
Comments Posted By ADONAI

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2012 New Hampshire Primary Thread

Sue,I don’t know that. I saw different headlines. Look, I’m sorry I don’t agree with everyone here.

I do say things sometimes just to say them but this isn’t one of those times.

But, I’m starting to feel like I’m more of a nuisance than anything else. My views don’t jive here. It’s fine to call them crazy. Say I don’t know what I;m talking about.

I feel the same way about everyone else. So it’s probably best if I just left the Planet. I don’t fit in and I hate causing so much trouble just speaking my mind.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:32 pm

The gold standard argument. I get that.

We may be forced back into that. But probably not. making money off of fake money is a great business.

No one wants to see that shit go.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:22 pm

No it’s the reality of a trade system that uses slave labor to increase profits. Trade deals designed to create banana republics and slave states.

I understand. Who wants to talk about where the luxury they enjoy comes from?

The children who die mining diamonds and sewing your clothes. The men and women who burn to death feeding our obsession with oil.

The food that we toss away as people starve. I get it. Things are just good enough. So why complain?

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:20 pm

We’ve never rewritten the Constitution? So slavery is still cool. Prohibition? Sedition? Or can we do big things anymore? Are we just too scared?

Dissolve treaties to station bases on sovereign soil? Yes. Dissolve treaties that weight power toward the few? Yes. Most definitely yes.

Do away with civil rights and abortion? No. Definitely not. Which is why I would never vote for him.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:17 pm


» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:14 pm

Where in the Constitution does ti say we can’t change the government?

See, i was always taught that the Constitution was a living document made up of things called amendments.

That when things change we change the Constitution. Like when we finally realized how silly slavery was and got rid of that amendment.

And what jobs were saved? Was this after unemployment sunk to bottom and it didn’t matter anyways? Labor was almost cost nil. Or was it before when we gave them all money and they fired everyone anyways and bought more homes?

The FDA approves food that kills you. Drugs that sicken you. The EPA ignores jet fuel in water and acid in the soil. Yeah they’re fucking great. I;d like to change it. Maybe not make them political branches.

Maybe free them from bureaucracy so they can actually operate. Maybe fund quality research and quality people.

Or just keep things how they are. Just good enough. And it is indeed a big country. And many, many people don;t agree with you.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:14 pm

How the global monetary system is a tool of power?

totally agree

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:07 pm

And after we bailed out all those “important industry jobs” they fired everyone anyways.


» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:01 pm

O.K. everyone be quiet. Ron is speaking.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 6:00 pm

I don’t think our preemptive policy has changed.

We sure didn’t care to mosey further in to Iran and Pakistan after being told not to.

Certainly don’t care to escalate everything Bush put in place.

Still don’t care to take people’s rights away.

Our foreign policy is generalized. Give us a color, we’ll bomb the shit out of it.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:59 pm

Oh I will fully admit that he has some ideas we just aren’t ready for.

Not his fault. We’re the ones fine with things the way they are.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:54 pm

yeah but exactly what about Obama’s foreign policy has been different from Bush?

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:53 pm

I disagree.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:52 pm

Well the country has always been a bit xenophobic. He’s just working with what we give him.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:50 pm


» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:46 pm


Ron Paul’s “sane messages” that attract me

Closing military bases

Bringing out troops home

Standing down our army

Working on actual defense not aimless preemption.

Abolishing most of the Cabinet, Homeland Security, The Department of Education, EPA, FDA, possibly the Senate,and creating a whole new model

Legalizing drugs is too easy. And something that should have already been done.

Stop using US policy to fuel war in the Middle East and a blind allegiance to Israel.

Stop bailing out airlines and auto companies and banks and other companies run by crooks. Stop hiding behind the common worker who is watching his pay and pension disappear, and using them as a prop to justify the bloat you have created.

And others I know i am missing and can’t pull right off the top of my head.

But most of his policies, specifically dealing with the market, regulation, are not tenable. I understand that.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:45 pm

Liar, opportunist, charlatan, soulless automaton.

Not harsh enough.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:36 pm

I wish someone would just stop Romney and ask him

“What does cut, cap, and balance the budget even mean? You’ve spoke for 5 minutes and not said one substantial thing.”

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:35 pm


» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:31 pm

Yeah but that’s every politician. You take the good, you take the bad.

You take them all and there you have, the facts of life.

The facts of life.

Ooo, Ooo, Learning the facts of life.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:30 pm

Well of course “It could be worse” is no slogan to run a campaign on.

But, it could be worse

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:28 pm

I don’t know how you can do that. i applaud your bravery.

I have FOX News blocked on my cable box. Just really don;t care what they think. Ever.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:27 pm

Better question:

did it ever begin?

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:26 pm

For President? Good lord no.

I’m just happy his sane messages that I agree with and no one else talks about

Are being heard.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:25 pm


» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:19 pm


» Posted By ADONAI On January 10, 2012 @ 5:09 pm

Coalition of Church and State: Willard Mitt Romney

I keep trying to tell people, he’s an android!

A synthetic life form with his own created back story.

His primary objective is to be elected president of the Unites States

But he escaped his creators before they could install programs

For empathy and human interaction.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 3, 2012 @ 3:10 pm

Coalition of Church and State: Rick Santorum

I still don’t understand how anyone takes this guy seriously.

They trot him out once a year to say something stupid that will get the Republican bigot brigade out to the polls.

Then,every 4 years, he runs one of the most unsuccessful Presidential campaigns we’ve ever seen just because he can.

» Posted By ADONAI On January 3, 2012 @ 3:18 pm

Coalition of Church and State Revisited: Convincing The Public

I will read Republican Gommorah. I want a better insight into what you’re talking about so I don’t feel so lost.

But, what I would say about Bush is, didn’t Evangelicals see him as a failure? One that got away? he made a lot of promises to them but never really followed through on them. Pandered to them with that “Faith Based Initiative” stuff. His approval ratings with Evangelicals went down every year. Especially in his second term.

I’m sure they want someone like Bush, a puppet, but wouldn’t they want someone a little more with them ideologically? But, most of all, someone a little more competent?

» Posted By ADONAI On December 30, 2011 @ 2:48 pm

Another excellent piece, Sue. Your diligence on this subject is beyond admirable.

I just have a couple of questions and you seem like the best person to ask.

What are their long term plans for a “Christian theocracy”? I’ve read in great detail from your posts about their major goals, which I agree are terrible, and how they want to run this place, bu how do they plan to succeed?

They have at least 3 sympathetic voices in the Supreme Court but it doesn’t appear to do them any good. Every overtly religious political candidate becomes immediately marginalized, even on the Republican ticket.

Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee never have a chance of being elected Prresident because they flaunt their religion too openly. They can do well in certain states, even win a governor’s race or maybe a Senate seat but they’ll never be nominated for the highest office. It just turns off too many voters. So i don’t see how they ever plan to get overwhelming power if they can’t get their poster boys elected.

The last Senate races in Mississippi and Alabama featured deeply religious candidates. They never made it past the first month. And this is Mississippi and Alabama. I think they have a much steeper hill to climb than people realize.

And my second question

How will they contend with state’s rights issues? They can’t just seize the federal government and begin to do what they want. They’ll be countered by every governor looking to have their own dominion. And very few care about Jesus unless he’s registered to vote in their state.

» Posted By ADONAI On December 30, 2011 @ 12:38 pm

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