Speakers' Corner

This category is for more personal posts about the lives and interests of members at PlanetPOV

News and opinion from around US-opolis for 2012
News and opinion from around US-opolis for Thursday, February 16, 2012
News and opinion from around US-opolis for Wednesday, February 15, 2012
News and opinion from around US-opolis for Tuesday, February 14, 2012
News and opinion from around US-opolis for Monday, February 13, 2012
choicelady : Thank you Sally - sleep well. Let the meds work their wonders. Another really good conversation on The Planet with wonderful people, excellent ideas. It was great seeing you. Be well! SallyT : You did a great job,...
News and opinion from around US-opolis for Friday, February 10, 2012
News and opinion from around US-opolis for Thursday, February 9, 2012
Dear Readers: Yesterday I had a frustrating glitch just as I was ready to post. I lost all formatting—no links. Anyway, here are the items. I just hated to throw them all away, so if you want, here they are. You can access all the past editions of The Daily Planet on the green Category bar on the top of each page under the heading PlanetPOV.
News and opinion from around US-opolis for Monday, February 6, 2012


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?

I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.