Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments She’s a grifter and a liar too, JM. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 21, 2011 @ 2:15 am I miss Walter Cronkite. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 21, 2011 @ 2:14 am Todd was a union member, so I guess Sarah™ was for unions before she was against them. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 20, 2011 @ 5:13 pm Can’t you make her go away? After all, you are the Creator… » Posted By UpstateSC On February 20, 2011 @ 5:11 pm Nailed it KT – the entire GOP is a grifter’s union! » Posted By UpstateSC On February 20, 2011 @ 5:05 pm The Daily Planet, Vol.1 Sunday Edition Great job Cher! Glad to hear you will do this every day. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 20, 2011 @ 5:37 pm Wisconsin, what does it really mean? That’s good news Sabreen60! Some are saying that Walker is doing what he said he would do. True, but how often do politicians actually do what they promise once in office? Yes, they do deliver on some things, but this is big, it’s draconian, and it is possible that those who are now having buyers remorse didn’t think he would even try it. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 21, 2011 @ 1:58 am I love your moniker. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 20, 2011 @ 12:32 pm Well said Cher! Not only are the people who are against the unions jealous of union wages and benefits, they don’t care that the CEOs are making huge wages and bonuses, even in these bad times. I don’t get that at all. While being jealous and therefore trying to bring down unions, instead of trying to have it as good as union workers, makes a kind of bad sense, not resenting those who are taking advantage of you making out like gangbusters makes no sense at all. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 20, 2011 @ 12:30 pm I pray so too BigDogMom » Posted By UpstateSC On February 20, 2011 @ 12:09 pm Sheesh! Those teabaggers had no trouble showing up for HCR protests and town hall meetings to ask their Rep where Obama keeps his birth certificate, no matter the day of the week they were held. And good point that many union workers work weekends, whereas many non-union workers DO have weekends off, and thanks to unions. It’s heartening that the Kochs could only bribe 2000 to do their dirty work. The sad part is that those 2000 don’t realize that they will be worse off if Walker is successful in busting the unions. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 11:48 pm Your analogy is apt, and it isn’t rational to vote for someone just because they root for the same team. The reason so many vote GOP is because they are “pro-life” and the GOP claims to be so too. What they both really are is ant-abortion, but it puts them on the same team, and it puts God (so they think) on their team. Some wonder how people can consistently vote against their own self-interest. They can if they think that they will be blessed by doing so, and anti-abortion voters fall into that category. Abortion is wrong (although not mentioned in the Bible) and against God. If a nation is against God, he will curse the nation, but if it is with God, he will bless it. Therefore, in their minds, voting GOP is voting for God, because they are “pro-life” (although they have never even tried to overturn Roe v. Wade) and if abortion is once again outlawed, God will bless this country. According to that “logic”, they are voting in their own self-interest. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 11:05 pm Well thought out and well written article Abby. There is no doubt that things are really out of whack in this country. I’m still trying to figure out why those who broke our economy not only still have a job, but got record bonuses these past few years as well. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 6:02 pm Employment at Will…what does it mean? Beautiful Dimplasm! Has Walker shown his cowardly face to the public anytime these last few days? » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 3:13 pm Buddy, it is sad. I wish I knew how to get through to people like that. They don’t have to take such treatment, yet they do over and over. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 1:47 pm KQuark, I agree – he’s a sucker. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 1:45 pm Abby, you are right. In practice, using temps is a losing long-term strategy. The company I work for laid off most of the plant employees about five or six years ago. Many had 20+ years experience with the company, were great workers, reliable and loyal to the company. Our then new HR manager had the “brilliant” idea to lay them off and then to “rehire” them through a temp agency. Anyone with commonsense and empathy could have told top management what would (and did) happen. Most of the laid off employees decided to take their severance pay, apply for unemployment and either look elsewhere for a job or go back to school. The few who came back as temps ended up quitting within a few months. Inexperienced temps were then “hired” to take their place, and they weren’t as good as the workers they replaced. I’m not putting down temp workers, I’ve been one, doing the same kind of work I do now. And while I always try to do a good job, no matter the pay and benefits, I don’t work as hard if I’m a temp. Maybe it’s psychological, but I feel that the company isn’t showing any loyalty to me by outright hiring me, so why be loyal to it? As result, we had some customers return orders, as they weren’t of the quality they were used to. We still have some temps in the plant, but most working there are hired permanently and doing a much better job than as temps. In 2010, we seem to have recovered somewhat from the temp experiment, and the HR manager that suggested it is gone. Just as using temps is not a good long-term strategy, I think that workers making concessions without management doing the same is a bad long-term strategy. