Good morning everyone!
I hope that when and if you have the time, MB will be the place for you to catch up with friends before you leave for work or start your new day. A place to relax and take a break from serious topics and discussions during your day.
You are free to talk about anything here. Introduce your favourite news stories, videos, photos, funny stories or recipes. Think of it as your space, whether you wake up with the birds or chose to have a lay in, MB is open 24/7, from about 5 am EST-2 am PST.
Please feel free to drop in anytime, you are always welcome here. Looking forward to meeting you here in your mornings, afternoons and evenings.

Good morning everyone.
Songda is on the move and the rain is increasing here now. We are hoping that like the last two big typhoons in 2010, there could be a last minute change in direction over the Pacific instead of hitting us head on. Fingers crossed, well the fingers that are not plugging up a leak that is.
Will make this short as I have a Skype date with my favourite Welshman at the top of the hour. Take care and be safe. Sayonara from my rainy but not yet very windy corner of Tokyo. Mata ashita ne.
Just a heads up. This might be the last Sunday Morning Blog I do for awhile. I’d like to have this one day a week where I can relax on hubby’s only day off from work, which is Sunday. I hope you don’t mind.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Regulators never questioned one-page document
Memo emblematic of disaster plan flaws
France, U.S., U.K. committed to nuke power, Germany resolutely opposed, Italy’s plans on hold
G-8 differ in reactions to Fukushima
As nuke workers wait, tainted water climbs
Power outages, downed communication lines knocked out most radiation monitoring systems in disaster areas
Foul-smelling fish and seaweed plague survivors of earthquake and tsunami
Cool pillow cases offer new energy-saving option ahead of predicted power crunch
News Navigator: What kinds of donations are given to Japan disaster victims?
28C in the middle of our summer plus the in the 90’s humidity, and you might just as well be sitting outside in the heat.
Tokyo gov’t adopts ‘daylight savings time’ in summer energy savings plan
Libya: Coalition forces prepare two-pronged blitz to finish off Gaddafi
British, French and other Nato forces were on Saturday night preparing a two-pronged blitz to try to finish off Col Gaddafi as already slender hopes for a peaceful resolution to the Libyan crisis faded.
Gaddafi to be told to stand down or face Apache attack
If South African president Jacob Zuma’s peace mission fails, Nato will deliver its heaviest blow to Libyan leader’s forces
Tunisia: Birthplace of the Arab Spring fears Islamist insurgence
The uprisings that swept North Africa and the Middle East began in Tunisia. But, as Andrew Gilligan finds out, the country is still searching for its happy ending.
After Ratko Mladic arrest, attention turns to Goran Hadzic, Serbia’s last remaining war criminal
With the arrest of Ratko Mladic, Serbia is now under pressure to capture one last remaining alleged war criminal – Goran Hadzic.
Really it was someone else’s fault, isn’t that always the case with these guys?
Ratko Mladic says all Serbs must share the guilt
It was Milosevic’s fault, says the man charged with orchestrating the biggest massacre in Europe since the last world war
Hundreds of Palestinians cross reopened Gaza-Egypt border
Post-revolution move is hailed as ‘first step towards breaking the siege’, but Israel voices concerns
I can’t see what is so wonderful about this. It’s only those who have profited from the billions of dollars poured into Afghanistan who will reap any benefits. not the people of the country.
Kabul gold rush: western billions bear fruit in luxury property boom for Afghan capital
Kabul is witnessing an unlikely boom in luxury properties as the billions spent in Afghanistan by the West begin to bear unexpected fruit.
Trafficked children condemned to a nightmare by state neglect
Thousands of trafficked children are being abused and murdered by their captors, but UK officials remain indifferent and sceptical
Cancer patients denied last wish to die at home because of shortage of nurses
70,000 cancer patients in England and Wales die in a hospital bed every year, despite wanting to be at home
Andrew Lansley forced to make U-turn on public health campaign cuts
Health secretary attacked after calls to smoking, drugs and lifestyle helplines plunged following spending freeze
Honduran police turn a blind eye to soaring number of ‘femicides’
Women are being murdered at the rate of one a day, yet a report by Oxfam accuses the police of ‘systematic indifference’
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Maid’s family describe ‘pious, respectable’ girl who grew up in remote rural Guinea
As the hotel maid who accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of rape prepares for the trial in New York, her family 4,000 miles away describe the ‘pious, respectable’ girl who grew up in remote Guinea.
Rich, bored and unpopular – Lord Ashcroft is the perfect pylon designer
It might be an idea to hand this poisoned chalice to someone with nothing to lose
Yesterday’s answer. El Salvador.
Today’s question.
What did visionary Czech scientist Otto Wichterle produce in his kitchen using a contrption made with an Erector Set, bike parts, and a phonograph motor?
The big picture: the former Jackie Kennedy with new husband Aristotle Onassis at Heathrow
In 1968, JFK’s widow united American glamour with European super-wealth when she wed a Greek shipping magnate – to the dismay of many
Amnesty International marks 50 years of fighting for free speech
Amnesty International: campaigning organisation started by Peter Benenson to free prisoners of conscience celebrates evolution from first protest
Shell’s battle for the heart of Ireland
For generations, the people of Erris have been farming and fishing along the remote coast of County Mayo. When gas was discovered offshore, Shell pounced. But it hadn’t bargained for the unyielding resistance of the community
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Good Morning/evening, Kalima! First off — by all means, you should enjoy your Sunday day of rest with your dear hubby. And without guilt! 😉 All the news of the world will still be there on Monday — no matter what the end-of-the-worlders say.
I love Japanese ingenuity when it comes to micro-solutions to problems. Like the cooling pillow to conserve on energy during the hot summer months. Very ingenious. (I think I might need one for my head and one for each foot, though.) And in the winter, I’ve noticed that there are practical little items like heated slippers and rugs available. Much less expensive than heating a large house to 75 degrees, the way some Americans do, so that we can lounge around in our underwear with bare feet in a snowstorm.
It was disheartening to read about the dearth of at-home nursing care for cancer patients in the UK, but it reminds me of how much more difficult it is for cancer patients in the US. 24/7 at-home care is virtually unheard of here, except for the very, very wealthy. Even having an aide available around the clock is out of the question, sadly. Which throws a huge burden on family members and results in their needing to take leaves from work (and even that possible only because of Clinton’s Family Leave Act)and/or walking around in a more or less permanent state of exhaustion. What a set of priorities we have.
To the trivia question: today’s guess du jour — the electric mixer?? 🙄 That’s all I’ve got!
Happy Memorial Day weekend to all. I’m off to the barbecue, which will likely be rained out, I’m thinking?
Both the story on the lack of hospice nursing care and the story on trafficked children make me wonder about results the cuts in social services the UK and the US that conservatives seem to want. No thought of the future. I would like some one ask Paul Ryan what happens under his plan with home-health care, hospice and nursing home care?
Mix Master! Probably right, but how about? Garbage disposal? 😉
Ok- another chance for you to make fun of me Kalima..
But for some reason- the first thing that popped into my head was plastic..(and I’m darn sure it wasn’t something I retained from my chemistry classes!)
So that’s my guess- Laugh away!!
If I’m wrong you can laugh, but you can’t keep me after school- not after bito said ‘garbage disposal!!!’ 😉
(sure hope you’re wrong, bito!)
Kes, I think your answer is correct. Sounds good anyway!
e’cat, I’m away from home at the moment but I had to pop back in for a minute to say that I could hardly have been “wronger”!
I looked it up and you won’t believe it when you hear the answer! 😉
But there is Hospice.
God Bless every dear one who is a part of that organization.
They fought to keep my Mom comfortable, and in the beautiful Yellow Rose Unit in Methodist Hospital, Indy- until she died.
Maybe some “sorta-kinda” good news.
Typhoon weakens to tropical storm
Doesn’t sound like you can put the rice bowls back-drip, drip, drip…
bito- you just became a ray of sunshine!
Sorry about the rice bowls, Kalima, but look at the bright side- they’re washed now!
Eeeek, the Guardian sure slapped Jackie O. back down didn’t they!
Yah, like she is alive to give a damn. If she were still with us, they would be one of those cameras cramming for a shot at her. The glasses were to get attention? She lived in NYC! She could get all the attention she wanted. And, how do they know that is fake fur in that car? Like Jackie said, “You marry the first time for love, the second for money, and the last time for companionship.”
Jackie didn’t give a damn when she was alive- shows her character.
Kalima! where do you get your smilies?? Mine don’t work anymore? 🙁
Joy to the Word, Three Dog Night! Gotta be there! And we are now in serious pet acquisition talk no thanks to you!
You have furry kids???!!
Hey, I’m food chain for a reason. We had dogs, cats, reptiles,everything but birds. We do need a new stock as it were. 😉 No alligators though! It was you that like I thought you was a toad? Jeremiah was a bull frog!!
Gators fall under nuisance- at best!
Bullfrogs aren’t too cuddly- IMO! 😉
Although Jkk, how Kalima does it day after day is a source of raising wonderment to me.
Didn’t you know?
Kalima is WonderWoman!!
Would Love to see pussypalin take Kalima on!!! 😉
jkk, I can nothing kind about Palin. As a female, I’ve got a lot of anger about her and what she’s doing. Cheap cheap cheap and I ain’t talking Tucans. If I get to FL, she’s a “two beer story” as they say.
LOL fc- it’s a deal!
Good morning everyone. Welcome to your Memorial Day weekend.
Won’t chat long, still have a few things to check and prepare just in case typhoon “Songda” does hit us as predicted during the weekend or Monday. The rain has been constant all day long, but nothing like the torrential rain we have been told to expect. Not making things any easier is the news that the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant is in no condition to withstand heavy rain and wind. A very unsettling prospect.
So I should get on with my securing and last minute checking. Hope you will have a good day. Take care and be safe. Sayonara from my dark for most of the day corner of Tokyo. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Fukushima school limit: 1 millisievert
Fukushima Pref. teachers get dosimeters
Assistance assurances for Japan as nuclear crisis, implications take center stage at summit
G-8 urges atomic safety standards
Kansai prefectures on board with Son’s huge solar energy project
Crippled nuke plant not prepared for heavy rain, wind
IAEA expert team inspects crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
Criteria to assume missing people as dead undecided
Good, now get started.
Ratko Mladic is fit enough to face trial for Bosnian massacres
Ratko Mladic, the Butcher of Bosnia, is fit enough to be extradited to the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague, a court in Serbia has ruled, dismissing his family’s claims that he is too ill to face justice.
I’m not really sure how I feel about a role for Russia in this.
G8 summit: Russia agrees to mediate Gaddafi exit strategy
Russia has agreed to mediate an exit strategy with Col Muammar Gaddafi after appeals by President Barack Obama and President Nicolas of Sarkozy of France for his help in ending the stalemate in Libya.
Arab Spring: protests in Yemen and Egypt while fighting continues in Libya-in pictures
Egypt to open Gaza border crossing
Hamas praise ‘courageous decision’ to allow Palestinians first free passage out of Gaza for four years
Libya: In the line of fire
Guy Martin was one of a group of five photojournalists covering fierce street fighting in the Libyan city of Misurata when they were hit by a mortar attack. His colleagues Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros were killed, and Martin himself suffered serious injuries. Jessica Salter hears his story
Good luck to them.
Yemen president launches air strikes as rebels advance towards Sana’a
Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Yemeni president, launched air strikes on Friday as he mounted a desperate rearguard action to prevent the capital city Sana’a from falling to tribal fighters seeking his overthrow.
35 feared dead after Pakistan bus crash
Up to 35 people are feared dead after the bus they were travelling in plunged into a river in Pakistani Kashmir on Friday, police said.
Ethiopia ‘day of rage’ hopes to oust Meles Zenawi from power
Democracy activists plan protest aimed at ending prime minister’s two-decade authoritarian rule
David Cameron defends aid spending at G8 summit
PM launches passionate defence of Britain’s commitment to international aid and calls on other leaders to fulfil their pledges
I suppose when you are born with a “silver spoon” in your mouth, you just have to keep up appearances, right mate?
David Cameron spent £680,000 of taxpayers’ cash on Downing Street
Refurbishments revealed in government records, including £30,000 for No 11 flat
Murdoch’s shenanigans on parade yet again.
Phone hacking: police warn Mail journalists of voicemail interceptions
Mail on Sunday and Daily Mail may have been targeted by News of the World investigator Glenn Mulcaire
This must have been terrible, but I imagine that dropping at this speed, many of the passengers would have lost consciousness before the plane hit the ocean.
3.5 minutes of terror: Air France crash dropped at 10,000 feet a minute
Passengers on an Air France flight plunged for three and a half minutes before crashing into the Atlantic, killing all 228 on board, after it lost speed and stalled while the main pilot was resting, the first evidence from black boxes has found.
Spanish protesters clash with police over clean-up
Violence breaks out around Barcelona’s Plaça de Catalunya, the first trouble after 12 days of protests
UN warns of food riots in developing world as drought pushes up prices
European dry spell and commodities speculation combine to push up average cereal costs by 71% to record levels
I said this here about a month ago.
WikiLeaks accused Bradley Manning ‘should never have been sent to Iraq’
Guardian exclusive: Soldier held over US intelligence leak was known to be mentally fragile and unsuited to army life
Internet security: cookie monster unleashed following EU ruling
Browsing the internet may become frustrating as a ruling forces all websites to gather user consent before storing data
Palin and her bus tour and now Giuliani leading a poll, come on you guys, admit it, you really have no one for 2012. This is as laughable as it is pathetic.
Rudy Giuliani surprise leader in lastest Republican poll
Rudy Giuliani came out on top of a new survey of the 2012 Republican presidential primary field, even though the former New York Mayor has not so far jumped into the race.
Yesterday’s answer.
The Persian Gulf War.
Today’s question.
What’s the only Central American country without a coastline on the Caribbean?
Congo: Across the spectrum – in pictures
Soldiers’ uniforms turn purple, vegetation magenta … the infrared film used by photographer Richard Mosse forces us to see the conflicts of Congo in different ways
Freedom Riders hit the road again, 50 years after US civil rights milestone
Civil rights activists who helped to end segregation at bus and train stations reunite in Jackson, Mississippi
Le Quattro Volte: ‘A film with the heart of a saint and the soul of a vegetable’
Xan Brooks admires the quiet majesty of Michelangelo Frammartino’s drama about one man and his goats
Mugabe is a lunatic, he believes he is royalty.
In jail: Zimbabwe police sergeant who dared to use Robert Mugabe’s loo
Alois Mabhunu may face a year in prison for insulting the president after being caught short at trade fair
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Morning Kalima,
Checked the weather sites for Japan and that typhoon seems to quite slow moving, wave action getting larger along with the rain heavier. Turn, Songda, Turn!!
A year in jail for using Mugabe’s loo! If one looks up the term “power corrupts” it could just say “see Mugabe.”
