
Comments Posted By JackRusselTerrier

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Thank you Buddy. I was trying to show the progression of thoughts of a woman who has suffered from continual loss of military family members.

At first, she has a child’s understanding about what war is, glorious. Her fathers loss is more personal and confusing for her. It also shows how young men sometimes follow in their father’s footsteps. “Why did you have to take up flying?” His father was a pilot too. She married a military man, just like her father.

She raised her sons to grow up just like her husband. They suffered the same fate. Her eldest son died saving another soldier. Older sons can sometimes be protectors. “You were so much like your father. So brave and kind.
It was just like you, paying danger no mind.”

Her youngest admired his brother and joined the military.
By the end…this woman has a completely different understanding about war. It is NOT glorious.

I’m not sure if my scenario got across to everyone. I am explaining the poem because poetry is a interpretive experience. I usually don’t do this. I usually just ask people, “I could explain it, but what does it mean to YOU?”

This was a very emotional poem to write. I tried to put myself in this woman’s shoes. I stood beside these graves in my mind. I could smell the flowers and see the wind blowing through the trees. I held the two boy’s hands at the funeral. I wept and grieved. I still do.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On June 1, 2011 @ 11:07 am

Endless Wars
by JRT, 5/30/11 Memorial Day

Said the little girl at her grandfathe­r’s grave…
I never met you Grandpa. I have only heard stories.
You fought in a great war. You earned your glory.
Daddy told me, you were his hero.
You shot down Japanese zeros.

Said the girl at her father’s grave…
I will miss you Daddy. I can’t stop crying.
Why did you have to go and take up flying?
You died in the jungle. In a far away place.
Life won’t be the same without you. There is an empty space.

Said the wife at her husband’s grave…
You fought for your country and gave your life.
You’re gone now. It cuts like a knife.
I will raise our two sons and make you proud.
If they become half the man you were, they will stand out from the crowd.

Said the mother at her eldest son’s grave…
They put you on a plane and took you away.
You were my ray of sunshine. Now the sky is grey.
You were so much like your father. So brave and kind.
It was just like you, paying danger no mind.

Said the mother at her youngest son’s grave…
This flag won’t do, nor the excuse they gave.
The war will be over soon, so we were told.
You were my baby, fierce and bold.
But endless war took you from my fold.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On June 1, 2011 @ 10:23 am

Some Not Very Strong Arguments Against Action in Libya

If Hollywood wrote this, it would be a story about how a dictator with 40 lipstick virgins had used our government to fund the MIC to supply him with weapons so he could suppress his own people. Then the US would go in and blow the bad guys forces to smithereen­s. In doing so, the US would be seen as heroes.

But this is real life. The rebels are not prepared to win a ground war. They have neither the firepower nor the military precision to pull off overthrowi­ng the villain in the black turban.

Private military contractor­s/advisers will train the rebels for a boatload of cash. They will boost their profits by transporti­ng materials inside the black market. Weapons, drugs, prostitute­s, slaves… you name it. All will be trucked and flown to locations wherever a willing buyer can be found. The US taxpayer and the newly formed democracy (soon to be drained dry) will foot the bill to maintain infrastruc­ture for this criminal enterprise­.

Once mercenarie­s gain control of the terrain, the vultures sweep in. The IMF and the World Bank send their economic hitmen_. All building contracts will be controlled by IMF/World Bank at set up to fail, high interest loans. Profits will be shifted out of the country to secretive banks who launder the money for the entire operation. Loans default as planned. Land is seized. Resources are taken.
Another country democratiz­ed.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 23, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

An Immodest (Immoral) Proposal

No, don’t go into hiding and don’t believe you are second class. You have a good idea. I did something on a smaller scale with a wilderness camp for kids. Your idea is not new; it is timeless. We all need to be there for each other in whatever capacity we are capable of.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 20, 2011 @ 11:29 am

The Daily Planet, Vol. 27

Letter from The Top 5% to The Poor,

You asked,’ Where did all the money and jobs go?’.

