Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Weekly Seminar: What number of parties leads to the most progressive politics? Kevin7, I’ll be truely evil and repeat a suggestion by Dr. George F. Will, noted columnist and climate change denier, and suggest that if you want to see more parties and more effective representation of the views of the population then increase the number of representatives in the House to 1000 and put them into 5 member districts, having the top five vote getters in the district take the five seats. This has the cool effect of getting us three moderates to one wingnut and one moonbat, except in Texas of course where the ratio is three wingnuts, one moderate and one closet liberal. The problem isn’t parties, the problem is participation. Moderates don’t play enough in politics, especially at the convention and primary stages. » Posted By Lance On November 16, 2009 @ 7:30 pm Debate Night Live – Vote and Discuss! Chuckle, Chuckle, Snort, Snort. That would be SO cool. » Posted By Lance On November 14, 2009 @ 4:25 am That might be a lot better. Writing out some ideas on NotePad before the debate would be a good idea too, is you don’t consider that cheating. » Posted By Lance On November 14, 2009 @ 4:18 am You think one of them deserves my vote? Please… » Posted By Lance On November 13, 2009 @ 8:11 pm How it is that the Teabagger Movement is bogus Kevin, you have to remember that Teabaggers get their talking points from industry tools who read and twist the meaning of the Health Care Reform bills but actually do build on stuff that is there. For instance the Death Panels thing is built from both the provision to pay for end of life counseling with your doctor and the government establishing a panel to analyze best practices and promote them. So the twisters read this and decide that the government is creating a panel to tell you how you must die. When you confront the tea baggers with the accurate information about one part they start to argue the other part. Or for another instance even though the House bill clearly states that illegal immigrants won’t be getting subsidies for buying health insurance the republican’ts complained (Joe “You Lie” Wilson et al) that because there weren’t stringent checks (tigher then the checks to buy a handgun for God’s sake) to make sure those weren’t illegal aliens that we were just letting them in. And even now that we have strigent checks in the bill preventing subsidies going to illegal aliens the fact that illegal aliens would be able to buy health insurance (as opposed to running around this country without any) through the exchange is to the republican’ts tantimont to subsidizing them because taxpayer money is used to run the exchange. You have to have a lot of patience and knowledge to defeat that kind of crap. And if you are going to spend time complaining about Huffington rather than Red State or Druge you might as well just set up a circular firing squad. » Posted By Lance On November 7, 2009 @ 6:13 pmComments Posted By Lance
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