Yesterday my husband and I attended a spring training game - the Oakland A's vs the Chicago Cubs - down in Phoenix near the...
After a frustrating day of watching Republican ‘termites’ boring incessantly into the heart-wood of America, I amuse myself by chasing our country’s national symbol...
Please join the discussion in exploring the best way(s) to help those in Japan.
(or How I Came to Prefer the Bomb)
With reports and hype currently abounding regarding Japanese nuclear plants endangered by recent (and continuing) earthquakes, perhaps it is time to take a look at the truth about the state of nuclear power in the world today.
Chickens have come home to roost, or rather buzzards picking over the carcass of the dead. One of the "founders" of Huffington Post has come back to blog.
Andrew Breitbart.
Five hours ahead and one day behind, I went to bed last night, having just watched Rachel Maddow begin her Tuesday broadcast by roundly proclaiming...
Here is a little ammunition and something to think about the next time you hear that raising taxes on "business" will stop them from hiring or squash their ability or willingness to invest or to upgrade their equipment or infrastructure.
Will China Survive a contraction?
I watched Dances With Wolves again last night. Has it really been 21 years? Costner and McDonnell have aged a bit since then. Boy,...
One thing that i have always scratched my head over is how is it possible that with all the potential of the human species...