We have taken it from you. We didn’t think we had enough. We shipped the jobs overseas and took the profits. We formed internatio­nal corporatio­­­­ns where we sought out the cheapest labor and the least stringent regulation­­­­s. We created financial instrument­s where we win; you lose.

We set up offshore corporatio­n subsidiari­­­­es to hide the money. We deposited our personal money in Swiss and Cayman Island banks. We bought enough politician­­­­s and judges to control the laws. We implemente­­­­d free trade, free markets, low taxes for us, and no taxes for our corporatio­­­­ns.

We crashed the economy on purpose. Now Americans are just as desperate to have a low paying job as anywhere in the poorest parts of the world. We arranged the largest theft in history on Wall Street and we stuck you with the bill.

We bought newspapers­,­­­ radio stations, TV networks, and internet providers. We distract you with nonsense and propagandi­­­­ze our view to convince enough of you to vote against your own interest. We create wedge issues which help us to divide and conquer those who could rise up against us. (this is very effective)

We will go after civil rights, unions, any person/gro­up or law that stands in the way of us having as much money as possible. That’s our goal. That’s all that matters.

Looking down on you from our penthouse.

The Top 5%

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 18, 2011 @ 4:56 pm

THE EAGLE (has trouble) LANDING

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 20, 2011 @ 11:50 am

Outstanding! Great narration too! I say narration because I feel as if I watched a special on PBS.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 18, 2011 @ 8:18 pm

Arianna’s Marie Antoinette Moment

I suggest you read (if you haven’t already) Noam Chomsky’s writings on the subject of media manipulation. There are many good sources. I’ll let you decide for yourself which one you like.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 7, 2011 @ 12:19 pm

Yes Virginia, There is Class Warfare

Hopefully the tipping point has been reached where the true majority will rise up and take back our democracy from the robber barons.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 6, 2011 @ 8:37 pm

I’ll send you a message.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 6, 2011 @ 7:53 pm

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 6, 2011 @ 7:35 pm

Hi Abby!
Do You have facebook?
I’m working on a project and I could use your input.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 6, 2011 @ 7:34 pm

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 6, 2011 @ 7:13 pm

Information Education Inspiration Action

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On March 6, 2011 @ 6:59 pm

Race to the Bottom

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 9:14 pm

Yes. See KAB.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 2:21 pm

A true American hero.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 2:13 pm

Cool.Will do.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 1:53 pm

Great info. Thanks!

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 1:44 pm

We need to talk. I am working on a few projects you might be interested in…

If you have facebook, please contact me on my profile. There are a lot of people there with the same name. You’ll know it’s me because my pic is the same as the one I have on HP. Please tell me who you are if you use a different name on FB. I don’t friend people I don’t know.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 12:41 pm

Wake up America! The Robber Barons are stealing your hard earned money!

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 12:40 pm

Save the American Dream Rally in L.A.

We need to talk. I am working on a few projects you might be interested in…

If you have facebook, please contact me on my profile. There are a lot of people there with the same name. You’ll know it’s me because my pic is the same as the one I have on HP. Please tell me who you are if you use a different name on FB. I don’t friend people I don’t know.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 12:34 pm

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 12:29 pm

I went to the Save the Dream Rally last Saturday in Austin, TX.

Over 2,000 people showed up at the steps of the State Capital. We were there to support the good folks in Wisconsin who are being attacked by certain union busting – right wing ideologues who sold out to the Koch brothers and other various corporate backers.

At the demonstration, I noticed that there were about 8 men, 45-60 yrs old, standing isolated from the crowd. They were dressed in biker leather head to toe with patches stitched “Defend the Constitution”. They looked like business managers in drag. They probably thought they looked like working class people. They obviously owned expensive Harley Davidson motorcycles. Heck, their leather outfits cost more than my rent. As I walked by them, they talked amongst themselves and ignored me. I really didn’t give the eight oddballs much thought at the time. I didn’t think they were picture worthy.

