Someone is going to win their first Stanley Cup in at least 39 years.
The NHL got lucky ... AGAIN. The Vancouver Canucks are playing the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup Finals beginning Wednesday. This is great for the...
This year's NBA Finals match-up has enough back stories to fill out a season of The Sopranos. It has the potential to be one of the most exciting American professional sports events of the last ten years. Gone from...
"When the World is at Peace, a gentleman keeps his Sword by his side." ~ Wu Tsu
Welcome to the first in a series of articles about the history of martial arts. Each post will cover a different...
After an investigation and prosecution lasting more than 5 years, the Justice Department finally got a conviction in the case against Barry Bonds -- for obstruction of justice, a minor felony. By some accounts, the federal government spent more...
There's no drama like wrestling.
~Andy Kaufman
I have been a fan, to varying degrees, of professional wrestling since I was 5 years old. My aunt was the one who really got me into it around age 7 or 8. She...
Since Pepe embarrassed the hell out of me the other day, I'm embarrassing him back!
Sometimes people wonder how I know so much about American sports. Well, I can't go into detail, but as part of my work, I have...
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
Am I the only one that's not crazy here?
- Kanye West, November 23rd, Bowery Ballroom
In the solipsistic universe that Kanye West...
The Blackhawks!
What an exciting game that went into OT!
And the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup away from home!
Trivia questions for hockey fans -
What are they going to do once the Cup gets too big for them all to hoist...