This article: “UN warns of food riots in developing world as drought pushes up prices”, caught my eye. Why to some in the US keep ignoring these warnings is beyond me. There have been studies after studies done warning of this. Even in Congressional hearings the Pentagon has ranked this their number one concern, yet we have a Congress cutting funds for alternative energy sources, subsidizing oil companies, and doing their “drill, baby, drill chant.
Afternoon bito. I’ve just checked and “Songda” is now approaching Kyushu, the rain is heavier here.
Mugabe’s loo story shows how delusional this creep is. I’m sure he would just wallow in the title of HRH.
We have already seen the protests in the ME sparked in many cases by rising food prices and joblessness as much as them being protests against corruption and unfair elections. Yes, leaders should heed the warning signs, they have been continuing for many years, it’s not a new possibility by any means. Riots about food shortages happen every time there is a drought anywhere in the world and governments just seem to ignore them as people who speculate on the prices get filthy rich and people, mostly babies and toddlers, are dying of starvation every hour of every day. Some progress for mankind isn’t it?
Good morning everyone.
I’ve been out and I was so happy to get back to the safety of my own house. Going out to normally crowded areas of Tokyo is always an adventure, especially when the crowds you meet are mostly going in the opposite direction from where you are trying to go to. I survived by hanging on to pavement railings when the surge started, looking right and left constantly, then attempting a quick rush into the lobby of the photo studio where I always have any official photos taken. I was shaken but not stirred, and relieved to be in one piece. 😯
Have any of you ever had a successful photo from one of those maniac photo booths they put all over the city? I come out looking like prisoner number 999 every time, and my husband’s driving licence photo of a few years ago, would have earned him a place on the 10 most wanted list. I had to pay a little extra so that they would be ready today, and they have just been delivered. Not exactly my best, but they will have to do because in the usual kerfuffle of leaving the house, I forgot my hair brush and my lipstick when Ollie started to do his upside down, tickle my tummy pose just as I stepped into the hallway. Never mind, no one will ever see them unless I rob a bank or steal an old lady’s handbag. 🙂
So I will wish you all a good day. Take care and be safe. Sayonara from my as not yet rainy corner of Tokyo, although the weather forecast has given rain for a week. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Fukushima No. 1 eyed as site for nuke fuel graveyard
Farmers in 5 prefectures to demand TEPCO pay 10 bil. yen in damages
Marine debris hampers fishing
Iwate Pref. OK’s handover of unclaimed cars
Miyagi areas devising restoration plans
Great news for many who have waited for justice for far too long.
Ratko Mladic arrested: Serb general called to account after 16 years on the run
Ratko Mladic once went by the self-anointed title of “God”, but to thousands of Muslims in the Balkans, the man arrested by Serbian special forces on Thursday was the devil himself.
Ratko Mladic spearheaded the Serbian war machine in the Balkans
Ratko Mladic was the brutish army commander who embodied the vengeful Serbian nationalism that swept the Balkans in the 1990s.
Ratko Mladic: An old man faces justice
Belgrade has sent a clear message that it intends to turn the page and start rebuilding the country and the region
Why did Ratko Mladić’s arrest take so long?
I will never forget the horror in the eyes of Srebrenica refugees. Sixteen years on, my faith in international justice has waned
Then again, Cameron’s fears could just be pure scare tactic speculation, as the majority in the ME don’t favour extremism for their futures.
Arab Spring will add to extremism if we do not help, says David Cameron
The Arab spring risks fuelling extremism and immigration unless fledgling democracies are given help by the West, David Cameron has warned.
Real comeuppance would be if he were killed by the people he tried to kill. Bloody coward!
Libya: Gaddafi ‘increasingly worried’ he will be killed by Nato
Col Muammar Gaddafi is “increasingly worried” he will be killed by Nato and has taken to hiding in Libyan hospitals to avoid air strikes, British intelligence reports suggest.
Nato attacks in Libya: key targets, day by day
Nato has been bombarding pro-Gaddafi forces in Libya since 31 March 2011 in Operation Unified Protector. Our map shows the targets reported.
Refugees from Libya attacked in Tunisian desert
Hundreds who fled Gaddafi regime left without shelter as locals ransack and torch refugee camp
Thousands flee Yemen capital amid civil war fears
Thousands of panicked civilians have fled heavy fighting in the Yemeni capital Sana’a yesterday amid growing fears that President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s refusal to stand down could trigger a civil war.
Hillary Clinton arrives in Pakistan amid tense relations
Hillary Clinton arrives in Pakistan on surprise visit amid frayed relations after death of Osama bin Laden
Contract killers as young as 15 recruited to do drug syndicates’ dirty work
Turkish crime gangs in north London thought to be linked to spate of killings
Hands off our health care!!
NHS reform bill sent back to MPs for examination
Health and social care bill to be delayed by six months as Nick Clegg says it would be wrong to ‘bounce’ it through parliament
Not only are they the scum of the earth, they are also bad losers.
Far-right attacks escalate after BNP election defeats
Glass and rocks hurled at anti-racism meeting in east London
What an absolute monster.
Abortion clinic doctor charged with infecting patients with hepatitis C
Anaesthesiologist James Latham Peters charged with endangering life of 49 women at clinic in Melbourne
Yesterday’s answer.
Cimarron (1931) Dances With Wolves (1990) and Unforgiven (1992) Looks like KT got all 3 correct answers. Was that right off the top of your head KT, if so, well done.
Today’s question.
What marked the first time since the Revolution that the U.S. accepted direct financial aid to fight a war?
Major questions raised over routine treatment for shock in children – video
Doctors stunned by results of trial carried out in Africa, which showed excess deaths in children who had been treated by Feast
I wonder if they do day trips?
Beautiful pictures.
Cosmos Close-Up: wonders of space from our solar system to the edge of the Universe
Woman to swim from Cuba to Florida 30 years after first attempt
A 61-year-old American woman plans to swim through shark infested waters from Cuba to Florida after failing to complete the feat 30 years ago.
Oops, that’s a huge thing to lose.
£900,000 State coach made for the Queen ‘missing’
A £900,000 handmade state coach designed as a gift for the Queen’s 80th birthday has vanished in Australia.
Fun with David Mitchell
David Mitchell’s Soapbox: Phone calls – video
David questions the modern assumption that everything is quicker and easier to sort out by text, rather than via the mystical language of the mouth
Viral Video Chart: Obama hits a bump in the road
Obama’s cavalcade comes to an embarrassing standstill, Japanese teams stage a pitched battle in the name of sport, and a child has fun with an otter in this week’s roundup
Hardly a great image for Ralph Lauren. Hard to live down I should think.
Mexico: youth follows drug barons’ fashion with Ralph Lauren polo shirts
Branded shirts worn by arrested barons have become a trend among youth who ‘want to look like the bad guys’
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Good morning/evening, Kalima! I’m still reading and have to leave soon, but I just had to take note of the story on “Feast” rehydration in Africa. These rapid fluid boluses for dehydration have always seemed counter-intuitive to me (and other nurses). MDs will order them fairly often — sometimes at the rate of up to 1000 ml per hour. Based on the patient’s condition, sometimes we simply don’t comply. For a very ill patient about 300 ml/hr seems to be the max. Maybe that’s why more people survive in the West. The nurses refuse to obey every order?
More later, I hope!
We had a Doc on our staff who would not write an order until he had gotten report from the nurse. He always told them, ‘I’m just the Doctor, You Know this patient.’
He is a Very smart Doc- and everyone would bend over backward to accommodate him!
Lots of interesting stories, Kalima. From my two visits to Tokyo, I remember well the flood of humanity on the Tokyo streets. I remember marveling at this one boulevard at nine o’clock — a vast sea of businessmen in suits, all a bit worse for wear after an evening of eating and drinking. Once I was meeting a friend in a subway station at rush hour. When the trains pulled into the station, the huge rush of people pouring out of the trains was really quite terrifying. I hid behind a pole and almost had to bolt the station before my friend finally showed up. It was overwhelming and not fun!
Am I the only person here who hasn’t visited Japan??
I propose a tour for Planet people!
Kalima, how many sleeping bags can the outside tribe fit into their garage?? 😉
Kalima, yes it was. Mad dad was a huge fan of westerns, and I grew up with them. I wasn’t quite sure about Cimarron and just gave it a shot.
Batttan down the hatches, Kalima! How many candles will it take to get this out to sea?[img
Thank you bito. As always, your good wishes and kind thoughts will be enough. The heavy rain should be starting tonight after hubby gets home. The garage tribe should be ok too. I’ve secured extra plastic sheets over the entrance, they should be able to keep dry, if not there are plenty of houses in the back they can shelter in. Typhoons in May are very rare, especially ones as strong as this, but even stranger, our rainy season was announced yesterday. I can’t ever remember it being this early before. Thanks as always for your concern. Will keep you posted.
Hi K as promised a picture of Arthur doing his “prairie dog” begging trick.
This spoiled kitty has allot of junk in his trunk huh?
ARTHUR, I hardly recognized you!! No more treats for you for awhile. 😉
Arthur, come back! I didn’t mean it, honestly! 🙁
Arthur- she Did mean it!
She’s a wicked one- that Kalima! 😉
psst, Arthur- fish snacks over here!
😆 I always say what I mean and mean what I say. You are grounded!!!!!
HAH! e’cat you are welcome to the doghouse!!
I’ve been here Way too long! 😉
You’re only enabling the poor fellow.
Arthur says: “i’m just big boned”
Arthur says, ‘I am just a gorgeous cat- appreciate my awesomeness!!’
(and bring snacks!!)
Arthur looks like a marsupial. What’s he got in that pouch? Too many kitty treats?
Arthur is a gorgeous Kitty, KQ.
The ‘prairie dog’ is a cute cat trick! 😉
I couldn’t resist those eyes and sweet face!
KQ: all the better to balance with!
Arthur looks mildly exasperated that his kitty-dignity is offended by doing a canine-style “sit up and beg” routine.
But the treats make it all worthwhile.
If there were a kitty Buddha, I think it would be Arthur.
Hey. My kitty’s name is Buddha.
Buddha. Also known as Budapest because he pesters humans.
Oh wow e’cat, he’s a beauty and I wouldn’t mind a bit if he pestered me all day long. 😀
He’ll try to smooch you, Kalima. He’ll crawl up your chest and smooch.
I love smoochers! After we lost Coco last year, the lap sitters are now few and far between. I miss her little face looking up at me as her front paws kneaded my stomach, we called it “baking bread” and she could do it all night. That’s how she woke me up in the mornings too. I need another Aby. 🙁
Purrrrrrrfectly beautiful.
e’cat you have some awesome furry friends! 😉
I think he’s probably a Tonkinese. I kidnapped him from my horrid former neighbors who neglected all their many animals. He moved in with me via my cat door (I had two other kitties at the time). Long story, but many vet bills later, when I moved I spirited him to the new house before they could catch me.
Good for you!!
Doesn’t matter What he is- he’s a sweet kitty- I can tell!
Snuggles to him from me and my kitties.
Awwwwwwwwww… Budapest is lovely, dahling! (Ala the Gabors of Budapest)
Good morning everyone.
As I do every Thursday afternoon, I’ve just finished talking with my favourite Welshman. Now unfortunately I have very little time to chat, so I will wish you all a good day, ask you to take care and be safe.
Sayonara from my darkening and rather cool corner of Tokyo. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Cooling pipe breach now laid to temblor
Reactor design rethink looms after Tepco damage report
Kan says 20% of Japan’s energy to be from natural resources in 2020s
One tough job: selling Fukushima
Travel industry on the ropes, faces long hard path to recovery
Many anxious Fukushima residents undergo radiation screening tests
Some power-cut goals eased / Hospitals, railways not subject to summer energy-saving targets
Community ties link disaster-hit neighbors
Breaking news stories: Arrest of war criminal Ratko Mladic. Possible civil war in Yemen.
Ratko Mladic arrested: Bosnia war crimes suspect held
Civil war looms as dozens killed in Yemen capital
A sharp kick in the pants might speed up this power crazy “malingerer’s” fall from his throne, he certainly won’t go quietly, or before trying to kill more of his opposition before he bites the dust.
Libya: regime negotiates Col Muammar Gaddafi’s position for first time
Col Muammar Gaddafi might eventually step down as Libya’s leader, a senior regime official said on Wednesday night as military and diplomatic pressure on Tripoli intensified.
Libya Apache deployment signals Britain’s escalating role in conflict
Attack helicopters’ use against Gaddafi to be formally announced amid warnings by forces minister of possible long haul for UK
I can’t understand any country which might be willing to give this monster refuge.
South African president, Jacob Zuma, to visit Tripoli for talks with Gaddafi
Johannesburg radio claims the aim is to discuss an exit strategy for the Libyan leader
Al-Qaeda takes advantage of security vacuum in Yemen
Al-Qaeda is taking advantage of the worsening political turmoil in Yemen to smuggle weapons into the capital in preparation for an attack on Western targets.
Yemen uprising: thousands march to denounce violence
Thousands of anti-government protesters fill the streets of Sana’a to demonstrate against violence as gun battles between forces loyal to President Saleh and opposition gunmen break out for a third day.
US diplomats told to leave Yemen
US orders all non-essential diplomats to leave and urges all Americans to depart country as security conditions deteriorate
Egypt to open Rafah crossing permanently
Egypt will open its only crossing with the Gaza Strip this weekend, the Cairo military government announced on Wednesday, significantly easing a four-year blockade on the Hamas-ruled territory but setting up a potential conflict with Israel.
Tough words.
Afghanistan war tactics are profoundly wrong, says former ambassador
Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles says General Petraeus has increased levels of violence and should be ashamed of himself
How these murderers get to boast about this in a court of law, is beyond me.
Mumbai attacks were ‘brilliantly’ executed, says accused
A Chicago businessman accused in the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks told the U.S. government’s star witness – an admitted American terrorist – that the rampage that killed more than 160 people was orchestrated “brilliantly,” according to testimony on Wednesday.
Obama throws the weight of the west behind freedom in the Middle East
The president redefines the role of the US and its allies with a stirring speech to both houses of parliament in Westminster Hall
G8 summit: aid package for Arab spring tops agenda
Two-day summit will also examine impact of the Japanese nuclear meltdown, climate change and the world economy
Anyone who has followed my updates will know how strongly I feel about the failing care for the sick, poor and the elderly. Reading these findings just make me see red.
NHS failing in basic care of some elderly patients, warns watchdog
Care Quality Commission says some NHS trusts do not provide dignity and nutrition for some senior citizen patients
Weird stuff coming from Italy’s numero uno Casanova guy.
Libya: Silvio Berlusconi casts doubt on death of Col Gaddafi’s son
Silvio Berlusconi has cast doubt on Libyan reports that Col Muammar Gaddafi’s son and three grandchildren were killed in an April 30 Nato air strike, saying on Wednesday that coalition forces believe the claim to be “propaganda.”
Dominique Strauss-Kahn moves to New York townhouse under house arrest
Former IMF head rents $200,000 a month house in Tribeca where he will remains under bail conditions
All I can say is, thank God that he dropped out of the race when he did.