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 1:25 pm It’s because they fail to take the long view and only see short term profits. If any do manage to think ahead, they assume that they can find consumers elsewhere who can afford their overpriced goods and services. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 5:16 am They abandon us all together. Corporatists don’t care about anything but profits. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 5:07 am Abby, thanks for this article. I see the RW trying to take advantage of tough economic times to destroy unions, among other things to further their agenda, which is to enrich their corporate masters. They want to take away all social safety nets, just when they are needed the most. What they don’t realize (or don’t care about if they do realize it) is that their policies will turn us into a third world country. As long as they get their corporate donations, live their comfy lives and spout their platitudes, they could care less about the rest of us. And they could care less about the state of the country as a whole – instead of leading the world in innovation, we will regress, but they don’t care. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 3:50 am Sounds like South Carolina, Justafarmer. I love the euphemisms the RW uses as they take away our rights. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 3:45 am Sarah Palin Watch: The Death of Death Panels Honestly, I think that it’s a combination, some, including SP™, are that oblivious. They have such knee-jerk reactions to things, that they forget what they said and did before, even if it contradicts their current reaction. When it’s brought to their attention that they are flip-floppers, they try to spin it or even lie about it, so then fall into the defensiveness camp. Some are total cynics and hope that the rest of us are either dumb enough or lazy enough to not check out the accuracy of their statements and actions. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 1:06 pm Haven’t people died in Arizona because of Jan Brewer’s cuts to Medicaid and Medicare? Why hasn’t Sarah Palin™ blasted Brewer for those deaths? The GOP is real good using rhetorical terrorism (love that term!)to frame debates. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 11:50 am That’s the problem with GOPers, they don’t understand that they are to serve the public. They think it’s the other way around, we, the people, are to serve them. Another thing they don’t understand is that we are all in this together. They want the rest of us to make sacrifices while they continue to live the life of Riley. The GOP is too short-sighted to see that if we go down, so will they, or most of them will. It may later for them rather than sooner, but it will happen. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 7:24 am Great post Caru, makes me think of Jonathan Swift, specifically “A Modest Proposal”. I especially like this line “Forgive me for being blunt, but you are entirely unnecessary.” That is how I feel about the entire Republican Party. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 19, 2011 @ 2:54 am I’m new here, but calling each other fans and friends is fine, I’m sure. I’ve been a long time fan of yours, and am glad that you are here. » Posted By UpstateSC On February 16, 2011 @ 4:30 pm JM, thanks for the post about your experience, and the reactions to it. In spite of the election of Barack Obama to the presidency, we still have a long way to go in this country to reach the point that MLK dreamed of: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” » Posted By UpstateSC On February 16, 2011 @ 3:26 am KQuark, you are right in that they aren’t happy about Obama being elected, but think that because an African American was elected that it’s OK to be a racist, or to openly show their racism. That’s not how they would put it, but would say something like “now that a black man is president, there is no such thing as racism in America anymore.” Someone actually said something like that to me after the 2008 election! » Posted By UpstateSC On February 16, 2011 @ 3:20 am Hey islandleogirl, good to see you here. 🙂 Happy post Valentine’s Day to you too! » Posted By UpstateSC On February 15, 2011 @ 5:05 pm Thanks KB! Happy to be here. 🙂 » Posted By UpstateSC On February 15, 2011 @ 5:02 pmComments Posted By UpstateSC
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