamop, are you here? x
FeloniousMonk : I’m back! x
AdLib : Hello all, just a few moments and we will begin! x
FeloniousMonk : I’m here. Hold on a second, I’ve got to run for a quick message. x
AdLib : FeloniousMonk, let me know when you’re on the page! x
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