John Edwards ‘to be prosecuted for using campaign funds for hush money’
John Edwards, the former US presidential candidate, is expected to be prosecuted on suspicion of using campaign funds to pay his mistress hush money to keep quiet of their affair and love-child, during his bid for the White House.
Chinese city rocked by three blasts
Officials blame disgruntled farmer for explosions near government buildings that injured five in Fuzhou
Yesterday’s answer was, “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott. Seems that only jkk’s nephew got it right. 🙂
Today’s question.
Which were the only three movie Westerns to win Best Picture Oscars?
Foreign national prisoners: ‘You’re locked up and the key is thrown away’ – video
Hundreds of foreign national prisoners like Mohamoud are being detained indefinitely when they can’t be deported. But a supreme court ruling has given hope to long-term detainees
17 lost pyramids found by satellite
Seventeen lost pyramids and more than 1,000 tombs have been found in a new satellite survey of Egypt.
The documentary’s last stand
They win awards and critical acclaim – but are in-depth documentaries under threat? Mark Lawson talks to film-makers about risk-taking, total immersion and the cult of celebrity
Huguette Clark: New York’s billionaire recluse dies, aged 104
Manhattan heiress to copper fortune ‘made Howard Hughes seem outgoing’
I make them all through the summer months. They taste good cold too.
How to cook perfect quiche lorraine
Is this classic of the picnic basket due a revival, or are you happy to leave quiche to the wasps?
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
K: I swear by everything I hold dear (?) that I was GOING to guess “Little Women” and even googled when it was written to be sure I was in the time boundary framed by the question. I didn’t play because your games are hard (not like Beatles vs. Stones – Bito!) and because I wasn’t sure googling the time frame was allowed. I try hard not to cheat….
I would have guessed Little Women because….ta dah! It was about women managing on their own and how people perceive that as “pathetic”. Good decision to rename the book.
PS It’s the ONLY time I could have won. I’m either not smart or not brave. But I’m honest, right?
Morning AB. You are wonderfully smart and very brave. Very honest too. Did you want some brownie points as well, I have some in my drawer here, let me know, ok?
Have good day and don’t work too hard. Me, I’m off to dream about world peace and fluffy kittens, getting those maternal urges again.
Off I go now, good night.
LOL- I Knew you were saving brownie points- For Your Favorites!!! 😉
Kalima yelled at me. 🙁
Hello cheeky! I’m getting ready to go out, I’ll deal with you later.
@Kalima- who you callin cheeky??
Better be kes for her taking us to the Naughty Planet- (but I was hopeful that when we did ascend to that level, it would be more exciting- Like a Planet men Calendar!!) 😉
AB, I sat here for good hour going thru British novels in my head!
I didn’t think it would an American author!!!! My nephew stopped in and tipped me off- I think it was because I was stuck on this page, and he wanted to have an adult conversation!!!
Kalima, I am still reading the MB articles but I want to get my trivia guess in! I was going to say “High Noon” or “True Grit.” But as I think of it, I am pretty sure it was that Clint Eastwood movie–oh, the name escapes me, but he was avenging a prostitute who got her face cut. Damn! OH! “The Unforgiven.” ??? I hate Westerns and those are the only one’s I ever liked.
Hi Cher, nice to see you again. Tune in tomorrow morning, same time, same place for the answer, but I can tell you that you have one right. 🙂
High Noon! That’s probably right. If it didn’t win an Oscar, it should have.
Ok, jkk is always saying I should give hints, although I don’t know why, it is a quiz after all. You have one right in another comment, and think mid 30’s and early 90’s for the other two. Now I’ll just sit here and wait for my daily scolding from jkk. 😯
Mid thirties to the early nineties?? Gee, Kalima, now that really gives it away! 😆 😆 Let’s see, did it have horses in it too? Oh, that made me laugh! Thanks!
I’m being told every day that they are too hard, and that I have favourites, so only for today I will give hints, but this will be the very last time, otherwise I’ll have to rename, the “Trivia Quiz” from/to “Trivia Fizzle with Answers”. 😉
Yes, they had horses in them also too. 😆
Noooooooooo….! Don’t make the quizzes easier, Kalima! 😯
Hard things are fun.
And — yes — y’all can take that in any way you want.
Did it have cowboys in it?
Horses! Aha–I’m getting warmer! And they are NOT too hard. We are too dumb. 😉 Seriously, if they weren’t difficult, where’s the fun? Now, once you start asking asking physics questions, then I’ll complain.
Yep e’cat, cowboys in one, other animals in another, and a vigilante in another.
I’m having trouble reloading, and no, I don’t mean the thing hanging in my Gucci holster either, I mean the page. So I’m getting out of Dodge and I’m going to get ready to go out on this miserable Friday morning, and I’ll see you all with my “hint free” 😉 answers in your morning.
Take care. See you all later.
Psst kes, I only said that to keep jkk quiet, I have no intention of making the quiz any easier.
“Hard things are fun”, let me think about that one. It’s been such a long, long time, oh, what were we talking about anyway? 😀
I think the subject was cowboys, Kalima…!
Never had one kes, so I wouldn’t know. 😯 😉
Me neither, Kalima. D’you suppose it’s too late?
And do you think anyone else has noticed that we have reached the Naughty Plateau on the Planet?
Never say never kes. 😉
Nope, no has noticed yet, and we are not THAT naughty yet. I was only reminiscing………
Ok, I must go now, have a good night and see you later. This is about my third curtain call, I have no shame whatsoever.
I so don’t care about westerns that I’m not even going to fuss! So there, Missy Kalima! 😉
jkkFL, here’s a Western that would have given any of those a run for their ‘money’
Khirad! You and your Bollywood Babes!!!
Didn’t have your really HOT Babe in it though- I was waiting for forty or fifty minutes of her! 😉
Good Morning/Evening, Kalima!
That article on the level of care in the NHS is truly disheartening. I don’t know how staffing issues are in England, but I do know that it’s not uncommon for American nursing homes to have one nurse’s aide for 24 residents. If even “only” 8 of those 24 need help with eating and drinking, you can imagine how mealtime goes. I hear of situations in which the aide clusters residents in a semi-circle and just stuffs a bite in each person’s mouth in a sort of feeding-rotation a la mother bird. Hardly conducive to a feeling of dignity, no? Often family members feel obliged to come in and feed their loved ones, knowing that otherwise the tray will sit in front of the patient until it gets cold and is removed. Meanwhile the owners of nursing home for-profit chains bill Medicare/Medicaid and pocket millions a year. When there’s high unemployment, why can’t those dollars go to compassionate people who might be hired to come in and help with feeding, bathing and dressing?
On somewhat the same topic, the story of Hughette Clark was fascinating. Imagine living for 22 years in a hospital room! Who would possibly choose such an existence? (And I can’t imagine any hospital I know of “renting” out a room to someone for 22 years!) How bizarre! A life that most of us would whole-heartedly flee is what she sought after…
On the trivia quiz: Like Cher, I was also thinking “High Noon.” And there was one that John Wayne did in his later years, “The Shootist”? (I think that was it.) “True Grit” is the only other one that comes to mind, as has been mentioned. Now I’ll have to go to the beloved google!
I have nightmares about not being close and someone deciding to put my father in a home, it would kill him, and while he still has all his ducks in a row he’s told everyone that he won’t go. If he needs extra care at some point in the future, I’ve told tribe #1 and # 2, that something will have to be rationed in this house to help to keep our favourite Welshman being cared for in his own home. I’m still waiting for final votes on this suggestion. 🙂
Yes I agree that the story of Hughette Clark was the first time I had ever heard of her, and couldn’t ever imagine a life like this. All that money and still no life. Sad really.
Answer in the morning. 😉
Kalima, my father is exactly the same way. He has a terrific fear of being “put away in a home,” as he describes it. And as long as I am physically able I would not allow that to happen. When I hear that politicians on the right in the UK and here want to cut back even further on funding for care for the elderly, as you say “it makes my blood boil.”
Trivia fans: if it’s any help, all three of my guesses are wrong! Batting .000 today!
Just had to answer before I get ready in case you are gone when I get back.
I’ve told his friend that this will only happen over my dead body, it would be like putting a gun to his head. All his memories of my mother, me and our life together there are in this house, his house, so all the not so kind suggestions from the people who come to assess his care needs, are not in the least bit welcomed, especially not by my father who has nothing wrong with his memory up to the present day or rather yesterday when I spoke to him for well over an hour. They can stuff their concern for his well being right up there where the sun never shines, along with their couldn’t care less cuts. I sincerely hope it chokes them.
Exactly, Kalima. It’s easy for a social worker to coolly come in and decide for someone else’s father that a nursing home would be “best.” He’s not her father.
I often ask myself how would I accept the prospect of this option? How would I like the idea of living in an institution for the rest of my days? Of having a roommate not of my choosing? Of having someone else decide when I would get up, go to bed, bathe, and eat my meals?
Of hearing alarms and call lights beeping 24/7? Of being surrounded by confused people? Bad smells? Muzak? People who call me “sweetie”?
I think the people who evaluate our dads ought to ask themselves some of those questions, too. 🙁
Quiz…Stagecoach, The Unforgiven, and… ummm… Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?
Cimarron, Dances With Wolves and Unforgiven.
KT–I think you got it there with “Dances.”
Yeah, now I’m thinking Dances with Wolves, Unforgiven, and … if it’s not Stagecoach, which I think is from the 30s, it must be …. um…….
e’cat, I’m guessing the original “Stagecoach” as one too. Does the “Misfits” count as a western? 😉
Cold bito. Can someone close the door and bring my coat and boots please?
E’cat, now I’m leaning towards Butch Cassidy.
Definitely Dances.
I’m just gonna say I though after The Doors, Val Kilmer’s best dramatic role was Doc Holliday in Tombstone.
Yeah, random, but we’re on the subject.
Now, if only the actual Tombstone were as cool as the movies made about it and not a kitschy tourist trap.
Khirad, without a doubt. Kilmer aced that role.
“I’m your huckleberry!”
One right, hints below in reply to your other comment, but I won’t make a habit of this. 😉
Good morning everyone.
Ok, I fell asleep, so sue me. It was one of those days. 🙂
I hope that for many of you it is getting warmer as we reach the end of May. It was a pleasant enough day here, I could have done without the morning earthquake, but we can’t really do much about it, there is no on or off switch. The outside tribe were in their element rolling about in the dirt. Looks like I’ve got some emergency washing to do in the morning, but it was great to see them all so relaxed again. Fingers crossed.
Have a good day wherever you might be. Take care and be safe. Sayonara from my darkening corner of Tokyo. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Tepco admits two more meltdowns
Temperature readings indicate melted cores are being cooled
‘Everything was by the book’ / TEPCO: Manual shutdown of reactor cooling system followed rules
Independent panel created to probe cause of crisis
Japan unlikely to build new nuclear plants after crisis, Kan tells FT
Sendai to resume international flights in June
Mentally disabled feel job pinch due to quake
Sea Shepherd members return to Iwate town after quake, angering locals
Japan: elderly engineers want ‘final mission’ to Fukushima
A group of elderly Japanese engineers are prepared to come out of retirement to fix the Fukushima nuclear power plant for their final mission.
What, that’s not what the people want or expect, come on.
Libya: Allies soften demands for Gaddafi to go
Britain and France have softened demands that Col Muammar Gaddafi gives up power before ceasefire talks can take place to suggest negotiations which could start while he remains as a figurehead in Libya. Please ignore the print error, I fixed it, I hope they fix it too)
Of course not! 🙄
Libya: Col Gaddafi’s oil minister ‘did not flee’
Top Libyan oil official Shokri Ghanem has not defected, contrary to widespread reports, and is secretly working for Col Muammar Gaddafi to maintain ties with big oil companies, sources at western firms said.
Syrian site ‘very likely’ to have been nuclear, IAEA claim
A Syrian site bombed by Israel in 2007 was “very likely” to have been a nuclear reactor which should have been declared, the U.N. atomic agency said in a report, an assertion which may lead to Damascus being referred to the U.N. Security Council.
Syrian rights group says death toll exceeds 1,000
The death toll from Syria’s crackdown on a nine-week uprising has exceeded 1,000, a prominent human rights group said on Tuesday, as the country’s opposition called for fresh protests and clearer goals.
Yemen officials: 38 killed in Sanaa fighting
Fighters from Yemen’s powerful tribes fired on government buildings on Tuesday, prompting soldiers to respond with intense shelling in street battles that left at least 38 dead as the uprising against President Ali Abdullah Saleh threatened to become a militia-led revolt.
Suicide bomber attacks Pakistani police
Five police officers killed and at least 30 wounded in latest violence to hit Pakistan since killing of Osama bin Laden
How many times have we heard the word “compromise” only to find that the Palestinians get very little in return?
I’ll believe it when I see it. There have been far too many broken promises by Israel to give them the benefit of our doubt.
Benjamin Netanyahu makes a great “drama queen”.
Israel prepared to make ‘painful compromises’ for peace
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said on Tuesday that Israelis were prepared to make “painful compromises” in a peace deal that would leave some or outlying Jewish settlements beyond the state’s agreed borders.
Benjamin Netanyahu speech to Congress unlikely to do much for peace process
Benjamin Netanyahu’s aides had promised it would be one of the most important speeches he would ever deliver, predicting that he would surprise and impress the world in equal measure.
Wicked witchcraft?
Iran refinery explosion as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks
An explosion blamed on a gas leaked rocked Iran’s largest refinery on Tuesday around the time of a visit to the plant by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with reports saying at least two people were killed.
I’m sure that someone has some equally sleazy info on Mr. Nic too..
Nicolas Sarkozy’s cache of sleaze on rivals, including Dominique Strauss-Kahn
President Nicolas Sarkozy’s regime keeps a cache of sleaze information on his rivals, including police details of an alleged incident in which Dominique Strauss-Kahn was caught with a prostitute, it has been claimed.
Well that doesn’t leave much left to the imagination, does it?
Dominique Strauss-Kahn DNA ‘found on maid’s clothes’
DNA sample from former IMF chief matches undisclosed material on shirt of New York hotel maid, according to reports
Obama and Cameron back multibillion-dollar plans to help Egypt and Tunisia
The two leaders want to stabilise the Middle East countries after their revolutions with financial and political support
Michelle Obama’s playful style can still upstage her rivals
First lady combined blue silk dress with pink bolero, which set herself apart and showcased her colourful personality
Tornadoes hit Oklahoma and Kansas as deadly storms move east
Hundreds missing in Joplin, Missouri, as new round of twisters travel south-east and force Dallas airport evacuation
Looks like the pro-lifers have spread their conservative webbed feet over the oceans far and wide.
Anti-abortion group drafted in as sexual health adviser to government
Coalition appoints pro-abstinence charity Life to key sexual health forum, while omitting British Pregnancy Advisory Service
Amazon activist and wife shot dead in Brazil
An Amazon rainforest activist and his wife have been shot dead in northern Brazil as the country’s Congress debated a divisive land bill that threatens to increase deforestation.
