Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments From a union worker family standpoint… This is one of those topics that sets my blood to the boiling point….as the wife of a 35 year Teamster, I can’t tell you how many times over the years the union saved my husbands job from an unscrupulous employer. Did anyone see Ed Schultz last night? He had a very good segment on this very subject, specifically about the firefighters union. Republicans are going after pensions and HC benefits all over the country, w/o a union to fight back, many people will lose agreements in their contracts. Nothing is safe anymore from the knife in the hands of a republican looking to take away what they don’t think you deserve….. justafarmer: Keep writing about this, our unions are worth saving…..10 stars for you. » Posted By DustyMills On February 15, 2011 @ 10:45 am Budget, Deficits, the Debt and the lies from the right Nice piece here, Abby Rose….. All this talk we hear from the right about the budget and spending is what my Granny used to call the cock & bull story…..or as it’s become known, the crock of chit. Republicans do not want the people talking about the real weight around the neck of this nation, and they will run with any and all reasons why it is HC, SS or Medicare or education or the EPA, that are breaking us. The GOP will steadfastly refuse to have a serious conversation about our Defense budget, and they will do whatever they must to make people believe that just as soon as we make cuts, terrorists will attack or sharia law will begin their takeover of Oklahoma or a whole new era of communists will begin their invasion of America. It’s total B.S., it’s look over here so you won’t see what’s over there….. It is so like the right to blame the president for our deficit, when it was GW Bush who started two wars, & passed billions of dollars of tax cuts for the rich, that’s where our real budget problems began, but there isn’t one republican who has the courage to stand up and say that…..it’s all so much easier to blame Obama. Want to really do something to cut our budget? Cut defense in half, and raise taxes. This is so simple……are we a war machine or a civilized society? » Posted By DustyMills On February 14, 2011 @ 3:08 pm The State of Education in America Isn’t it amazing that this subject isn’t more important in our country today? It seems as though the president and only a few others are talking about how poorly we are educating our children. That the GOP thinks children should be home schooled, think about this: » Posted By DustyMills On February 9, 2011 @ 4:52 pm Hey Peabody…..no problem, your right of course about “coo”, forgive me will you,for the occasional mistake as I do try to proofread my writing…..Dusty » Posted By DustyMills On February 10, 2011 @ 10:39 am Gifford’s rehab and the plight of others without access to her level of care It’s nice to see some friends here……Abby Rose, I mentioned this subject in a couple of comments last week at HP. I was hesitant to even bring up the Congresswomans care after her injury, as it seemed kind of petty, but as I said then it truly shows the inequity between what is now class differences among our people. No one ever mentions that we continue to have thousands of Americans who die everyday due to lack of medical care, who speaks for these people? Do we just allow people to die in the US b/c they have either been discriminated against by the insurance industry or cannot afford medical care? Nothing in our politics today makes my blood boil like this subject…..I keep remembering what then Senator Obama spoke about during his campaign…..”everyone should have the same HC as the members of Congress”…..yes, we should, but if the republicans have their way, we won’t. » Posted By DustyMills On February 8, 2011 @ 4:09 pm Adlib…..this is one great and funny post. Sorry to hear your now the black sheep of HP….maybe we’ll get you a little something to ease your pain…..sarcasm alert! Todays my 1st day ’round here, but I like it……. » Posted By DustyMills On February 8, 2011 @ 4:22 pmComments Posted By DustyMills
The “teachers” would be undereducated parents who would surely only teach conservative principals…..just imagine, a whole generation of people who would be given an education based on the narrow mindedness of republicans…..Gawd, the thought is horrific.
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