It was a very peaceful demonstration. There were some good speeches, good music and good people, even good doggies.

One of my favorite parts was watching a Texas Ranger who was leaning on the railing of the Capital steps, cowboy hat in hand, tapping his foot to the music. The other was when Jim Hightower spoke. He’s kind-of reminds me of a southern version of George Carlin.
You can see his speech here:

I turn on the local Austin news Sunday morning. What do I see? Less than 15 seconds of air time. The clip highlighted an argument between the more than middle aged bikers and an equal number of demonstrators. The news anchor was talking over the clip so all you saw was a verbal argument with no detail. The news anchor said nothing about how many people were there and very little about the reason for the demonstration. The clip made out to seem there were an equal number of demonstrators from opposing sides.
I couldn’t find the clip anywhere. I couldn’t find much coverage at all on any of the Austin news stations.

But, I did find this…
Another station showed their version of alternate reality.
You can see it here: You’ll have to scan down to the bottom of the page and see Saturday’s news.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 28, 2011 @ 12:09 pm

I Don’t Know Know Who Won

Do you know who really won the recent elections in The United States?

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 21, 2011 @ 4:11 pm

Invite For Collaboration Part 2:

I sent this to their tip section…

My comment at the bottom of this “tip” was made on a thread which was NOT fully moderated, titled – “Pro-Union Website ‘Defend Wisconsin’ Blocked In Capitol”

It is a waste of time to comment on HP. I rarely come to your site anymore. There is no rhyme or reason in your moderation policy. You have zero consistency. I’ve seen comments which violated no policy whatsoever get scrubbed. I’ve seen disruptive and abusive posters achieve pundit status. People use extra socks to game the system. They make a rude comment and flag it with the other sock. Eventually they achieve moderation status for flagging their own comments. They use this power to delete dissenting opinions. Word filters have no discerning ability. You have them set high to censure the majority of the English language. Your articles are designed to create controversy not foster solutions. It’s all about the clicks. How sad. This website had so much potential. Now it’s just one more MSM propaganda machine. You are not helping. You are dividing the nation which allows the plutocrats to continue their version of the status quo.

“This comment is pending approval and won’t be displayed until it is approved.

Do you think Homeland Security will be used to protect you or to protect those in power from you?

Welcome to the New World Order”


» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 22, 2011 @ 1:54 pm

Your Valentine’s Day open thread

zootliberal, Yes! Pavoratti’s version is good too.
The way Laura Fabian does it though…WOW! Her voice evokes such strong emotion. I can never get tired of her rendition.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 14, 2011 @ 7:32 am

You don’t need to understand the words to understand this is a love song.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 14, 2011 @ 7:01 am

Striking back at the Chamber of Commerce and their dirty tricks squad

This is why the so called Patriot Act is such a bad idea.
Those in power can use the system to scope out and separate dissenting voices. What happens after that follows a predictable path. Political prison.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 13, 2011 @ 6:34 pm

Doing Business – The Right Way (Part 3)

Thank you for the valuable information.

I believe that is where we can shine as bloggers.
Opinion pieces are great when written well, but factual information and lessons on how to use that information mixed with inspiration… this can be life transforming.

May I suggest that you further your series to include a larger sample of vetted source recommendations expanding on your subject material. It would be instructive to hear about examples of success and failure too.

I would also like to see a few more topics discussed. Here are a few suggestions…
– Financing a business
– Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents
– Contract negotiations
– Motivating employees
– Fairness in the workplace
– Healthcare insurance (if your employees feel that you are taking care of them, they will take care of you).

Thanks again for taking the time to try and educate people. I have read all of your series and look forward to reading more from you.

» Posted By JackRusselTerrier On February 12, 2011 @ 7:00 am

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