Supporters of Ivory Coast president Alassane Ouattara ‘killing enemies’
Atrocities being committed against real or perceived supporters of former leader Laurent Gbagbo, says Amnesty International
I do wish that China would just tell him to get lost.
Kim Jong-il puts son and sun on agenda during China mission
North Korean leader seeks support for anointed successor and visits solar energy plant as guest of Beijing officials
Yesterday’s answer.
Rush Hour. The phrase is in the Vatican’s “Lexicon Latinitatis”.
Today’s question.
What 19th -century American literary classic was originally going to be called “The Pathetic Family”?
Obama shows patience in the face of pomp and ping-pong
The US president survived needy Europeans, unseasonably high winds and a high-risk table-tennis match
Barack Obama’s UK visit – video
The US president and wife Michelle’s first day in the UK included meeting the Queen and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Buckingham Palace
A woman’s guide to survival in a war zone
The Al Jazeera presenter Rosie Garthwaite draws on her experiences as well as those those of other battle-hardened foreign correspondents for her new book
Oldham’s effort to end segregation in schools now looks hopelessly ambitious
By the time Asian and white children arrive at secondary schools, their perceptions of each other are crystallised
Terror laws: ‘Special branch asked me to keep an eye on the Muslim community’ – video
Asians are 42 times more likely than white people to be held under UK anti-terror laws, official figures show. Asif Ahmed, 28, describes how he was detained and asked to spy after landing at Edinburgh airport
For all you ardent doggie lovers out there, this is for you.
Enter the Dog Photographer of the Year competition 2011
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Dominique Strauss-Kahn DNA ‘found on maid’s clothes’ –
Oopsie doopsie. How could that have happened?
I don’t doubt that his multi-million dollar lawyers will come up with a perfectly plausible explanation…
I hope she wrings a few million out of his sorry ass.
Eric Cantor: GOP Refuses To Give Relief Money To Tornado Victims – unless he gets more tax breaks for the Top 1%:
That is so damn despicable, I can’t even find the words..l hope his electorate is paying attention- I also hope he gets thrown under the bus- and it backs over him twice to make sure!
Good Morning/evening, Kalima!
The story of the older Japanese engineers who were willing to do a “Final Mission” at the Fukushima power plant was just so touching and yet heartening, too. What a noble way to go out! Certainly beats sitting around the nursing home comparing ailments, doesn’t it? (Which is not to say that there is a guaranteed unhappy ending for this venture, by any means!) I know the feeling. When patients with full-blown AIDS or bacterial meningitis come into the hospital, it’s not the young nurses who should be taking care of them.
Netanyahu — is he starting to figure out that people are starting to figure him out? I must say there was a total media blitz here regarding him that lasted 24 hours. He seemed to dominate the cable media, especially FOX “news.” No one could escape him and all programming shut down whenever he spoke with his golden baritone “announcer voice.”
Michelle Obama looked amazing in that blue dress with the pink bolero. Wasn’t it sad, though, the way the article’s writer turned the whole situation into a fashion competition, with a declared “winner” at each event? Sigh… I appreciate pretty clothes, but the women mentioned in the article…don’t they have great heads attached to those fashion-wearing bodies?
And to the trivia question: first I’ll guess, then after I post my silly guess, I’ll google because I’m dying of curiosity. Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Now I’m off!
Oh kes, I bet you’re right!
I was trying to sort thru British literature- wasn’t working!
The engineers’ story made me teary, an act of heroism for these men to volunteer.
Sarkozy and Strauss-Khan are a pair of rich vermin who should be housed under the jail- in a sewer.
The asian-white children study remind me of a series Anderson Cooper did on black-white children- I will do my best to find it; even the Parents were stunned at the results.
Hope the rest of your day is peaceful- Lazybones!! 😉
k’es, I’m getting a little tired of this “guessing 🙂 .” I need to post my guesses before you because they usually match yours. What time do I have to get up in the morning 4 o’clock?
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” it is.
waa, waa bito- want brie with that whine????
b’ito……I regret to inform you. 🙁
We are both wrong.
I meant “Tom Sawyer” 😉
I’m hoping we get three guesses, b’ito, ’cause I’m afraid you need one more. 😀
You would have to wait around until 2 am in your morning, and if you did that, I would be very cross with you.
You could have cheated and edited your answer so I’m giving you 10 brownie points for honesty today. 🙂
Brownie points are the best! And far less fattening than actual brownies. Danke!
Love those dog pix, Kalima. Did you notice the gorgeous greyhounds who won the “Dogs at Play” category? (Though one of them doesn’t look like a greyhound to me!)
PS: Your quizzes are too hard! No clue yesterday. Wild azz guess for today: Swiss Family Robinson.
e’cat only saw the Greyhounds!!!
I TOLD Kalima they were too hard- and did she listen to ME??? 😉
*edit: My nephew says it was Little Women-so If I win, I confess I used my helpline!!
Hey, I thought those other thingie doggies were cute too! I bet your nephew is right. Little whippersnapper. And I was just watching that movie the other day.
That little whippersnapper is 6’2″ and about 200#!!
Wanna call him whippersnapper again?? 😉
Your nephew was right, and you can stay after school for complaining about my quiz questions. 🙄
That is NOT fair- bito didn’t have to stay!!
e’cat didnt have to stay!
Why do I have to stay late?????
Bito and e’cat can stay behind next week. Now, not another peep.
jkk–maybe you don’t know the secret password.
Sorry e’cat, I’ll try to find something easier. How about today’s? 😀
The doggie pictures were all very cute, and I thought of you when I saw the greyhound.
Hi K. I would take the Telegraph story that the west is softening on
Qaddafi with a grain of salt given the source. The Telegraph did not have very good sources and NATO’s actions are quite the opposite. There might be a few people at lower levels talking this way but not the principles and the Telegraph can be a bit like Faux News on occasion as you know.
Hi K, yes I know how The Telegraph can go overboard at times, but surprisingly enough, they have had quite a few in depth and spot on stories lately, so I wouldn’t go as far as to ever compare them with Faux snooze.
Arthur with his x-ray eyes says hi. 😉
Hello K, I’ve missed you here.
Good Lord Arthur, where did you get those eyes? 😆
Those eyes are why you don’t take flash pics with kitties. My wife took it with her smart phone. She says hi as well.
I’ve been on the Planet a little almost every day but just have not been on the computer that much of late.
@KQ, Please tell me Arthur is secured at home at night!! 🙂
He’s a beautiful Cat, though!!
For a moment, until I saw the rest of him, he looked like an alien ship landing or taking off for that matter. 😉
You have she-mail. 😀
Was Arthur batting at little floating “flashers” in the air for 15 minutes after that pic was taken, KQ?
That is a terrific photo. Kudos to your wife on capturing the essence of kitty awesomeness.
Nah Arthur is waaaaaay too laid back to fuss like that anymore. We’ll have to get a picture of him doing his little “prairie dog” stupid pet trick we taught him to beg for cat treats sometime.
You see, this is why I don’t trust cats. You never know just *what* their real plans for us are.
Good morning everyone.
When I left early this morning it was pouring with rain. After coming back around lunchtime it finally stopped. Our weekend was around 29C, from yesterday morning I’ve had to put the heater back on, can’t win.
The tribe have all been spotted and accounted for to the last tail, even the 2 who come just to eat, but sometimes crash in a spare and empty house. No news as yet from our two friendly policemen, or I might have missed them this morning.
I wish you all a good day. Take care and be safe. Sayonara from my corner of Tokyo where the sun is sinking fast. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
New storage sites needed at Fukushima No. 1
Facility for tainted water almost full
Kan denies he pulled plug on seawater
Preparation saved one island’s residents
All residents escaped half hour before tsunami hit
U.N. panel sees no health effects from Fukushima radiation so far
Hiroshima resets ‘peace clock’ after U.S. plutonium tests
School communities shattered / Evacuation orders affect thousands of students, dozens of schools
18 no-entry zone holdouts stay put
Lone pine may be seed of forest’s rebirth
Libya: Nato targets Tripoli with heaviest strikes yet
Nato forces have carried out an intense bombardment of central Tripoli, hitting a reserves’ base and killing three people, according to Libyan officials.
Apache helicopters to be sent into Libya by Britain
Use of helicopters, which can attack small targets, represents significant escalation of conflict
Syria opposition battles rising frustration and internal divisions
Disorganisation and splits within activists’ ranks said to deter others from joining movement
What on earth do they have against women???
Restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia
A woman has been arrested in Saudi Arabia for driving a car, an activity that is restricted to men only.
David Headley tells court of ISI links to Lashkar-e-Taiba
Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service coordinated with the terrorist group that carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks in which more than 160 people were killed, according to an American who pleaded guilty to involvement in the plot.
Pakistani commandos retake Karachi naval base
Taliban militants lose control of base 18 hours after deadly attack seen by many as a humiliating blow to Pakistan’s military
Shocking to say the least. If they continue at this rate, who will be getting pregnant and giving birth, the men?
Millions of female foetuses aborted in India
Sex selection of foetuses in India has led to 7.1 million fewer girls than boys up to age six, a gender gap that has widened by more than a million in a decade, according to a study published in The Lancet.
Palestinian prime minister suffers heart attack
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad suffered a heart attack while visiting the U.S. and is recovering at a Texas hospital, a spokesman said on Monday.
Osama bin Laden dead: Mullah Omar ‘on the run’
The fugitive leader of the Afghan Taliban movement has left his long-term hideout inside Pakistan and gone on the run according to the Afghan intelligence service.
What is truly indefensible is people like you who have no intention of making peace.
Israel’s 1967 borders indefensible, Netanyahu tells Aipac
Israeli PM’s speech to influential US pro-Israel lobby group restates his opposition to Barack Obama over border issues
Shocking outcome.
Missouri town ravaged by worst tornado in 50 years
Joplin’s former mayor describes disaster scene as a ‘war zone’ which has destroyed entire neighbourhoods
Obama to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace
US president to inspect a guard of honour before a private lunch with the Queen
Barack Obama visit: Michelle Obama reunites with Islington kids
Michelle Obama will this week reunite with the inner London girls school where she made a poignant visit two years ago, as well as attend a function with Samantha Cameron honouring the British dead in Afghanistan and their families.
Barack Obama visit: the agenda for talks with David Cameron
With Libya, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine, the Arab Spring and Iran’s nuclear ambitions on the agenda, these are dramatic days for the special relationship between Britain and the US. Alex Spillius previews the talks between David Cameron and Barack Obama and highlights the probable differences between their public and private statements.
Déjà vu
Volcanic ash cloud: thousands face flight delays and cancellations
Dense plume from Iceland’s Grímsvötn volcano drifts towards UK, prompting BA to cancel flights between London and Scotland
Stand by for Big Society 4.0
David Cameron’s ‘big society’ strategy: if it it ain’t working – relaunch it
Yesterday’s answer and a shout out to kes, was France. There is a hexagon design on its one-and two-euro coin in recognition of this.
Today’s question.
In updating ancient Latin, what modern definition did the Vatican give to the term “tempus maximae frequentiae”?
Secretary Clinton, please call time on the Keystone Kochs
The fate of a hugely destructive tar sands oil pipeline, from which the Koch brothers will profit, hangs on Hillary Clinton’s decision
Poo poo Harold! Now find new homes for the people who sold their’s in preparation, and start giving back the money you stole from your followers.
Harold Camping admits he got the Rapture date wrong
California preacher Harold Camping has admitted that he got the date of the Rapture wrong when he predicted it would take place last Saturday and revised the date to October 21.
Chelsea flower show’s Art of Yorkshire garden: ‘All the colours came from David Hockney’ – video
In the first of three films about the 2011 Chelsea flower show’s Art of Yorkshire garden, head designer Kate Dundas talks to Martin Wainwright
Bob Dylan at 70: fans celebrate but interview tapes reveal a dark episode
Bobcats, Bobsessives and Bobscholars will pore over 1966 Robert Shelton tapes revealing heroin use and suicidal thoughts
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
You are on the right track, try again. Two four letter words. 🙂
Hey! I caught you helping Khirad!!
Sorry, Khirad- you’ve been caught cheating- you cant play today 😉
Kalima, you better stop helping your favorites!!!!
Oh fiddlesticks, it was only a teeny hint, and he didn’t even read it. Could be anything really. 😉
I don’t have favourites, only have friends.
Don’t you try to ‘fiddlesticks’ Me, young lady!
You were helping Khirad- and You got caught!!
You both need to recuse yourselves- especially you Kalima!!
I also caught you and ADONAI,- Remember??
But…but…but, if I recuse myself, who’s going to do my MB?
No one got the right answer anyway, I was wondering if kes would, but it looks as is she was busy.
Are YOU going to have a go, you’ve got 6 hours left before I post the answer. 😉
@Kalima-Clearly I had NO clue! 😉
With the conservatives success in Spain, this was missed, I think.
Basque separatists make breakthrough in Spanish elections
I do hope Eta is a thing of the past, and that independence is sought democratically. The Basques are so unique a people, I find it hard to find arguments against their self-determination–if it isn’t sought with terrorism. I’m sure there are many in Spain and France that would disagree with me on that.
This is for all those whom rail against corruption in the US. I find such hyperbole hilarious.
Russia says a fifth of defense budget stolen;_ylt=AoW5vJo_O2AKydkae_9cQcSve8UF
Okay, no more complaining about the perp-walk
French press publishes Strauss-Kahn accuser’s name and “photos”
If that aquifer were to get contaminated it would be devastating.
From the Guardian article
Secretary Clinton, please call time on the Keystone Kochs
The fate of a hugely destructive tar sands oil pipeline, from which the Koch brothers will profit, hangs on Hillary Clinton’s decision
Tell Secretary Clinton to Say No to the Kochs
Glad the kids are all okay!
An oil company just lost a million dollar suit from its pollution of groundwater via fracking. This needs to be stopped.
And helping the Kochs would be insane, the money they make will only go towards attacking Obama and our democracy. This is an easy decision.
I saw an article about the opposition to it in the U.K. yesterday, I hope there will continue to be a lot of noise about it. Not only is it ridiculously expensive, but the damage it causes to the environment is enormous.
Great news about the tribe, Kalima! I’m so glad to hear they weathered the storm, and I hope some stupid vandal has a few claw marks on his keister!
LOL wts!!!
Kalima, look for the guy who can’t sit down to eat!!
Good morning everyone.
First of all, thank you all for your concern about tribe #2. I found the last straggler fast asleep in his house just now, my guys are all home and safe. No word from the nice policeman yet, but I’m sure that they are very busy, so I’ll just wait.
The thing which upsets me a lot about this attack is that I’m viewing everyone I see in front of my house with suspicion. Open my front door with every noise that isn’t familiar, and wondering if this person, if not caught, might escalate whatever they were doing in the first place. Hubby promised me that as soon as he comes back from his work trip to southern Japan tomorrow, he will look into a security inter-phone where I can see who is at the door and a little beyond without ever having to pick up the receiver. Sounds like a plan to me, this crackpot stole my peace of mind yesterday afternoon. I want it back, it belongs to me.
If you get the chance please read the article near the bottom of this update titled “Dear Michelle Obama” it’s worth the read, and definitely worth tweeting. I’ve left instructions for bito below. 😉
Well it’s still raining and I must feed the tribe before it starts to get any heavier. Have a great Mumbly Monday. Take care of yourselves and those you love, and be safe. Sayonara from a dark and rainy Tokyo. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
China to ease food import bans
Kan, Wen, Lee bolster disaster plans
Tamura residents challenge hot zone for short trip home
Residents brave radiation fears for two golden hours in ghost town
Living in damaged houses / Disaster victims endure unsafe structures, lack of utilities
Diverse support given to earthquake victims
Safety exec refutes govt, TEPCO story
Gunmen storm Karachi military base
Gunmen attacked Pakistan’s naval aviation base on Sunday, starting fires, setting off explosions and fighting pitched gun battles inside one of the country’s most heavily guarded military installations.
Tunisia considers postponing elections
Tunisia, the country where the so-called Arab Spring of democratic rebellions against autocratic rulers began in January, said it would postpone its first free elections from July to October.
Tripoli despatch: Will Gaddafi go with a whimper or a bang?
There is propaganda on either side, but neither Colonel Gaddafi nor his Nato foes seem to have many new ideas, reports Andrew Gilligan in Tripoli.
Syrian forces ‘open fire’ on mass funeral
Amateur video from Homs claims to show a mass funeral for anti-government protesters coming under fire from Syrian security forces.
British Ambassador evacuated by helicopter as Yemen mob surrounds diplomatic meeting
Britain’s ambassador to Yemen had to be airlifted to safety after President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s supporters disrupted a meeting to encourage his resignation.
Palestinians plan fresh protests to mark war anniversary
Committee behind last weekend’s protests says they were ‘just the beginning’, and calls for further marches on 5 June
Sudan’s northern forces seize control of contested north-south border town
The northern Sudanese army on Sunday took control of the flashpoint border town Abyei after three days of violent clashes between northern and southern forces in the surrounding area.
You would think that after March 11th, the world would have understood the danger of nuclear power plants versus earthquakes, you would think wouldn’t you?
Oh wait, maybe they will use witchcraft and genies in bottles to stop it from happening, of course.
Iran ‘ignores’ earthquake threat to nuclear plant
The Iranian government has rejected warnings of the potentially ‘disastrous’ threat earthquakes pose to the country’s Russian-built nuclear power station in the Gulf.
David Milliband blames Tony Blair for Iraq chaos as British troops complete withdrawal
David Miliband, the former Labour foreign secretary, has blamed his former ally Tony Blair for the chaos which engulfed Iraq following the toppling of Saddam Hussein.
Barack Obama agrees to form joint national security body with UK
US president will use visit to London to announce new co-operation to tackle long-term challenges
I was so sorry to hear about this, my sincere condolences and prayers for all affected by this tragedy.
Dozens feared dead in Joplin, Missouri tornado
Dozens of people were feared dead after a massive tornado cut a deadly swath through the town of Joplin, Missouri.
Phone hacking: journalist’s lawsuit against NoW revives ‘spying’ claims
Dennis Rice launches proceedings alleging that his voicemail messages were intercepted while working at the Mail on Sunday
Icelandic volcano ash could enter UK airspace, forecasters warn
Britain may be at risk as early as Tuesday, although the impact is not expected to be as great as it was in April 2010
This seem familiar?
China detains 300 Tibetan monks after self-immolation incident
Around 300 Tibetan monks from a Sichuan monastery have been detained by security staff after a monk set himself on fire
Ai Weiwei’s four missing friends held by Chinese authorities, say supporters
Journalist Wen Tao and three other close associates of Ai Weiwei “vanished entirely” in wake of artist’s disappearance
Hollywood shuns intelligent entertainment. The games industry doesn’t. Guess who’s winning?
LA Noire and Portal 2 are video games that challenge the mind instead of the thumbs
Yesterday’s answer.
Antarctica and Australia. Well done kes!
Today’s question.
Because of it’s shape, what European country is known as the hexagon?
Great article about your First Lady, it should be tweeted. Oh bito where are you, could you be a sweetie and do this little Tweetie?
Thanks ever so much!
Dear Michelle Obama
As the Obamas make their first official state visit to the UK, we have a warm welcome for the star of the show – the first lady
Is there such a thing as a nice bridesmaid dress?
The best-case scenario is that the bride is kind enough to let you pick your own outfit
Can Lady with an Ermine really take down Mona Lisa in the battle of the Leonardo blockbusters?
Dung loaming: how llamas aided the Inca empire
Inca culture spread from Andes after manure from llama herds provided fertiliser for corn crops at high altitude
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Kalima, is there a way you could set up a small webcam at the entrance of your garage?
My Bro-in-law set one up to view his driveway-( After their car was stolen ;)- but it Has kept all the current ones there! It actually wasn’t terribly expensive- or complicated.
The peace of mind would be most welcome, I’m sure.
You have had an awful year; and I remember how long it took for me to ‘repair’ after the hurricane year in ’04. I had to actually give in and go to see my dear Doctor, a couple of times.
And, once there, I found I had Lots of company.
Nothing is more shattering to the psyche than a series of events completely beyond your control, in rapid succession.
I worry about ya, girl 😉
My heart aches for Tibet. I have such respect and admiration for the Dalai Lama, who spends a great deal of time in Bloomington, IN, and @Indiana University. I have heard him speak, and you feel such peace, just being in his presence.
Interesting side note- he has a Wicked sense of humor!
Great with one liners when interacting with an audience!! 😉
He is absolutely adored at IU, and is frequently a guest lecturer, and speaker, even at civic events.
I would send my kid there in a heartbeat, (but I would march his butt to their beautiful temple- First!)
Kalima, we were away this past weekend so I just caught up a bit and read about the vandalism, and I am furious on your behalf!!! Even if it was a jerk teenager, I want their head to roll. I am so very sorry! But mostly–GRRRR! I hope you regain your peace of mind, as after these past few months that is a commodity that is the rarest of all.
Thank you for that great piece on Michelle Obama. She is wonderful, and to me, almost incomprehensible in her virtues. And at the same time, she seems so wonderfully warm and genuine. What a gal!! I feel that her parents are the unsung heroes too–both their children are accomplished and NICE, good people. That is some family.
Good morning/evening, Kalima! Finally I can turn my attention to the MB — in the p.m.!
It’s such a relief to learn that all the tribe are now present and accounted for. That was — of course — the main priority. It would be a great consolation, though, to find out who did this and why, and to get them into a police station ASAP. The outdoor tribe will be doubly precious to you now, I know.
The letter to Michelle Obama spoke to (and for) so many of us. And I just loved the photo that accompanied the article of her doing the playful “muscle girl” pose. She has a cute sense of humor!
I’m watching further coverage of the Joplin tornado and it really is breathtaking — the level of damage. And the worst part is that there is more bad weather on the way for the same area! Unbelievable. Anderson Cooper mentioned how weird the shorn off trees look at night, and I have to say that when I drove through the tornado damaged area here (unwittingly, on the way home from work — about 15 minutes after the F4 monster hit)a little over a year ago, that struck me, too. The power was off, but the frequent lightning strikes illuminated trees that were stripped of leaves and smaller branches and left looking like ominous claws sticking up out of the ground. I’ll never forget that.
No way to gracefully segue to the the trivia question, so I’ll do it awkwardly! Wellll…France is sort of hexagon…ish?
Good morning everyone.
I’m sorry but I really had to rush through the news stories today, and have had to omit quite a few of them, forgive me. What started out to be a rather sticky but routine Sunday, has turned into a lunatic’s daydream.
At just before 3 this afternoon, when we were just about to sit down to lunch, our doorbell rang. It was our neighbour. She explained that someone had just emptied a fire extinguisher in our garage and along the street. I couldn’t believe my eyes, everything was covered in this fine pink, gritty dust. It took hubby and me almost an hour to wash everything off, the cat food dishes, their water, one of their houses were covered, so were our car tires, our plants on the front doorstep, and everything in between. Our neighbours called the police after someone had taken photos with their cell phone. Since then I haven’t seen a single member of our tribe, I’m getting worried about them and wonder if they were there at the time of this crazy attack. I’ve just put out fresh food and water, nothing yet.
The two nice policemen said that there might be a chance that the culprit is caught on the security camera of a building just down the street. Today is Sunday, so we will just have to be patient. All I know is that the most damage was caused in our garage, and it worries me greatly. I’ve had no trouble with anyone in the neighbourhood for many years. Looks like we will have to find another small gate on a stand to make sure that someone can’t just walk in there. The police have promised to patrol from tonight. I feel uneasy, and my good mood of the day has now gone
Have a good day and be safe. Sayonara from my somewhat sad and rainy corner of Tokyo. Mata ashita ne.
As of 5 pm, I have located two of my tribe, they were not injured or covered in this awful, pink gritty dust. 8 more to find.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Kan, Wen, Lee make symbolic gesture in Fukushima
East Asia’s top leaders meet near nuke plant
Sources: Kan halted cooling day after quake
Water to reactor 1 was stopped 55 minutes on advice of Nuclear Safety Commission
Shape of new Tohoku should emerge in five years: Iokibe
Signs of big quake emerged in February
Calls for rescue of abandoned pets in Fukushima grow louder as time runs out
Hiroshima monk to invite Fukushima students to A-bomb anniversary
302 students change schools over radiation fears
High tides flooding quake-sunk land
Syria defies Barack Obama shooting 21 in fresh protest retaliation
Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, defied censure from Barack Obama on Friday as his forces shot dead at least 21 protesters in a fresh upswell of bloodshed across the country.
Syria’s defiant women risk all to protest against President Bashar al-Assad
Women on the frontline of demonstrations against Syria’s brutal regime are now being targeted by security forces
Knife mob attacks reporters in Libya
A bus containing foreign journalists was attacked by a knife-wielding mob in Libya on Saturday, in the first significant manifestation of public hostility to Westerners.
Insane. Netanyahu is a bad man, and an even worse politician. People should be booing him.
Pro-Israeli lobby urged ‘not to boo Barack Obama after Middle East peace address
President Barack Obama and Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, are squaring up for another clash on Sunday as relations between the two countries plunge to their worst level since the founding of the Jewish state.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: new claims of sexual misconduct add to pressure on former IMF chief
Fresh allegations of sexual misconduct have emerged against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the International Monetary Fund accused of sexually assaulting a New York chambermaid.
Nick Clegg: remove key clause from NHS reform bill
Deputy PM demands removal of proposals designed to encourage competition and private sector involvement
David Mitchell
Don’t blame Mary Portas if she can’t deliver the coalition’s punchline
The Queen of Shops deserves better than to be involved in another government PR stunt
Yesterday’s answer and kes got it right was, Eva Peron.
Today’s question.
What two continents have never been the site of a major military conflict?
Nigel Slater’s herb recipes
Now is the time to raid your herb garden. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and always use a generous hand
Apocalypse not now: The Rapture fails to materialise
Christian doomsday prophet Harold Camping had predicted the world would end at 6pm on Saturday
Sad story, broke my heart, but the picture was just so adorable.
Anyone known to have mistreated a pet anything, should never be allowed to keep one again.
Pet rabbits are cruelly neglected and mistreated in Britain, survey finds
Study suggests 75% of two million pet rabbits are badly cared for and commonly misunderstood by families who look after them
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Kalima, what a horrible thing to happen to you all. I feel so bad, just wish I could help.
Is there someone new in your neighborhood who might be responsible?
My heart hurts for all of you.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your kitties all return soon, safe and sound.
Thanks for your good wishes jkk, it was so out of the blue that it shocked all of us. My pasta was ruined, I had to boil new, and our lunch was a hour late, I didn’t even enjoy it. I’ve found six of the tribe, they have been fed, and they are now sleeping in their favourite places. I’m on guard, heaven help anyone who steps inside my garage, I’m po, and I’m on the prowl. Beware!!
Eeek! Wicked Kalima on the prowl! 😉
Now there’s a scary thought!!
Seriously, I hope all your babies are ok- I feel certain they will wander back, once they get brave enough.
And I hope they catch the weasel who was responsible for it. Send him to us- we’ll whup his ass the Southern way!!
You’re in my thoughts..
Be afwaid, be vewy afwaid! Kalima’s morning hair is a scary thing to behold. 😯 I don’t even have to prowl to make my point, I can just stand there with my hands on my hips and watch them run for their lives. 🙂
Kalima: Morning hair? Huh. And here I had thought an inside track w/ hair magicians might do the trick……
My mom had “rules” for the morning which I was expected to follow: 1) Wash your face 2) Brush your teeth 3) Comb your hair THEN come join us……
Maybe it was a way of being sure I would get this done before dashing out the door to school. Or maybe I just looked “scawy”.
I have long curly/wavy hair AB, getting a brush or comb through it before I start to feed 15 cats and 40 sparrows is not an option for me, it gives me a headache, a real one.
Which side are you on anyway? 😉
All the magicians I know are too busy. 😉
Sorry to hear that you will be missing one of your kids, don’t be too sad, you have done more than your best for them, you should be proud of yourself too you know?
LOL, Then an Angry Kalima with Morning Hair will do the trick, and you won’t have to do another thing! 😉
I would send you a picture but I like you too much, and would hate myself in the morning. 😀
Kalima: I envy your hair. I admit it, I have hair envy. I have baby fine prone to static electricity and “rats nests” in the morning hair.
Sympathy letters may be written to the Blov c/o Planet.
AND I’m on your side. Always and forever. I was just relating what my mom used to make me do when I was little.
DO keep us updated in tomorrow’s MB as to the number of tribe members still on the island. I’m betting within 3 days, all will have returned. They are cats, after all, and extremely cautious by nature. Remember: they greet each other upon first meeting by hissing. Dogs? Well, it’s something else entirely (but don’t get me wrong. I love dogs, too. But they are like….well, cats and dogs in their habits)
I’m off to read The Warmth of Other Suns. Anyone here read it yet???? -AB
@AB- haven’t read it yet but let me know how you like it- I’m curious.
@jkk: It was recommended to me by a very trusted book source; have friends who read it and loved it. I’d say – go get it. I got a copy from the library – trying to use them more these days as a civil protest to funding cuts. Also saves me $$. How cool is that??
Who is nabbing all of the reply buttons, I’ll have to tell AdLib to order some more.
AB, I was just gently pulling your leg. My hair is not thick, it’s just curly, when I get up in the morning there is this pull from the left, sort of like a lopsided bird’s nest, and I have to wet it to get the tangles out. Don’t be jealous, it’s a royal pain in the rump each day. All my life I have wished for the straight hair of my childhood, instead I have ringlets in Summer without ever having to do a thing. Ringlets are great when you are 5 years old, now, not so much.
Enjoy your Sunday night, and your book.
The K gang plus absentees.
God, I want to join in. I hate my hair too. So thin, always been like that – though it used to be more red than strawberry blond. I see people with thick raven hair and hate them. Then again, being a man, that would come with a whole lot of other hair that would be a pain. I’m not balding (yet, god forbid), I just have super fine hair! I swear! And if I don’t comb it right in the back I’ll leave home with a few “bald” spots (my sister has the same prob, and she’s brunette, with slightly thicker hair). And yeah, my hair curls a little in humidity, but it’s more wavy. I wish my hair would just fall straight down when I took down my pony tail.
😆 Ok, that’s it, I might have to unofficially banish you from MB. I laughed so hard, that my Mac just flew through the air, thank God it landed on the rug.
A ponytail Khirad, snap! Does it look like an old mop, mine does. You need to get some products to create volume for your hair, and I hope that you don’t blow-dry, it takes all the natural oils out of your hair.
I don’t have a bald spot either, but I have three small birthmarks on the crown of my head where hair doesn’t grow. After my mother’s 38 hours in labour, they pulled me out with forceps, it left me with three small lumps. If people don’t know about it already, and it happens to be windy, I tell them that I was abducted by aliens as a child. 🙂
I hate people with thick hair too, no not hate them, I just hate their hair. Then again, I’m Scandinavian, so I shouldn’t expect much more than I have.
@Khirad- Kalima and I know- you DO not want thick hair in a hot climate- when you’re outside and you get too hot- it Smothers your head and you end up washing it too much!
@Kalima there are treatments by J&J that is baby conditioner – you wet your hair slightly and spray it on- it should make your hair Much easier to comb out! And it smells heavenly 🙂
We have used it for years.
Khirad, you should talk to Buddy- he has a ton of hair- maybe he has a secret he’d share! 😉
Ditto on the ‘reply buttons!!
@Khirad: Love you, man. but I’m dubbing you “honorary gal pal” for the hair talk, dude. (It’s an honor; only a few males have been invited into the inner circle.) I just sent K an email about my super fine hair and the mighty cowlick I have in back. Aliens could land craft there, if they chose to. Swear.
@AB- I had it recommended to me as well.
I don’t have a library card for the library 1 mile from my house, because I am One Block outside their city limits- the County Library is 7 1/2 miles, almost downtown!!
Florida is FUBAR from one end to the other!!
jkk, I can’t go into the why and how here of how much I know about hair, but believe me I do.
It’s all my fault you see, I sometimes can’t be bothered to try to get the tangles out every morning, it’s not a matter of being lazy, it depends on how high I can or can’t lift my arms that day. I should really just have it cut short in the Summer, but I like my ponytail and my colourful dinosaur hair clips too much to give them up until it grows again. Maybe I will just have to start wearing my baseball cap every time I leave the house again. With 70% humidity in May already here, I agree that too much hair is stifling, no wonder we can’t think straight. 😉
Oh, dear Kalima. I’m so sorry to hear that you were the victims of this vandalism.
But what a good neighbor you have, who keeps an eye on your home and even had the presence of mind to get a cell phone photo! And as much as people complain about security cameras everywhere, this is an instance in which they might prove very helpful. Somehow, it would seem a little less threatening if it turned out that this was a young teenager doing a stupid, impulsive thing. If it’s an adult, I think whoever it may be has some serious issues that need attention.
I do hope an arrest is made, for your peace of mind. And I hope the entire tribe re-appears over the course of the day. Cats are such clever little creatures. They wisely scatter instantly at the first hint of danger, and then stay away until the coast is clear. I suspect the whole bunch will be re-assembled shortly. Meanwhile, many prayers for your comfort and for the relief of your anxiety. With all that has gone on recently in Japan, you just have to wonder why someone felt obliged to add to the stress like this. Truly disheartening.
I’m amazed you had the presence of mind to be able to put together the news of the day in MB!
Before I have to start getting ready for work once more, I do have to take a guess at the trivia question. One continent would be Antarctica, I’m suspecting? And the other? Let me just toss in Australia? Guessing is what I do. 🙁
Kes, great minds think alike, huh?
😆 AB, that was almost uncanny, wasn’t it? We were typing literally at the same moment, and nearly the same words!
What are we each having for dinner tonight?
Kes: Leftovers, it seems. Usually I make a big meal on Sundays to make it easier for myself mid week. We spent all day yesterday, saying goodbye to my Austin Afghan boy (I’m hoping he will be back, but not sure at this time). So no shopping, no prep.
Or dinner…may be…in the words of my friend Marcia Ball: “When you ask me what I’m making for dinner tonight, I say ‘Reservations'”.
Good to see you, Kes
Likewise, dear AB!
In my case, it’ll probably be ‘hospital food,’ delicious as it is. (Work day.)
I am tremendously behind in replying to my emails lately, but that doesn’t mean I don’t cherish every one of them!
It must have been hard to say good-bye to your dear lad, not knowing for sure when you would see him again. Mothers’ hearts certainly do take a beating sometimes, don’t they? But it’s all worth it. 🙂
Kes, The attack on Kalima’s kitties just makes me snarl. Hope the person responsible gets savagely attacked by Karma.
I do believe you’re in a roll!
You must be in line for that awesome Grand Prize 🙂
jkk, you’ve probably had the same experience that many of us have with noticing that people who can be cruel to animals are usually pretty unpleasant to humans, too, no? 🙁 There are some real weirdos out there…
That’s where I want to apply the ‘eye for an eye’ law.
Working on a Sunday kes, that just won’t do. I’ll give them a call to protest.
As I just told AB above, I have found 6 of the tribe, but it’s raining again so I can’t go far to search. Like you, I hope it was a random stupid thing and not someone with a dislike or a grudge against either me or my tribe. I can’t think of a single person in the neighbourhood who would do this, so I hope that we are safe now. I worry a lot about the ones outside, and it’s just this sort of thing that I fear the most because I can’t be everywhere, and one side of the garage is open. I hope to get something fixed there so that people can’t just decide to walk in, it is our property after all.
Take care and put those tired feet up after you get back, ok?
Kalima! I am so sorry that you were targeted by this idiot. I hope it was a random act of stupidity and nothing more.
Trust me: cats are incredibly smart and wary – especially those belonging to outside tribes. My best guess is they skedaddled (a word my mom would use to mean “quickly dispersed”) and are hiding UNDER something somewhere. My cats can always sense a person’s intent long before I can, and I’m hoping that just sensing the presence of these bastards sent them running long before any damage could be done.
PLEASE keep us posted. You and hubby and the tribeS are in my prayers. – AB
AB, the whole thing just makes me SO angry- I do hope you are correct.
jkk: I owe you an email. Sorry, but I wrote a lengthy article for a friend’s magazine and then spent yesterday in Austin (see reply to Kesmarn below). I will try my hardest to get to it. I’ve got to go clean MY tribe’s quarters (we have a 400 sq. ft. screened in porch, overlooking our wildscaped yard and pond. It cost us $20K to build about 15 years ago. We call it “Catland”. My kitties are indoor ones w/ the best of both worlds. The birds are safe from them this way; it didn’t seem fair to design a yard to entice wildlife, and then to unleash the kittehs on the wildlife. So…..
We DO enjoy the porch ourselves, though.
Promise to write soon. Lots and lots going on. -AB
AB- I’m aware- and you don’t owe me anything till your life
returns to normal!
I’m not worried- so don’t you worry either!
You have kids, families and cats to tend to- they come first. 🙂
Thanks AB, as of just a few minutes ago, I’ve found six of them. I need to locate two more that live in our garage, and two that come to eat, but sometimes don’t sleep in the garage.
One of the nice policemen came by last night, they had found the fire extinguisher thrown into someone’s garden when the person reported it, it was empty and I suppose still has the fingerprints on it. I might hear something today. If they catch this vandal, they can bring them to my door, and after I smack them across their stupid head, they can clean my garage from top to bottom, there is still this pink stuff under the car which I can’t reach because I haven’t been able to bend my knees for 23 years. Make that 23 smacks across the head.
Thanks for your concern. Will reply to your email soon. Have been busy with hospital visits.
Btw, the nice policeman told me that the extinguisher was stolen from a government building, the name of the building was written on it. Either the person who stole it can’t read Kanji, or they are even more stupid than we thought.
When she was young, my niece adopted a tiny black baby rabbit who had a deformed back leg.
He was the sweetest thing, and that leg didn’t slow that rascal down one bit! He was a very good rabbit, until he managed to get into the office- where he methodically chewed every wire in half, including lamps, computers, And telephones! Even chewed the strip plug cords. Didn’t hurt that rabbit at all, but it sure damaged my Brother-in Law’s wallet!
The rabbit was banished to the outdoor cage, unless someone was around to police his movements!
A few years later, my nephew adopted a beautiful gray and white kitten.
You know the rest… cat did the same thing!!! 😉
Hi Kalima,
Sorry I didn’t catch this until just now. Wow! How unsettling that all must be. Poor tribesmen; they must be feeling so shocked and frightened. My thoughts are with you, and I hope the jerk who is responsible is caught and punished.
Thanks wts, hidoi ne?
When I went out and saw all this pink stuff, I had no idea what it was for a minute, it was hell to clean up, and I believe there is still some under the car.
I might hear something from the police after they check the tape from the security camera, fingers crossed. It seems they stole the thing from the entrance of a Shibuya Ward government building then dumped it in a nearby garden here, how dumb can you get?
Still waiting for missing tribe members, hope they turn up when they are hungry. Will let you know when they return.
Thanks, hoping to hear good news.
If it had been me, I probably would have mistaken the pink stuff for Rapture fallout.
Being as I had absolutely no idea or that much interest in this Rapture nonsense anyway, I might have mistaken it for strawberry milkshake or fairy dust if I hadn’t been so bloody angry that is.
Good morning everyone. Welcome to your weekend.
Hot! Hot! Too blinking hot! That’s about all I have any energy left to say today, except for wishing you a good weekend, hoping you have great weather, and asking you to stay safe.
Sayonara from my still hot corner of Tokyo. Please excuse me now as I head for my kitchen to put my head in our fridge. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Tepco suffers record ¥1.24 trillion group loss as president takes the fall
Death of nuclear plant worker highlights need for proper health management
Over 2,000 safes brought to Miyagi police since quake
Lopsided lighthouses, and worse
Facility for disaster victims’ pets struggles with limited supplies and manpower
James Bond villain lair volcano erupts in Japan
Mount Shinmoe, which featured as the volcano lair of James Bond villain Blofeld in You Only Live Twice, has erupted in Japan, forcing the evacuation of local residents.
Libya: London-based photographer killed by Gaddafi troops
A London-based photographer who has been missing in Libya for over a month was shot dead on the first day by government troops yet Col Muammar Gaddafi continued to tell his family he was alive.
RAF strikes Libyan warships at Al Khums port
Ministry of Defence releases cockpit video showing Tornado and Typhoon warplanes attacking two warships at Al Khums, Libya, and a facility in the dockyard being used to construct fast inflatable boats.
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Libya accuses NATO of causing humanitarian crisis
Egyptian novelist hails revolution as a ‘great human achievement’
The country’s most celebrated writer, Alaa al-Aswany, was inspired by the Tahrir protesters, but fears a counter-revolution
Egyptians expunge Mubarak’s legacy, one metro map at a time
Egypt’s former president created a regime whose psychological hold may take longer to throw off than the physical one
Protests erupt in Syrian cities; at least 34 reported dead
Al-Qaida hoped to blow up oil tankers, Bin Laden documents reveal
Documents seized from Pakistan compound discuss ‘aspirational’ plot designed to provoke economic crisis in west
😆 😆 😆
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe ‘stealing Iran’s rain’
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused Western countries of plotting to “cause drought” in Iran by using high tech equipment to drain the clouds of raindrops.
Netanyahu and Obama long way apart over Middle East peace plans
US and Israeli leaders at odds over 1967 reference, leaving Obama to discuss issue with Cameron in London
Former member of Mugabe secret police granted asylum in UK
A former member of Robert Mugabe’s feared secret police in Zimbabwe who admitted kidnapping dozens of his political rivals and carrying out acts of torture “too gruesome to recount” has been granted asylum in the UK under European human rights legislation.
Strauss-Kahn barred from moving into exclusive New York apartment
Former IMF chief released from jail but unable to move into $14,000-a-month flat as building’s residents objected
Queen shaken and stirred as Irish tour concludes
Impromptu walkabout in Cork wins new friends, as Sinn Féin is ridiculed for censuring member who shook hand
BNP leader Nick Griffin isolated after election disasters
Key figures threaten to form breakaway group as party chairman faces second leadership challenge in less than 12 months
Women and the coalition: how the government is letting down women
There is mounting concern about the impact of government policies on women – and furious debate over the language used
Vince Cable: People do not understand how bad the economy is
Business secretary says politicians have not made clear the time and pain needed to restructure Britain’s broken economic model
Yesterday’s answer.
Karl Marx’s.
Today’s question.
What Argentinean was buried in a Milan cemetery under the pseudonym Maria Maggi?
‘A fearless reputation for collecting modern art’: The Hepworth Wakefield gallery – video
Yorkshire’s new Hepworth Wakefield gallery, which celebrates the work of sculptor Barbara Hepworth, also contains a remarkable archive of correspondence that highlights Wakefield’s reputation as an avant-garde collector of art. Martin Wainwright pays a visit
We love ratatouille in the summer, and eat it well chilled instead of a salad. This looks interesting.
Yotam Ottolenghi’s Indian ratatouille recipe, plus tuna confit salad
A spicy Bengali take on the French classic, and a rich tuna dish based on a Tunisian original
Jane Austen rare manuscript up for sale
A rare, handwritten manuscript of Jane Austen’s unfinished novel The Watsons is to be sold at auction at Sotherby’s in London
Weekend readers’ pictures: Tactile
Your best pictures on this week’s theme, from giant buttocks to a pygmy hedgehog
New photographs released of tsunami hitting the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station in Japan
Tepco power station’s sea defences seen crumbling as wall of seawater overwhelms facility
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Good morning/evening, Kalima!
I’m flying through at high speed since today is a work day, but who could resist commenting on Ahmadinajad’s suspicion that Iran’s rain is being siphoned off by crafty Europeans? I’ve heard of stealing someone’s thunder, but this is a new twist. Paranoia — it’ll destroya!
As always a wild guess on the trivia question: Eva Peron?
Hoping things cool down for you over the weekend, as they heat up here. It’s predicted to be 85 F and humid in these parts. Icky…
Oh kes, working on a weekend, that’s not fair.
Sounds as if things are warming up for you too. Boomer will be pleased. 🙂
Yes what about that I’madinnerjacket, his aids being accused of “witchcraft” and now he’s gone around the bend too. Oops, he was already around the bend. 😯
I demand that you put those feet up when you get home. I have spoken. 😉
Oops, I forgot to mention the jkk got the answer right. Whew, just in time, I’d never hear the end of it. 😉
Good morning everyone.
It’s been a rather sticky day today with humidity in the upper 60’s, and and upstairs much warmer than downstairs even with the windows wide open. Next month with the onset of our one month long rainy season, I will once again be parading as my neighbourhood’s first “walking, taking fungus” with my weird geisha white neck, back and front to the delight of all who happen to see this strange sight briefly as I dash in and out of my garage to feed tribe # 2.
Have a good Friday. Take care, stay warm if you are still having cold weather, and be safe. Sayonara from my still sticky corner of Tokyo.
“Will someone please fan me and peel me a grape”???
Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Auto industry agrees to adopt weekend work shifts
Yamaguchi might nix nuke plant via license
Gov’t attempt to promote clean energy a test of electric power policy reform
Quake survivors struggle to secure housing
Jobless claims surge in Tohoku
Head of bankers’ association denies TEPCO debt write-off
Libya: Nato attacks warship in Tripoli harbour
Nato forces have attacked a warship in Tripoli’s main civilian harbour in an apparent escalation of airstrikes against the Libyan capital.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood poised to prosper in post-Mubarak new era
Islamist movement banned under Mubarak regime will compete in forthcoming parliamentary and presidential elections, but more radical groups are also gaining political ground
‘In Egypt we need strong leadership. At the moment that’s the generals’
Dina Omar is a 30-year-old Egyptian doctor who flew back from her home in Lebanon to treat the wounded in Tahrir Square during the anti-Mubarak uprising. In recent weeks she has also been tending to the wounded in eastern Libya
Syria, Libya, Yemen and Middle East unrest – live updates
• Netanyahu rejects Obama’s endorsement of ’67 borders
• Romney accuses Obama of throwing Israel under a bus
• South African photographer Anton Hammerl killed in Libya
• Nato hits eight Gaddafi warships
Time to relocate.
Pakistan: militants attack US consulate staff
Terrorists have launched an attack on American diplomats in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, leaving one local person dead.
One word of caution to Israel, the world is watching you.
Israel braced for further Palestinian protests
Israel is bracing for a fresh confrontation on its borders after a Facebook campaign urging Palestinian refugees to march on Jerusalem on Friday got tens of thousands of supporters.
Barack Obama throws full US support behind Middle East uprisings
• President unveils shift in US policy towards Arab countries
• ‘Status quo not sustainable,’ he warns region’s autocracies
• Sets out two-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
• Tells Syria’s Assad to lead transition or ‘get out of way’
Cameron is such a hypocrite.
Bahrain: David Cameron under fire for No 10 Crown Prince photocall
David Cameron risked criticism after he was pictured shaking hands with the Crown Prince of Bahrain on the steps of Downing Street.
Intelligence experts tried to stop government exaggerating Iraq dossier, documents reveal
Papers support claims that Iraq dossier was meant to make a case for war
Irish eyes are smiling: show of respect turns Queen into runaway favourite
Gerry Adams joins in praise for British monarch’s gestures of reconciliation, but party colleagues disagree
Former IMF chief to leave jail Friday, attorney says
Murdoch’s trash rag prints lies again. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!
The Sun denies claim it knowingly published fake child Botox story
Woman claims she was paid to make up story about injecting her eight-year-old daughter with Botox
Al Gore hits out at Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp
Former US vice-president says media giant is forcing his liberal Current TV service off air in Italy for hiring Keith Olbermann
2011 is certainly turning out to be the year of the protests.
Protest in the Med: rallies against cuts and corruption spread
Sit-ins planned at parks and squares across Madrid, Rome, Barcelona, Milan and Florence
Ok guys, but bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better.
China’s navy to assert might with bigger flags
China’s navy is to fly bigger and brighter flags on its ships in an attempt to assert its might on the ocean, the People’s Liberation Army has decided decided.
While the Chinese government boosts it’s military image, spending and power, the people who you don’t often hear about are forced to live like this.
Chinese villagers driven off land fear food may run out
In China, it is forbidden to convert farmland to other uses, but illegal land requisitions continue, provoking violent conflict
Yesterday’s answer.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Bito, you should have listened to kes, she got it right.
Today’s question.
What socialist writer’s last words were: “Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough”?
Banished Chagos islanders insist: we are not at point of no return
People forced out of the Indian Ocean archipelago 40 years ago are now up against environmentalists and the British government
I wonder if this is the same guy who tried to board a train with a horse in a story here yesterday?
Man takes pony to A&E
CCTV footage shows man visiting Wrexham hospital with animal
Artemy Troitsky defamation case is a tale of poodles and peasants
Rock star Vadim Samoylov is taking a critic to court – highlighting the conflict between power and free speech in Russia
Birmingham’s JW Evans silver factory – in pictures
One of the UK’s most complete and historic family silverware companies has been restored by English Heritage
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
I stayed up this late to find out I was wrong? 🙂
I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry, what are you doing still up?
Good on the Queen. That did show some class — I mean, to even get praise from Gerry Adams?! It makes up for her just standing there and not sipping the perfect pint of Guinness poured for her.
She drinks gin and tonic, I can hardly envision her swilling back a beer while scoffing down a sausage roll, can you?
I think that she never accepts food or drink in public.
Probably wise protocol, but she’s apparently allowed to drink a toast, that’s what I found a little inconsistent.
Ok, I’ll go out on a Royal limb then and say that at aged 85, beer might give her gas, or like me, she might really dislike the taste of beer. That’s my last offer, and she didn’t do it, or rather not do it, to offend anyone.
LOL, Kalima! Were you granted permission to use that Royal limb???
Kalima- are you Determined to start my day with a headache from the trivia question???
Where on earth do find this stuff??!
Anyway, the most quoted WWll madman is usually Karl Marx- so I’m guessing he’s your culprit!
Fine Silver is So beautiful! Wish I could afford some 🙂
Good afternoon/night(?), Kalima! I’m getting a late start on reading MB today, partly because I got an early start on my morning with taking #1 Son to the train station for a trip to Chicago.
On the trivia quiz, I’m — as usual — guessing, but I’m gonna steal b’ito’s answer from yesterday and say Trotsky!
If pictures ever said more than words could, this one of Netanyahu and the President truly does. Somehow this doesn’t look “cordial and relaxed” to me:
Good morning everyone.
Well, two back to back Skype calls have left me with very little time to write anything more than to hope that you have a good day.
I’m over the moon right now. After almost a year of nagging my father to buy a remote controlled bed to make it easier for him to get in and out, he is getting one. It is due to be delivered and fitted next week on Tuesday. My days of banging my head on my computer after finishing a Skype call are over for now. Banzai!!!
Take care, stay warm and be safe. Sayonara from my still quite humid corner of Tokyo. “Ollie, get your paws off my teddy bear”!!!!!
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Failed venting tries linked to No. 2 damage
Steam buildup likely harmed suppression chamber
Aquaculture damage over ¥100 billion
Release of radioactive water made at request of U.S.: Cabinet adviser
Hospital doctor in town hit by tsunami brings message of care to homes
Levees need reinforcing to prevent tsunami damage, say researchers
Quake volunteers decrease sharply since Golden Week
Quake slashes Japan’s 1st qtr GDP
Japan back in recession as earthquake cuts consumption
This guy must have been very delusional. He orders the killing of fellow Muslim men, women and children, then expects that they will actually give a damn about his message.
Osama bin Laden praises Arab Spring in posthumous message
Al-Qaeda has released a posthumous message from Osama bin Laden praising the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia and urging Muslims to take advantage of a “rare historic opportunity” to rise up, according to a US monitoring service.
Well I hope that Tunisia throw them right back out again.
UPDATE: I’ve just spoken with my girlfriend in Tunisia and she told me that they had been denied entry.
Libya: Col Gaddafi’s wife and daughter ‘flee Libya’
Col Muammar Gaddafi’s wife and daughter have fled Libya for Tunisia in a sign of mounting pressure on the dictator, it has been reported.
Libya: British journalist among four freed by Gaddafi regime
A British journalist held in Libya for the last seven weeks was freed on Wednesday night.
Libya: Nato bombing of Gaddafi forces ‘relying on information from rebels’
Diplomat says Benghazi committee plays key role in air strikes, fuelling suspicions British officers are ‘target-spotting’ on ground
Egyptian uprising’s reporter: ‘Two Egypts have emerged’
Ayman Mohyeldin was the face of al-Jazeera’s coverage. Time magazine named him one of the most influential people of 2011
Egypt’s uprising brings DIY spirit out on to the streets
In the hundred days since Hosni Mubarak was toppled, there has been an explosion of creative energy in the alternative arts
12 killed at Afghanistan rally over Nato raid
Police opened fire and killed 12 people as a large crowd protested against a Nato raid which had earlier killed four, including two women.
Argentina plane crash kills 22
Wreckage found near Los Menucos in Patagonia after all on board killed in plane crash
Wow, the BBC and “drug users” are to blame for the protests and riots now. Not very original.
Yoweri Museveni casts foreign media as Uganda’s enemies over protest coverage
• President says BBC and others cheer on rebels
• Rival Besigye blamed for ‘riots ignited by drug users’
Queen gives Ireland closest royals have come to apology for Britain’s actions
Queen’s speech refers to history of ‘heartache and loss’ as demonstrators held back from Dublin Castle
Garret FitzGerald, former Irish PM, dies at 85
FitzGerald served two terms in office as taoiseach and under his leadership he co-signed the Anglo-Irish agreement with Thatcher
“Open warfare” I’m going to stay glued to my telli. Popcorn anyone??
Coalition’s divisions over future of NHS deepen into open warfare
• Nick Clegg angers No 10 by openly criticising David Cameron
• Andrew Lansley determined not to see health bill gutted
New bail hearing set for Strauss-Kahn
Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers have filed new papers asking a judge to release him on bail, offering new terms including $1m in cash and to place their client under house arrest
So much for his wife’s statement yesterday about him having an eye for the ladies, seems he had a bit more than just his eye to me.
Kristin Davis: Manhattan Madam ‘who supplied Dominique Strauss-Kahn with escorts’
Dominique Strauss-Kahn hired prostitutes from the “Manhattan Madam” who also served Eliot Spitzer, the disgraced former Governor of New York, Kristin Davis has claimed. Here is a profile of the escort agency owner.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Nicolas Sarkozy’s female contingent accuses Left of ‘guilty silence’
Female members of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s party accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Socialist entourage of a “guilty silence”, arguing that more should have been done to curb the fallen presidential hopeful’s behaviour towards women.
The smart money says Sarah Palin won’t run in 2012
Palin is all about brand management, so why would she risk a good business in a gruelling campaign that’ll be hard to win?
Yesterday’s answer.
Henry VIII. Well done to jkk. 😀
Today’s question.
Who returned to Russia from exile in October, 1917?
Anxiety keeps the super-rich safe from middle-class rage
The pay gap at the top should change the terms of political trade. But the squeezed middle must first learn to look up
Brazilian woman aged 114 is world’s oldest person
A 114-year-old Brazilian woman has been officially recognised as the oldest living person by Guinness World Records.
Horse on carriage? Man tries to board train with pony
Would-be passenger captured on CCTV trying to get on the 19.02pm service from Wrexham to Holyhead
Good luck with that.
New Yorkers sue China over internet censorship
Eight people accuse China’s biggest search engine firm, Baidu, of conspiring with government to censor pro-democracy content
What can I say?
I feel a question bubbling up, but can’t bring myself to ask it. Ok I will. “Did you wear a condom”?
Man admits having sex with 1,000 cars
A man who claims to have had sex with 1,000 cars has defended his “romantic” feelings towards vehicles.
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Hi Kalima,
Can you believe how quickly the Rapture has come upon us? I’ve hardly made any preparations at all! Just wanted to check…if I’m raptured and you’re not, do you want to take Rosie? Can you make sure the cats won’t mistake her for a tuna?
If the halo is on the other head, I can take one or two of your critters, but not the whole bunch!
I don’t follow the loonies much wts, but I thought that we had already had our own Rapture here in Japan on and since the 11th of March.
It’s been such along time since I’ve been “raptured” I’ve forgotten what it feels like. 😉
If you think you might be one of the “lucky” ones, yes I will take care of Rosie for you. Don’t forget to pack her toys, her PJ’s, and lots of food.
You didn’t know? Tomorrow is Rapture’s Eve! Like I said, it kind of sneaks up on one.
Okay, I’ll have a little Rapture Pack all set for Rosie so even if she’s Left Behind, she won’t be left out in the cold!
So tell me, what happens when nothing happens, does everyone get their money and their sanity back?
A fool and his money and his sanity are soon parted.
🙂 I would call them a “tool”.
Pray now or pray later. Is this some sort of afterlife IRA? I wonder if you get interest on your prayer investment?
Think I’ll swing by the chocolate shop on the way home to pick up a present for St. Peter. Do you think He’d like truffles? If not (or I don’t make the cut) I’m sure to find someone who would…
Oh NO! we are to prepare????
Well, I’m not too worried- I think I will not be going anywhere- either way!
wts, I will take your house, and if you are close enough to Kalima, I can commute to hers and feed the tribe, if need be!!
You both will need to leave me instructions on care and feeding, and where their food and pjs are. I’m pretty sure I can find the toys!! 😉
wts, does Rosie like cats?
Do you need proof? Do you doubt? I think this list is proof enough!
50 Reasons Why The World Is Definitely Ending On Saturday
@bito- ok, I read it..
Looks like same shit-different day to me! 😉
umm.. a thought-
Perhaps Rosie, the tribe and Sam and Persia MIGHT be the raptured ones…! (well, maybe Not Persia..)
just sayin…. 😉
Good Morning/evening, Kalima!
Thanks for the link to the very perceptive article on why people aren’t more angry about the huge inequalities in wealth distribution. Some great insights there. For example:
On the trivia question: ooooh, I should know my history better than this. I’m gonna guess Lenin? 🙁
On your “popcorn watcher”
I would think you might be watching it with a brick in hand to throw at the telly. The Tories so want to put the NHS in private insurance companies hands they can taste it. What is it with this new breed of conservatives where everything has to be “financialized” even people’s medical needs and suffering. Our President spoke of dignity this morning and the lack of it being a cause for the ME/NA uprisings. If the Tories could make a buck off it they would sell it.
Sex with cars? Morris Minors?
Well since Miss k’es took Lenin, I’ll take Trotsky.
Kalima, I just got this via Twitter. Looks hopeful.
High Court: Council must not axe care for elderly
Britain’s biggest council has been told its plans to cut care services for elderly and severely disabled people are “unlawful” and must be scrapped, in a landmark High Court judgement with wide-ranging implications for social care.
Bito that is indeed good news, I will send it on to my father. Yesterday he showed me a huge heavy letter he had received from the council healthcare assessors, it contains pages and pages of information to be written out and sent to them by a certain date. My father who lost the use of his right hand when he had his stroke 12 years ago was dumbfounded. He told me that he decided to call them, was left on hold for almost 30 minutes, then finally got through to a human voice.
He explained that he is unable to write or fill out forms, they questioned him by phone, especially about the monthly amount of his pension. The guy on the other other end was a nice guy fortunately, my father’s care will not be cut by more than it already has, which is already a considerable bit, and meant that a foot infection which could have been cured in about 3 weeks, has lingered into the 11th week, because no one sent the nursing staff to take care of his problem for weeks. He slept on a living room armchair for 11 weeks because his bandages became soaking wet by the time he was ready to sleep.
My thoughts, if this is how the country treats a WW2 veteran of V day, Normandy, what chance is there for others. I was ready to call his doctors and tell them exactly what I thought of their care for my father, his friend stopped me, fearing it might just make things worse. He gets a new remote controlled bed that he has bought next Tuesday, and will be able to actually sleep in a bed again for the first time in 12 weeks. When I asked him how much he was looking forward to a good night’s sleep he said, “You worry too much about me. When a man has spent weeks sleeping in the trenches next to the bodies of his friends, he can sleep anywhere”. I blew him a kiss.
Kalima and I send him a firm hand shake and a hug. My elders fought in WWII, they fed, housed, clothed and educated me, does this new generation think their elders as throw aways now? Burdens? If my parents had considered me a burden, I wouldn’t be here, yet now some think there is an expiration date. Have we lost all respect or have we become just a commodity to be “financialized” ?
I wish your Father well.
Thanks bito, he would appreciate that. 🙂
Respect seems to be a lost cause with some of the younger generations bito, it a universal problem. These days to gain respect, you have to buy something for someone it seems, and the older generation is regarded like the video on TOOT yesterday.
In Japan and some European countries, putting an elderly person into a home would never be an option. They are cared for until the end. This is something I have always done even for my many animals, and some people can’t even do it for a parent. We live in sad and selfish times bito, I want to see these same people growing old to face the same situations.
If my father knew that I mentioned him here, he would be mortified. I’m glad he hasn’t taken up blogging. 🙂
A month back he was assessed for home care, this 30 something year old asked him if he had considered living in a care facility. He told her that the only way he would leave his home would be head first in a box, and did she think he had lost his mind to go to a place where in a few years they would leave him sitting in his own waste for hours or days on end?
He then asked her to leave his house, phoned the authorities the next day and informed them that he didn’t appreciate being thought of as a burden, and no, he wasn’t going to leave his home to make things any easier for them. Well done Daddy!!
My father says if the Tories try to push this privatization spiel any further, there will be rioting unmatched in recent history, just as I said a few weeks ago. Your move David.
Our tv is not even 2 years old, we changed to digital before we had to, so no bricks, but plenty of slippers would be flying.
Sex with cars, exhaust or gas tank. Morris Minors, couldn’t he be arrested for that??
Trivia answer: Leon Trotsky.
Good morning everyone.
I was delighted to find many of my balcony plants with new green shoots this morning, but even more amazing are the beautiful little flowering weeds which pop up between the cracks of the stones beneath our front doorstep. Some of them are so pretty that I leave them, others I pull out at least every two weeks, only to find them growing back again a week later. Hubby said that we should just let them grow, he doesn’t mind fighting his way through our weed jungle each night to come in. In a month it will be tiny leafed mini trees growing next to our house wall. They stay green until Autumn, and I have no idea where they suddenly sprung from about 5 years ago, I suspect the sparrows might know something though.
Have a good day. Take care, stay warm and be safe. Sayonara from my warm corner of Tokyo, it’s been about 23C today. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Plan to cool reactors revised but not timeline
Damage to reactor vessels leads to alterations of earlier road map
Reactor worker error comes to light
Shutting down cooling system before tsunami may have caused meltdown
Gov’t eyes nuke compensation payment process from around fall
Govt wants shelters closed by Sept.
Forced into communal living / 360 people crowd into 20 homes in devastated fishing community
Orphans, other quake victims to get cash
Libya’s oil minister ‘defects’ in blow to Gaddafi regime
Libya’s oil minister and former prime minister is understood to have defected and has left the country with his family in what would be a significant blow to Colonel Gaddafi’s embattled regime.
Cameron is a horse’s arse for saying this, why say it publicly?
Anwar al-Awlaki is ‘next target after Osama bin Laden’
Anwar al-Awlaki and his followers should be the next terrorists to be “targeted” after the death of Osama bin Laden, David Cameron has said.
Osama bin Laden killing could justify killing Col Gaddafi
The killing of Osama bin Laden could be used as legal justification for the death of Muammar Gaddafi, MPs have been told.
Al-Qaida in the midst of fierce succession battle
Saif al-Adel, an Egyptian former special forces officer, is named as acting leader of al-Qaida, according to Pakistani reports
Pakistan homes in on Osama Bin Laden network with arrest of al-Qaida man
Yemeni Muhammad Ali Qasim Yaqub, alias Abu Suhaib al-Makki, said to have worked directly under al-Qaida leadership
Syrian mass grave found near Deraa, residents say
Human rights groups report 13 bodies unearthed from field in southern city at centre of protest movement
This will help exactly how now?
Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak ‘to make public apology for abuse of power’
Hosni Mubarak, the former Egyptian president, is to make a public apology for abuse of power and offer to hand back his wealth in a bid to win an amnesty from the country’s new rulers, according to reports.
Bankrolling the Tunisian revolution
The international community has pledged almost $1.4bn to bolster Tunisia’s government as it tries to cement January’s revolution. But is the interim government up to the task of development?
Historian writes of ‘pleasure’ at murder of pro-Palestinian activist
Author of op-ed article in Jewish Chronicle tells me he ‘rejoiced’ at death of Vittorio Arrigoni
Groomed for suicide: how Taliban recruits children for mass murder
Young Afghans being coerced into joining jihad with threats of violence and promises of martyrdom
Britain to pull 400 troops out of Afghanistan this year
David Cameron details withdrawal which will form first stage of plan to remove all UK troops by the end of 2014
Nick Clegg demands rethink over role of NHS regulator
Lib Dem leader says Monitor must not become an ‘economic regulator’ while National Audit Office condemns latest delay in NHS patient database
Queen’s visit to Ireland: Garda foil plans to disrupt Dublin events
Irish bomb squad defuse ‘viable’ pipe bomb found on a bus as police contain dissident republican demonstrators
The Queen in Ireland: republicans raise a din but Dubliners extend a welcome
Despite a small but noisy protest by Sinn Féin supporters, most people’s major complaint is cost of security
Some justice at last.
Rwanda genocide: former army head Augustin Bizimungu jailed
Bizimungu, who prepared lists of Tutsis to be ‘exterminated’ in 1994 mass slaughter, sentenced to 30 years in prison
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: maid experienced ‘extraordinary trauma’
The Manhattan hotel chambermaid who was allegedly sexually attacked by Dominique Strauss-Kahn has had her ‘world turned upside down’, her lawyer said.
Now why would it have been “unthinkable”, was it because she was a chambermaid?
The woman is not doing her husband any favours.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: second wife says New York sex attack ‘unthinkable’
Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s second wife has admitted her former husband had an eye for the ladies but that it was “unthinkable and impossible” he would have raped a chambermaid.
Strauss-Kahn must resign, say US treasury chief and European ministers
Politicians claim case is ‘hurting institution’, as New York chambermaid’s brother tells of her floods of tears
Police make breakthrough in cannibal cases in Russia and Slovakia
Moscow man caught eating human liver, while remains of women found by Slovakian officers
Oh Arnie, you disappoint me so.
Mother of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child named as housekeeper
The alleged mother of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “love child” is a former maid at his house called Mildred Patricia Baena, US media have reported.
Yesterday’s answer.
Humphrey Bogart. Cher got it right, and I did say “original”.
Today’s question.
What English King introduced death by boiling and legalized the killing of gypsies?
Ming Ming, world’s oldest panda, dies
Resident of Guangdong preserve dies from old age and kidney failure at 34
Exploding watermelons put spotlight on Chinese farming practices
New food scandal as fields of watermelons are destroyed after farmers mistakenly apply growth accelerator
Thailand jungles mask surprise rise in tiger numbers – video
Experts film previously unknown population on hidden cameras – but loss of habitat and threat from poachers cloud newfound hope. Jonathan Watts joins armed forest rangers in Thap Lan national park, Thailand
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
Hi Kalima. Just stopping by to check out headlines before I head off to work. I’m TOO busy these days! That’s what a month of goofing off will do, I’m afraid. Just wanted to say thanks. I always feel better when I read your “Good Morning”. AND I did get my Morning Blog cup, but have decided to keep it at home instead of taking it to work. Maybe I’ll buy another. I have to buy several Periodic Elements of Stupidity tables for gifts this year. Helping keep the economy going…….
Equally quick hello to you both! I’m off to take the dear old Dad to the doctor’s office (routine– not emergency) but I didn’t want to miss the chance to greet our AB as she flies through the Planetary orbit. Hope the puppies are well and that finals were a breeze!
Kalima — on the watermelon story, my son mentioned that he “thought watermelons had more sense than that!” 😆
Later, I hope!
kes, 😆 on the watermelons.
Ditto AB, your words have just cheered me up on my Thursday morning too. I seem to miss you each time you comment, sorry about that. We can maybe talk about that extra mug, I seem to remember a sneaky b’day that passed unannounced not that long ago. 😉
Take care.
ummhmm, Caught you! You picked Cher’s answer over mine!
See, you Do like Cher best!! 😉
😆 Do you want me to cheat as well????
Good evening jkk. Have to make this a quickie, my battery pack thingy is hanging out of the bottom of my Mac, so he’s going to visit the Apple store doctor soon. We are falling to pieces over here, and I’m in the middle of hand feeding Prince Ollie. What a lazy bunch of layabouts my tribe turned out to be.
Have fun and catch you later. Have to shut down to wrap Mac in bubble paper now. Bloody madhouse!
Dear Kalima,
If necessary, you may cheat!
What is up with Prince Ollie? Does he think he’s Rosie, that he has to be hand fed?? 😉
Sending good thoughts to your ailing MAC- time for a trade-in?!
Kalima, I don’t know this answer either, but just because he was Such a Charming fellow; my guess would be Dear Henry the Eighth!
Kind of apropos that there would be a cannibalism story here too!
Good morning everyone.
A busy day today, so I will wish you all a good day and do a few of the things I couldn’t finish before I left the house this morning.
Take care, stay warm and be safe. Sayonara from my rainy corner of Tokyo. Mata ashita ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Tepco prepares to start pumping tainted water from No. 3
Nearly 3,000 taken to hospitals by ambulances from quake shelters
Mitsubishi UFJ chief blasts gov’t over TEPCO rescue
Protection of local traditions in disaster areas crucial to reconstruction
Disaster areas need teachers / Even with govt help, prefectures still need over 100 replacements
Gift of gloves reignites dreams
56% want govt to hike crisis funds / 59% unhappy with efforts since quake
Nato air strikes hit Libyan government buildings
Latest strikes on Tripoli come just hours after international criminal court seeks arrest warrant for Muammar Gaddafi
Now the arrest warrants extend to his family members too. Good.
Libya: arrest warrants sought for Col Gaddafi, son and intelligence chief
International war crimes prosecutors have demanded the arrest of Col Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam and Libya’s head of internal security, saying there is evidence the Libyan leader was directly involved in war crimes against his own people.
Libya: Col Gaddafi regime dismissed ICC arrest warrant requests
Col Gaddafi’s Libya regime has dismissed the International Criminal Court as a “baby of the European union” which was designed to prosecute African leaders.
Taliban tunnel jailbreak account reveals initial setbacks
Tunnellers veered off course before emerging in Kandahar prison cell and leading 500 prisoners to escape
Good for them.
Former Israeli soldiers break the silence on military violations
Testimonies posted on YouTube by campaign group describe routine harassment and humiliation of Palestinian
Good keep him locked up, that’s what they do with dangerous wild animals isn’t it?
Dominique Strauss-Kahn behind bars after judge denies $1 million bail
Dominique Strauss-Kahn was locked behind bars in New York last night, after a judge who heard how he allegedly carried out a brutal sexual attack on a hotel chambermaid denied him $1 million bail.
All eyes on Dominique Strauss-Khan for his turn in the dock
IMF chief queues up with his cellmates before facing judge in packed Manhattan courtroom
Tenerife beheading: suspect was on the run from police
The man accused of beheading a British grandmother on the holiday island of Tenerife last Friday was on the run from police when the brutal attack was carried out.
Bomb threatens Queen’s visit to Ireland
Irish army forced to make safe a viable bomb found on bus near Dublin on eve of historic royal visit
MPs call for forced marriage to be made a criminal offence
Home affairs select committee urges ministers and local authorities to prevent closure of groups helping victims
At least 27 people decapitated in Guatemala
At least 27 people were decapitated at a ranch in northern Guatemala near the border with Mexico, in a grisly mass murder feared linked to drug traffickers operating in the area, police said on Sunday.
The haves and the have nots.
Anger in China over ‘super rich club’ meetings in Forbidden City
Attempts to use the Forbidden City in Beijing as a venue for an elite Billionaire’s Club have caused uproar on the Chinese internet, highlighting the rising envy of ordinary Chinese towards the country’s new super-rich elite.
Russian Winter Olympics campaign branded ‘fascist’
Billboards in Russia promoting the 2014 Winter Olympics have been branded “fascist” and “neo-Hitlerite” because of their design.
Yesterday’s answer was Stalin. jkk and wts got it right. Well done!
Today’s question.
Who founded and led Hollywood’s original Rat Pack?
Hats off to Princess Beatrice
The princess has put her infamous royal wedding headgear on eBay to raise money for two charities, while milliners enjoy a post-wedding bounce
Thailand jungles mask surprise rise in tiger numbers
Experts film previously unknown group on hidden cameras – but loss of habitat and threat from poachers cloud newfound hope
The month in photography
The Observer New Review’s monthly guide to the 20 best photographic exhibitions and books, with images by Tim Hetherington, Bruce Davidson, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Nadav Kander, Herb Ritts and many more.
Artist provocateur: Egon Schiele’s Women – in pictures
Egon Schiele: Women, the first UK exhibition in 20 years from the vanguard of Viennese eroticism, opens on 19 May at Richard Nagy in London. Here, Jonathan Jones dissects some of the provocative, previously unseen works in the show
24 hours in pictures
A selection of the best images from around the world
RatPack?? The only one I even know is Frank that’s my feeble guess.
Do wts and I win another extravagant Prize package from The Planet??? 😉
Not today jkk, sorry. 🙁
Good Morning/evening, Kalima!
Fascinating article on the Forbidden City. Human nature never seems to change. The Forbidden City went from being “Stay Out, Peasants! This is the realm of gods incarnate who walk the earth!” to “Stay Out, Peasants! This is the realm of gods incarnate who walk the earth!”
And it only took 100 years.
It’s stating the obvious to say that someone(s) really dropped the ball in Tenerife. But — yeah — someone really did, when that guy was released.
Trivia question: The Rat Pack. As jkk mentioned, there was Frank Sinatra. Also Dean Martin? Sammy Davis, Jr.? Joey Bishop? Peter Lawford? Don’t know the others… hmmm… Total guess: Peter Lawford?
I know the answer! I am a bit of a Bogie-phile and it was actually Lauren Bacall! She told Bogart he looked like a rat after he came home with his buddies after drinking all night, and the name for his friends stuck. I think the press then called the Sinatra group the Rat Pack after them. Right???